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  • JanSz

    I am a new guy here.. In a nutshell I F 'd myself using mixing fish oil, udo's omega oils, walnuts, almonds, almond butter, and hemp protein...

    I have seen your name come up in many of the threads I have been looking at over the past 6 months.. Basically I am just reaching out trying to contact you to see what I can learn and utilize thru your experiences....Starting with the fish/krill oil that I believe triggered my symptoms..

    Could you reach out to me via email? ? Would be the most appreciated..

    My best,
    apastiak AT gmail.com
    The Life Extension Revolution (paperback), by Phillip Lee Miller MD with Monica Reinagel

    The Life Extension Revolution (Paperback)
    by Phillip Lee Miller, M.D. with Monica Reinagel
    Item Catalog Number: 33696
    Hey, I was reading your comments on Prenenolone, could you tell me the name of Dr. Miller's book (with his full name), want to get it at Amazon.
    Really appreciate it, thanks, good luck, later... matt
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