How to "pulse" orals



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Hey Doc,..

So All this talk with pulsing, and what's fine to do... I have a few things I would like to run by you, if not for reference now, then for down the road...

Methyl vs. non-methyl...
There are always "better ways of doing things", as it has been mentioned that methyls would be better for this purpose, but for me, there are a few nonmethyl choices I have in stock.. What different approach in dosing time and/or dose should one follow? Would it be simular to what one would take say durring week 3 of what would be a :normal" cycle? Or would a higher dose be recommended?
Before/after workout still apply? (and I mean quite litterally, so there might be an hour and a half between doses)
Without bluring lines just yet, some of these choices would be (for me):
LMG, TST, Fini,....

As far as designers go...
What would you NOT recomend using?
I might see TST as being quite pointless for a pulse application, but I do not know about LMG, Finiplex and whatever else Im missing..

IF non-methyls were used,.. could one perhaps do a before/after W/O dose daily? My reasoning would be since the compound is in your system for less time, perhaps you could do this, say, around 6pm/8pm...
And IF every day is a viable option, how would this effect dosing?

I have a few bottles of LMG, and some Fini left, that I may consider using in this fassion.... but wouldn't want to use it if it would be better applied in another way.

Thanks! :thumbsup:


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Oh man, that product is a total rip IMO. I can't recommend it for anything. Even at it's highest recommended dose of 22.5mg (3 tabs/day) 4-chloro-17-etioallochol-4-ene-17-ol-3,11-dione is not going to do much of anything I don't think. This pulsing method is really better suited for methyls.


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Focus on diet? What are you talking about???

So, 6 weeks of superdrol, something like this:

Week 1: 20mgs/3x/wk
Week 2: 20 mgs
Week 3: 30 mgs
Week 4: 30 mgs
Week 5: 40 mgs
Week 6: 40 mgs

Thanks again Dr D!!!
this is exactly how i'm gonna do it too...seems to be a very legit way to run s-drol in a safer fasion.


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A lot of guys have been asking me to clarify my method on this cycling technique, so here's a good explanation if you're interested in trying this. It can generally be applied to any steroidal compound.

What is "pulse" cycling? Pulsing is a method of dosing a product designed to intentionally avoid potential long term side effects such as HPTA suppression and liver damage. This technique is usually applied as a means of toxicity control when potent corticoids are used on children requiring long term therapy. However, this method can really be applied to anyone using any oral steroid with great success and significantly reduced side effects. With pulsing, the serious, long term side effects of chronic oral treatment are avoided and short term side effect, like acne and mineral retention, are milder that usual. This also allows for higher doses to be used since the dosing is less frequent. For example, if you would normally take a product at 30mg/day for a week, that means a total intake of 210mg/week. With pulsing, you might take 40mg on work out days only 3 times per week and that only comes out to 120mg/week total! This provides the needed benefits of the product at the most crucial times, which are just before and just after a work out, and offers a means of strongly attenuated suppression of endogenous steroid production. In other words, you can pulse a compound for 6-8 weeks usually before you realistically need to start thinking about a conventional post cycle therapy. In fact, after a 4 week pulsing cycle, PCT should not even be required in most cases!

Basically, if you dose every day (ED) in perfectly spaced doses, you will achieve 100% effect, 100% short term side effects and 100% long term side effects. If you dose every other day (EOD) like the pulse protocol, you still get about 60% effect and 75% short term sides but only about 40% of the long term sides. That's not a bad trade off and very economical on the body and the wallet too! Of course, if you would have gained 10 pounds on a normal 1 month cycle, this means you will only gain about 6 pounds pulsing, but it also means you can do this for twice as long as a normal cycle. That equals about 2 months worth of worry free dosing, so the net effect is a gain of about 12 pounds over 2 months instead of 10 pounds over 1 month. This structure offers fewer sides and a milder PCT requirements (if even needed at all) plus the slower gains tend to have a better residual that is more likely to be permanent compared to faster gains. It's a great long term strategy and good for newer users too looking to run fast, clean cycles for 1 month with no PCT needed later.

