Figure girl test driving LeCheek Mass HGH and AD3-PCT



In Doc! Keep killing it! My wife has lost about 50lbs the last few months after giving birth too our third child. She still aways from her goal weight. What's a good suppliment u would recommend for her why she cuts or after she cuts. She is on fentermine prescribed by the DR. And it works exspecialy with us watching what we eat and working out 5 days a week. She won't be able to stay on fentermine for very long just looking for something to help. Thanks! And good luck with this cycle.
Congrats on baby number 3!!! :-D
It seems as if you two are working on this together, which is great, and 50 pounds lost is VERY impressive!
As you probably know diet is the biggest factor in type of weight loss, or even muscle gain for that matter. But if the both of you are looking for some extra help along the way I would recommend Oxy ECA Black by LeCheek. I actually used this during my final weeks of competition prep. It helped to curb my appetite, and still helped with added energy to fuel my workouts. :)
If you you both are looking for something stim free, I was told by Matty that HyperT2 works really well.

I hope this helps!
Distilled Water

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Thanks for following! :-D but in all honesty bikini is beyond me. I started off with my first figure show, training as usual, but tweaked my diet, and I came in too muscular. For me bikini is like a mythical world all to it's own. How is it that they usually train? My curiosity is peaked!
Sorry I cannot be of direct help, unless you take what I have and do your own translation ;)

Well she's in bikini now, wants to transition to figure. She doesn't have nearly enough muscle mass to compete in figure yet (well seriously compete) bikini is a fickle creature, for sure.


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Well she's in bikini now, wants to transition to figure. She doesn't have nearly enough muscle mass to compete in figure yet (well seriously compete) bikini is a fickle creature, for sure.
Are Bikini and Figure the female parallels of Physique and Bodybuilding?
Miss Q

Miss Q

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I totally jinxed myself yesterday! I got up like 5 times last night...I couldn't wait to workout again may also have had to do with the afternoon cardio I threw in too. GRRR! Tonight will be better, it has to ha ha!

Matty...the thing I love about him is that he loves my strength and muscle! When I was cutting for the competition he was telling me I was getting too skinny ha ha, that was awesome! He also wants me to get bigger-VERY supportive with that; I think until I actually am lifint heavier than him! :rofl:

Well, that sucks but a bit funny that you can't sleep because your too excited to go to the gym. I do the same thing !! Kind of shocking behavior if you think about our past's huh?!? I used to get excited over going to a bakery everyday, not the freakn gym!!!

Maybe you bump up the dose to 2 cap's of MASS HGH tonight? That will help you sleep harder, but take it earlier than usual since your not used to that dose.

That's great you have Matty's support and I know it's SO much easier when 2 ppl in the same household are leading the same lifestyle.


That's terrible. How old was your nanny when she disappeared?


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Well, that sucks but a bit funny that you can't sleep because your too excited to go to the gym. I do the same thing !! Kind of shocking behavior if you think about our past's huh?!? I used to get excited over going to a bakery everyday, not the freakn gym!!!

Maybe you bump up the dose to 2 cap's of MASS HGH tonight? That will help you sleep harder, but take it earlier than usual since your not used to that dose.

That's great you have Matty's support and I know it's SO much easier when 2 ppl in the same household are leading the same lifestyle.


That's terrible. How old was your nanny when she disappeared?
19, been around 10 years since that happened.


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Congrats on baby number 3!!! :-D
It seems as if you two are working on this together, which is great, and 50 pounds lost is VERY impressive!
As you probably know diet is the biggest factor in type of weight loss, or even muscle gain for that matter. But if the both of you are looking for some extra help along the way I would recommend Oxy ECA Black by LeCheek. I actually used this during my final weeks of competition prep. It helped to curb my appetite, and still helped with added energy to fuel my workouts. :)
If you you both are looking for something stim free, I was told by Matty that HyperT2 works really well.

I hope this helps!
Thanks! I will check into the oxy ECA Black for her after she is done with her script. I will research the Hyper T2, but at the moment I'm actualy un-nateral at the moment as I'm running my first cycle. And my goals are different than hers as I'm bulking lean muscle. Close to 9-10%bf 233 lbs.

And Matty and u are a couple then, because I've been getting all mixed up with so many threads I'm posting on lol Thanks!


