How to "pulse" orals



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When you guys used DHEA how do you dose it in a pulse... I saw several places saying 25-50mg a day

So im planning a epi pulse for this fall and it will be mon/wed/fri for 6-8 weeks

week 1: 10/20/30
week 2: 30/30/30
week 3-6or8: 40/40/40

Those are how many mg epi I will be taking a day. Now would you just take 25mg DHEA before bed everyday or small doses on off days and bigger doses on ON days?


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When you guys used DHEA how do you dose it in a pulse... I saw several places saying 25-50mg a day

So im planning a epi pulse for this fall and it will be mon/wed/fri for 6-8 weeks

week 1: 10/20/30
week 2: 30/30/30
week 3-6or8: 40/40/40

Those are how many mg epi I will be taking a day. Now would you just take 25mg DHEA before bed everyday or small doses on off days and bigger doses on ON days?
Some dose dhea for the hormonal benefits which would be off days at 25-100mgs. Some do it on days they take it to help with lethargy at that i would run 50mgs a day. As for the pulse don't be afraid to go over 40 at your weight. I didn't even feel the epi on a regular cycle till i upped the dose to 40 mgs. So 60 is not unheard of in a pulse at your weight. I am starting a pulse of super and i am starting at 30 mgs. So just keep in mind that epi is very mild and pulses are mild so you need to dose higher than a regular cycle.


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Oh i've kept meaning to mention this but forgot, lethargy does seem a bit less taking 20mg of superdrol preworkout while on TRT. Its not non-existent, but not as bad.


Hi I have a question my girlfriend is interested in triying hgh (somatropin) could this be done in a pulsing method? Some of her friends have done cycles of 2 months with 3ui ed and got great results in reducing bf and some other things that girls like (skin, hair and other things) Maybe 3 times a week 3ui
for cost sake and to avoid long term side effects. Thank you for your help:thinking:


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actually it works better that way for average person, so go for it. probably honestly 2iu EOD is plenty


So do you think 3 times a week is enough??
And how long do you think the cycle should be run??
Do you how much time it will take to notice the effects??
Thanks a lot


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I believe D has mentioned optimal dosing time for DHEA to be split in two doses, like w/ breakfast and lunch. Test as well as cortisol naturally spike early in the day so that makes sense.


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So do you think 3 times a week is enough??
And how long do you think the cycle should be run??
Do you how much time it will take to notice the effects??
Thanks a lot
part of the value of 3x a week is lower suppression of natural gh release. 2 ways to accomplish this, the EOD or 3x a week dosing, or to use some other GH releaser first, then follow with GH 20-30 min later when natural GH is already flowing. When its being used in children who have low gh natural release, or the elderly thats less an issue, so unless your girlfriend is over 40 its better to run eod or 3x a week

"Enough" is a bigger question but depending on her age etc it should make a difference. people on anti-aging HRT get prescribed amounts under 1iu/day frequently. I'd count on running at least 4 months, and the longer the better.

Realistically, you may never notice effects :D what I mean is that if you are doing everything else right, the difference will be gradual over time to where it wont stand out, but someone who hasn't seen her in 6 months may say "damn, what have you been doing". But shortest i've seen someone say noticeable results was 6 weeks, most people agree at least 3 months to see them.


:fingersx::thanks:eek:k my friend i think i will do that and report back tou you thanks a lot


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input on a xtreme tren/epidrol pulse stack

dr D or anyone who can help, I am planning on these two ph (epidrol and xtreme tren) but havent figured out how to do it yet. My choices are the following or combinations of; Tren alone followed by pct then a break then epi alone followed by pct , Both stacked at same time with straight regular cycles, a pulse of tren mixed with a pulse of epi taken on same days, straight cycle of tren with a pulse of epi at the same time. You get the idea. What are you inputs on these ideas? Looking to maximize results with lowest possible sides (not that this isnt always the goal but)


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I believe D has mentioned optimal dosing time for DHEA to be split in two doses, like w/ breakfast and lunch. Test as well as cortisol naturally spike early in the day so that makes sense.
Thanks bro, im gonna give 25mg in the morning and before bed a try!


