Hyde’s Strength Odyssey



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6/16/24 - Day 0

Rough news - went into the gym today to squat, did all my bracing & mobility warmup, and when I casually bent over to pick up a box my back spasmed violently & locked up. Didn’t even reach the box or lift a single weight today, and my back just totally **** the bed.

I have suddenly been dealing with some intermittent nerve pain in my right glute & calf the last week or two, which was hurting during benching yesterday. So things have just been off lately, and it hasn’t really felt like my back has been getting better. Now, yet again I find myself crippled: it’s time for drastic measures.

I’m walking away from lifting for the moment. At least 6 weeks, probably longer. I need to give my spine time to really heal, so that I can start over. This is not something I can push through; this is a problem that needs to be resolved if I’m going to total 1,700. Plan for the moment is to focus on bracing & walking, as well as taking the opportunity to do some serious fasting.
I'm sorry man, I hope you can figure this out and come back stronger.


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Man that really does suck, and I know it has to be bad, knowing how you work around most injuries, but that’s obviously the right decision. Rest, heal up, and hopefully your ART guy can work his magic.


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6/21/24 - Day 2
BW 239.2

Been fasting 50 hours so far, since the failed gym session. If I’m not lifting heavy, I certainly don’t need to be so fat lol. And the fasting gives me something to focus on that helps me keep me out of my garage gym.

The 2,400mg of ibuprofen & 10 rounds of back icing I did Wednesday had me moving normally again yesterday with no pain besides some of the nerve pain I’ve had. ART doctor did a few tests and said I have textbook Facet Joint Syndrome (from the one that popped some months back on that front squat). This is the first stage of the same nerve issue before it becomes Piriformis syndrome if it runs down the upper leg, which becomes Sciatica if it travels all the way to the foot. And another way to say that inflamed facet joint is bugging my nerve, and I need to get it calmed down so it doesn’t pinch or catch so easily.

He wants me doing McKenzie press-ups several times/day along with Cat Camels, plus daily work on Dead Bugs and McGill Curl-ups for 2 minutes each. He also wants me flossing the sciatic nerve a couple ways a couple times per day. He felt 6 weeks may be overkill, or not enough, to resolve the nerve issue - but he really is not thrilled about me not lifting at all for the duration. Primarily, he wants me to at least squat with the empty barbell. So we will see where it goes, but I really don’t want to be in a situation where I am tempted to undo the bigger picture. For now, I am hands off. I am a competitor at heart, and I would rather take a bit longer to come back than overdo things because I got greedy. Abstinence is easier than portion control.


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Abstinence is absolutely easier than portion control. That is a fact for sure. It only takes feeling super good one day with a barbell only to be like I bet I can do 95 safely now....


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6/21/24 - Day 2
BW 239.2

Been fasting 50 hours so far, since the failed gym session. If I’m not lifting heavy, I certainly don’t need to be so fat lol. And the fasting gives me something to focus on that helps me keep me out of my garage gym.

The 2,400mg of ibuprofen & 10 rounds of back icing I did Wednesday had me moving normally again yesterday with no pain besides some of the nerve pain I’ve had. ART doctor did a few tests and said I have textbook Facet Joint Syndrome (from the one that popped some months back on that front squat). This is the first stage of the same nerve issue before it becomes Piriformis syndrome if it runs down the upper leg, which becomes Sciatica if it travels all the way to the foot. And another way to say that inflamed facet joint is bugging my nerve, and I need to get it calmed down so it doesn’t pinch or catch so easily.

