HGH Pro Log....No excuses, just results!



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Alas gentlemen all good things must come to an end. And thus my bottle of HGH Pro is empty. Final Review with some extra info up later tonight.

Very successful log HGHPro continues to look very solid.
thank you good sir...props on ur log as well. If anyone has yet to subscribe to a DW log you are missing out!

Ya this stack is going to be monumental. Hopefully my stuff comes and I can start it next week!
The waiting is the worst part i assure you. You must log it...no excuses haha jk

And I would not put that past you bro.:)
Support...thats what Team Anabolic is all about baby. With AI supporting me, it is def with in my ability to one day achieve my goals naturally.

gulp that is insane
Yeah I heard that a few times...but it was more on the lines of "You're Insane". Im learning to live with this fact haha

Ya it really is makes me feel weak :(
Then challenge me, push your limits and put up some weight my friend! I assure you what i have achieved is based solely on hard work. The only limits you have are the ones that you have placed on urself. This post also applie to Dragon. If you feel weak, which many times i feel very weak, uae that aggression to push yourself to that next level.

Mind blowing numbers.
Not yet....but with time, yes

I used to power lift a bit but some of it in my opinion for strength is genetics. I got some what strong but never got real strong like Andre.

I know some guys that are buck wild strong but not that big and guys like myself that are not that strong but get big off of moderate weights

(Of course I want to be stronger, its is just an observation I have seen over the past eight years around the gym)

point is no matter what if a person moves huge weights with good form they are going to be one big person
My friend you have a natural knack for bodybuilding. I think anyone who takes a look at ur avi can figure this out. I also think that if you changed you focus to powerlifting that you could achieve strength that woudl surpass mine. But to each his own. You do what I feel I cannot. It is much easier for me to powerlift and hit up martial arts then it is to body build. That is why my hat is tipped to bodybuilders like urself. You do what i feel is one of the most difficult sports out there.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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looking forward to it, and great log GH!!!!


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Excellent Log and great last lift GH! Man you are setting the bar, and once healed up I want to see if I can meet that bar with some good power lifting training, maybe a 5-3-1 or some Westside Barbell training.


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My final review

Good gentlemen of anabolic minds, thank you for following my log. Forgive my absence but i am back for a final review.

I decided to hold off on posting my final review for a few days. Instead I wrote the review the night i said i would and saved it in a file. I then proceeded to analyze how i felt after the my supplementation of HGH Pro was over. I even waited till today where i had another workout after being a few days off of HGH Pro. THIS allowed me to look back at my review and revise it so as to give an honest impression.

And to be honest...this is a scenario that as much as i appreciated HGH Pro while on it, i appreciate it at least 2-3x more now that I am off it. Here is my final review:

In order to give everyone an accurate account on what to expect when trying HGH Pro, I think it is important to review the supplement in two separate lights. 1) HGH Pro vs all other natural supplements 2) HGH Pro vs other GH releasers. This I believ will give a proper scope of how truly effective HGH Pro was during my 30 day run.

HGH Pro Final Review:

Compared to all other supplements I’ve ever used:

Sleep: 10/10
By far the best sleep aid I have ever tried. Better then a warm glass of milk. HGH Pro put me out like the my first meal of a reefed.

Recovery: 9.5/10
By week 3 and 4 my recovery time was phenomenal. Far better then what I had expects. As a standalone it is by far the best recovery aid I have taken. Other supplements that aid recovery I normally stack them with other supplements that aid in recovery. Now I feel it is unfair to compare a standalone to a stack, but personally this standalone was able to compete with previous stacks.

Strength: 8/10
Not the strongest strength booster but it was definitely up there. Consistent strength gains. Nothing tremendous, but more on the lines of what u would expect with an increase in GH output

Skin Complexion: 5/10
Neutral on this one. Not much of worsening or bettering. Yes I noticed my shoulder acne clear up a bit but that could just be due to the lack of supersaponins in my stack.

Body Composition: 9/10
Extremely effective in recomping, but don’t expect losing 12 lbs of fat and gaining 8 lbs of muscle. I was able to maintain my weight and get stronger while my diet fluctuated from very clean to very dirty.

Overall: 9/10
One of the best natural supplements on the market.

Compared to Other GH releasers I’ve tried:

Sleep: 10/10
By far the best sleep I have ever experienced

Recovery: 10/10
Best recovery for a standalone GH releaser

Strength: 10/10
I dont think another GH releaser can give the strength gains this releaser did(as a standalone that is)

Skin Complexion: 5/10
Again im neutral here.I think other worked better for my complexion

Body Composition: 10/10
If i was losing fat while on or above maintenance. Enough said.

Overall: 10/10 Best GH releaser Ive tried to date
I dont care if people think im biased b/c im sponsored...this shiznet is legit. It may be too strong for some but this was amazing for me. I recommend to take as a pre-workout supplement if this causes insomnia b/c i honestly think this is one of the best NATURAL supplement for athletes 21 and up.