There are two good approaches to it:
1) EOD
2) 2 days on / 2 days off

Depending on your workout schedule, I would use one of these two options for optimal pulsing efficiency. Doses can usually be high (like 40-50mg instead of 20-30mg) but take them close together preferably before 6pm. It's not crucial you take the last dose before 6pm, but the earlier the better at avoiding shut down. Take half of the total dose pre work out and half post work out instead of spread out evenly over the whole day like a normal cycle. If an odd dose is to be used, like 30mg, take the majority pre work out (so 20mg pre/10mg post). When pulsing, dose at least 3 times per week but not more than 4 times.

Also important to remember is nutrition. Have a good, high calorie post work out meal and eat sufficient protein, especially on off days. Off days are also a good time to take a cortisol antagonist or even just low dose DHEA (25-50mg) if you are a slow healer or hard gainer especially. Although pulsing is a great way to avoid suppression, if you are extra sensitive to shut down or using a compound that will normally cause very fast shut down, an AI based test booster can be administered on off days or daily to further punctuate the hormonal "bounce back" in the quest to avoid the need for PCT post cycle. The bounce back phenomenon is an effect that is often noted when pulsing. It is not uncommon for testicular size and testosterone levels to increase above baseline on consecutive off days or after the cycle is over. This is like a built in PCT effect you may experiences after properly pulsed hormone use. As a teen, I was able to employee this method successfully for 3 years without needing a PCT, so I can say it works very well! In pulsing, it is also important to remember that the smaller number of dose exposures means faster liver clearance. Normal safety ancillaries like healthy oils and lipid supplements are advised, but be modest with liver products like milk thistle. They are generally counter productive and therefore not advised while pulsing, except with very toxic or potent compounds. Cycle safe!

Example of a 3x/wk pulse M,W,F:

1 (10,20,30)
2 30
3 30-40
4 30-40
5 30-50
6 30-50
7 30-60
8 30-60

Example of a 4x/wk pulse Sat,Sun & Wed,Thur:

1 (10,20,30,30)
2 30
3 30-40
4 30-40
5 30-50
6 30-50
bad idea! too much instability in blood levels, does not make it any less toxic to the liver, theres even a dosage in there of 60mg's THEN you make a point of a possibility of no PCT. You even try calculating that you would be worse off by 4lbs, the body don't work like that.


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I just started mine this past Friday, we'll see how it goes!
Good luck with it bro..started mine today.I wanted to do it with test,but i'm all about that no shutdown.Keep us updated :thumbsup:


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bad idea! too much instability in blood levels, does not make it any less toxic to the liver, theres even a dosage in there of 60mg's THEN you make a point of a possibility of no post cycle therapy. You even try calculating that you would be worse off by 4lbs, the body don't work like that.
I can personally state that blood levels aren't all that important. When I use dbol, I take it once in the morning. This is out of convenience, not "less shutdown." Occasionally I get an upset stomach, thats the only difference than when I used to spread it out through the day.

It is less toxic to the liver do to giving it time off from processing these compounds. Liver regenerates very quickly if given the opportunity to do so.

Arnold didn't use pct. Many people have never even heard of it, so it isn't entirely required. It just helps, but if you read everything in this thread Dr.D explains the androgen jump on days off.

Finally, read more, talk less. No one is forcing you to try it either. If you don't like it don't do it. Next time, if you want to discuss your concerns, try and be productive or at least use decent grammar.
L Diddy

L Diddy

New member
I can personally state that blood levels aren't all that important. When I use dbol, I take it once in the morning. This is out of convenience, not "less shutdown." Occasionally I get an upset stomach, thats the only difference than when I used to spread it out through the day.

It is less toxic to the liver do to giving it time off from processing these compounds. Liver regenerates very quickly if given the opportunity to do so.

Arnold didn't use post cycle therapy. Many people have never even heard of it, so it isn't entirely required. It just helps, but if you read everything in this thread Dr.D explains the androgen jump on days off.

Finally, read more, talk less. No one is forcing you to try it either. If you don't like it don't do it. Next time, if you want to discuss your concerns, try and be productive or at least use decent grammar.


