Ignition and Inception with Monsterdrol-XT!!!



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anabolics just enhance what you do in the kitchen and in the gym, so its only a partial lie lol

but i mean i know dummies who cycle with NO results and I just smile at them...


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uh oh me and my mouth

you know how youre supposed to have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other??

well the good guy never shows up to work ;)
ahahahahaahah the best thing ive read all day! :liar:

Pilip you crazy man you! And here i thought i was going to have to deal with this with merdock haha. He was wanting to start the cycle at 30mg with no feedback on the compound at all. I talked him into 1 week at 20mg then the rest at 30mg. Its hard man weve been at 30mg for the last week and still no sides so i dont see an issue bumping it up. I wont be able to though because i want a full 4 week cycle other wise it would be cut short sveral days since i only have 1 bottle. But your still nuts none the less man haha. I mustve packed on some size in the last week because 2 different people at the gym today commented to me that ive really blown up the past month so i told them its all diet and hard work SUCKERS!!! lol Nah it is partly due to that so i wasnt lieing.
hahahahah see what you guys have done to me? im breaking down my inhibitions one day at a time on this stuff hahahah; I would have stayed at 30, but as you said b/c of the lack of sides and because I will be bridging in 2 weeks, I think I can milk the bottle further to hold me over till the epi-strong :)

anabolics just enhance what you do in the kitchen and in the gym, so its only a partial lie lol

but i mean i know dummies who cycle with NO results and I just smile at them...
word son:sgrin:


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Bumped er to 40

Let the games begin!

I'll prolly take it up to 50mg when i run it, seeing as I took phera to 50mg and loved it with 0 sides.

Probably something like this ;)



  • Established
Bumped er to 40

Let the games begin!

I'll prolly take it up to 50mg when i run it, seeing as I took phera to 50mg and loved it with 0 sides.

Probably something like this ;)


YES!! hahahaha dude beast you're such a bad influence to me hahah but your new oncoming cycle looks fuggin beastly!!! :sgrin:


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I was going to come in here and try to be the voice of reason, but... 40 40 40 40 lol


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anabolics just enhance what you do in the kitchen and in the gym, so its only a partial lie lol

but i mean i know dummies who cycle with NO results and I just smile at them...
I tried the raw stack. Which is supposed to be epi tren and killed it in the gym and eat plenty of calories and protein to grow and gained no weight. Unless I did something wrong but i took it very serious to make gains and did plenty of research on AM.

My next cycle will either be Monsterdrol or an beast/epi bridge hopefully ill see some gains from either one of those.


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well ****. i was going to do 20/20/30/30 for my cycle... now I might have to reconsider. damn you guys.


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I tried the raw stack. Which is supposed to be epi tren and killed it in the gym and eat plenty of calories and protein to grow and gained no weight. Unless I did something wrong but i took it very serious to make gains and did plenty of research on AM.

My next cycle will either be Monsterdrol or an beast/epi bridge hopefully ill see some gains from either one of those.
Sounds like a raw deal. Who makes the Raw Stack and where did you get it? Tren is banned, so they're sketchy to begin with selling that ish.

I once logged a stack from a newer small company, and that did nothing for me at all, zero gains even though it was SD, HD, and Cyno. Sometimes the shady companies don't do their customers right. They didn't even know if it was SD or Dymethazine in there! Last time I do something that stupid...


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you guys are making me wanna start a cycle lol! I gotta be strong and wait till jan or feb though.

But monsterdrol is looking very promising. Glad I got 4 bottles =)


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you guys are making me wanna start a cycle lol! I gotta be strong and wait till jan or feb though.

But monsterdrol is looking very promising. Glad I got 4 bottles =)
Yes sir it is. I got me 2 bottles.

Will be running it in about 3-4 weeks. Be on the lookout :sgrin:


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I was going to come in here and try to be the voice of reason, but... 40 40 40 40 lol
HAHAHAH no your voice is noted sir

I tried the raw stack. Which is supposed to be epi tren and killed it in the gym and eat plenty of calories and protein to grow and gained no weight. Unless I did something wrong but i took it very serious to make gains and did plenty of research on AM.