He wants me doing McKenzie press-ups several times/day along with Cat Camels, plus daily work on Dead Bugs and McGill Curl-ups for 2 minutes each. He also wants me flossing the sciatic nerve a couple ways a couple times per day. He felt 6 weeks may be overkill, or not enough, to resolve the nerve issue - but he really is not thrilled about me not lifting at all for the duration. Primarily, he wants me to at least squat with the empty barbell. So we will see where it goes, but I really don’t want to be in a situation where I am tempted to undo the bigger picture. For now, I am hands off. I am a competitor at heart, and I would rather take a bit longer to come back than overdo things because I got greedy. Abstinence is easier than portion control.
Abstinence is absolutely easier than portion control. That is a fact for sure. It only takes feeling super good one day with a barbell only to be like I bet I can do 95 safely now....
“Abstinence is easier than portion control”
Is such a true statement…👍💯


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6/19/24 - Day 0

Rough news - went into the gym today to squat, did all my bracing & mobility warmup, and when I casually bent over to pick up a box my back spasmed violently & locked up. Didn’t even reach the box or lift a single weight today, and my back just totally **** the bed.

I have suddenly been dealing with some intermittent nerve pain in my right glute & calf the last week or two, which was hurting during benching yesterday. So things have just been off lately, and it hasn’t really felt like my back has been getting better. Now, yet again I find myself crippled: it’s time for drastic measures.

I’m walking away from lifting for the moment. At least 6 weeks, probably longer. I need to give my spine time to really heal, so that I can start over. This is not something I can push through; this is a problem that needs to be resolved if I’m going to total 1,700. Plan for the moment is to focus on bracing & walking, as well as taking the opportunity to do some serious fasting.
It looks like the cancellation was a blessing! You do you and heal up bro, then ease back in and come back even stronger and more determined! Much easier to approach a program without having the thought of an injury flaring up in the back of your mind.


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Sorry to hear that man! Wishing you a speedy recovery. I think that’s a great approach you have set up for yourself with the fasting, stretching and the PT exercises. Best of luck with it brother!


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Sorry to hear about the injury. Good luck on the recovery.

I know totally avoiding may feel like an easier approach, but I’m not surprised your guy doesn’t want you to just completely rest. Absolute rest and doing nothing doesn’t really seem to be in line with actual understanding of healing anymore and generally just leaves people even less prepared and more susceptible to issues upon return.

Regardless I’m sure whatever you choose you’ll just need to have a solid plan as things get reintegrated.


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Sorry to hear about the injury. Good luck on the recovery.

I know totally avoiding may feel like an easier approach, but I’m not surprised your guy doesn’t want you to just completely rest. Absolute rest and doing nothing doesn’t really seem to be in line with actual understanding of healing anymore and generally just leaves people even less prepared and more susceptible to issues upon return.

Regardless I’m sure whatever you choose you’ll just need to have a solid plan as things get reintegrated.
Can you define what ‘not training’ means to you? I will be walking, cycling, doing core exercises, pushups, pull-ups, sled work, bodyweight squats & lunges - this to me is just basic exercise/GPP. I am not some couch potato gen pop who just stops moving. So I wonder if there’s a language disconnect. There’s not a lack of bloodflow, just loaded sheer forces or a bench arch.

It seems like whatever barbell work I actually train has been aggravating this nerve overall. Benching, squatting to a 2” high box, Trapbar Deadlift all feel like they are still causing instability/aggravation. I do not see how lifting trivial weights in partial ranges is going to build real strength (not when it seems to be continually causing flare ups) - it hasn’t so far. I can take months off lifting and be handling 2-3 plates on anything week 1, so it’s not an issue of strength or muscle decay the way normal population would be dealing with.


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Sounds like a good plan of action, doing things to strengthen the area while avoiding sheer forces of they are causing issues. I am sure you will modify as needed if needed.


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I’m walking away from lifting for the moment. At least 6 weeks, probably longer.

but he really is not thrilled about me not lifting at all for the duration.

Can you define what ‘not training’ means to you? I will be walking, cycling, doing core exercises, pushups, pull-ups, sled work, bodyweight squats & lunges - this to me is just basic exercise/GPP. I am not some couch potato gen pop who just stops moving. So I wonder if there’s a language disconnect. There’s not a lack of bloodflow, just loaded sheer forces or a bench arch.