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This might sound like an amaturish question, but it seems most peopl will claim they pulsed dbol, as opposed t oother orals.. Aside from all the bennifits that compound brings, is there a reason it is used seemingly more (when pulsed) then others, or becasue it's just the more popular oral?...(I have read the thread about dbol as a "supplement"... )


New member
I can personally state that blood levels aren't all that important. When I use dbol, I take it once in the morning. This is out of convenience, not "less shutdown." Occasionally I get an upset stomach, thats the only difference than when I used to spread it out through the day.

It is less toxic to the liver do to giving it time off from processing these compounds. Liver regenerates very quickly if given the opportunity to do so.

Arnold didn't use post cycle therapy. Many people have never even heard of it, so it isn't entirely required. It just helps, but if you read everything in this thread Dr.D explains the androgen jump on days off.

Finally, read more, talk less. No one is forcing you to try it either. If you don't like it don't do it. Next time, if you want to discuss your concerns, try and be productive or at least use decent grammar.
Grammar was decent enough for a poor post like this. You think it will be less toxic to the liver just because you don't spread the dosages out throught the day? don't kid yourself, your still taking the same amount:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . And to top it all off, it is advice coming from a doctor, looooooool!


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This almost sounds too good to be true.

Not doubting the legitimacy, but would you care to provide any sources so I can intelligently comment on your post?
It would be a struggle wouldn't it lol!


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Good luck with it bro..started mine today.I wanted to do it with test,but i'm all about that no shutdown.Keep us updated :thumbsup:
Thanks man! It may be harder to tell my results though, as I'm running test with it, and will be adding tren some time next week. I just remember the last time I was running test and added in the SD for the usual (10,20,30) three week cycle. I'd been on the test for several weeks, gains were coming nice and steady as always. Then the SD kicked in about week two, and bam, my deads go up by 90 freaking pounds by the end of the three weeks. I'm wanting to avoid that strength blast this time for fear of rupturing a tendon.

Trip...are you doing only the SD??


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Thanks man! It may be harder to tell my results though, as I'm running test with it, and will be adding tren some time next week. I just remember the last time I was running test and added in the superdrol for the usual (10,20,30) three week cycle. I'd been on the test for several weeks, gains were coming nice and steady as always. Then the SD kicked in about week two, and bam, my deads go up by 90 freaking pounds by the end of the three weeks. I'm wanting to avoid that strength blast this time for fear of rupturing a tendon.

Trip...are you doing only the SD??
As of now yea,just the s-drol.I only have enough test for 3 weeks @500.I was mainly just gonna do the test to avoid the superdrol lethargy.I was thinking of mixing the pulse sd,epi,sd, 3 times a week,rather than just the sd.If i throw the test in i will probably do it this way...Also igf on training days 30 mcg bi-lat post wo.


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Grammar was decent enough for a poor post like this. You think it will be less toxic to the liver just because you don't spread the dosages out throught the day? don't kid yourself, your still taking the same amount:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . And to top it all off, it is advice coming from a doctor, looooooool!
There are days off moron.

Maybe your math skills aren't up to par with my 11 year old neice, but I believe 30mg 7 days a week is alot more than 30mg 3 or 4 times a week.

And yes your body does absorb things differently based on when you take them. Food being the most obvious example, ever wonder why you can eat more closer to your workout?? Maybe because it all gets absorbed and used. Same goes for pre/post dosing schedules with orals, at least this is the idea.


New member
There are days off moron.

Maybe your math skills aren't up to par with my 11 year old neice, but I believe 30mg 7 days a week is alot more than 30mg 3 or 4 times a week.

And yes your body does absorb things differently based on when you take them. Food being the most obvious example, ever wonder why you can eat more closer to your workout?? Maybe because it all gets absorbed and used. Same goes for pre/post dosing schedules with orals, at least this is the idea.
I know that 30mg 3 or 4 times a week is less than 30mg everyday, that wasn't what I meant idiot. I was saying that the same dosage throughout the day is no more toxic to the liver than the same dosage applied twice per day, next time I'll draw a picture for you.

