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I've been lifting using Rehband 7791 Power Elbow Supports:


They are expensive but have saved my elbows from pain.


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I have a 16 year old daughter (plays rugby).. she works out with me the odd time, we went for a run together this morning was great.
That is awesome man on both accounts!
Here is a pic of the little pressure band I've used. Also, the auto correct got my original post. It should've said ICE immediately afterwards. No sense in you having to go through the pain, been there done that. Anything to help a friend out.

View attachment 105791
Absolutely agree. I actually have a couple of those somewhere I need to pull them out and see if it helps. That or use my new sleeves even if not going too heavy.

I've been lifting using Rehband 7791 Power Elbow Supports:

View attachment 105800

They are expensive but have saved my elbows from pain.
These are the ones I just got. They are extremely supportive. I got them in a size saller than what was pretty comfortable. They are snug but can still wear for a whole workout.

Oh good news I have gained 4 lbs back and my waist is getting smaller. Back up to 204.1 as of today. EP1C, Dermastr3ngth and muscle memory are bringing it back!!!!


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Heck yeah! Awesome job on the progress!!


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13 pages later, a month n a half late, but I'm in!
Great stack n great lifts Chris!


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Heck yeah! Awesome job on the progress!!
13 pages later, a month n a half late, but I'm in!
Great stack n great lifts Chris!
Hey it's Mags!!!! Welcome Welcome Welcome! Now I have all three of the Alpha Females in my log. WooHoo!

Okay so I have had a very eventful 5 days. None of which has consisted of working out. I went to Dallas to be with my family. My Aunt has cancer in her brain, her lymphatic system and bone marrow in her leg. So my cousin flew my mom down from North Carolina last week. I went up there to see them and of course basically say goodbye to my Aunt. She signed a DNR order while I was up there. The visit was a good one but very emotionally draining. I didn't want to waste any of my time with them at the gym so I simply did not.

On the way home we found out some disturbing news having to do with our sons that I won't go into but lets just say it has consumed every waking moment since we got home. Everyone is fine no one got hurt just typical "20 year old I am a man now" drama from 20 year old kids who aren't paying bills. Seems it is pretty much resolved at this point so time to move on.

I went to my A.R.T. guy yesterday and let him have at my biceps / brachialis, and elbow. Man it really hurt, had my eyes watering at more than one point. He said he found a gnarly knot of scar tissue on my brachialis and I could tell it was just killing me. I have some bruising from him working the area so hard. He told me not to do any training that could cause it stress until we did 3-4 sessions then I should be good to go for training it again. I am going Friday and Tuesday then probably the following Saturday. After that he says he things I will be good to go. A.R.T. is very painful but what it can do for a hard to heal injury with built up scar tissue is amazing.

That being said I plan to go take a brisk walk tonight and burn some calories. Tomorrow I will do a light workout for the body parts that don't stress my arm and just keep on moving. I am really hoping the Dr is right and i will be good to go in a few more treatments!!!!!!


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Talk about an eventful 5 days.

Im sorry to hear about your aunt. It sounds like whatever kind of cancer she has it has metastasized which breaks my heart to hear you and your family have to go through this. My prayers are with you big guy. Your son going through some "growing pains" isnt making this situation any easier, but at least that one is resolving itself.

Glad to see you back and ready to see you start crushing it again


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Thanks Brother!


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Man, sorry to hear this. Always look for the "good" in every "bad" situation. Things could always be worse.
Sounds like you got a good handle on the arm now! That's great!!


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Man, sorry to hear this. Always look for the "good" in every "bad" situation. Things could always be worse.
Sounds like you got a good handle on the arm now! That's great!!
Definitely, I am a pretty positive person. Right now I am just happy they have her pain under control the day before we got there she couldn't move or do much of anything because she was in so much pain. So I am happy she was able to walk a little and spend some time with us. I was happy she was somewhat functional the time we were with her. Her brain really doesn't work right any more kind of like someone in the end of alzheimers, but she had a clearer few days while we were there and we missed the moments she lapsed. However they were apparently somewhat entertaining because she was able to laugh at herself when they saw the mistakes or things she had done. Like putting on a par of jean and then putting her panties on over them then another pair of jeans. She thought it was funny so we were able to laugh with her. So I didn't have to witness the worst case and my most likely last time to see her and remember her will be of the best of her last days and not the worst. I am grateful for that.

