In the Mail ....



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Think I've got all the glazed donut one bars from protein pick n mix(uk supp shop/online retailer) so delicious. Had to pick up glazed donut ps whey heard good things about it.

Also looking forward to trying prolific too

I found their whey very underwhelming, flavor wise. I hope you enjoy it.

Just in

AntM1564 Adizzle1 cubsfan815 muscleupcrohn R1balla
Nice! I can't wait to hear your thoughts. I know you really enjoy AP, I hope this lives up to AP in your mind!


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Just got mine in!!! Big thanks to Sean1332!!!



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It's been a good week.

Thanks to the OL guys for the 'vitamin c'



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Got this bad boy in the mail thanks to The Solution . Gonna give it a try tomorrow. Looks very promising.


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Got this bad boy in the mail thanks to The Solution . Gonna give it a try tomorrow. Looks very promising.
Damn you're a VIP!!


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had to order this one after trying the mini tubs over a year ago. Flavor is just as good as I remember. Well worth it.


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Never got to try ProNom. Think I'll give ProMore a try with how the reviews have been sounding.


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I got 6 tubs from the company and I gave all 6 of them away for feedback

I only used 2 scoops for myself and gave the opened tubs to my workout partners local

I rather see feedback on a new product and get them in the hands of our consumers! It should be live for sale very soon!!!
I see that A1 has Quake in stock ready to roll!


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Nice always fun to win !!


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Nice. Make sure you don't get thrush from RIOT

Jk- for those who don't know, some troll is trolololol hard with the above statement
That's some funny shyt right there! You know he got banned, right?


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Few goodies that have just recently came in for me.



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mail 3517.JPG

Got a But One Get One Free deal on HumaPro I could not pass up. I am going to replace my after noon shake (240 calories) with it and see if I can drop some fat. I will start this when my current log is done. Will let you know how I make out !


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Just got from carmaf :)

Great deal from a great guy!
Twins!! Nothing wrong with that

Definitely one of the better pres on the market. Let me know how the mango flavor is.


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Mango is good, but I actually like Cotton Candy better. And RL isn't bad at all, but for some reason wasn't as good as OG RL Alphamine (though that could just be mental).


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Thanks to The Solution for the hook up. I have been long time fan of Xtend. Can't wait to try a few new flavors.

Also the Xtend Perform funnel is awesome!



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I've always said that as well. The OG Alphamine had the best flavouring for sure.
Agreed! Cc and sunrise would have been insane with the OG profile

The new ones taste alright but you definitely get quite a bit of bitterness (probably from the leucine) at the end


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Just got this in thanks to cubsfan815

Performax Labs Vasomax


Raspberry Lemonade – If you have ever had PES Raspberry Lemonade I found both of these to be pretty similar. Right away you get a nice rush of a sweet raspberry flavor. The lemonade is more of an aftertaste that is on the sweeter side. Both flavors are sweet, so if you do not like very sweet things it may turn you away. I am more of a bold/dense lemon fan, but there is enough Raspberry in here to overpower it and make it enjoyable.


I have had Hypermax in the past, and that mixed with ease. Vasomax is another addition to the Performax line where there are no Mixability issues. The powder is extremely fine and starts to dissolve upon hitting the water. Even when I varied the water intake there was nothing floating in the shaker cup.


3g Hydromax (For Pump)
Potassium Nitrate → Pump/Performance/Endurance
Alpha GPC → Used as a nootropic for mood and cognitive enhancement
Amentoflavone → Mood/Cognitive Enhancement
Huperzine A → Nootropic that works just like Alpha GPC for Mood/Energy/Streaming Energy
Vitamin C → Used to help battle the nitrate tolerance build up

Overall a well formulated product. This non-stim preworkout combines nootropics to give a long lasting energy sensation if you do want to stack it with a stimmed product. On its own you have what you need to get a good pump in nitrates and hydromax. If you wanted to take this and add some bulk powders you have the flexibility to add 6-8 Citrulline, 1g Agmatine, and other things to your liking including Beta-Alanine, Peak02, Betaine, Synerglut to give you a well rounded customized pre-workout.

Workout Reaction

Fasted Training:

Usually I train first thing upon waking, but I also wanted to give this a crack training in a fed state. This way I can compare the pump and how I feel the pre-workout worked.

Onto the workout I was hitting a back session and a small amount of arm work. I started off with Barbell Rows working up to sets of 8-10 and ended up hitting my goal of 275, no noticeable pump or vascularity off the first exercise.