My Next Stack with HGH Pro will be:
Testopro, stoked, Glycobol, HGH Pro, and maybe one or two extra goodies that i have stocked up.

I recommend HGH Pro to any lifter looking to gain a natural edge. This is one of the supplements that when stacked properly can be just as effective as steroids in the long run. Not in short term potency(nothing can match steroids in that), but for that athlete that wants to stay legal, stay in the game for decades and decades and put on steady strength that does not go away, this is for them.

My strength has not gone away now that i am no longer on HGH Pro. Strength gains have stayed, composition is still on point. My sleep isnt as good but its back to how it was before i started. Recovery is back to normal.

There is no rebound in anything. Its as if i never took it in the first place. I only have the memory of how it was like when i was on it.

I will resume my old log until my cutting stack that will focus on the effectiveness on adding test boosters in the middle of a cut. I will explain more details when in my other log and when i start cutting.


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great log, look forward to seeing how your swole stack+hghpro stack goes


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Very nice review my man


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Holy fug!! I knew the stuff was good but wow!! I am tracking mine now... it's in Richmond Virginia..
Army Guy

Army Guy

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again, a great review from one of AMs honest brokers and lifting machines!!! well done GH and that in the SWOLE stack sounds unbelievable!!! Can't wait to get mine my friend!!


AI Sports Nutrition
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Holy fug!! I knew the stuff was good but wow!! I am tracking mine now... it's in Richmond Virginia..

Ahh good still south of me. I have plenty of time to intercept the package.:swordfight:


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Not only am I really enjoying mine but my wife loves HGHpro. I will give a run down of her thoughts on it in my log but she loves the stuff.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Not only am I really enjoying mine but my wife loves HGHpro. I will give a run down of her thoughts on it in my log but she loves the stuff.
that is actually a great idea. My wife wants to give some of this a shot as well. What is your wife's dosing??


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Not only am I really enjoying mine but my wife loves HGHpro. I will give a run down of her thoughts on it in my log but she loves the stuff.
That is awesome a well rested wife is a happy wife.:)
Army Guy

Army Guy

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you have no idea!!!!!!!!! or I guess you do!! LOL


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JoAnn is 5'3 120 with a very athletic build. For her anything over 2 left a little groggyness in the morning and took her a bit to shake the fog. However the quality of her sleep did not change coming down from 4 to 3 or from 3 to 2. I would say this is a weight dependant supplement and we may want to look at a weight chart type of dosing for some users. 90-130 lbs 2 caps, 130-160 3 caps and 160 and up 4 caps or something like that.


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JoAnn is 5'3 120 with a very athletic build. For her anything over 2 left a little groggyness in the morning and took her a bit to shake the fog. However the quality of her sleep did not change coming down from 4 to 3 or from 3 to 2. I would say this is a weight dependant supplement and we may want to look at a weight chart type of dosing for some users. 90-130 lbs 2 caps, 130-160 3 caps and 160 and up 4 caps or something like that.
It is awesome it is working for her.:)


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Finishing up this Log

So as promised here is a MOA that i believe makes HGH Pro so dang powerfull.

Now some ingredients are self explanatory and can be found in other products such as the mucuna, green tea, b6, vitamin C and zinc. Granted mucuna is the king of the GH releasers. About every effective GH releaser has it so i dont see the need to go into it. Green tea has a plethora of benefits that just add as a good supplement to have in ur arsenal especially to support an overall healthy environment. As far as it being a fat loss agent, well different people have different stances. B6 and Vitamin C....if anyone wants me to go into the benefits of these ill be more then happy to. But without futher ado, ill go into the BIG 3 that really set this GH releaser apart.

Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline (A-GPC): This serves three main benefits(cognitive enhancement, neuromuscular optimization, and growth hormon output) via one specifc mechanism. A-GPC is a recognized choline donor that can significantly increase the amount of acteylcholine in the brain neurons. Now for those of you who dont know, acetylcholine is EVERYWHERE in your brain. It is one of the most important neurotransimtter in the brain. Many time when this is used up...you feel it. Now when supplementing A-GPC current scientific research shows a dramatic increase in cognitive function thus maintanence or restoration of youthful mental performance. Other side effects of supplementation include increase in lean muscle mass, strength increase, decrease in fat loss, increased power output through better recruitment, increases in memory, increases in learning, increases in concentrations, and helps release GH.This stacked with Mucuna makes for an EXTREMELY potent combo for releasing NATURAL GH. This does not cause superphysiological levels which would attribute to all the negs ppl thing about when they think of HGH. A very smart move to add in AGPC to the GH beast that is mucuna.

GABA: now GABA is used mainly as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in various parts of the brain, cheigly the mammalian central nervous system. You know whenyou get drunk? Well GABA receptors play a role in that. Alcohol increases the activity and effectiveness of GABA receptors...so you have less inhibitions b/c ur are literally inhibitting yoru inhibting mechanism. Yes serotonin and dopamin play a role in being drink but i just wanted to point out GABA's role.