My next cycle will either be Monsterdrol or an beast/epi bridge hopefully ill see some gains from either one of those.
yeah your next cycle should produce great results!

well ****. i was going to do 20/20/30/30 for my cycle... now I might have to reconsider. damn you guys.
hahahaha you can thank SC and Barbeast for that!

Sounds like a raw deal. Who makes the Raw Stack and where did you get it? Tren is banned, so they're sketchy to begin with selling that ish.

I once logged a stack from a newer small company, and that did nothing for me at all, zero gains even though it was SD, HD, and Cyno. Sometimes the shady companies don't do their customers right. They didn't even know if it was SD or Dymethazine in there! Last time I do something that stupid...
yeah i put trust in RLSS; they take care of us pretty good!

you guys are making me wanna start a cycle lol! I gotta be strong and wait till jan or feb though.

But monsterdrol is looking very promising. Glad I got 4 bottles =)
i bet your itching to crack those bottles open huh?? hahaha

Yes sir it is. I got me 2 bottles.

Will be running it in about 3-4 weeks. Be on the lookout :sgrin:

you're gonna be inhuman son :lol::lol:


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Looking strong SON!! I wish I could post videos of my own workouts but I dont have any gym partners, they all quit on me :( lol. But either way I would be hard to hide my face since I don't want people knowing who is injecting the lab rats in my science labs ;)


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Looking strong SON!! I wish I could post videos of my own workouts but I have not gym partners, they all quit on me :( lol. But either way I would be hard to hid my face since I don't want people knowing who is injecting the lab rats in my science labs ;)
thanks brah!! i know man, it's hard being a scientist with so many new things to study! :sgrin:


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O god evrybody is onboard. Officially adding it to my cycle. starting next week!


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Day 8 update

O god evrybody is onboard. Officially adding it to my cycle. starting next week!
hell yes! fraction u have a log here bro? or are u starting one?? let me know!

Pilip brother what you lifting today?
Update coming right now!! Good stuff mayn!! :)

Day 8 update:

Weight: Start = 163.5............ 171!!! (+7.5lbs) stoked! calories at 3700-4000! The weight and strength gains are coming in like a freight train and things are getting crazier!! :sgrin::sgrin:

dose: 40 mg

Mood level


Strength level

- increasing exponentially!!

Pump level

- ridiculously elevated; and getting higher and sustaining

Endurance level

Side effect level
-no more headaches as of now
- no joint issues
- frequent urination still
- no acne, no hair loss, no prostate issues,



Sleep quality



The voraciousness is in full swing. I am having pretty large meals frequently, and almost zero bloat.

Today's training and volume is increased!

Chest destruction
- Phase Volume! goal is rep range of 6-10
tempo: 2/1/3 which makes this even harder!

1. Flat BB press - 165 (10!!), 170 (9!!), 170 (8!!), 170 (6!); 165 (6) ** huge increases on this particular exercise
2. Incline DB Fly - 35 (6), 35 (8), 35 (7), 35 (7); 22.5 (19!!)
3. DB Pull-over - 65 (7), 65 (5), 60 (6), 60 (6); 30 (20!!)
4. Incline DB Press - (i usually go heavier but today's volume is killing me!); 50 (7), 35 (10!); 35 (8), (8), (8!)
5. Cable Fly at varying angles - 35 (10), 45 (8), 40 (7), 35 (6); 20 (20!!) :)

PWO Shake - 4 scoops whey

Diet Macros

TOMORROW'S PLANS: Back and Triceps tomorrow!!! YES! may have to try the N2KTS on my leg day soon!! :food:




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40mgs, +7.5lbs, N2KTS, killer workouts! this thread has everything!!!


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Man the monsterdrol is really looking great...

No sides, high libido, great pumps, strength & 8lb gain.. **** yeah!!!!!!!

Did you get that N2KTS today?