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Well, that sucks but a bit funny that you can't sleep because your too excited to go to the gym. I do the same thing !! Kind of shocking behavior if you think about our past's huh?!? I used to get excited over going to a bakery everyday, not the freakn gym!!!
Does anyone else double check their daily macros in their head before they sleep or is it just me??


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Well she's in bikini now, wants to transition to figure. She doesn't have nearly enough muscle mass to compete in figure yet (well seriously compete) bikini is a fickle creature, for sure.
so she would like to move into figure eventually? if this is the case (moving to figure) I would suggest that she start lifting as heavy as she can do add some size, and take a look at her diet to support the growth...but you probably already know this :) for me I like the training philosophy for women to train like the men do!

Are Bikini and Figure the female parallels of Physique and Bodybuilding?
For men, yeah I guess you could see it this way lol. BUT there is also women's fitness, women's physique, and women's bodybuilding too. There are just more divisions for women all around to support women in the sport and the seperated divisions help to further support them in finding their place, with the possibility for further development if she so chooses. I also think that women's bodies (culturally, and socially) are seen as more beautiful in any shape and size, with exceptions :)

Well, that sucks but a bit funny that you can't sleep because your too excited to go to the gym. I do the same thing !! Kind of shocking behavior if you think about our past's huh?!? I used to get excited over going to a bakery everyday, not the freakn gym!!!

Maybe you bump up the dose to 2 cap's of MASS HGH tonight? That will help you sleep harder, but take it earlier than usual since your not used to that dose.

That's great you have Matty's support and I know it's SO much easier when 2 ppl in the same household are leading the same lifestyle.

Don't get me wrong sometimes I do go through bad craving preiods, especially during times of stress! I CAN EAT lol! But yeah it is awesome that I have found a love of lifting that has helped to balance my love of food with clean eating, and I can still eat a lot. Plus I now always ask myslef, 'will eating this hurt me or help me?' 95% of the time I care about the answer! So I stick with it PLUS Matty and I push each other to be better, to want to be better for I have two great loves out of the lifestyle! I WIN! It also sounds like you are in a simialr situation yourself :)

Thanks! I will check into the oxy ECA Black for her after she is done with her script. I will research the Hyper T2, but at the moment I'm actualy un-nateral at the moment as I'm running my first cycle. And my goals are different than hers as I'm bulking lean muscle. Close to 9-10%bf 233 lbs.

And Matty and u are a couple then, because I've been getting all mixed up with so many threads I'm posting on lol Thanks!
I assumed that you both have different goals but reading it sounds like you are helping her's a team effort, I dig it! :)
Yeah definitely let her know about OxyBlack! I love it but am taking a break from thermos right now.
And yes, Matty and I are married, which makes him Mr.DocBrown lol
Keep truckin with your lean bulk!

Does anyone else double check their daily macros in their head before they sleep or is it just me??
I do it too.
2 more weeks and I will be double checking that im not bitting off my fingers :) It bulk time :food: for me
I do it before bed and all throughout the drives me crazy with so many food options and possibilites for macros! I could eat the same things everyday but what is the point of that??? Especially out of comp prep mode lol...I am with ya!
Distilled Water

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so she would like to move into figure eventually? if this is the case (moving to figure) I would suggest that she start lifting as heavy as she can do add some size, and take a look at her diet to support the growth...but you probably already know this :) for me I like the training philosophy for women to train like the men do!
She has just started training and is naturally thin. Yeah she has diet down. I need her to get on here though! Hear it from ladies like yourself. In the mean time I'll be following, learning as much as I can. I have no idea how to help women with prep, I'd imagine its not to terribly different. Either way, here to learn!


She has just started training and is naturally thin. Yeah she has diet down. I need her to get on here though! Hear it from ladies like yourself. In the mean time I'll be following, learning as much as I can. I have no idea how to help women with prep, I'd imagine its not to terribly different. Either way, here to learn!
That is fantasic! I love to hear about other women getting involved in lifting :-D It really can be intimidating at first, especially trying to push past the absurd thinking that lifting heavy will make you look like a dude lol! Also the eating thing too can be a challenge, learning to eat more, or learning to eat less junk :)
This will be a learning experience for all of us!