Yes the arm is going to get better finally. I am just speaking that into existence. This ART guy has fixed up a few things for me over the years. I had chronic tennis elbow for over 2 years and he cleared it up in 4 visits. My hip I hurt pretty bad and tried to let it heal for a bit and nothing but he got it squared away in 5 visits. This injury was a little different and was why I didn't go to him because it felt like it was about to rupture and I was afraid the pressure required for ART would make it worse. Probably would have originally. Very excited to think I may be lifting without pain again soon.


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Wow Kleen!!! So much going on! I'm glad that you were able to spend some time with her and they were good days at that! That's great about your arm too!! You'll be throwing iron around in no time! ;)


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Prayers to you and your Aunt. The older I get the more important "closure" becomes. You never know when someone will get sick or pass away.


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Life's just hard sometimes. Yah I remember going through a lot of stuff just like you are experiencing, it's part of the process and sometimes it just sucks. Sorry to hear about your Aunt, I watched my Dad die of cancer and don't wish that on anybody. Life does get less complicated eventually and things get settled. Hang in there the way I know you will and you'll get there.


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Wow Kleen!!! So much going on! I'm glad that you were able to spend some time with her and they were good days at that! That's great about your arm too!! You'll be throwing iron around in no time! ;)
Thanks Kat, I am very excited at the prospect of being able to hit it with some added intensity again.
Prayers to you and your Aunt. The older I get the more important "closure" becomes. You never know when someone will get sick or pass away.
Thanks, and I agree completely!

Life's just hard sometimes. Yah I remember going through a lot of stuff just like you are experiencing, it's part of the process and sometimes it just sucks. Sorry to hear about your Aunt, I watched my Dad die of cancer and don't wish that on anybody. Life does get less complicated eventually and things get settled. Hang in there the way I know you will and you'll get there.
Oh yeah soldier up, push through and keep your head held high and things will always get better.
Thinking of you guys Chris..
Thanks Brother!

Tonight I am going to do a little workout and finish it off with some Tabatta drills. I miss doing them, yeah I know that sounds ridiculous but I feel good when I do that type of training.


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There is great healing in IRON :)


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I agree 100%, I always feel 100 times better after hitting the gym when working through an emotional issue or anger.
Sorry to hear about the unfortunate events in ur life Chris. Stay strong..
I always turn to iron. A killer training session makes everything better....


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Sorry to hear about your bad news. Good thoughts coming your way....Oh yeah, subbed! Been a long time since i've followed one of these. Life's been real busy.


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Sorry to hear about your bad news. Good thoughts coming your way....Oh yeah, subbed! Been a long time since i've followed one of these. Life's been real busy.
how are you Pun!!


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I'm doing good! Been away for a long time dealing with life but i'm back in the saddle again. Hope you're doing good, as well.


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I'm doing good! Been away for a long time dealing with life but i'm back in the saddle again. Hope you're doing good, as well.
Yah going good. Hey I own my own gym in Ottawa now :) It's a bit of a dungeon yah but I love it that way, think you would appreciate that. I have 2 girls and 2 guys going to be competing in the next year. How's your wife's health.


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Been through some interesting stuff, but she's doing good now. She has the heart of a champion for everything she was pushed through.


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Been through some interesting stuff, but she's doing good now. She has the heart of a champion for everything she was pushed through.
So glad to hear that man.


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I'm doing good! Been away for a long time dealing with life but i'm back in the saddle again. Hope you're doing good, as well.
Blasts from the past! Hope you guys are well, sorry Chris to clutter your thread but I knew where I'd find all y'all. Looks like some things never change, a lot of you still look awesome!


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Been through some interesting stuff, but she's doing good now. She has the heart of a champion for everything she was pushed through.
Agreed I know you all had a rough go for a bit.

Blasts from the past! Hope you guys are well, sorry Chris to clutter your thread but I knew where I'd find all y'all. Looks like some things never change, a lot of you still look awesome!
Flex you are never considered clutter my man. Welcome Back!

Okay guys this weekend has been a rough one. Saturday I get a message from my step mother that my Dad has been taken to the hospital in critical care. His heart rate dropped to 40 and he passed out on the floor. Of course I went straight to the hospital. I called my sisters, mother and told them. That is when my mom told me my Aunt was not doing well either. Her lymphatic system and renal system were shutting down and her lower body was swelling from the fluid retention. She signed a DNR while we were out there so it is really probably a very short matter of time. Hopefully she just goes to sleep at some point and doesn't wake up.