BTW, your punctuation isn't up to par either.


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Name calling doesn't make anybody look more intelligent -OR- get your point across any better.

Just say'n...


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As of now yea,just the s-drol.I only have enough test for 3 weeks @500.I was mainly just gonna do the test to avoid the superdrol lethargy.I was thinking of mixing the pulse superdrol,epi,superdrol, 3 times a week,rather than just the superdrol.If i throw the test in i will probably do it this way...Also igf on training days 30 mcg bi-lat post wo.
Oh yea...I've been doing 40 mcgs 3x/wk of IGF-1 also.


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Simmer down gentelmen.. simmer down.

Fight Nice :hammer:

.......... Or Bruce comes out!..


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Name calling doesn't make anybody look more intelligent -OR- get your point across any better.

Just say'n...
I know that 30mg 3 or 4 times a week is less than 30mg everyday, that wasn't what I meant idiot. I was saying that the same dosage throughout the day is no more toxic to the liver than the same dosage applied twice per day, next time I'll draw a picture for you.

BTW, your punctuation isn't up to par either.
Why would you argue against something that no one said?? Hmm.

Aspire:I can personally state that blood levels aren't all that important..... I take it once in the morning. This is out of convenience, not "less shutdown." Occasionally I get an upset stomach, thats the only difference than when I used to spread it out through the day.

It is less toxic to the liver do to giving it time off from processing these compounds. Liver regenerates very quickly if given the opportunity to do so.
Arnold didn't use post cycle therapy. Many people have never even heard of it, so it isn't entirely required. It just helps, but if you read everything in this thread Dr.D explains the androgen jump on days off.

Now put it all together....where is he saying that by using it EVERY day as long as you SPREAD it out over the day it is less toxic??

Puctiation need not apply if comprehension is not at hand. You should learn to read the threads and try to understand things before you post about how they are a bad idea.

BTW, what kind of a liver doctor are you?? :fool2:


New member
where is he saying that by using it EVERY day as long as you SPREAD it out over the day it is less toxic??
WTF? He said taking the same amounts at less intervals would be less toxic than taking the same amounts at more intervals throughout the day. Come on now shape up and get real!


New member
WTF? He said taking the same amounts at less intervals would be less toxic than taking the same amounts at more intervals throughout the day. Come on now shape up and get real!

I guess you'll have to confirm this with him, but this is what I read.

YOU : bad idea! too much instability in blood levels,

ASPIRE : I can personally state that blood levels aren't all that important. When I use dbol, I take it once in the morning. This is out of convenience, not "less shutdown." Occasionally I get an upset stomach, thats the only difference than when I used to spread it out through the day.

YOU: does not make it any less toxic to the liver,

ASPIRE : It is less toxic to the liver do to giving it time off from processing these compounds. Liver regenerates very quickly if given the opportunity to do so.

YOU: theres even a dosage in there of 60mg's THEN you make a point of a possibility of no post cycle therapy

ASPIRE : Arnold didn't use post cycle therapy. Many people have never even heard of it, so it isn't entirely required. It just helps, but .......if you read everything in this thread Dr.D explains the androgen jump on days off.(right here he is summing up what you need to do)

YOU:You even try calculating that you would be worse off by 4lbs, the body don't work like that.

ASPIRE: Finally, read more, talk less. No one is forcing you to try it either. If you don't like it don't do it](once again, this is what you should do, at least understand the IDEA, behind this before attacking it)

See how he was addressing your dismissals of this method one at a time??

He never says "taking the same amounts at less intervals would be less toxic than taking the same amounts at more intervals throughout the day" as you claim.



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ShapeUp read it correctly, I was addressing each of your statements one at a time. You saw what you wanted to see. You seem to have a bone to pick or just like to start fights. I'm not sure what your problem is, but if you don't like this idea and have nothing valuable to contribute, then leave the way you came.


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Dr. D

If I were to use Mass FX as a bridge, would I have to worry about running an AI as well?