It seems like whatever barbell work I actually train has been aggravating this nerve overall. Benching, squatting to a 2” high box, Trapbar Deadlift all feel like they are still causing instability/aggravation. I do not see how lifting trivial weights in partial ranges is going to build real strength (not when it seems to be continually causing flare ups) - it hasn’t so far. I can take months off lifting and be handling 2-3 plates on anything week 1, so it’s not an issue of strength or muscle decay the way normal population would be dealing with.
Ok glad you are still training, just not what I had gathered from the way you had worded it.


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Ok glad you are still training, just not what I had gathered from the way you had worded it.
Yeah, I don’t even consider that stuff lifting, or training for anything. That’s just me trying not to go crazy & doing anything I can that’s not a negative. I suspect now my doc was probably similarly led astray by my choice of words: the slew of average people you both deal with on a regular basis…I’m sure plenty are totally content to throw up their hands at the first adversity & convince themselves becoming sedentary is the best answer.

“I ain’t sweet like that!”


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Ok because I consider pretty much everything I do as having some sort of place in the puzzle so the wordage didn't really click for me.


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6/23/24 - Day 4
BW 237.8

I’ll have fasted 4 days in about an hour, and it’s been going well. Been doing about 2.5g salt daily, alpha Yohimbine, choline, carnitine in the mornings, with caffeine a couple times per day. Tapered my test & mast down to 200/200 this week; added Tren Ace on Friday for the glucocorticoid inhibition & thyroid overdrive at 10mg and tapering up 1mg/day (so 12mg today & 33mg total).

I don’t necessarily have a target end in mind for the fast, but I don’t feel ready to break it so I’m just rolling with it for now. There are hard points each day, but it’s not gotten any harder & I feel pretty good.


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The fasting will be great to keep/get inflammation down as well. Of course you already know that.


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I really like that lifting is so important to your ART guy, but definitely a fan of your approach.

Primarily, he wants me to at least squat with the empty barbell. So we will see where it goes, but I really don’t want to be in a situation where I am tempted to undo the bigger picture. For now, I am hands off. I am a competitor at heart, and I would rather take a bit longer to come back than overdo things because I got greedy. Abstinence is easier than portion control.
just the tip, just for a second!


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06/24/24 - Day 5
BW 237.6

Broke my fast today at the 120 hour/5-day mark. Yesterday morning started alright, but I could tell in my legs I wasn’t recovering even from my daily walks and after my early afternoon one (half an hour in the sun) I was dead for hours. So I got through the evening then had a big plate of ham & eggs at 11 this morning.

Keeping it keto for the moment, and trying to eat “a lot” of calories today & tomorrow to keep metabolism up, then probably another 60-72 hour fast to come hopefully (hence staying keto).

Had wings for a couple meals, and grilling some burgers and brats at the moment.


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06/24/24 - Day 5
BW 237.6

Broke my fast today at the 120 hour/5-day mark. Yesterday morning started alright, but I could tell in my legs I wasn’t recovering even from my daily walks and after my early afternoon one (half an hour in the sun) I was dead for hours. So I got through the evening then had a big plate of ham & eggs at 11 this morning.

Keeping it keto for the moment, and trying to eat “a lot” of calories today & tomorrow to keep metabolism up, then probably another 60-72 hour fast to come hopefully (hence staying keto).

Had wings for a couple meals, and grilling some burgers and brats at the moment.
This sounds like a good day to treat yourself to a nice Prime Ribeye or Strip Steak with some grilled asparagus or something yummy!


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Had wings for a couple meals, and grilling some burgers and brats at the moment.
you gonna go straight meat on those or would you run a lettuce wrap or something? Grilling season is among us!


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6/25/24 - Day 6
BW 240.8

Bounced up 3lbs from keto food & high salt, honestly less than I expected. Still down about 6.5lbs, but we’ll see what happens when carbs come back this weekend.