Is posible to cycle a transdermal like pp 1t or 1t tren and Havoc ??
Wich one is best for pre and postworkout??


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Is posible to cycle a transdermal like pp 1t or 1t tren and Havoc ??
Wich one is best for pre and postworkout??
You wouldn't want to pulse a timed release transdermal because you want the compound in and out of the ssytem as quickly as possible. I'm not sure if the products you mentioned are timed release but I know some of the older stuff like Dermabolics carrier was.


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Dr D or anyone with this particular experience PLEASE READ AND GIVE OPINIONS
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Bachelors in Bio-Engineering so im somewhat versed in biological systems, humans being one. I feel I decent understanding of biology, chemistry, bio-chem, kinetics relating to biological functions (receptors, enzymes, factors, cofactors, cell messengers, hormones, inhibitors, ect.) and factors that could effect them.
Very very very interesting topic. Here are some background, some theories I will try very soon and the reasoning behind them, PLEASE COMMENT

CURRENT WORKOUT (reason I begain to think about my theory)
Goals: maintain lean mass while cutting, body recomp
Workout: 2 per week (1.back bis legs 2. chest shoulders tris) heavy, drop sets, low sets
Mon and Thurs
Reason: maintainance during extreme cutting, diet
Effectiveness: very, no loss of strength, this was very surprising and i have theories behind this but thats for another post.........

Since im on a 2 day a week workout I theorize that taking a slightly higher (say 40-50 mg EPI) but spaced out only 2 dosages a week (as opposed to 3-4) will result in similar effects on muscle size with less suppression.
The human body has to a resiliency to spikes in ACUTE stimuli, and the reaction is non linear even with higher magnitude. CHRONIC stimuli even if its lower in magnitude, pushes the body towards adaptation, reactions tend to be linear.
In essence the body can bounce back easier from random and non-pattern like shifts in its system without much long lasting effect, however large they may be. If the shifts are constant albiet smaller, the body will be more likely to react to maintain homestasis or develop a "new normal base". This is seen in physical drug dependance/addiction and how relatively smaller doses over prolonged periods can be disasterous. This is why binge drinkers can be relatively healthy compared to long term alcoholics. If you look a given time period when the binge drinker is drinking he will drink more than a given alcoholic, and his body will have higher levels of alcohol and its metabolites. But the short and random duration of his binge saves him. His body bounces back, its "sees" this as a random and temporary, therefore it doesnt changes. His "highs are higher while drunk because of his ACUTE use" and his body has not adapted to the process of CHRONIC abuse. One the other hand the long term alcoholic is set in his patterns. He drinks 6 beers a night or 8 fingers of scotch everyday in a CHRONIC pattern. His body has adapted to the booze. He no longer enjoys the buzz as much and without it he goes into withdrawls. His whole system has adapted to the chronic use. His "new normal" is maintaining homeostasis with alcohol in his system. His body has developed new nerve transmission patterns, new neuro-molecular chemistry, different levels of enzymes and protiens to deal.

Binge drinker=Pulsing cycle (more cushion for temporary high dose)
Chronic alcoholic=Traditional cycle (less cushion even with lower dose)
Now these examples do not in anyway mean that I view alcoholism and hormone supplementation on any kind of similiar level. It is just the simplest and most understandable example I can readily come up with
Pulsing cycle: Acute, even at high doses, non-adaptive response, bounce back because body hasnt produced sub-systems, elevated enzymes, ect to counter and "learned" how to adapt to a repeating stimulus, body has a non-linear response to acute use
Traditional cycle: Chronic, even at lower doses, adaptive response, body doesnt bounce back for reasons above, body has a linear response according to dosage at this point in chronic use