Moving onto cable pullovers, Hammer Strength Pullovers and then a single arm lat pulldown I started to feel the skin harden, muscles tighten, and my arms start to pop a bit as I got through some isolation work and utilizing a lot of 5 second negatives and 3 second holds on some movements and some sets..

During the eccentric I could feel my lats rushing with blood and as I squeezed out the reps I could feel the muscles continue to harden. A lot of my training is fast paced. I like to move fast and really keep a steady pump and my heart rate high. The only time I will slow down is when I am doing max effort work, which is rotated, through my mesocycles every 4-8 weeks. From a fasted standpoint pumps were notificble, and there was clear vascularity.

Fed Training:

Chest/Triceps/Shoulders Session.
Seeing this is a weakpoint for me I really like to target them with volume. I got 2 meals in me and then dosed the Vasomax about 15 minutes prior to my session. Given a 10 minute drive to the gym I got right to work.

Worked up to 110’s on Dumbbell Flat Bench Press, and already felt the pump coming along. I focus on holding the DB’s right near my chest and then exploding up. Ever since I took the time to focus on my breathing and keeping my body relaxed you can feel the muscles being engaged much better.
Moving onto Cable Crossovers and shoulder supersets my body started to pop. I even got remarks from the other gym members once I took off my sweatshirt. I almost always train with a sweatshirt year round, but I sweat a bit more when I am fed and have food in me. The extra amount of sea salt helps bring out the veins and make my body pop from some seasonings I put on my food.
What really set it off was when I finish off my workout with a tri-set for triceps. I do cable pushdowns, then move into overhead cable tricep extensions, then drop to the ground and do triangle pushups focusing right on the triceps.
It took me a good 10-15 minutes to put my triceps over my head without them cramping the pump was so real. When I get a chance to train in a fed state maybe 1-2x a week the workouts are always better, and the pumps are more noticible once I eat some food.

Overall I was very pleased. I have never had a potassium nitrate based product, but the sheer amount of Hydromax will make for a great pump in this product. With hints of nootropics I did find a steady stream of energy since I love to stay off stims almost year round. Perfomax did a good job on this. A brand that I truly believe is overlooked for what they do put out.

Glad you enjoyed it. The nitrates and Hydromax are going to really shine with that SlinMax you have. Especially with the delicious carbs you eat.
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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The GNSO really makes the difference IMO. The pump from vasomax feels deep in the muscle belly, if that makes sense. It's hands down my favorite non stim pre workout. I drink it 30-40min before lifting and the pump is immediate and continues to build through the duration of my workout


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cubsfan815 literally wrote the same thing word for word in an email to me the second you wrote this.

So would you say....
15 minutes prior to pre-workout meal Slinmax
pre-workout meal
then 30-40 min pre take the vasomax?

best setup?
Looks good to me. Only take 2 caps SlinMax if you are having at least 50g of carbs.


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Couldn't pass up the Xtend Perform with free Flexatril deal from NutraPlanet.

Also ordered Kraken, which wasn't in the box. On the packing slip, someone had written "Drop Ship" next to the Kraken. Any idea what that means?



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Couldn't pass up the Xtend Perform with free Flexatril deal from NutraPlanet.

Also ordered Kraken, which wasn't in the box. On the packing slip, someone had written "Drop Ship" next to the Kraken. Any idea what that means?

View attachment 146019
I would say your Kraken is coming to you direct from the manufacture


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Couldn't pass up the Xtend Perform with free Flexatril deal from NutraPlanet.

Also ordered Kraken, which wasn't in the box. On the packing slip, someone had written "Drop Ship" next to the Kraken. Any idea what that means?

View attachment 146019
Nice score! your going to like the Xtend Perform, let me know how it tastes?
you already know what the Flexatril can do.
Dropship = shipping from the manufacture.


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Nice score! your going to like the Xtend Perform, let me know how it tastes?
you already know what the Flexatril can do.
Dropship = shipping from the manufacture.
Black Cherry is the shiznit! One of the best tasting supps I've had


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One of the best deals on the net.. Buy Perform get Flex free?
yes please!!!

Thank you for the continued support!

You going to get in on that Quake Into sale??
Yes sir. I'm not gonna lie, the price had me doubting I would. Ended up ordering a tub anyway. I've been on a bit of a stim break for the past few months, so I'll probably try a single scoop to start.