Went to the commercial gym this morning:

Cat Camel
Bird Dog
15 min walk
Curl-ups 2 min
Dead Bugs 2 min
Lunge stretch
Plank 1 min
Side Plank 1min each
Sled push down, row back 3 rounds
Suitcase Carries
KB Waiter Carries
Reverse Pec Deck 2x20

Felt good to move the sled & break a little sweat this morning.


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6/25/24 - Day 6
BW 240.8

Bounced up 3lbs from keto food & high salt, honestly less than I expected. Still down about 6.5lbs, but we’ll see what happens when carbs come back this weekend.

Went to the commercial gym this morning:

Cat Camel
Bird Dog
15 min walk
Curl-ups 2 min
Dead Bugs 2 min
Lunge stretch
Plank 1 min
Side Plank 1min each
Sled push down, row back 3 rounds
Suitcase Carries
KB Waiter Carries
Reverse Pec Deck 2x20

Felt good to move the sled & break a little sweat this morning.
Oh man, that is a nicely set up session for recovery, I bet you feel great after that session.


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You have a very solid, well thought out plan. Many times, over the years, I’ve used a similar approach in injury recovery with the body weight exercises, walking, stretching to just keep things loose and the blood flowing. And I really like the way you are strategically fasting, as Kleen said, not only does that help eliminate fat, but the healing that takes place in our body during a fast really is more than most people realize. I’m confident you’ll be coming back strong when all is healed, and your body should really respond when you get back to the weights, and besides you have Mrs. Hyde, that World Class Strong Woman there if you need anything heavy lifted.💪


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and besides you have Mrs. Hyde, that World Class Strong Woman there if you need anything heavy lifted.
On that note, something big just happened in strongman: wife text me saying the owner of Official Strongman Games, aka the licensed holder of the international World’s Strongest Man/Woman series for every weight class besides Open Men, is buying Strongman Corp allegedly. Along with one of the top employees at SC.

SC is the biggest fed in America, having an international Professional class and the contract for the Arnold Amateur world championship at the Arnold Columbus sports festival.

So it will be really interesting to see how the 2 feds merge and how they structure things going forward (ie will they still have an amateur/paid pro class system, how will the path to a world’s be laid, etc). I have no doubt they will be able to give the athletes the opportunities they desire to determine who is strongest across the world, but everything else is up in the air. Exciting times!


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On that note, something big just happened in strongman: wife text me saying the owner of Official Strongman Games, aka the licensed holder of the international World’s Strongest Man/Woman series for every weight class besides Open Men, is buying Strongman Corp allegedly. Along with one of the top employees at SC.

SC is the biggest fed in America, having an international Professional class and the contract for the Arnold Amateur world championship at the Arnold Columbus sports festival.

So it will be really interesting to see how the 2 feds merge and how they structure things going forward (ie will they still have an amateur/paid pro class system, how will the path to a world’s be laid, etc). I have no doubt they will be able to give the athletes the opportunities they desire to determine who is strongest across the world, but everything else is up in the air. Exciting times!
The two merging should bring in more money to the sport, which should mean more for the athletes, that’s definitely exciting.


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6/27/24 - Day 8
BW 235.8

Fasted yesterday & again today. Took a break from the Tren on the 2 days I was eating, but did 14mg yesterday and now 15mg. Took my last shot of the blended test/mast 2 days back, probably only 75mg each for the week, so I will need to start adding some straight test back in for cruise pretty soon.

I have either been using 4 pumps of XPG carnitine or taking a 500mg IM shot most days as well, in conjunction a sodium administration, and that subtly but definitely seems to help energy, hunger and mood more than just the salt alone for a while thereafter.


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6/27/24 - Day 8
BW 235.8

Fasted yesterday & again today. Took a break from the Tren on the 2 days I was eating, but did 14mg yesterday and now 15mg. Took my last shot of the blended test/mast 2 days back, probably only 75mg each for the week, so I will need to start adding some straight test back in for cruise pretty soon.