To take this to the hyperbole I will attempt to see if this relationship is indeed non-linear by reducing the total number of dosage days to 2, and increasing the dosage to 40-50 mg of EPI (not overly high, as a precautionary, experimental measure). I suspect the side effects will be further reduced, while positive effects will remain similarly.
This single dose will actually be a split single dose spanned over an hour. Sounds confusing right? Well to allow higher levels of blood circulating hormones to be present pre workout (as an aside, this in itself has very effective for many reasons, but thats for another post......)as well as immediatly post workout. The first 20 mg will be taken 30-45 minutes preworkout, followed by 20 mg immediate post. Now this will have little overall effect on half life as the total spread of doses will be about an hour.
A little more food for thought relating to the pre/post workout supplementation.....................ever noticed how every supplement (creatine, protien, caffiene, ect, ect,) is more effective when taken pre during and post workout, This has to do with the priming effect. Its very muscle protective, and muscle supportive.
I truly believe lots of muscular damage can be reduced through pre/post supps not just post supps. Pre is vital. having circulating levels of GOOD STUFF IN YOUR BLOOD prior to a workout will immensely increse your ability to recover, and grow

Are 2 days a week low enough to "trick the body" into an acute response? If so will the cycle prove effective in such spaced out doses? Will higher doses present unforseen immediate problems.

I will not have access to bloodwork due to where I currently am employed/live. Therefore it will be anecdotal. And since I am the only one doing this my experiment will be severly lacking in sample size statistically speaking


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The theory makes sense to me. I'd be interested to hear how the cycle goes for you, based on how detailed you were in describing it. It would make a great log to follow.


I remember someone already doing the 2 day a week pulse withgood results but on 2 consecutive days and over a longer time frame. Will definately follow this if you can log it. I think to test your theory you might have to go to a higher dosage as epi is meant to be mild and some people use 40-50mg a day on normal cycle. But i understand your reasons for lower does. Good luck hope it works for you.


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Dr D or anyone with this particular experience PLEASE READ AND GIVE OPINIONS
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Bachelors in Bio-Engineering so im somewhat versed in biological systems, humans being one. I feel I decent understanding of biology, chemistry, bio-chem, kinetics relating to biological functions (receptors, enzymes, factors, cofactors, cell messengers, hormones, inhibitors, ect.) and factors that could effect them.
Very very very interesting topic. Here are some background, some theories I will try very soon and the reasoning behind them, PLEASE COMMENT

CURRENT WORKOUT (reason I begain to think about my theory)
Goals: maintain lean mass while cutting, body recomp
Workout: 2 per week (1.back bis legs 2. chest shoulders tris) heavy, drop sets, low sets
Mon and Thurs
Reason: maintainance during extreme cutting, diet
Effectiveness: very, no loss of strength, this was very surprising and i have theories behind this but thats for another post.........

Since im on a 2 day a week workout I theorize that taking a slightly higher (say 40-50 mg EPI) but spaced out only 2 dosages a week (as opposed to 3-4) will result in similar effects on muscle size with less suppression.
The human body has to a resiliency to spikes in ACUTE stimuli, and the reaction is non linear even with higher magnitude. CHRONIC stimuli even if its lower in magnitude, pushes the body towards adaptation, reactions tend to be linear.
In essence the body can bounce back easier from random and non-pattern like shifts in its system without much long lasting effect, however large they may be. If the shifts are constant albiet smaller, the body will be more likely to react to maintain homestasis or develop a "new normal base". This is seen in physical drug dependance/addiction and how relatively smaller doses over prolonged periods can be disasterous. This is why binge drinkers can be relatively healthy compared to long term alcoholics. If you look a given time period when the binge drinker is drinking he will drink more than a given alcoholic, and his body will have higher levels of alcohol and its metabolites. But the short and random duration of his binge saves him. His body bounces back, its "sees" this as a random and temporary, therefore it doesnt changes. His "highs are higher while drunk because of his ACUTE use" and his body has not adapted to the process of CHRONIC abuse. One the other hand the long term alcoholic is set in his patterns. He drinks 6 beers a night or 8 fingers of scotch everyday in a CHRONIC pattern. His body has adapted to the booze. He no longer enjoys the buzz as much and without it he goes into withdrawls. His whole system has adapted to the chronic use. His "new normal" is maintaining homeostasis with alcohol in his system. His body has developed new nerve transmission patterns, new neuro-molecular chemistry, different levels of enzymes and protiens to deal.