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40mgs, +7.5lbs, N2KTS, killer workouts! this thread has everything!!!
oh you know!!

Man the monsterdrol is really looking great...

No sides, high libido, great pumps, strength & 8lb gain.. **** yeah!!!!!!!

Did you get that N2KTS today?
hell yes!! yeah it came in today and I had the biggest smile on my face! I may have to crack this baby open for tomorrow morning's workout!

8lbs in a week man thats crazy. keep rollin man
i am stunned to bro! and yes I will continue to KTS! :sgrin:


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Yes bro take it before tomorrows workout, c a u s e YOU N2KTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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WOW awesome on the weight man! It took me 2 weeks to get 8lbs and its slowed way down for me now. Keep it up man maybe the higher dose is better! If i had enough pills id bump to 40mg tonight lol. You splitting the doses 4x daily or 2 PWO then the other 2 split? Just curious on your dosing. Nice to see you increasing in your lifts man. Do more DB chest work man youll get better results and gains than from a BB IMO. Keep it up man let us know how that PWO treats you.


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Yes bro take it before tomorrows workout, c a u s e YOU N2KTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yes I will!! with a dedication vid to this sick new product!!!

WOW awesome on the weight man! It took me 2 weeks to get 8lbs and its slowed way down for me now. Keep it up man maybe the higher dose is better! If i had enough pills id bump to 40mg tonight lol. You splitting the doses 4x daily or 2 PWO then the other 2 split? Just curious on your dosing. Nice to see you increasing in your lifts man. Do more DB chest work man youll get better results and gains than from a BB IMO. Keep it up man let us know how that PWO treats you.
hahahahah that philosophy of "more is not necessarily better" is still looming in the back of my head hahahah; and as for the dosing i like to do 1pill/4-5 hours or so! just to keep the levels in the blood a bit more constant (brohypothetically speaking of course)! you know what, I will give it a shot of doing additional DB work instead of just pure BB work! I'll let u know!! and yes I will do an additional description of this epic PreWO tomorrow!!

Further update
due to upping the dosage in the higher realm of things, I have added/modified in more support supplements to just keep myself a little more healthy and prepared!:sgrin:

- garlic oil
- CoQ10
- hawthorne berry (just in case)
- increased dosage of fish oil to 8 g/day instead of 6g/day

Some PCT questions (just for the future)
in addition to the stuff I have listed on the 1st page; I also have a bottle of HGHup and Triazole on stand-by... Would these even be worth putting into PCT?? let me know bros!!


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I would add trizole in for the extra test boosting. Not sure if you would want to wait until you started droping the dose of nolva though.


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DB's will give you a much nicer pump anywho man and work those stabilizing muscles which in turn will increase that BB bench! Just make sure you can get a spotter to assist you with that first rep man and to knock out the last one or two if needed and you should be able to push a decently heavier weight than alone. Just be careful you dont go too wide on the way down or else you can irritate your shoulders. The inner part of to the db to the sides of your chest is perfect. Im stoked for this man keep it up you seem to be on roll!


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You're killin it man for sure. love those DB's I use em for most exercises. Yea im startin the adventure next thursday so ill post the thread a day or so ahead of time. lookin at test prop/tren ace/beastdrol/MDXT!


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You're killin it man for sure. love those DB's I use em for most exercises. Yea im startin the adventure next thursday so ill post the thread a day or so ahead of time. lookin at test prop/tren ace/beastdrol/MDXT!
Nice man I'm looking forward to it bro


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You're killin it man for sure. love those DB's I use em for most exercises. Yea im startin the adventure next thursday so ill post the thread a day or so ahead of time. lookin at test prop/tren ace/beastdrol/MDXT!
thanks bro!! man that cycle looks wicked nice!!! i cant wait man!

