Jmh80's M-TST/M-TRN Test Log.


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cheesecake? mmmmmmmm :burger:

damn cutting:rant: :rant: :rant:


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weeee doublepost

I might as well add some content here...

I'm running trn right now, and I find if I don't have enough carbs during the day and before my workout I have the same problem. I'm using 50g supercarb with my preworkout meal and 25gs during my workout. Solved the problem completely


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So, I've been on for 8 days. 2 days at 2 mgs. of both and 6 (includes today) days at 4 mgs. both.

I'm noticing a very good endurance increase at the gym. I'm not getting winded/tired on exercises I normally would.
This has yet to translate to wholesale strength increaes. I'm having them on a few exercises here and there.
Concentration is still very good - haven't seen any changes from Reloaded/activate.

I had my first exercise of back from the 19th where I was up 5 lbs.
Calves yesterday were up also. (I'm still going slow with legs as my right knee still has some pain here and there.)

Libido is definately down as compared to Reloaded/Activate. But, with my testosterone being over 900 ng/dl on that stuff, that is expected - by me at least.
Acne seems to be the same as on Reloaded.
Balls have gone back down to normal size - no shrinkage.
The vascularity I was seeing with Reloaded has also remained while on TST/TRN.

Some issues sleeping here and there. Trouble sleeping through the night and also getting to bed on time.

Headaches have cropped up the last 2 days or so.
I'm thinking this is high blood pressure. I'm going to see what it looks like at Wal-Mart.
But, I've been taking 3 caps of Hawthorn Berry per day (1.5 grams) so I decided to add 2 caps of Celery Seed Extract.

I also logged my calories on FitDay. During week was pretty good, but I'll get an average when I get back from the store.
This weekend - not so good. I've felt really lazy and didn't feel like eating.
I'm not seeing the appetite increase I saw with the last PH cycle I ran.

I'm at 168 - so up a pound.


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jmh80: Are you noticing your recovery time being drastically decreased? I am still on my week of TST by itself. I have been "on" for 6 days now and I really started to notice this on day 4.


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I had sleep issues also when i was on trn,it also increased my BP and i did get headaches the first couple of days.


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Bull - I'm interpreting that you mean am i recovering quicker?
I'd say yes. My legs are somewhat functional today - instead of having to drag them around.


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Man, I had an odd triceps workout....

Strength was definatly up. Endurance is still awesome.

But, around the 3rd to 5th rep (on each set) I began to get this HUGE headache.
I thought it might be due to amount of weight lifted (since I had gone up on the 1st exercise) but no.

So, I stupidly gutted through it.

Came home and had 5 grams of arginine/4 of lysine (for GH release) and 3 caps of Hawthorn berry.
I didn't get my BP taken - was scared to see what it actually was.
I think I'm going to get some Twinlab Blood Pressure Control to add to the Celery Seed and Hawthorn.
I'm going to stay at 4 mgs. of each but if these headaches hang around much longer, I'm going to decrease the dose.

Workout was great though.

Fitday totals for the last 7 days:
2967 cals
29% fat
36% carbs
35% protein

That is skewed by the pizza I had yesterday - medium thin crust. Also skewed by the fact that I didn't add my last meal today.
Otherwise, on most of those days I felt pretty good about the protein amounts.

But, gotta try to get the cals up. I wasn't able to get all of the scheduled meals in during the week - and I ****ed around this weekend.


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I've been getting headaches as well...minor irritating ones. I ate a medium pizza to calm it down. That's what helps. Pizza.


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Fitday totals for the last 7 days:
2967 cals
29% fat
36% carbs
35% protein

That is skewed by the pizza I had yesterday - medium thin crust. Also skewed by the fact that I didn't add my last meal today.
Otherwise, on most of those days I felt pretty good about the protein amounts.

But, gotta try to get the cals up. I wasn't able to get all of the scheduled meals in during the week - and I ****ed around this weekend.
Some criticism: 35% of 2967 is 1038 calories from protein. 259g of protein per day isn't much especially while on bro.

Also: Pizza is high in sodium. Sodium raises blood pressure almost instantly and can keep it elevated for more than a day. Be safe man.


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Yeah, I know that is too little.