So back to my father, he has diabetes really bad and anyone in my older log knows he is in need of a triple bypass but they can not give him one because he has had a stroke and the risk is too high. So you can imagine the crushing pressure on my chest when I got the news he was being considered critical by the EMT's. I got to the hospital and he was not doing well at all. Couldn't really speak much was fading in and out of conscientiousness although he didn't realize it. However his heart rate had come up to 46 and he was being considered stable the longer we visited the higher it came up. They think it may have been a reaction to one of his medications. He is still in the hospital but moved to the Intermediate Care Unit so that is good. I went back up today and he is doing much better, obviously still tired but had more energy and pulse was in a normal range. So I am very relieved to have him still around for a bit.

Tomorrow I have another appointment with my ART guy, and also going to try to get into see my normal Doctor and see if maybe I have a bladder infection. The fun never stops!!!!

As far as the brachialis and biceps is concerned it is definitely improving quite a bit but I was trying to stretch my triceps and it pulled or put pressure on the other part of my elbow that was hurting from the weight. I think I just overstretched an inflamed tendon so it is lashing back out at me but he will take care of it for me tomorrow I am sure. Good news is that while there he informed me my insurance was great and that I could use it to get a TENS unit and a lumber de-compressing apparatus completely free of charge. So I will be picking that up from him tomorrow or Saturday at my next appointment. As much as I pay for insurance I am gonna squeeze anything I can get out of it. :)

Anyway I know this is a workout log and all but other than mild cardio I haven't had time to do much. This is a phase of taking lumps. So I am weathering it and keeping going. I have been doing a lot of things to detox my body lately and focusing on health a lot more right now. Carbs have been much lower and drinking extra water I have dropped down to 197 from 204. I definitely look better but most of it is glycogen and water weight going from 300+ a day in carbs to about 100-150. I have no doubt once I am lifting a bit more I am going to fill back out as I add in post workout carbs. However for now size is not going to be the goal. Just health and aesthetics in that order which is different for me because it is normally aesthetics then health but the things that have occurred recently have really got me paying more attention since my family medical history is starting to look relatively grim. Depending what the doctor says I may simply minimize my supplementation for a while if I don't have a bladder infection then it is something more nefarious like kidney issues going on. My left kidney was damaged when I was young by a severe case of strep that got into it so I have to be very careful with it.

In the next few months I intend to lean up quite a bit and see how things go from there. Tomorrow will be a lighter leg day and a few machines I can do that wont aggravate my elbow.


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Oh by the way I have been doing IF off and on again as well, and also saving carbs for later in the day so here are a few of my fast breaking meals from this weekend. Enjoy!

1 tsp coconut oil, 5 egg whites, 3 whole eggs, and 2 cups of home made 93/7 2 bean turkey chili. Can you so YUM!!!!!

Macros 92 protein, 35 carbs 15 fiber, and 30 fats


1 tsp coconut oil, 2 cups spinach, 3 whole eggs, 5 egg whites, 6 oz grilled chicken breast chunked, and pot belly hot pepper mix in EVOO. Sauce on the side was a habanero hot sauce that is really good. This was so good I also made it for today as well.

Macros - 76 protein, 32 fats, carbs all greens so don't care... :)


Each day these meals were followed by a moderate snack, then a large dinner consisting of 1 lb of sirloin steak, 1 cup of black beans and 1 cup of rice. I also ate this as my fast breaker today but the chicken breast was 7-8 ounces. I had a free meal for late lunch of a chicken fried steak, and some french fries. I will finish my night off with a protein shake with 2 cups of spinach in it and probably one cup of oats.

I have not been counting calories lately just eating well. I am happy to report I have my aminos and protein on the way to start getting in a little more calories and protein.


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Oh it was, I am sure I will make another pot this week, or some white chicken chili. :)


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Can't catch a break brother! Prayers for you and family. Heal well. It's that old saying that without your health you have nothing.


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Man, hope things will clear up soon bro.

One thing after another all the time.

I admire you for staying so positive all the time.


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Can't catch a break brother! Prayers for you and family. Heal well. It's that old saying that without your health you have nothing.
Precisely! Thanks for the support my friend!
Man, hope things will clear up soon bro.

One thing after another all the time.