Binge drinker=Pulsing cycle (more cushion for temporary high dose)
Chronic alcoholic=Traditional cycle (less cushion even with lower dose)
Now these examples do not in anyway mean that I view alcoholism and hormone supplementation on any kind of similiar level. It is just the simplest and most understandable example I can readily come up with
Pulsing cycle: Acute, even at high doses, non-adaptive response, bounce back because body hasnt produced sub-systems, elevated enzymes, ect to counter and "learned" how to adapt to a repeating stimulus, body has a non-linear response to acute use
Traditional cycle: Chronic, even at lower doses, adaptive response, body doesnt bounce back for reasons above, body has a linear response according to dosage at this point in chronic use

To take this to the hyperbole I will attempt to see if this relationship is indeed non-linear by reducing the total number of dosage days to 2, and increasing the dosage to 40-50 mg of EPI (not overly high, as a precautionary, experimental measure). I suspect the side effects will be further reduced, while positive effects will remain similarly.
This single dose will actually be a split single dose spanned over an hour. Sounds confusing right? Well to allow higher levels of blood circulating hormones to be present pre workout (as an aside, this in itself has very effective for many reasons, but thats for another post......)as well as immediatly post workout. The first 20 mg will be taken 30-45 minutes preworkout, followed by 20 mg immediate post. Now this will have little overall effect on half life as the total spread of doses will be about an hour.
A little more food for thought relating to the pre/post workout supplementation.....................ever noticed how every supplement (creatine, protien, caffiene, ect, ect,) is more effective when taken pre during and post workout, This has to do with the priming effect. Its very muscle protective, and muscle supportive.
I truly believe lots of muscular damage can be reduced through pre/post supps not just post supps. Pre is vital. having circulating levels of GOOD STUFF IN YOUR BLOOD prior to a workout will immensely increse your ability to recover, and grow

Are 2 days a week low enough to "trick the body" into an acute response? If so will the cycle prove effective in such spaced out doses? Will higher doses present unforseen immediate problems.

I will not have access to bloodwork due to where I currently am employed/live. Therefore it will be anecdotal. And since I am the only one doing this my experiment will be severly lacking in sample size statistically speaking
Sorry to go off topic but you've been at Anabolicminds since 2003 and this is your first post?


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Sorry to go off topic but you've been at Anabolicminds since 2003 and this is your first post?
I actually forgot I had an account when I tried to register.
So indeed, this is my first post, although Ive been lurking for a while.
My current occupation and location (Iraq), lends itself to lots of reflection and free time. That is why I initially became interested in anabolics again, as I began my research I was intrigued by this topic of pulsing and over time and thought compelled to post a reply.
Hope this clears up the mystery......


You wouldn't want to pulse a timed release transdermal because you want the compound in and out of the ssytem as quickly as possible. I'm not sure if the products you mentioned are timed release but I know some of the older stuff like Dermabolics carrier was.
i think you are right, i asked a rep from PP and they told me the same the compound takes a lot of time to exit the body so a transdermal is not going to work. thanks for your reply


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i think you are right, i asked a rep from PP and they told me the same the compound takes a lot of time to exit the body so a transdermal is not going to work. thanks for your reply
No problem. Glad I could help out. I've considered similar options w/ the Dermabolics carrier and some leftover powders possibly comining w/ a pulse cycle.

I do think if someone ran a straight cycle for a month or two w/ a transdermal formula and supplement a pulsed oral on workout days to add to the benefits while avoiding the sides straight use of the oral would bring.

Something like 4AD transdermally or 1T-Tren, Dermacrine, whatever was on hand could be run while pulsing epi or something powerful like SD. The possibilities are intriguing.


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hows this look for my epi pulse?

after going through every page of this "how to pulse orals" post i am still cloudy on if my plan is good or if im leaving anything out. Anyone with experience knowledge that can look it over id greatly appreciate it.

for the records im 24 and this is my first ph cycle

heres my plan:

3 day a week pulse for 6-8 weeks depending

wk 1: 10,20,30
wk 2:30,30,30
wk 3:40,40,40
week4-6(8) play it by ear, conservative route.

support supps:

cycle support: i will be pre loading cycle support for a week twice a day and then once the cycle starts only be using it on off days.

dhea: will be dosing 25 mg on off days in the morning to counteract cortisol

hyperdrol2: taking half the serving reccomended on off days ?

