JudoJosh is juicing up his CRE'02 intake wth some NITRO!!



MST Reppin Hard!
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looking forward to your final thoughts Josh...and thank you in advance for the log. We all understand that things come up and sometimes it takes an extra bit to get it all lined up. The fact that you made the time to get all of those posts in and all the workouts listed is a show of your dedication and persevearance. Thank you.


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So I did my bodyfat today... %15!!! SO starting this log I was 203lbs and 18%BF and ending I am 205lbs and 15% bodyfat. This is defientely a top notch product you guys go going on here. So I put on 2lbs and dropped 3% bf.


MST Reppin Hard!
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So I did my bodyfat today... %15!!! SO starting this log I was 203lbs and 18%BF and ending I am 205lbs and 15% bodyfat. This is defientely a top notch product you guys go going on here. So I put on 2lbs and dropped 3% bf.
amazing :)

our supps + Kleen's workout = a good feeling Josh ;)


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Excellent progress Josh! Gaining new lean mass while leaning up, perfect recomp example here.


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Final review is up.. sorry it took so long. Thanks again guys!!


MST Reppin Hard!
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Final Thoughts of stack

Altogether I enjoyed this combo very much. The pumps were great, NITRO is a top notch pump product. I can say this with 100% confidence. I have used hemodraulix, anadraulic pump vasocharge and Primal n20 before and NITRO is by far the superior pump product out of these. One of the main reasons why I feel it was the best is by the first dose you start to feel the pumps and with everything else it takes a couple days before you start noticing pumps. I was really wuite surprised to get that pump feeling after the first dose. As for cre02, it is a solid creatine product. Cant really compare it to other creatines as I have not really tried any creatine products that were straight creatine.. all have been pre mixes (other then some cee caps a looong time ago). Through the log I was running 2000 calories which is a lil less then 1k under my maintence and surprisngly was able to maintain my strength throughout which I think says alot for cre02. In the past when I have cut calories I would have a decrease in overall strength due to the lack of food but this was not the case here. While I didnt really make any huge strength gains I was able to maintain and even gain a little while cutting. Another thing I noticed about the cre02 is that it doesnt cause the typical creatine bloat you usually get. I never not once had a bloated feeling or appeared bloated in the mirror.
Going into this log I was 203 and 18%bf and by then end is was 205lbs and 15% bodyfat. So I put on 2lbs and dropped 3% bf. Cre02 is definetely to be a perfect supplement for anyone looking to recomp as it allows you to reduce calories and still gain muscle. I think the true test of cre02 will be over the next couple weeks as I will not be on any creatine containing products and we will see if any size gained or strength gains sticks around or goes away.

I only had 2 problems with this stack. First, which really isnt much of a problem, is I didnt notice any increase in energy from this. This could easily be fixed by suppin with some geranium or caffeine or whatever else you like. I am sure though MSTs extensive lineup you could find something else to add into this stack to make a killer combo.
Second was the encentric coating. This is something I wasnt too found off personally. When I lift it is first thing the morning and with the coating you should wait 2 hours before lifting after taking which can to be a bit of a hassle waiting around. I found it hard to motivate myself after those 2 hours to get downstairs and lift as I have already been doing stuff around the house and lost the desire to lift (this is where an extra energy kick would have helped) This CON is more of a personal one though as I am sure for the majority of people they lift after work and this wouldnt be a problem. You just pop your caps before leaving work and by the time you get to the gym and change it is Go Time!! It was just for me and my schedule it didnt fit for me. I am sure for others they would be able to make it work. I wish MST offered products with and without the coating.

Overall I enjoyed the month and think these are 2 great products individually and stacked together. Thanks again to MST for giving me the chance to try it out and log it for you guys and to all the reps and AM friends who stuck by and helped me along the way :D
nice review Josh, thanks for taking the time to log this for us and to get the review posted up!

One thing I do have to say though (I know...im always a downer) is that I dont think you would have experienced the weight increase with the body fat decrease had these products NOT been enteric coated ;)


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nice review Josh, thanks for taking the time to log this for us and to get the review posted up!

One thing I do have to say though (I know...im always a downer) is that I dont think you would have experienced the weight increase with the body fat decrease had these products NOT been enteric coated ;)
hmmm really?? I guess it has more of an effect then just timed released? I was wondering why they were coated but I guess there are other reasons then just make you wait huh :) Again please dont misunderstand my review it was more of a personal con for me as for me with my timing of working out I'm sure if I was a 5pm lifter it would have been no problem and I'm sure for the 6am lifters who get up 4am here (crazy mofos) its no problem. For me I am NOT a morning person and I try and be, so for me to make myself get up and then wait around was a real mood killer but that is just cuz I am lazy and hate waking up :D Good to know though that other factors were involved in making it encentric coated. I will most likely give cre2 another shot down the road as this was a pretty successful recomp for me and I am sure I owe alot of it tothe MST stack :D Thanks again guys


MST Reppin Hard!
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the main reason for the enteric coating is that the product completely bypasses your stomach and dissolves in your small intestine instead. The harsh acids of your stomach break down normal pills quickly and oftentimes you lose a great deal of efficacy from the product in that manner. With Cre-02/Nitroceps...both products are dissolved in a much less acidic enviornment so that you are ensured all of the ingredients will be absorbed properly.


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Not too mention you still got the full effect of the product it just didn't all hit the muscle prior to the workout. So instead of getting a boost in performance during the workout, you got better recovery on the back side. Still not bad at all and just as beneficial to be honest.


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WAM BAM THANK YOU MAM!!! I'll have to say that Although it wasn't what you were expecting!!! As Kleen Puts it there were other benefits that you may have neglected and or just aren't as noticable :0) Recovery is a BIG BIG BONUS WOO HOO!!! JUDO U DA MAN!

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