I have a stupid question...(i think :) )


New member
I have been applying the 1-t pro for 2 1/2 days. I have used the tops of my feet my rib cage area and my traps. I usually just spread it with a spoon so it just looks wet, Do I need to rub it in with my hands too?? I am just afraid I will touch my kids or my balls and I dont wanna do these thing obviously. Also how long should I wait before dressing? I have been waiting about 1/2 hour, but it still seems a little wet. Is this because I have not been rubbing it in??? Can ya help a brotha out. Thanks.
ive had the same questions couple days back too my friend...not a bad question at all. but i have been rubbing my T-1 with the tips of my fingers and just thoroughly (thoroughly) washing my hands after applications. havent had problems with rubbing off anyone or myself in areas i dont want it (only time i felt discomfort was when i applied a little too high on my inner thighs and my nuts itched a bit....so just avoid going too high or avoid that area totally. as far as putting on clothes and/or going to bed, ive waited 45 + but sometimes you dont have the luxury of sitting around your place w/ nothing but your boxers on....i guess i dont really have a definiete opinion on this on but avoid putting on anything as long as you can and if you rub in your transdermal with your fingers, i think your "wetness" deal will minimize.
Thanks for the help bro. I will continue to spread it with my spoon then I will rub it in with my fingertips. Does it matter if I use a metal spoon or plastic one? Sorry I have more questions :)
Yeh make sure to rub it in. Don't just wipe it on... You should be fine at about 10mins if you wip eit in.. Talk to ya
Hey guys I know its different from person to person but how long on average before you "really feel it" kicking in?
1 week it will be kicking in good. 2 weeks the strength will go thru the roof.. Talk to ya..
im currently rounding out my first week and umm...i definetely feeling it. as for strength gains...some, but nothing to freek about. ya, im hearing that 1-2.5 week range after first use is where most tend to notice a difference in their training and figure. of course...after you cycle it on and off, you only will get better. but like most will tell you, phs alone wont get you to your goals....training and nutrtion vital
Originally posted by Judo Tom
I would just buy some rubber or latex gloves and use that over the spoon...

Yup, I've got some nice semi-thick latex gloves that I'll use for two or three days before dumping. They've got some rougher/bumpy texture at the finger tips, making it real easy to vigorously rub in the PH. Definitely a worthwhile investment.
I spread it with the spoon on my upper abs and then rub it in with my forearms.  Seems to work real well and bothe places have relatively thin skin.  Later.
deaconbill said:
BTW if this is where I post a stupid question, what does deebo and swole mean?

ha ha....i say deebo alot to describe someone thats huge and got muscles up the yingyang man. same deal with swole....just means you big and pumped. (that deebo slang....remember that dude deebo from the movie friday....ya dude!!)
deaconbill said:
Thanks for the enlightenment.  I guess that just shows my age.  Later.

or how teen slang these days are getting more and more far fetched ....even im saying this ;)