I admire you for staying so positive all the time.
Thanks Ed, I am pretty happy, I lead a pretty great life coming from where I started and what I went through to now. For me true happiness is a level of acceptance that negative things may occur but that does not detract from the fact my life is very rewarding to me. I have experienced far more good than bad regardless of how bad things seem when they are overwhelming. So I tell myself to smile and remind myself after the storm or fire everything grows again and flourishes. Life continues and the beauty does not stop, you just have to refuse to stop seeing it.


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Jesus dude the hits keep coming. Hope everything cuts it the hell out and clears up quickly.


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You have the best outlook on thinks Kleen! Glad your dad is ok and improving! Sounds like your body is responding well to all you've been doing! Health is definitely more important!! You're still in my prayers!!


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Thanks Ed, I am pretty happy, I lead a pretty great life coming from where I started and what I went through to now. For me true happiness is a level of acceptance that negative things may occur but that does not detract from the fact my life is very rewarding to me. I have experienced far more good than bad regardless of how bad things seem when they are overwhelming. So I tell myself to smile and remind myself after the storm or fire everything grows again and flourishes. Life continues and the beauty does not stop, you just have to refuse to stop seeing it.
We all need to take a page this..


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I really love my group in here! So here is some good news! My ART guy knows what is wrong with my elbow now!!!!! I think I mentioned that I went to stretch my triceps yesterday and completely renewed the pain in my elbow. On a pain scale of 1-10 I would easily give yesterday an 8+, all I did was bent my arm and use my other hand to press my forearm down closer to my shoulder. When I did it hurt so bad I yelled because it shocked me to feel pain like that all the sudden, then it started throbbing.

After explaining it to him and showing him where it hurt and what I did he explained to me that each joint has what is called an "End Play". It is the few extra degrees that your joint has beyond the normal muscularly supported ROM. In other words there is a point in a joints ROM beyond where the moving muscles can move the joint into. Like if you curl your arm as high and tight as you can curl if you push on the wrist with the other hand there are a few more degrees that the joint can move. However once into that area there is no longer muscular support since it is out of the muscles ROM. Well apparently when I popped the barbell up into the catch position my elbow was too high or just very deconditioned and it landed explosively in that point of End Play at the catch position and sprained or strained all of the ligaments in my elbow. He used some kind of metal rod and had me hold my arm in that painful position and used the rod to scrape at all the connective tissue around the elbow. He said now that he knows exactly what it is it will only take 1-2 more sessions and I will be good to go! My brachialis and biceps are feeling so much better when he digs into them now it is only moderately painful instead of it excruciating the whole time.

For me him just knowing what it actually is makes me damn near giddy with excitement. When it hurt like that yesterday I was really worried that it was just an onset of bad arthritis or something that I would have to deal with forever. So right now I am very excited at this news.


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Great feeling im sure to finally know what is wrong! and that it wont be much longer before you are back to yourself.


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Great to hear man! Things are starting to look/sound better!!


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So sorry to hear about the crap that's dogging your family members, but glad the ART doc knows what's up and your pop is stabil!


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Thanks everyone!!!! Very happy about finding what happened to my arm and that it will be good to go soon.

As far as the rest of life, the hits just keep coming... I thought my Dad was getting out yesterday but his blood oxygen levels were a bit low and his BP never came back up to normal range. One of the tests they did on him showed scarring in his lungs and they immediately started asking if he had ever been exposed to asbestos. He used to work for FMC and they used asbestos all the time and didn't even know it was unhealthy. So now they are going to do a biopsy to see if he has mesothelioma. Now it is getting hard to keep positive as we already know he can not have surgery to remove it if so and his health is simply not good enough to go through chemo.

Also my Aunt got off of the chemo she had a bad reaction and decided she was ready for hospice care and to just be as comfortable as possible until she passes. She is eating desserts nonstop and enjoying any food she can think of until she goes. She has already accepted things and is okay with it. So that makes it a bit easier to accept her situation since I at least know her quality of life is improving for the short term.

On a good note I got my TENS unit and lumbar hydrator yesterday and will be using it tonight. I am pretty excited about that.

I promise guys things will be more positive in here soon. Thanks for listening and being supportive.