Here are the day by day protein intakes:
4/16 - 230
4/17 - 285
4/18 - 290
4/19 - 295
4/20 - 291
4/22 - 260 - appears I didn't log a shake, so it's higher than this by 40 or so.
4/22 - 165 - pizza day
4/23 - 245

So, I did pretty well during the week. My problem on weekends is that I get up late (sleeping issues are worse during the week because I have to get up at 6am, if it takes me an extra hour to get to sleep on the weekend - no big deal) and don't have any motivation to get going (I'm usually on here or checking email or whatever for an hour or so). I wish my appetite was high like on 4-AD. I had to eat to stay sane on that stuff.

Yeah, pizza is high in Na+. But, I had no problems with it while on SD. So, the TRN must be worse on BP for me than SD. I've learned my lesson.

No issues today - but it's not a gym day.


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Sorry - haven't updated in a few days.

I'm solidly up 3 lbs (to 170 lbs).

Strength is getting better each workout.
Back was yesterday. I was up 10 lbs on the 1st exercise and up 10 on the 1st and 2nd sets of the 2nd exercise (that first set is a PR!!). 3rd exercise was the same - grip issues with forearm pumps. I need some straps.
4th exercise was up 10 lbs. on the 1st and 2nd sets.
5th exercise was up 5 lbs. on the last set.

Blood pressure was not as high as last weekend, but still seems a bit high. I'm still taking 6 Hawthron (3 grams) and 2 Celery seed extracts (150 mgs).

Diet sucked yesterday - was in an all-day meeting getting ready for this turnaround.

Still issues with sleeping. I've been getting up and have had trouble going to sleep.

Acne has started to show up. I'm getting some on my delts and chest. Backne is worse.

Balls don't seem to be shrunken - yet.

I'm starting night shifts on 5/3. Will be on until 5/20 (or so) save for a break 5/5-5/7.


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Before bloodwork is in (AKA post-Reloaded).

So, I'm interested in this stack's effect on lipids and liver values.

Cholesterol 102 mg/dl
HDL 38 mg/dl
LDL 56 mg/dl


Results in the files.

My ratio in '04/'05 of H to L was about 1 (both were about 45). So, my values are worse, relatively speaking.
But, I think this is due to a relative lack of cardio now than I used to do and also that my diet has been intermittently bad lately.
But, not too bad - the doc. was happy.

Only thing funny was that my white blood cell count was low. It came up 4.1 - low range was 4.5.
I know I am going regret this because I always get flamed when I bring this up, but very low estrogen levels will definitely drive white blood cell count down. I wish I could remember where the articles are where I read this, but I can't. It was a long time ago.

The thing I do remember is it is very low estrogen levels that are the problem and not just low estrogen levels that cause this. Clomid early in PCT will help prevent this as will tapering in the estrogen suppressors.


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Hmmm. Interesting info.
No flaming here bro.

I wasn't worried about the WBC.
Last time I had that taken - they were fine. I figured it was something funny.


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Still at 170 lbs.

Worked out legs yesterday. Knee was feeling great for the last few days.
Only had a slight bit of pain when doing leg presses.

So, I decided to try to go up on weight for everthing that I could.
Ended up adding 10 lbs. to EVERY set of every exercise!!!


I felt awesome at the gym yesterday. Felt like I could work out FOREVER! So, I added some of those girly abductor things (that inner quad muscle is apparently the biggest) and some calves.

Man - I'm sore today. But, no pain!
Maybe I've turned a corner with the right knee.


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Start the 2 weeks of 5pm to 5am.

I went to bed at 4am trying to simulate having to stay up to 6am or so. But, I got up at 10.


Anyway - strength is still going up on every workout. I seem to be leaning out in my abs. I can see 4 instead of 2 (if that...)
I've started taking Retain at 2 caps per day to deal with all the stress I'll be put under .

I think I've been on for 2 weeks.
My opinion thus far is that this is some cool stuff. Strength increases are better than previous cycle (superdrol/4-ad/1-t). Mass gains are slow, but seem more quality in nature.
It's not explosive as SD was.
Not seeing the sides that I saw with SD - this stuff "feels" very mild (apart from bloodpressure - which seems to have mostly gone).
I don't have the stupid backpumps, am not generally lethargic (in fact am having trouble sleeping).
I hated how 1-T made my skin feel. Ugh.
So, if TST can sort of replace it - then all the better.
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I forgot to say that I feel like this stack would be best utilized on a cut or a recomp.
I mean, you could use it for a bulk - but it's not going to seemingly (unless you are RyanSM, who's a freak of nature) give you 15 lbs like SD.