Using Epistane as the example of an 8 week pulse cycle, followed by 1 week, max of 2 weeks of a SERM (as a precautionary measure), how long should the bridge to starting another pulse cycle last?
I would say about 6-8wks. May as well milk the bridge for all you can!


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Dr. D - your patience with all the questions is much appreciated.

A few others if you don't mind:

1. What dosing would you recommend for a Pulsing of Superdrol at a 4x/week pulse. I see the example of 3x/week above, but not 4, and am curious as to what you would recommend. My split is upper, lower, off, upper, off, lower, off, repeat.

2. If one already has Cycle Support, how would you recommend incorporating it? Or should it be saved for a straight cycle.

3. On a pulse cycle of superdrol, how much of a break would you recommend before doing it again. (Apologies if I missed that advice already).

Thanks in advance.

P.S. nice scripture reference.
1. 20,20,0,20,0,20,0 (If you are a big guy, 30mg)

2. You could take it a few hours prior to dosing, but I would avoid it in a pulse for the most part unless doses are higher, like 30-40mg SD. 40 was always too much for me though. Always take CS with a SERM!

3. As a rule of thumb, time off equals time on, so 8 wks pulse equals 4 wks off, minimum.

Anytime Fireproof! God bless. :)


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Dr. D, what do you think about running Epi, 40mg, for 8 weeks without pulsing? I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere else at some time, but if you could post an answer here, I'd appreciate it.
I don't have bloodwork to cover 40mg past 6wks, but have used 45mg up to 8 with no probs. It's been great for me. Pissy Crappy Time was still a breeze.


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Hey Doc,..

So All this talk with pulsing, and what's fine to do... I have a few things I would like to run by you, if not for reference now, then for down the road...

Methyl vs. non-methyl...
There are always "better ways of doing things", as it has been mentioned that methyls would be better for this purpose, but for me, there are a few nonmethyl choices I have in stock.. What different approach in dosing time and/or dose should one follow? Would it be simular to what one would take say durring week 3 of what would be a :normal" cycle? Or would a higher dose be recommended?
Before/after workout still apply? (and I mean quite litterally, so there might be an hour and a half between doses)
Without bluring lines just yet, some of these choices would be (for me):
LMG, TST, Fini,....

As far as designers go...
What would you NOT recomend using?
I might see TST as being quite pointless for a pulse application, but I do not know about LMG, Finiplex and whatever else Im missing..

IF non-methyls were used,.. could one perhaps do a before/after W/O dose daily? My reasoning would be since the compound is in your system for less time, perhaps you could do this, say, around 6pm/8pm...
And IF every day is a viable option, how would this effect dosing?

I have a few bottles of LMG, and some Fini left, that I may consider using in this fassion.... but wouldn't want to use it if it would be better applied in another way.

Thanks! :thumbsup:
1) Methyl have just long enough of a half life to work great like this (app. 6hrs generally). Sorry to confuse, ethers would likely work well too, haven't tried personally though. Real non-methyls (free alcohols or ketos) are to fast acting. They will still work on a pulse, but there is no room for error in the timing of food and dosing or else efficiency goes down. They will work though, sorry if I was unclear, just not perfectly suited for this. Everything else would apply about the same.

2) I think anything that you can dose high without toxicity would be a fair option. For example, most couldn't take 40mg of SD (makes you too moody and tired at that dose) but could take 40+ mg of epi. See what I mean? It's not so much what I wouldn't do, it's just that some are extra well suited for pulsing over others.

3) I tried that back in the day! With 4ad, but I still started to shutdown at some point. Maybe one small dose would be alright, but 2 good size doses, no go for me at least. I did have some luck pulsing non-orals in 3 total doses, pre-w/o and immediately post-w/o like normal, then about 1-1.5 hours again later after that. The higher dose is taken after the w/o as opposed to before like with the methyls. The shift in dose priority is a reflection of the shorter half-life. This did work almost as well as methyls, but I was trying not to confuse everyone at first. :D


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bad idea! too much instability in blood levels, does not make it any less toxic to the liver, theres even a dosage in there of 60mg's THEN you make a point of a possibility of no post cycle therapy. You even try calculating that you would be worse off by 4lbs, the body don't work like that.
You're right man, I am actually totally new to all this. I was just kind of guessing, you got me! NOT