FOOD: tons!- diet is most important part of any program-learned this the hard way
water: tons of course
fish oil: everyday
bcaa: pre and post wo, morning shake, bedtime shake
protein: tons
glutamine: pre and post wo
creatine: yes or no?
no shotgun by vpx: yes or no? i use it right now to give me that extra push in the gym.

pct: althought dr. d said that you dont need extensive pct id rather play it on the conservative side and go with a full pct. My plan is to us the Primordial performance trs stack. Im also in the process of finding a serm to keep on hand for my pct if needed. Any reccomendations on which one?

im a few weeks out from starting but once i get it all on board i will log my cycle if anyone is interested.

thanks for the help guys.


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after going through every page of this "how to pulse orals" post i am still cloudy on if my plan is good or if im leaving anything out. Anyone with experience knowledge that can look it over id greatly appreciate it.

for the records im 24 and this is my first ph cycle

heres my plan:

3 day a week pulse for 6-8 weeks depending

wk 1: 10,20,30
wk 2:30,30,30
wk 3:40,40,40
week4-6(8) play it by ear, conservative route.

support supps:

cycle support: i will be pre loading cycle support for a week twice a day and then once the cycle starts only be using it on off days.

dhea: will be dosing 25 mg on off days in the morning to counteract cortisol

hyperdrol2: taking half the serving reccomended on off days ?

FOOD: tons!- diet is most important part of any program-learned this the hard way
water: tons of course
fish oil: everyday
bcaa: pre and post wo, morning shake, bedtime shake
protein: tons
glutamine: pre and post wo
creatine: yes or no?
no shotgun by vpx: yes or no? i use it right now to give me that extra push in the gym.

pct: althought dr. d said that you dont need extensive pct id rather play it on the conservative side and go with a full pct. My plan is to us the Primordial performance trs stack. Im also in the process of finding a serm to keep on hand for my pct if needed. Any reccomendations on which one?

im a few weeks out from starting but once i get it all on board i will log my cycle if anyone is interested.

thanks for the help guys.
Looks good man! I have used epi on a straight cycle and I didn't really feel it till 40 mgs. You will need to go over 40 mgs imo. Just try to get away with the least possible to get effects. When you fell that the dose isn't doing too much then raise it. I would go ahead and start with 20mgs for the first week no need to taper epi at that low of a dose. As for your pct it looks sound as a pound but it is always a good idea to have a serm on hand go with either torm or nolva. hope this helps!:wave2:


Hmm, I been looking in to running an Epistane cycle for sometime now. I might try pulsing 3x/week for 6-8 weeks, but to get a few things cleared up.

Do I need anything for the cycle? Or just a bottle of Epistane?


You might want to try reading the first few posts of the thread ;)
I already read the 1st 4 pages of it, my memory is just terrible. I need to start saving little tidbits of good information as I read along in a .txt or something, lol.


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So im thinking when i do finally run my epi pulse I am gonna do

Week 1: 10/20/30
Week 2: 30/30/30
Week 3-8: 40/40/40

of possibly

Week 3-4: 40/40/40
Week 5-8: 50/50/50

Anyways i know alot of guys run 20mg before workout and the other 10mg later in the day when they get to 30mg... when you get to 40mg how do you guys do it?

20 pre workout, 10 post workout and 10 later in the day? or 20 pre workout, 10 a few hours later and another 10 a few hours after that? Or 20 pre workout and then 20 later in the day?


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So im thinking when i do finally run my epi pulse I am gonna do

Week 1: 10/20/30
Week 2: 30/30/30
Week 3-8: 40/40/40

of possibly

Week 3-4: 40/40/40
Week 5-8: 50/50/50

Anyways i know alot of guys run 20mg before workout and the other 10mg later in the day when they get to 30mg... when you get to 40mg how do you guys do it?

20 pre workout, 10 post workout and 10 later in the day? or 20 pre workout, 10 a few hours later and another 10 a few hours after that? Or 20 pre workout and then 20 later in the day?
When I ran 40mg Havoc on a pulse, I would dose 20mg an hour pre-workout and another 20mg immediately post-workout with my protein/carb shake. Seemed to work fine this way. Remember the whole idea with pulsing is that you do not want the compound in your system for too long. That's why PH's like Epi and SD work so well; they have a relatively short half-life. If you start dosing them too far apart, the compound will obviously be in your system longer so you may as well do a straight cycle. Hope this helps.