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While dark forces conspire, confusion and obfuscation reign, cats and dogs begin to live together, and vultures circle - I continue to march on - for you guys.
My AM peeps, homies, bruh's - whatever.

Still at 170 lbs.

So, I worked out back tonight. Had a great first half or so - then the fatigue set in (as you can understand).
I was up 5 lbs. on the 1st exercise (both sets) and up a rep on the 2nd and 3rd sets of the 2nd exercise.
I was up 10 lbs. on the 1st set of the 3rd exercise.
4th - tried to add 10 but crapped out. Ended up doing the same weight.
5th - was actually up on the 2nd and 3rd (second wind?)

I've noticed more acne. I've got 3 or 4 pimples on my face and upper neck. Back is bad. A few on my chest. Same goes for arms and delts.

Balls still feel like they are normal size. Libido is still good.

Sleep is still a problem. Probably won't get any tonight.

Workouts are awesome! No two ways about it. Endurance is great. Am not getting winded.
I've been doing cardio after lifting 2 times a week the last 2 weeks - much easier.

Once again - cool stuff.
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A two ounce shot of real lemon juice will not only help dry up the oily skin and acne, but it will take living dead to wide awake in 3 seconds!

You need chase with something like orange juice. Not for people with a heart condition and watch out for cameras.

Guggulbolic and B-5 can also be used.


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Hmm. Didn't know that about lemon juice.

I've got B-5 already (bulk powder from Nutraplanet). I'm waiting to use during PCT - acne is ALWAYS worse then.


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Yea bro, those night shifts SUCK. I went from working
6:30 pm to 6:30 am and then back to the day shift four seperate times in about a two year period, totally sucks for trying to be consistent at anything, its hard, but think how bad it would be if we didnt have workouts to look forward to.........


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I'm very tired and it's only 3:15am.

So, I won't be able to log on much - I don't think. Maybe every 2 or 3 days.

I'm going to stay on 2 caps of TST/TRN (each).
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Good luck, bro. Just try to get a decent cal intake. The TST/TRN will at least maintain muscle during this phase if your schedule interferes too much with eating.

If you need a portable, calorie dense whole food shake, let me know. I'll dig it up for you.


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I'm in day 3 (I think - I've already lost track of the days, going to bed at 4 to 5am will do that...).

Still at 171 lbs.
It's been hot as balls out.

I haven't gone to the gym since Sunday - which was legs. Because my legs are still really sore.
I'm getting alot of "cardio" in because I'm doing a ton of walking. Not so much climbing yet - but that will come.

I'm really tired seems like all of the time. I've got some errands I need to take care of before work today - so I won't be making it in today.

I guess with all the activity and sweating - it's very, very good that my weight hasn't changed.
I've gotta try to force myself into the gym tomorrow.
May need to recruit my old friend - StimX - for some help. :twisted:
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I feel like sh*t. I haven't slept well at all.

There is apparently an archeological dig going on right behind my house. They start digging at 9am.
Mind you, I'm going to bed at like 5 to 5:30am.

Anyway, I've lowered the dose of TST/TRN to 1 per day of each. I'd forgotten for like 2 days to take the second dose. And eating has been tough.
I've still been very active at work. Climbed 200' last night.
So, in an effort not to waste this stuff, I figured it's better to lower the dose.

I went to the gym the last 2 days. Mediocre workouts at best. I went before work - at like 3pm or so. I'm too tired when I get off to go. And I'm tired when I get up. :blink:
But, I had good pumps on chest and back. Strength wasn't good. I got REALLY winded.
All in all, these crazy hours and lack of quality sleep are really starting to take a toll on me.

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Hang in there. Life will be back to normal (as normal as it can be for peeps like us) soon.


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I'm done with this sh*t. Sort of.
I've been up since 5:30pm yesterday. (I had slept from 6am...)

I need to stay up as late as possible today to try to transition back to regular schedule.

I had a day off a few days ago. :woohoo:
I went to the gym. But, that's been the only time - apart from the 2 times I already mentioned.

I'm going to try to go today. Me thinks some Amp+HEAT will be used. :twisted:

I'm going back to 2 caps/day of each.
I'm not sure what my weight is. Last time I looked it was 169.
I'm noticably leaner in the mid-section.

Acne is bad. I suppose from all the sweating (being outside).

All in all, this whole experience sucked balls.


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Hey guys. Very sorry I haven't updated. Have just forgot. :think:

I'm still at 170 lbs - up 4 since the start.