DB's will give you a much nicer pump anywho man and work those stabilizing muscles which in turn will increase that BB bench! Just make sure you can get a spotter to assist you with that first rep man and to knock out the last one or two if needed and you should be able to push a decently heavier weight than alone. Just be careful you dont go too wide on the way down or else you can irritate your shoulders. The inner part of to the db to the sides of your chest is perfect. Im stoked for this man keep it up you seem to be on roll!
reece!! thanks for the pointers buddy!! i will definitely keep this in mind and to annihilate those pecs!!

I would add trizole in for the extra test boosting. Not sure if you would want to wait until you started droping the dose of nolva though.
fa sho KK; I'll definitely look into this some more!

Nice man I'm looking forward to it bro
as am I! :sgrin:

k gents I will be off to the gym to thrash some back and some triceps!! with a little vid later hopefully!! :bigeyes:


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Sounds like a raw deal. Who makes the Raw Stack and where did you get it? Tren is banned, so they're sketchy to begin with selling that ish.

I once logged a stack from a newer small company, and that did nothing for me at all, zero gains even though it was SD, HD, and Cyno. Sometimes the shady companies don't do their customers right. They didn't even know if it was SD or Dymethazine in there! Last time I do something that stupid...
I got them from a elite nutrition store in WI. You can do a google search raw prohormones and it will come up. They're way over priced compared to what else is out there. So i learned from that and have been getting all my new stuff from reputable companies where the results are logged and evident. I will say the customer service was good there and they did give me in store credit since i had no results.

TOMORROW'S PLANS: Back and Triceps tomorrow!!! YES! may have to try the N2KTS on my leg day soon!! :food:
Let me know how the N2KTS compares to superpump noexplode and jacked in your opinion?


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Hey man i hope you got some taurine on hand just. I finally got my first back pump today. I hope you dont get any but just in case have some ready to go. This is common with alot of PH/DS so no worries really just hope the taurine does its job.


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Hey man i hope you got some taurine on hand just. I finally got my first back pump today. I hope you dont get any but just in case have some ready to go. This is common with alot of PH/DS so no worries really just hope the taurine does its job.

dude!! no way that you're saying this right now because today was the first day I experienced back pumps too!! and yeah man i got the taurine in hand for this moment which I hoped would never come haha; big update coming today with a VIDEO :bigeyes:


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dude!! no way that you're saying this right now because today was the first day I experienced back pumps too!! and yeah man i got the taurine in hand for this moment which I hoped would never come haha; big update coming today with a VIDEO :bigeyes:

looking forward to it buddy :D


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Day 9 update! A N2KTS experience!!

First, want to give big thanks to NTBM for the N2KTS! had that grape goodness today and it was damn awesome!! I will make a more thorough review when I have time! But I made a vid (but no music thanks to youtube) for you guys, and yes I will be a rep for your company so your welcome in advance hahahahah check it out!!!

Dose 40 mg !

Weight 163.5........ will have a weight for you guys on monday!! but i have to say things are looking good!!

Mood level

-elevated! feeling great!

Strength level

- increase! generally ALL of my lifts have either gone up or am repping my old weights a lot easier!!

Endurance level


Side effect level

new and only side effect today! the dreaded back pump damnit!! Nothing a little taurine can't handle! other than that;
-headaches gone completely
- frequent urination not so much anymore!


-nothing new to report!

Sleep quality

Great! and getting better!! knocking out like a baby quickly


Pump level - getting insane!!

Today's training

Back/Triceps - Volume phase! goal is rep range of 6-10 except where listed
also accompanied with certain flush sets of 20 reps to blast!!!

Tempo: 2/1/3 which makes this even harder!

** 10 minutes of ellliptical pre weight lifting to get the blood flowing and body temperature up for safety reasons :) **

1. Pull-ups wide grip - BW+ 10 (9.5), (7), (6) BW 6.5, BW 6.5 (i think i was just not ready to do these today! :( )

2. BB Shrug - 315 (10,8,8,9); 225 (20!!)

3. Close Grip Bench Press - 165 (7,8,7,5) 115 (12 no rest then 2 = 14) :(

4. Lat Pulldown - 120 (10), 135 (9,9,7) 60 (20!!)

5. Bent Over Row - 200 (10!!), (9, 8) 195 (9), drop/super with 145 (13!)

6. V Bar tri-pressdown - 140 (9), 140 (6), 130 (6), 120 (7), 70 (20)

PostWO Shake - 4 scoops whey!