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When I ran 40mg Havoc on a pulse, I would dose 20mg an hour pre-workout and another 20mg immediately post-workout with my protein/carb shake. Seemed to work fine this way. Remember the whole idea with pulsing is that you do not want the compound in your system for too long. That's why PH's like Epi and SD work so well; they have a relatively short half-life. If you start dosing them too far apart, the compound will obviously be in your system longer so you may as well do a straight cycle. Hope this helps.


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When I ran 40mg Havoc on a pulse, I would dose 20mg an hour pre-workout and another 20mg immediately post-workout with my protein/carb shake. Seemed to work fine this way. Remember the whole idea with pulsing is that you do not want the compound in your system for too long. That's why PH's like Epi and SD work so well; they have a relatively short half-life. If you start dosing them too far apart, the compound will obviously be in your system longer so you may as well do a straight cycle. Hope this helps.

So what happens if you take it to 50mg a day 30/20?

Roy Batty

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Pulsing Anadrol


sorry for asking a question which might allready been answered, I must admit Ive not been through all 113 pages, but a good 40 - 60 of em and most of my question concerning pulsing have been answered, one still remains, anyone have any experiance pulsing Anadrol? how suited are this drug for pulsing?



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sorry for asking a question which might allready been answered, I must admit Ive not been through all 113 pages, but a good 40 - 60 of em and most of my question concerning pulsing have been answered, one still remains, anyone have any experiance pulsing Anadrol? how suited are this drug for pulsing?

I can't remember if anyone's posted about Anadrol does share some characteristics with Superdrol however so it may be a good choice...depends on what the half-life is, I guess (i.e. the shorter, the better)...the only other thing I might be concerned about is that Anadrol is a wet compound and therefore it may not be the best choice for a pulse...generally, the compounds that give dry, lean gains and have a relatively short half-life are the best choices for a pulse.


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from what I recall its longer than dbol, but still under 12 hrs. so maybe ok. Rough part is dosed at 50mg usually you dont have much leeway dosewise. so 1 preworkout is probably it, 2 would probably feel a little nasty that close together


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from what I recall its longer than dbol, but still under 12 hrs. so maybe ok. Rough part is dosed at 50mg usually you dont have much leeway dosewise. so 1 preworkout is probably it, 2 would probably feel a little nasty that close together
I believe Bill Phillips Anabolic Reference Guide back in the 90's he advocated a 2 on 2 off cycle for orals to reduce side effects and toxicity. I believe he mentioned Anadrol.This was back before they called it pulsing.


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I believe Bill Phillips Anabolic Reference Guide back in the 90's he advocated a 2 on 2 off cycle for orals to reduce side effects and toxicity. I believe he mentioned Anadrol.This was back before they called it pulsing.
I don't remember if he was claiming that it helped prevent shutdown. There was very little pct back then Just HCG. NOLVA was mostly used to prevent gyno.


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yeah, that protocol was common with most orals, also to allow some liver healing inbetween rounds, as abombs are harsh. not as harsh as high dosed anavar, but abombs are cheaper :)


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Dr D:
how do i go about the 2 week on 2 week off dosing wise ?
Is it the same as EOD more before workout less after ?

Can I run a little nolva in the off 2 weeks to give me:
1) peace of mind


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Just wondering why you are ramping up to 30 mg the first week and then going back down to 20 mg in week 2; doesn't really make sense to me. Even though it's your first pulse, you can probably go as high as 40 mg per day (i.e. 20 mg pre- and 20 mg post-workout) with no problems. I recently did this on a two day a week pulse with havoc and I weigh a lot less than you. The thing about using the pulse method is that you can use slightly higher dosages of these compounds than you would on a straight cycle because you're only dosing a few times per week. Good luck.