Now what does it do when supplemented? Simple, it inhibits the exitatory nervous system and allows you to relax. It literally relaxes you to the point where it makes following asleep a breeze. Notice now the amount of GABA in HGH Pro will not depress your nervouse system to the point of blacking out like one one due with excessive drinking, but it does stimulate the body to relax. This relaxation allows for a better quality of sleep, which leads to better recovery, which leads to better GH output, so on and so forth. The Gaba potentiates the effects of the other ingredients.

And Lastly Shilajit.....this little puppy took me by surprise. This bad boy has been indicated with a number of possible benefits...so many ill just link you some websites:







So now that you know a little more about the science behind the results, I STRONGLY recommend HGH Pro to all athletes over 21 years of age. And as Kleen's wife can atest to, it is quite effective for women as well as in men.

This concludes this log.

I will start keeping up with lifts in

One day I will be Great, and this is how...

This log will be my in-between log toll i am ready to start my cut.

Thank You everyone and it was a pleasure and an honor to beta test such an effective product.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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thanks for the great log and dedication my friend!!!


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It was a great log bro.


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Nice I had looked up the ingredients too but not as much as this. I will be talking to some family members about shijalit.


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Nice I had looked up the ingredients too but not as much as this. I will be talking to some family members about shijalit.
Well let us in on any good info!


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I have two relatives with fibromyalgia that it may help them with. Unfortunately I know they can't budget in HGHpro on a regular basis but perhaps the shilajit would help too on it's own. Although I would love to send my sister and mother a bottle of HGHpro to test how it works on older people who are not doing any type of workout but have nerve issues.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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that would be an interesting study


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I have two relatives with fibromyalgia that it may help them with. Unfortunately I know they can't budget in HGHpro on a regular basis but perhaps the shilajit would help too on it's own. Although I would love to send my sister and mother a bottle of HGHpro to test how it works on older people who are not doing any type of workout but have nerve issues.
That is probably alot better than they pain meds most docs just give people with fibromyalgia.


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That is probably alot better than they pain meds most docs just give people with fibromyalgia.
Yah that was one of the nice surprises in this formulation...


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I have two relatives with fibromyalgia that it may help them with. Unfortunately I know they can't budget in HGHpro on a regular basis but perhaps the shilajit would help too on it's own. Although I would love to send my sister and mother a bottle of HGHpro to test how it works on older people who are not doing any type of workout but have nerve issues.
You may be onto something here


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I think I read that Cissus may also have some positive effects on FM.


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I had no libido issues on HGHpro. It was not as high as if I were taking Stoked or TestoPRO but it was not a problem at all.
ok..good...i heard some people stacking stoked with hghpro.....is that a good combo?


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Absolutely! Those go together like PB&J...


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what was your libido like during hghpro?
Personally i did not note any marked increase from my natural libido levels. The stocked, testopro, and hghpro is an absolutely an amazing combo. I personally plan to hit this combo up in the future. I strongly recommend this stack.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Personally i did not note any marked increase from my natural libido levels. The stocked, testopro, and hghpro is an absolutely an amazing combo. I personally plan to hit this combo up in the future. I strongly recommend this stack.
yeah so many stacks to be creative with.:party:


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I think i will go with a HGHpro and Stoked along with some Reset A.D. stacked since when i take this it will be in between stim/cutting cycles...
Reset AD i like to take when im off all supplements beyond basics. But it can definitely help out in that stack to resensitize ur body to stims.

Hope you enjoy!! Have you tried glycobol yet?


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Reset AD i like to take when im off all supplements beyond basics. But it can definitely help out in that stack to resensitize ur body to stims.

Hope you enjoy!! Have you tried glycobol yet?
no...i havent....i saw the swole stack with glycobol....seems like everyone likes it...im just trying to do a little lean bulk i guess in between my cutting stim cycles....dont really want to go full bulk for just 4 weeks...after i get to the weight i want to be at..then i will start looking into the good bulking stacks.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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when is your next meet?

do you have an idea of how many calories you take in every day?


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no...i havent....i saw the swole stack with glycobol....seems like everyone likes it...im just trying to do a little lean bulk i guess in between my cutting stim cycles....dont really want to go full bulk for just 4 weeks...after i get to the weight i want to be at..then i will start looking into the good bulking stacks.
Well just keep this in mind that i have used glycobol for a cut and now a very successful recomp. Its an extremely versatile supplement that helps you attain any goal. So you may wanna look into it b/c a good partitioner can amplify any stack.


AI Sports Nutrition
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Well just keep this in mind that i have used glycobol for a cut and now a very successful recomp. Its an extremely versatile supplement that helps you attain any goal. So you may wanna look into it b/c a good partitioner can amplify any stack.
Glycobol is excellent on a recomp.