Diet Macros


today's plans: watch the war between pacquiao and margarito!!!
TOMORROW'S PLANS: REST day for sure!! and get that nutrition in!!


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Nice video bro ( N 2 K T S! !!! LOL)

Hey just a suggestion, i think you should bend over more for the BB rows. You look pretty upright. What do you other guys think?


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Nice video bro ( N 2 K T S! !!! LOL)

Hey just a suggestion, i think you should bend over more for the BB rows. You look pretty upright. What do you other guys think?
I concur. with the lower weight you looked a little better and its kinda odd cause the movement itself was pretty similar but try and keep your head down more(ie more bend).

Lookin good otherwise man. glad you're likin the N2KTS. thanks again for the video logs helps us and also helps us help you!


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Nice lifts my man keep up the good work. Your making me super antsy to run some monster but i cant for a few months. :(


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I always look forward to checking your log for the vids haha. I will have to say this is one of my favorite logs to follow thus far for that aspect. Got to love CG bench man. Have you ever tried reverse grip? It will be akward on your wrist at first but i feel it in my tri's more this way.

On those BB rows like the other guys said bend those knees, stick your ass way out man it may look funny but screw it, and get that back bent as flat as possible. When i do them im bent over almost to a 90 and the weights come within an inch or so from hitting the ground when im fully extended downward. But the movement your doing is great towards your waist like its suppose to be to really hit them lats! Keep it up man your making great progress!


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thank you for all the comments gents!! I will definitely tweak my form a bit and re-examine it!! I hope you guys love the vids and I'll put some more up in the future!!! Today's Day 10 update? = REST for once hahahahah my upper body can't take anymore beating for now :)


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A great log Man! I love the videos and keep um comin man!

I agree with what has already been said about your Bent over rows...The more you can get bent over doing them rows, the more you will isolate them lats and let them do the work, instead of your lats AND the shoulders doing the work...

Nice job bro...One of the best logs I've ever seen!!:cheers:


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A great log Man! I love the videos and keep um comin man!

I agree with what has already been said about your Bent over rows...The more you can get bent over doing them rows, the more you will isolate them lats and let them do the work, instead of your lats AND the shoulders doing the work...

Nice job bro...One of the best logs I've ever seen!!:cheers:
thanks a lot rick!!! that means a lot bro!! I have to shoot another BO Row vid for you guys to critique and to redeem myself!! hahaha; oh yeah i just saw ur progresss pics and HOLY @#$% you respond wicked crazy to epi hahahaha :sgrin:


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Makes we want to toss some epi on the tail end of my cycle!


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Makes we want to toss some epi on the tail end of my cycle!
i think you need a second bottle of MDXT for the tail end of your cycle son!!! hahahahah:smashfreakB::smashfreakB: haha love you reece :sgrin:


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HAHA, hell yea man i need another bottle! Officially up 10lbs, so my cycles goal has been met. From here on out anything extra is a bonus!


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HAHA, hell yea man i need another bottle! Officially up 10lbs, so my cycles goal has been met. From here on out anything extra is a bonus!
Its like going to the crappy bar with the best specials before hittin the hotspots where the ladies are and finding out the touch screen is on free play! BONUS! haha


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thank you for all the comments gents!! I will definitely tweak my form a bit and re-examine it!! I hope you guys love the vids and I'll put some more up in the future!!! Today's Day 10 update? = REST for once hahahahah my upper body can't take anymore beating for now :)
Rest up & eat big today buddy.. These are the days you grow. ;)


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and before you rest up come check in on my n2kts workout log


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and before you rest up come check in on my n2kts workout log
hahahaha of course!! I havent forgotten about your log broseph!! i feel the n2kts upon opening the damn container!! :sgrin::sgrin:

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