I'm going to be starting the trifecta stack


Well-known member
I'm starting the trifecta stack and I'm wondering how to best use the masterdrol to get the best pinch in the gym. Would it make sense to take the days dose rite before my workout or should I take it 3 times a day?
I'm starting the trifecta stack and I'm wondering how to best use the masterdrol to get the best pinch in the gym. Would it make sense to take the days dose rite before my workout or should I take it 3 times a day?

well, its best to spread it out through the day, but you wanna take atleast 2 pre work out...
I got the 135 cap bottles coming. How would you suggest I run the stack to pack on the most muscle?
I got the 135 cap bottles coming. How would you suggest I run the stack to pack on the most muscle?

Well if you have the 135 bottle coming then its easy:) 2/2/1 then... I just got a PM from a guy here who's running it, bumped up to that dose at his 2 week mark and was blown away with what hes doing now:)
That sounds good. or what about 1/1/3
Well if you can put three of those under your tounge..sure.. , I followed the 2/2/1 dosing plan and i usually hit the gym around noon time..2 am, 2 pre, 1 evening..and that worked out awesome! I tried three, but it wasn't working for me..lol.. just took to long to dissolve
What is your workout plan and nutrition plan looking like? THose are more important factors to have ironed out than dosing.
What is your workout plan and nutrition plan looking like? THose are more important factors to have ironed out than dosing.

My workout plan. I'm a personal trainer, and I'm doing this stack to test it before I recommend it to my clients. My diet could be better but with the increase of workout with the stack it should make up for the extra calories I take in. If not I will cut back if I start to gain more fat. But I want to keep them high to fuel the muscle growth. I'm going after max muscle growth with this stack. My diet now is a high protein, mid to high carb, low fat.
Chest no stack yet

Flat bench press wide grip
80-20 warm up
120-10 warm up
200-3/2/3/3/3 on the 2 my shoulder gave out.

Flat bench narrow grip

Flat bench rev. grip



Peck deck
110-10/9/10 With hold on last rep and slow neg.
I meant what training split will you be working and reps and % of max lifted. If you were using a specific program like DC Training or the like where you are tracking your strength changes with every workout.
My workout plan. I'm a personal trainer, and I'm doing this stack to test it before I recommend it to my clients. My diet could be better but with the increase of workout with the stack it should make up for the extra calories I take in. If not I will cut back if I start to gain more fat. But I want to keep them high to fuel the muscle growth. I'm going after max muscle growth with this stack. My diet now is a high protein, mid to high carb, low fat.

bro you should never recommend any supps not FDA approved to clients, if they get sick or have a bad reaction you are totally open to a law suit. Just not worth it, my .02c
bro you should never recommend any supps to clients, if they get sick or have a bad reaction you are totally open to a law suit. Just not worth it my .02c

I don't know of too many personal trainiers that don't recommend supplements. A lot of them distribute them. Typically you would have a disclaimer in your contract regarding something like that for you own safety to aviod a law suit. However considering a lot of trainers end up dealing with people who are using things from steroids to diuretics at some point in their careers need to know how to properly educate the person asking them for the advice. If at a gym the gym has already basically gotten them to sign away any chance for lawsuit so that isn't likely at all.

If you are doing it on your own man get bonded and get an attorney to draw up some disclaimers and clauses in your contract for your own safety.
I don't know of too many personal trainiers that don't recommend supplements. A lot of them distribute them. Typically you would have a disclaimer in your contract regarding something like that for you own safety to aviod a law suit. However considering a lot of trainers end up dealing with people who are using things from steroids to diuretics at some point in their careers need to know how to properly educate the person asking them for the advice. If at a gym the gym has already basically gotten them to sign away any chance for lawsuit so that isn't likely at all.

If you are doing it on your own man get bonded and get an attorney to draw up some disclaimers and clauses in your contract for your own safety.

I already have. But it is a good point.
I meant what training split will you be working and reps and % of max lifted. If you were using a specific program like DC Training or the like where you are tracking your strength changes with every workout.