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This might sound like an amaturish question, but it seems most peopl will claim they pulsed dbol, as opposed t oother orals.. Aside from all the bennifits that compound brings, is there a reason it is used seemingly more (when pulsed) then others, or becasue it's just the more popular oral?...(I have read the thread about dbol as a "supplement"... )
It's a mild AI, so it boosts LH levels in the beginning before androgen suppression kicks in from accumulation of it's dirtier metabolites. Since it takes longer for suppression to start, pulsing really punctuates that favorable quality and you get all the good with very little bad. That is my theory, or it may be something totally different, but it is a better than average pulsing choice.


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I say go for it. My brother (real brother, not internet bro:hammer: ) is just finishing up 8 weeks. He went from 20mg week 1 to 30mg week 2, to 40mg weeks 3-8. Dr. D recommended the 20,30,40,40 and the up to 8 weeks part was a SS original. My bloodwork on Epi showed it to be very mild on the liver compared to M1t and even superdrol.
You went up to 8 MONTHS one time didn't you! (j/k) You do hold the record though I bet. lol

I posted our epi bloodwork somewhere around here.


Interesting post, I had thought about this very thing a few months ago but never posted it.


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You're right man, I am actually totally new to all this. I was just kind of guessing, you got me! NOT
Rumor has that Dr D is just some 15 yr old high school kid making all this stuff up to see if we'll do it.

That's what I heard anyway...


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You went up to 8 MONTHS one time didn't you! (j/k) You do hold the record though I bet. lol

I posted our epi bloodwork somewhere around here.
Actually... it was 10 months:eek: But it wasn't 10 months of straight oral usage. There were a few weeks between orals here and there.:hammer:

I do beleive you have me beat as far as any cycle length records go though.:food:


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doctor d is giving out dangerous advice, I wonder what the d is for ? hehe!


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doctor d is giving out dangerous advice, I wonder what the d is for ? hehe!
Thank god you showed up or all of us pharmacologists/biochemists could have been in real trouble. They've gotten really lax when it comes to banning people.


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Could the same theory be applied to esterless injectables as well? Say 10mg test pre and 10 mg post workout for 6 weeks, ATD on off days, for 6 weeks, no pct???


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Could the same theory be applied to esterless injectables as well? Say 10mg test pre and 10 mg post workout for 6 weeks, ATD on off days, for 6 weeks, no post cycle therapy???
Never tried, but I think yes. Especially low volume depos like that (10mg). Not trans though.


1. 20,20,0,20,0,20,0 (If you are a big guy, 30mg)

2. You could take it a few hours prior to dosing, but I would avoid it in a pulse for the most part unless doses are higher, like 30-40mg superdrol. 40 was always too much for me though. Always take CS with a SERM!

3. As a rule of thumb, time off equals time on, so 8 wks pulse equals 4 wks off, minimum.

Anytime Fireproof! God bless. :)
Thank you sir!


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Hey D, what about subbing my form/activate bridge with MassFX/6-OXO?
I think those are both effective combos, especially for PCT, but form/MassFx would be the best possible combo of those 4 products for a bridge IMO.


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Is there any reason why anavar @ 40mg would be a poor choice for pulsing? To boost power before sprint speed workouts thru its PCr synthesis action, is the idea. I do wonder if this would be more suppressive (even tho its not very suppressive in itself) than 20mg ED.


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dr.d i need ur advice =p

hey DR.D, i got a quick question

my workout plan/pulse is set up like this

i take my orals only on w/o days

week 1
day 1 workout
day 2 workout
day 3 rest
day 4 workout
day 5 workout
day 6 rest
day 7 rest

week 2
same as week 1 but no orals


ok so,
anyway lets assume i done this 1 week on/ 1 week off method

how many weeks could i max possibly run this for???


