Lab TESTORENE RANGES keep changing!!!!!!!!!!


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sinse i first started TRT 4 years ago my lab total test range was 248-827ng/dl ( I had 1200ng/dl wich got tested because of gyno....after the test the doc gave me nolvadex for 6 months and my test went to 1500ng/dl and once i stopped treatment my test levels dumped to 500ng/dl never returning to it´s original level....gyno symptoms went away but libido and muscle went too) but the doc insisted it was normal so i stayed 1 year suffering low test and total impotence, i couldnt get up even for masturbation. Then i went to other doc and he put me on enough test to bump me to 700ng/dl....symptoms kept..libido got only litle better.......then all the sudden the lab range went from 248-1100 ng/dl. so i asked the doc if he could bump my testosterone...he upped the dosage and now i am at 950ng/dl and feeling much better, libido is good ( not like it was before nolvadex) and strengh increased. e2 has to be controled with .5mg arimidex week. now tha same lab changed ranges again. it´s giving 248-1600ng/dl...
WHAT THE ****!!??? I want to up my levels to the upper 1/3 range like dr jhon says in the i should get levels to 1300ng/dl or should i ignore the new ranges?

any idea why ranges changed throughout this years???


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Im not an expert by anymeans, maybe some of the pros here can help you more, but I can concur with your confusion about the testing ranges changes, overtime Ive seen these:


All from the same lab, and its easy to see why your not really sure what to shoot for, pardon the pun.


  • Established
Im no expert here either, but Im pretty sure its about 900 you should be aiming for. Though every man is different and some need a little more than that. Some can operate with no problems on 300 so maybe aim for 900, see how you feel, then tune it up to what you need personally.


  • Established
There is not a magical # to shoot for, whatever number makes you feel normal is the number to stay at.



New member

sinse i first started TRT 4 years ago my lab total test range was 248-827ng/dl ( I had 1200ng/dl wich got tested because of gyno....

I had test run on 5/18, I was ~220 ng/ml and the scale upper limit was 1200. I also had test run on 6/8, and I was 255 ng/ml with a scale that said upper range was 827. The doc I saw the other day (seems *very* knowledgable) said that they were different test methods, not a changing scale on the same test.


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  • Established

sinse i first started TRT 4 years ago my lab total test range was 248-827ng/dl ( I had 1200ng/dl wich got tested because of gyno....after the test the doc gave me nolvadex for 6 months and my test went to 1500ng/dl and once i stopped treatment my test levels dumped to 500ng/dl never returning to it´s original level....gyno symptoms went away but libido and muscle went too) but the doc insisted it was normal so i stayed 1 year suffering low test and total impotence, i couldnt get up even for masturbation. Then i went to other doc and he put me on enough test to bump me to 700ng/dl....symptoms kept..libido got only litle better.......then all the sudden the lab range went from 248-1100 ng/dl. so i asked the doc if he could bump my testosterone...he upped the dosage and now i am at 950ng/dl and feeling much better, libido is good ( not like it was before nolvadex) and strengh increased. e2 has to be controled with .5mg arimidex week. now tha same lab changed ranges again. it´s giving 248-1600ng/dl...
WHAT THE ****!!??? I want to up my levels to the upper 1/3 range like dr jhon says in the i should get levels to 1300ng/dl or should i ignore the new ranges?

any idea why ranges changed throughout this years???
I do not have solution for everybody, but those who go to labs in USA, use only QuestDiagnostics.

Quest Diagnostics Incorporated: The nation’s leading provider of diagnostic testing, information, services, blood tests, and lab tests.
Find labs location:

Draw blood only at the Quest blood drawing station.

Pick up routine for time of testing, since T blood level fluctuate.

I draw blood at the day of my shot before shot.
That gives minimum t level.

When using transdermals, never put them at locations from where the blood is drawn.

In USA, second best is LabCorp.