I worked out legs today. Not so good. Knee pain is back - somewhat. Had to cut short the quads. Hams don't give me any pain. :think:

I worked out biceps yesterday - awesome workout. Was up on all but the last 2 exercise by 5 to 10 lbs. Had really bad pumps on the last 2 exercises. (Keep in mind - last time I did this was during the T/A so I was really tired then.)

Worked out chest on Friday and back on Saturday. Lackluster workouts. Was up 5 lbs on the first set of both days, then the same for all but the last sets. Down 5 lbs. on those.
Pretty sure this is because my sleep was still f*cked up really bad. I hadn't slept much until last night.
But, still got up once - no clue why.

Acne has gone down some. I think it's less sweating.

Appetite was HUGE on Saturday - no clue why. Has been back to normal since then.

Have done some cardio after these workouts - no issues save for bad calf pumps.

I'm going to start taking some potassium pills that I have to see if that helps with the pumps. I'm pretty sure I'm getting enough water - but will up that just in case.

I'm looking forward to getting back to normal - I think I'm almost there.



this all sounds miserable.... glad things are becoming normal again!


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Yeah - you are right.

Oh well. Life sucks. It could be worse.
I could be my Dad...


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I went to the gym tonight. I was basically back to before the crap happened levels.

Up like 5 to 10 lbs. over the last time I did this particular back workout.


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I forgot to weigh myself. Sorry.

I worked out legs today. I started off slow. But I was able to increase the weight on leg presses once I got warmed up by about 50 lbs from last week. I was also able to do lunges for the first time in a while.

I feel good. I can detect stiffness in my right knee. But, my legs are sore!!! Man - it's been a while!

I came home and had a protein shake with 15 grams of BCAA's and some of that oatmeal I had posted about in the nutrition forum.


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Thanks FnF.

170 lbs. this morning.

I started checking on labs for the lipids/liver bloodtest. I think I'm going to do it next week - Monday or Tuesday. I counted the pills yesterday and I have about 9 days left (including today).

Two of them that had the better prices are
(They actually have a free lipids test if you get anything else - which is awesome! Or blood sugar or thyroid.)
Another one -

I'll probably set that up today.

I'll - of course - post the results as soon as I get 'em because I know we are all interested to see how TST and TRN affect cholesterol and liver values.


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Im watching you!!!!!! Dont try and pull no fast ones on me :)



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Attention Bioscience: FitNFirm posted in MY TST log without my asking her to.
So (because of her WONDERFUL avatar) I should win the award for best TST log.

Alright - I'm down to 168 lbs.
I've felt like absolute azz the last 3 days. I'm not sure if I'm getting sick or not...
I was off work on 5/30. I woke up in a fog - slept about 9 hours. I worked out chest that day - it went like this:
1st exercise - same weight
2nd - up 10 lbs on the first set and 3rd set (those 2 sets were more pshychological - round numbers on the dumbells)
3rd - same
4th (started to lose my endurance/strength) - down 5 lbs first set and 10 last 2 sets
5th - down 10 lbs first set, 5 lbs 2nd and 3rd sets
I was soooooooo dead when I finished. I did some cardio (17 mins - had to piss) to see if that would help

5/31 was really bad. I slept about 7.5 hours. I was in a total fog all day. Was semi-nodding off. I was supposed to do back - but didn't. Did not have the motivation or energy to go. So, I went to bed about 20 mins early - got 8 hours of sleep.
Today I felt in less of a fog - but still a bit of a zombie.

I worked out back tonight. Went like this:
1st exercise - up 5 lbs.
2nd " - same reps
3rd " - down 10 lbs on both sets
4th " - same on 1st and 2nd, but down 10 on last set (really died)
5th - down 10 lbs on all sets.

I'm worn the hell out. I feel sort of sick. But, can't pinpoint it.

I know I've had enough to eat. I've had enough caffeine. I think it's time to end the caffeine. I've got some good nootropics on the way from Custom - so I'm going to taper down and go off this weekend hopefully.

So, I'm going to take 3 caps of each tomorrow, this weekend and Monday. I'll take a dose at bedtime Monday - then will get my bloodtest (fasted) first thing Tuesday morning.
PCT will start that day.


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Stats - as of this morning, all are cold, flexed.

Height - 5'10.5"
Weight - 167 lbs.