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Is there any reason why anavar @ 40mg would be a poor choice for pulsing? To boost power before sprint speed workouts thru its PCr synthesis action, is the idea. I do wonder if this would be more suppressive (even tho its not very suppressive in itself) than 20mg ED.
I'm not sure on that one. :) I've never done more that 20mg myself. I swear it felt like I wasn't on anything at all though. It was the real deal Searles. It would probably work well.


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hey DR.D, i got a quick question

my workout plan/pulse is set up like this

i take my orals only on w/o days

week 1
day 1 workout
day 2 workout
day 3 rest
day 4 workout
day 5 workout
day 6 rest
day 7 rest

week 2
same as week 1 but no orals


ok so,
anyway lets assume i done this 1 week on/ 1 week off method

how many weeks could i max possibly run this for???
Well, never tried that exactly so I'm not sure, but it's certainly very conservative. Probably for a long long time!


Hey Dr... quick question if you dont mind

I see on the boards all the time about "dont do a dbol only cycle!" and stuff like that. But what about if you just want to, say, increase your deadlifts and your leg press (just an example)?

Could this pulse method be used in a manner like... taking a moderate dose of dbol (without using anything else like test) on just lower back and leg days every week for 8 weeks or so? Or doesnt dbol work instantly like that, or perhaps the gains would just be temporary?


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Hey Dr... quick question if you dont mind

I see on the boards all the time about "dont do a dbol only cycle!" and stuff like that. But what about if you just want to, say, increase your deadlifts and your leg press (just an example)?

Could this pulse method be used in a manner like... taking a moderate dose of dbol (without using anything else like test) on just lower back and leg days every week for 8 weeks or so? Or doesnt dbol work instantly like that, or perhaps the gains would just be temporary?
I think it's so versatile that a lot of guys would just take 50mg per day and be done with it. That would eventually stress the liver. Also, test should generally be used on cycle once suppression kicks in at least, but if suppression is controlled with pulsing, any oral will just act to augment your own production.

Tom 185

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there is an old thread on here that goes very in-depth about running dbol for 10-12 weeks with an off week in the dead middle and off on all weekends...the dose is 20mg

it's titled something like.....

low dose d-bol: the use of dianabol as a supplement


New member
Sorry to add to an increasingly large (and very valuable) thread but I had a few questions about this method for when you have some time (no rush)...

You talk about dbol being what you first used this with. Probably a stupid question, but I assume you were using test also? So like test for 12ish weeks and pulse dbol for 6-8 of them and then run post cycle therapy after the test? I have never used gear before (just began my first ever superdrol cycle) and this looks like a great way for me to start... after a few more months of research of course!

Also when you mention using the compound 3x a week for this method to be efficient... thats not the same for workouts correct? i.e. you can lift 5x a week but as long as you only use the gear on 3 of those workouts (switch between which workouts you use it on each week) then you're in the clear?

Lastly, would this method work good for Superdrol? I wasn't sure because with the cycle I just started, its been about 4 days and I still dont see any gains. It seems like if you only use it 3x a week then it will never have a chance to build up and therefore the gains would never come (or come extremely slowly). But I'm new to all of this and thats why its so useful to ask an expert like you! :thumbsup:
Hey D, sorry to bring this one back up, but I currently work out 5X a week, and did not see an answer for dosing 3X a week and working out 5X a week. Any issues with that? I am starting pp/sd Monday, and may do the pulse instead if there is no issue with just dosing on three out of 5 workout days.



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Hey D, sorry to bring this one back up, but I currently work out 5X a week, and did not see an answer for dosing 3X a week and working out 5X a week. Any issues with that? I am starting pp/superdrol Monday, and may do the pulse instead if there is no issue with just dosing on three out of 5 workout days.

I work out 4 days/wk and dose on three of them, non consecutive days.

You could do it every other day, thereby the days you dose on would change from week to week. Just an idea...
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New member
great thread Dr. D I am all about the conservative approach to cycling and i love reading about the different options. i've tried a few short cycles which i always felt great coming off but never tried pulsing. think i'ma give H-Drol a wack at it with 50 mg's preworkout 25 mg's post workout 3 days a week. if this threads still alive in a month or two i'll let yall know how it went.

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