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Just got this in thanks to cubsfan815

Performax Labs Vasomax


Raspberry Lemonade – If you have ever had PES Raspberry Lemonade I found both of these to be pretty similar. Right away you get a nice rush of a sweet raspberry flavor. The lemonade is more of an aftertaste that is on the sweeter side. Both flavors are sweet, so if you do not like very sweet things it may turn you away. I am more of a bold/dense lemon fan, but there is enough Raspberry in here to overpower it and make it enjoyable.


I have had Hypermax in the past, and that mixed with ease. Vasomax is another addition to the Performax line where there are no Mixability issues. The powder is extremely fine and starts to dissolve upon hitting the water. Even when I varied the water intake there was nothing floating in the shaker cup.


3g Hydromax (For Pump)
Potassium Nitrate → Pump/Performance/Endurance
Alpha GPC → Used as a nootropic for mood and cognitive enhancement
Amentoflavone → Mood/Cognitive Enhancement
Huperzine A → Nootropic that works just like Alpha GPC for Mood/Energy/Streaming Energy
Vitamin C → Used to help battle the nitrate tolerance build up

Overall a well formulated product. This non-stim preworkout combines nootropics to give a long lasting energy sensation if you do want to stack it with a stimmed product. On its own you have what you need to get a good pump in nitrates and hydromax. If you wanted to take this and add some bulk powders you have the flexibility to add 6-8 Citrulline, 1g Agmatine, and other things to your liking including Beta-Alanine, Peak02, Betaine, Synerglut to give you a well rounded customized pre-workout.

Workout Reaction

Fasted Training:

Usually I train first thing upon waking, but I also wanted to give this a crack training in a fed state. This way I can compare the pump and how I feel the pre-workout worked.

Onto the workout I was hitting a back session and a small amount of arm work. I started off with Barbell Rows working up to sets of 8-10 and ended up hitting my goal of 275, no noticeable pump or vascularity off the first exercise.

Moving onto cable pullovers, Hammer Strength Pullovers and then a single arm lat pulldown I started to feel the skin harden, muscles tighten, and my arms start to pop a bit as I got through some isolation work and utilizing a lot of 5 second negatives and 3 second holds on some movements and some sets..

During the eccentric I could feel my lats rushing with blood and as I squeezed out the reps I could feel the muscles continue to harden. A lot of my training is fast paced. I like to move fast and really keep a steady pump and my heart rate high. The only time I will slow down is when I am doing max effort work, which is rotated, through my mesocycles every 4-8 weeks. From a fasted standpoint pumps were notificble, and there was clear vascularity.

Fed Training:

Chest/Triceps/Shoulders Session.
Seeing this is a weakpoint for me I really like to target them with volume. I got 2 meals in me and then dosed the Vasomax about 15 minutes prior to my session. Given a 10 minute drive to the gym I got right to work.

Worked up to 110’s on Dumbbell Flat Bench Press, and already felt the pump coming along. I focus on holding the DB’s right near my chest and then exploding up. Ever since I took the time to focus on my breathing and keeping my body relaxed you can feel the muscles being engaged much better.
Moving onto Cable Crossovers and shoulder supersets my body started to pop. I even got remarks from the other gym members once I took off my sweatshirt. I almost always train with a sweatshirt year round, but I sweat a bit more when I am fed and have food in me. The extra amount of sea salt helps bring out the veins and make my body pop from some seasonings I put on my food.
What really set it off was when I finish off my workout with a tri-set for triceps. I do cable pushdowns, then move into overhead cable tricep extensions, then drop to the ground and do triangle pushups focusing right on the triceps.
It took me a good 10-15 minutes to put my triceps over my head without them cramping the pump was so real. When I get a chance to train in a fed state maybe 1-2x a week the workouts are always better, and the pumps are more noticible once I eat some food.

Overall I was very pleased. I have never had a potassium nitrate based product, but the sheer amount of Hydromax will make for a great pump in this product. With hints of nootropics I did find a steady stream of energy since I love to stay off stims almost year round. Perfomax did a good job on this. A brand that I truly believe is overlooked for what they do put out.

Thanks for the review, really glad to see you enjoyed it!


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Thank you for the review, Bob!

On a side note, once my BCAA stash gets lower, I need to hop on that Xtend Perform train.


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Thank you Sean1332 and Controlled Labs!! Received my Promore Frosted Cinnamon Buns and some extra goodies in the mail. Wish I could share the smell of this stuff!! Fricken amazeballz!!!

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