Hey what was your gains and opinion of the two day a week pulse?thanx


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I actually found a couple suppliers for oxymethelone (anadrol) in liquid like research chems, so with that you could tune the dose. but lets just say it doesn't sound like a compound i'm interested in :)


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Just out of curiosity... what are you opinions on using E/C either everyday or just off days while on a epi pulse?


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I have a question.

I've read and read and searched but can't quite find my answer so I've come to the gurus for help.

My question is would it be beneficial to run SD or Epi 3x a week for 2 weeks and take a week off, deload and start over with no pct at all? I don't mind slower gains, I actually prefer it that way, and I would like to avoid pct if I could but will have something on hand in case something goes crazy. Am I wasting my time with this one? I'd love to be able to run all winter long and make some decent gains without breaking the bank if you know what I mean. Thanks for you expertise.:nervous:


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I've read and read and searched but can't quite find my answer so I've come to the gurus for help.

My question is would it be beneficial to run SD or Epi 3x a week for 2 weeks and take a week off, deload and start over with no pct at all? I don't mind slower gains, I actually prefer it that way, and I would like to avoid pct if I could but will have something on hand in case something goes crazy. Am I wasting my time with this one? I'd love to be able to run all winter long and make some decent gains without breaking the bank if you know what I mean. Thanks for you expertise.:nervous:
It just depends man! I could do that myself but others can't. I would try to run it as low dosed as possible cause that will have a effect on your hormones as well. I would recommend running a test booster on your off week but you could probably get away with it. I would have something on had in case you do need it. Hormones aren't a good thing to mess up. What is your ph/ds experience as of now?


New member
It just depends man! I could do that myself but others can't. I would try to run it as low dosed as possible cause that will have a effect on your hormones as well. I would recommend running a test booster on your off week but you could probably get away with it. I would have something on had in case you do need it. Hormones aren't a good thing to mess up. What is your ph/ds experience as of now?
I've only ran bold 800 for 6 weeks. Got some good strength gains from it and about 12 lbs. I can definately do test booster on the week off. Do you think dosing 6 times in 3 weeks would hurt me more than the standard protocols? :thanks: for the fast response btw.


Hey Doc help me out here Brother I am thinking of trying a Max LMG 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one could this progestine be pulsed to minimize the sides and if so how much would you try , the tabs are 25 mgs. I like this substance because its strong but not methylated.


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I've only ran bold 800 for 6 weeks. Got some good strength gains from it and about 12 lbs. I can definately do test booster on the week off. Do you think dosing 6 times in 3 weeks would hurt me more than the standard protocols? :thanks: for the fast response btw.
Can you elaborate on what you mean by this?


New member
Can you elaborate on what you mean by this?
Such as standard straight cycle or 3-4 x a week for 6 weeks.... two weeks on/ two weeks off.. etc. as opposed to the sequence in my original question. Am I still confusing?


New member
do I need to pre load for a pulse cycle? and when do I take my cycle support on a pulse? every day? off days? some times I only w.o 1-2 times a week . no often but it does happen,so can I just pulse the epi or h4 on those days? I have moe questions than answers about pulsing lol.


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i think you are right, i asked a rep from PP and they told me the same the compound takes a lot of time to exit the body so a transdermal is not going to work. thanks for your reply
I pulsed 1-T and worked good for me. Of course I see the benefits of straight cycles too. I don't understand the concern with time released dermals? I discussed pulsing 1-T with the guys at PP and they didn't see the need to pulse. Pulsing for me is more about prolonging the cycle so my body is exposed to the building process longer rather than a matter or safety. Of course the straight cycle will produce more dramatic gains in size and strength in the short time, 3-4 weeks but I want my muscles to worked twice as much while on or even better if possible. I feel this gives me more sustainable gains plus I love being ON, especially Epi.:food:


hey lucly can you post your dosing scheme ?? i am so interested in pulsing 1 t or 1 t tren, how did you feel after the pulse?
Thanks a lot


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the issue with transdermals is their presence in your system is 12 hrs per dose. ideally you want a pulsed compound in your system for just a few hrs surrounding your workout. the longer your system has an exogenous hormone present, the more likely it is for suppression to occur. toxicity is only one of the reasons to run a pulse over a straight cycle. lack of suppression is the other issue here.

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