R and L arms - 15"
Waist at belly button - 29.75"
Waist at hips - 30"
R and L calf - 15.25"
Chest - 38.5" (this measurement is tough)
Legs - 21.75" (7" above the knee)
Here are my stats this morning (cold, flexed)
Weight - 169-170 lbs. (has fluctuated the last few days)
Arms 15.25
Waist at belly button - 29.45
Waist at hips - 30
Calves - 15.7
Chest - 39.1
Legs - 22.25

I figured I'd get pretty good gains in my legs once my knee started to feel better. I think some of that is muscle memory - not TST/TRN.

All in all, I'm happy. I have leaner abs - which is what I wanted. My arms and chest are bigger. Waist at belly button is smaller.
Recomp/lean bulk it was.


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Nice job jmh80! Especially considering all the physical and emotional abuse you go through at hell...I mean work ;)


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Thanks Sam.
I agree.

I'll reserve my final thoughts on TST/TRN after I get the blood test results back. I'm all set to go first thing tomorrow morning.
It was $49 for lipids and liver.


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I heard my blood test results over the phone today, sort of.
Nice T/A. Had the blood drawn Tuesday morning (6/5) and they called me today.

Liver panel was "normal" (I assume nothing was above bounds).

Cholester was 71 total with 30 ng/dl HDL.


That's very, very, very odd. As compared to Ryan's bloodwork on 4.5 mgs TRN only.

I took 3 caps of both the last 3 days. I had my last cap at about 7pm the night before.
I had eaten clean 4 days before.
I've been having 2-3 bags of brewed green tea about 5 times/week.
I take 1 gram of cinnamon before my cheat meals.

I'm not sure I took anything else that would help with cholesterol that I know.

So, it's either A) TST/TRN is VERY mild (as in "Was I really taking something???) or B) I did enough with those supps/cardio 2X/week to lower my total cholesterol.

Anyway - I'm not sure what to think at this point.

I'm going to have a hardcopy in about 2 weeks. I'll post it up so you all will believe me (I'm not sure I believe me).


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I heard my blood test results over the phone today, sort of.
Nice T/A. Had the blood drawn Tuesday morning (6/5) and they called me today.

Liver panel was "normal" (I assume nothing was above bounds).

Cholester was 71 total with 30 ng/dl HDL.


That's very, very, very odd. As compared to Ryan's bloodwork on 4.5 mgs TRN only.

I took 3 caps of both the last 3 days. I had my last cap at about 7pm the night before.
I had eaten clean 4 days before.
I've been having 2-3 bags of brewed green tea about 5 times/week.
I take 1 gram of cinnamon before my cheat meals.

I'm not sure I took anything else that would help with cholesterol that I know.

So, it's either A) TST/TRN is VERY mild (as in "Was I really taking something???) or B) I did enough with those supps/cardio 2X/week to lower my total cholesterol.

Anyway - I'm not sure what to think at this point.

I'm going to have a hardcopy in about 2 weeks. I'll post it up so you all will believe me (I'm not sure I believe me).
Wow,this is great news to hear.:woohoo: But odd indeed.Did they tell you what your HDL/LDL were?


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No - just HDL. I'm guessing LDL was like 41 ng/dl.


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late entry here (been away). just wanted to say great log - especially the bloodwork - really appreciate that and wish we saw more of it. hope the gains stick.


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I heard my blood test results over the phone today, sort of.
Nice T/A. Had the blood drawn Tuesday morning (6/5) and they called me today.

Liver panel was "normal" (I assume nothing was above bounds).

Cholester was 71 total with 30 ng/dl HDL.


That's very, very, very odd. As compared to Ryan's bloodwork on 4.5 mgs TRN only.

I took 3 caps of both the last 3 days. I had my last cap at about 7pm the night before.
I had eaten clean 4 days before.
I've been having 2-3 bags of brewed green tea about 5 times/week.
I take 1 gram of cinnamon before my cheat meals.

I'm not sure I took anything else that would help with cholesterol that I know.

So, it's either A) TST/TRN is VERY mild (as in "Was I really taking something???) or B) I did enough with those supps/cardio 2X/week to lower my total cholesterol.

Anyway - I'm not sure what to think at this point.

I'm going to have a hardcopy in about 2 weeks. I'll post it up so you all will believe me (I'm not sure I believe me).
Is it possible adding the TST to it makes it easier on the HDL? . Keeps estrogen higher or something


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That is a possiblity I suppose.

Thanks Lonas.
I'll be scanning in the final bloodwork when I get it.

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