I work one body part a day to give it a full weeks rest. When it comes to % of max and reps it depends on the body part and what I'm trying to bring up on that part. You will see allot of different styles in my work outs. Like for legs I use plyometrics. And when I did chest I did rev grip and incline both to work my upper chest because it is a weak point.
Back no stack

wide grip pull downs

close grip pull downs

seated cable rows

dead lifts
bro you should never recommend any supps not FDA approved to clients, if they get sick or have a bad reaction you are totally open to a law suit. Just not worth it, my .02c

Nothing is approved by the FDA..:lol:... My Multis vitamins are not FDA approved..:lol:
I'm planing on using n.o. plasmacore by Muscle Asylum Project with the stack.
I ordered 2 bottles of pSARM. Is it ok to take this while I'm on the trifecta stack?
Shoulders Still no Stack

Military press
50-20 90-8/8/8

upright rows


front dumbbell raise

lateral dumbbell raise

bent over lateral dumbbell raise
I ordered 2 bottles of pSARM. Is it ok to take this while I'm on the trifecta stack?

It would be yes.., pSarm can be added into you PCT, which is what you should do, Max dose will last about 5 1/2 weeks for 2 bottles..you know we have a new version with out the yohimbine?
Without Yohimine... WHY? ;) Love my Y-HCL
It would be yes.., pSarm can be added into you PCT, which is what you should do, Max dose will last about 5 1/2 weeks for 2 bottles..you know we have a new version with out the yohimbine?

I got the one with. I found a place to get 2 bottles for 15.99
Tricep workout without stack

Tricep presdown
40-20 60-15 80-4/5/4

Rope pesdown

seated tricep press ez-bar

bench dips

rev grip 1 hand presdowns

kick backs

seated dumbbell press
Without Yohimine... WHY? ;) Love my Y-HCL

people were getting upset stomachs on the older version
and i think that is why they changed the formula slightly... i could be wrong
Biceps no stack

standing ez bar curl
60-15 80-10 100-3/3/2 80-10/10/10

preacher curl

incline hammer

standing alternating curl

Standing ez bar 21s

rev grip preacher

forearm rope super sets both ways
I was Looking a the bottles. They say to split the dose in two. Half a breakfast and half at dinner. Is there any reason why you sagest a three times a day slit?
I was Looking a the bottles. They say to split the dose in two. Half a breakfast and half at dinner. Is there any reason why you sagest a three times a day slit?

For the M1-D yes, best results I have seen is, evenly dosing the Masterdrol through out the day, its preference in the end, but keeping the active in your body evenly through out the day is also better, keeps you in a anabolic state:D
I didn't log my leg work out yesterday since I don't use many weights for them. They kinda dwarf my upper body. So I have been using allot of body weight exercises and plyometrics in my leg work out. which still gives them a good workout and a pump. I may add weights back in at the end of my cycle. I thought I would let everyone know, and tonight is my night off. I will start my stack in the morning. Then I will hit chest hard.
hay i just found Methyl 1-P on the net. What is it I never heard of it and they want over 100 dollars for it.
I took my first dose when I got up this morning, and I feel great. I can't what to work out tonight.
I just got an email my psarm is in. Should I just run it with post cycle or should I run it with the cycle?
I was reading on the psarm bottle and it says you have to take a pct after. So I'm going to use it with my trifecta cycle. So now I'm on the trifecta + psarm stack. Wish me luck.
I think I'm going to have to change the way I take it. It is making me feel lite headed
I just did my bp I shot up to 144 over 103. Not good. My bp is normaly 116/74
Flat bench press wide grip
80-20 warm up
120-10 warm up

Flat bench narrow grip

Flat bench rev. grip



Peck deck
not that good of a work out for me. Wasn't rely in to it. Didn't feel as strong. My bp was real high. May have to lower dose. Or find some thing to keep it down.
I will start with the 1/2/2 and if I need to I can adjust from there.

thinking the same here..since im also get my work in around 7pm.
wondering does this affect sleep? normally hit the sack about 12a-1a
thinking the same here..since im also get my work in around 7pm.
wondering does this affect sleep? normally hit the sack about 12a-1a

NO but keep an eye on you blood pressure mine went way up. Start low and work your way up.
NO but keep an eye on you blood pressure mine went way up. Start low and work your way up.

good looking out!! i'll make sure i monitor BP, then work my way up. what would be your suggestion? out of curousity
1-d and the mm take one three times a day for week one and work up to 4 or 5 a day in week two. Also pick up some Hawthorn berry to help keep your bp down.

wide grip pull downs
90-10 110-10/10/10

rev grip pull downs

close grip pull downs
110-7 90-12/10/10

seated rows

strait arm pull downs