I have either been using 4 pumps of XPG carnitine or taking a 500mg IM shot most days as well, in conjunction a sodium administration, and that subtly but definitely seems to help energy, hunger and mood more than just the salt alone for a while thereafter.
I’ve been really intrigued with that XPG Carnitine. Is it somewhat comparable to injectable?


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I’ve been really intrigued with that XPG Carnitine. Is it somewhat comparable to injectable?
Yes. It simply can’t match injectable for things like absolute pumps, hunger curbing, really anything - but hand to God, it really does make an obvious difference over nothing.

It’s apparent. I sweat more acutely after applying, have slightly better endurance, mood, natural energy - I have been playing with it for over a month now here and there.

Carnitine is already a more subtle supplement, but it’s got no downside and can help support a lot of things. And injecting basically anywhere really will be sore later that day or two, it’s a pain. This is faster than injecting, zero pain. I have only used my feet and shins repeatedly, and no skin issues either. Dries pretty fast.


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Interesting, what is the sodium administration you are using?


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but hand to God, it really does make an obvious difference over nothing.
ever since your first reviews of it I've been pumped to give it a try. I think I might work it in for July/August. I've stopped noticing much from the oral carnitines I used to really enjoy so this might be fun to bring back in.


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ever since your first reviews of it I've been pumped to give it a try. I think I might work it in for July/August. I've stopped noticing much from the oral carnitines I used to really enjoy so this might be fun to bring back in.
I have only ever used the oral, I use LCLT, and pretty much 3g a day now.


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Interesting, what is the sodium administration you are using?
Usually just drinking about a gram at a time in a pint of water, nothing fancy.

Insulin shuttles carnitine, and so does sodium. Not as well, but it is necessary and having more of it can still help improve that.

I don’t know that it will help as much with the gel since that’s delayed release, but the gel does still kick in pretty quickly, seems like 45 min or so. Injectable is less than 15 minutes to notice, it’s moving right away. So ideally if you pin, you pin immediately before or after a meal/drink that raises insulin, or at least sodium levels.

ever since your first reviews of it I've been pumped to give it a try. I think I might work it in for July/August. I've stopped noticing much from the oral carnitines I used to really enjoy so this might be fun to bring back in.
I want to stress that it’s really a supplement that is mild in the truest sense - you need to be prepared to spend money for something that is only nominal in effect. But it is all positive, so someone trying to use all the low-hanging fruit does stand to gain something.

It is a good supplement for the dedicated natural athlete, or the health-minded enhanced.


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6/28/24 - Day 9
BW 233.2

60 hour fast completed just after 10am today - I was 14lbs lighter this morning than 10 days ago, so it’s time to re-introduce some carbs! Had 2 meals so far, and plan is a very high carb/low fat reload/hi-day. I can really see and feel a remarkable difference in my core/love handle fat after fasting for 180 hours over the last 10 days. Been taking half hour walks every day I fast as well.

Gym this morning was:
-McKenzie pushups
-Cat camel
-Nerve Flossing
-1 mile low incline walk, 18 min
-McGill Curl-ups 2 min
-Deadbugs 2 min
-Plank & Side Planks 75 sec each

ART doc was amazed at the lack of inflammation and how relaxed my back muscles were; I think he had a new level of respect for my commitment when he found out about the extended fasting for recovery. We both agreed for me to double up on the flossing & McKenzie frequency now, as well as begin flossing both legs for any possible residual benefit.


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6/28/24 - Day 9
BW 233.2

60 hour fast completed just after 10am today - I was 14lbs lighter this morning than 10 days ago, so it’s time to re-introduce some carbs! Had 2 meals so far, and plan is a very high carb/low fat reload/hi-day. I can really see and feel a remarkable difference in my core/love handle fat after fasting for 180 hours over the last 10 days. Been taking half hour walks every day I fast as well.

