High tst but low libido


New member
Hi, I’m 20yo, my tst lvl is 52 (normal is between 18-29) and my E2 is 49, just 2 above normal lvl. My libido doesn’t work at all, I don’t have any taste on girls and so I feel so bad and don’t have any idea how is it possible to have low libido on this tst and E2 and my prolactin lvl is normal too, rly don’t know what to do with it, please share with me some sugestions, bcs I tried everything and its still the same.


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Hi, I’m 20yo, my tst lvl is 52 (normal is between 18-29) and my E2 is 49, just 2 above normal lvl. My libido doesn’t work at all, I don’t have any taste on girls and so I feel so bad and don’t have any idea how is it possible to have low libido on this tst and E2 and my prolactin lvl is normal too, rly don’t know what to do with it, please share with me some sugestions, bcs I tried everything and its still the same.
It may have something to do with whatever shot your Test WAYY above normal.

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