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Thanks everyone!!!! Very happy about finding what happened to my arm and that it will be good to go soon. As far as the rest of life, the hits just keep coming... I thought my Dad was getting out yesterday but his blood oxygen levels were a bit low and his BP never came back up to normal range. One of the tests they did on him showed scarring in his lungs and they immediately started asking if he had ever been exposed to asbestos. He used to work for FMC and they used asbestos all the time and didn't even know it was unhealthy. So now they are going to do a biopsy to see if he has mesothelioma. Now it is getting hard to keep positive as we already know he can not have surgery to remove it if so and his health is simply not good enough to go through chemo. Also my Aunt got off of the chemo she had a bad reaction and decided she was ready for hospice care and to just be as comfortable as possible until she passes. She is eating desserts nonstop and enjoying any food she can think of until she goes. She has already accepted things and is okay with it. So that makes it a bit easier to accept her situation since I at least know her quality of life is improving for the short term. On a good note I got my TENS unit and lumbar hydrator yesterday and will be using it tonight. I am pretty excited about that. I promise guys things will be more positive in here soon. Thanks for listening and being supportive.
God damn I hope it's not meso Chris. They can't treat it. Health doesn't matter... Chemo and surgery don't fix it. Just make the last few years sh*tty.

Glad to hear your aunt is trying to enjoy her last days. Still the whole situation sucks but watching my mom suffer from chemo and radiation damage for the last decade really makes me happy your aunt won't have to deal with it.

You know all your bros are here if you need us.


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Glad to hear your Aunt has come to terms with her illness. Closure is so important for those you leave behind and now there will be lots of time for reflection. Unfortunate news about your Dad though. Sorry to hear that.


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Glad to hear your Aunt has come to terms with her illness. Closure is so important for those you leave behind and now there will be lots of time for reflection. Unfortunate news about your Dad though. Sorry to hear that.
Absolutely it was so much easier going to her and seeing her knowing she has already accepted it and was not afraid in the least.

So since I have graduated to more food porn here is my fast breaking meal for today.

8 oz 93/7 ground turkey, 3 whole eggs, 5 egg whites, and 1/4 cup brown gravy. Macros 88p, 36 fats and 4 carbs of yummy goodness.

_eggs turkey and gravy.jpg


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Now that is keeping the carbs low. lol
Looks tasty too!


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Seriously your killing with the food porn, I'm literally hungy all the time right now. Looks tasty sir!


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Now that's a meal....

You have just inspired me to move my a$$ to the kitchen:)


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Iiish! Damn brother your luck is nothing short of bad...I mean real bad.

Glad the elbow had been diagnosed. Better get healed up fast........I'm strong..... and don't wanna be taking all the weight off the bar when we get to lift next session :p


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Now that is keeping the carbs low. lol
Looks tasty too!
No doubt it was excellent!
Seriously your killing with the food porn, I'm literally hungy all the time right now. Looks tasty sir!
Now that's a meal....

You have just inspired me to move my a$$ to the kitchen:)
Hope what you made was equally pleasing!
Iiish! Damn brother your luck is nothing short of bad...I mean real bad.

Glad the elbow had been diagnosed. Better get healed up fast........I'm strong..... and don't wanna be taking all the weight off the bar when we get to lift next session :p
No doubt, and hey it will only be a plate or two per side, can count it as your cardio Mr. Big!

I will be out in your neck of the woods tonight at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion for the Linkin Park and 30 Seconds to Mars concert. Will be a good one! I didn't even know 30 Seconds to Mars was on the bill until yesterday so it was a pleasant surprise. I can't tell you a single name of one of their songs but I know I have liked a lot of the ones I heard on the radio. I imagine that will be one of those "Oh cool I forgot they did this song." type of things for me.

So here is some good info, I went to get a full body scan at the dermatologist this morning since I had some stuff i was concerned about and seeing my Aunt in that shape spurred me to get my ass to the doc and get checked out.

Everything I had minor concerns about was explained away easily as scar tissue, broken blood vessels or AGE spots... WTF now I am old enough for age spots... LMAO!!!! Anyway I can't tell you how relieved I was to hear that news. She did shave one mole off for biopsy but reassured me she thought it was nothing but since there is a plethora of cancer in my family history she thought it would at least be prudent to check it. So I am not concerned and even if it was well it is gone now. :)

I go in for another ART treatment tomorrow and am very excited about the prospect of getting back in the gym after this session. Hopefully he agrees that now is the time. The cortisol from stress coupled with lower than usual calories to keep the fat off has been dropping my size down pretty quickly so I want to correct it fast. I don't need to be huge now, but I want to fill back out and see the firmness of the muscle I am used to.


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Great news man! Don't sweat the age spots, that's from all the fun in the sun(or as I tell people, working my *ss off outside all day) lol!

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