Gym this morning was:
-McKenzie pushups
-Cat camel
-Nerve Flossing
-1 mile low incline walk, 18 min
-McGill Curl-ups 2 min
-Deadbugs 2 min
-Plank & Side Planks 75 sec each

ART doc was amazed at the lack of inflammation and how relaxed my back muscles were; I think he had a new level of respect for my commitment when he found out about the extended fasting for recovery. We both agreed for me to double up on the flossing & McKenzie frequency now, as well as begin flossing both legs for any possible residual benefit.
Wow that’s quite the drop, you keep this up you going to be sub 200 😂 awesome to hear how that is knocking the inflation out. Walking and fasting is such a great combo and keeps you distracted from being hungry plus just encourages more fat burning.


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Nice work @Hyde! Not surprising, and I bet he was impressed, it is not something even your average meathead would do.


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Wow that’s quite the drop, you keep this up you going to be sub 200 awesome to hear how that is knocking the inflation out. Walking and fasting is such a great combo and keeps you distracted from being hungry plus just encourages more fat burning.
Lightest I’ve seen in many years is 207lbs at the end of a 7-day fast not long after my bicep reattachment surgery.

I told my wife the day I got hurt last week, I think I could possibly make 199 in 8 weeks if I fasted most of the days. She just stared at me like I had 3 heads 🤣

Nice work @Hyde! Not surprising, and I bet he was impressed, it is not something even your average meathead would do.
He said he knows it’s often the best thing for someone acutely after an injury, but the whole not eating for days thing is a bit of a tough sell for most lol.


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Lightest I’ve seen in many years is 207lbs at the end of a 7-day fast not long after my bicep reattachment surgery.

I told my wife the day I got hurt last week, I think I could possibly make 199 in 8 weeks if I fasted most of the days. She just stared at me like I had 3 heads 🤣

He said he knows it’s often the best thing for someone acutely after an injury, but the whole not eating for days thing is a bit of a tough sell for most lol.
Yeah, you have to have a certain level of drive, and also curiosity to be willing to take on that venture. My longest has been like 110 hours and that was rough!!!! Not sure I will go over 4 days again unless I am in a lot of pain.


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I wanted to share this new product with you guys; I didn’t know what it was but have been using it some when fasting to test it out and it’s just awesome (and everything is on sale 20% right now too):

The New SNS Thermagize XT - Fat Loss, Energy, Focus, & Appetite Control

I literally just got to see the formula/product name for the first time today when it was posted, but I already knew I would be buying some since trying it.


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Your discussion with me about it yesterday, I will likely be giving it a try soon!


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6/30/24 - Day 11
BW 240.6

McKenzie Pushups
Cat Camel
Nerve Flossing
McGill Curlups 2 min
10 min walk
Deadbugs 2 min
Hip stretch
Plank 90 sec
Side Planks 75 sec/side

CG Paused Feet-Up Floorpress
45,95,115,135x15 w/ 3-sec negatives

NG Mid-width Pulldowns
231x8+4 partial -> 165x10 rest pause

Reverse Pecdeck

Had a high carb, low fat day Friday trying to really push the food that only took me to 237.8, & more moderate mixed macro day Saturday that finally topped me off. ART guy was explaining to me last week that back-supported and open-chain movements really did present extremely low impact risk, so I allowed myself some fun with them Sunday morning.

I put my heart & soul into that last extended partial+rest pause dropset of Pulldowns. After probably 12 days of no lifting, it was much needed. My lats, tris and delts were obliterated last night.

Enjoyed a free day celebrating with the family afterwards at an Independence Day festival yesterday, which was so awesome for my son. Running around with all the kids at the playground under the fireworks, lots of swimming, bounce house, a foam pit, cookout food. All the good kid stuff in life!


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Did you go feet up off the floor or feet pulled up by your butt and on the floor?


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Sounds like a good session. Topping off at 240.6 is pretty nice, shows how much fat actually came off.

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