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That is fantasic! I love to hear about other women getting involved in lifting :-D It really can be intimidating at first, especially trying to push past the absurd thinking that lifting heavy will make you look like a dude lol! Also the eating thing too can be a challenge, learning to eat more, or learning to eat less junk :)
This will be a learning experience for all of us!
I need u to counsel my wife lol. She a friggin Zumba instructor which is good cardio but she still not seeing the results. I tell her please train with me give 6 months and you'll poop yourself at the results. But she goes back to when we first got back together like ten years ago, I took her to the gym with me and after that she said shed never workout with me cuz I was a dick. Lol. She won't give me another chance

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I need u to counsel my wife lol. She a friggin Zumba instructor which is good cardio but she still not seeing the results. I tell her please train with me give 6 months and you'll poop yourself at the results. But she goes back to when we first got back together like ten years ago, I took her to the gym with me and after that she said shed never workout with me cuz I was a dick. Lol. She won't give me another chance

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Finding ways to get women to push some wieghts can be a challenge, especially if their first experience was not all that they had expected. You gotta a lot of work to do to get her comfortable enough to try again! Lifting for women creates mega curves and a whole lotta sexy!
Ha ha well oddly enough I am a marriage and family therapist and CPT lol! The Doc is in!
Miss Q

Miss Q

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Mrs. Matty - I like your responses to both Bean and DistilledH20!! You have a way w/ word's and I enjoy reading your post's!! :)


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Finding ways to get women to push some wieghts can be a challenge, especially if their first experience was not all that they had expected. You gotta a lot of work to do to get her comfortable enough to try again! Lifting for women creates mega curves and a whole lotta sexy!
Ha ha well oddly enough I am a marriage and family therapist and CPT lol! The Doc is in!
Thanks so much. She is very stubborn in her ways and first impressions are huge with her for example if someone rubs her wrong the first time meeting them she tends to not forget and usually writes them off. I just need to get her in there once. Thanks again for your response

follow me -


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Mrs matty is gonna have more rep points then me soon WTF unsubscibed


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Mrs matty is on yhe leg press so ill answer for her. Marriage and family therapust and personal trainer


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Mrs. Matty - I like your responses to both Bean and DistilledH20!! You have a way w/ word's and I enjoy reading your post's!! :)
It must be the DOC thing. :)
It's gotta be the doc thing ha ha!
But thanks! :-D I love talking about women's issues...ESPECIALLY when it comes to moving past the fear of iron ;)


Thanks so much. She is very stubborn in her ways and first impressions are huge with her for example if someone rubs her wrong the first time meeting them she tends to not forget and usually writes them off. I just need to get her in there once. Thanks again for your response

I think I can safely say that most women are stubborn especially when i comes to first impressions...we never forget ha ha! But the trick is to be consistent and supportive to her to allow her bad taste for the weights to lessen. Tell her the ladies of AM said to give it a try ;) OH OH I know if she has any trepidations about it, tell her you can ask the ladies on here (if she won't) and you can let her know our the team approach!


ok so I started off my lean bulk with a 40/40/20 split for macros but I am super carb sensitive and I think it could also be related to comp prep with low carbs...I def have some spill over effects going on being at 150-200 carbs a day, and I feel like crap from it. I will be reformulating my diet to be eating 100gm carbs a day to see how that feels, and keeping my protein to about 200gm, and maybe adding more fats. I would like to stay at about 2000 calories a day. We will see how this goes :)

Todays workout:
Squats @ Bar for 20
@ 115 for 12
@ 135 for 9x2
@ 155 for 3x2
@ 115 for 12, 15, 20

HS one leg ham curl @ 15 for 15
@ 25 for 12x2
@ 15 for 15

Side step squat @ 70Bar for 24, 24, 20

Leg Press @ 70 for 20, 15x4 (slow reps)

Rack pulls @ Bar for 15
@ 95 for 8
@ 115 for 8x2
@ 95 for 8x2

Standing calves @ 305 for 20x3
Leg Ext @ 65 for 15x4 quads and my glutes are my weak points in terms of needing muscle development. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated for leg day activities!


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Question for ya Doc - Are rack pulls like a half deadlift movement? So instead of a full body lift it targets the back more?


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ok so I started off my lean bulk with a 40/40/20 split for macros but I am super carb sensitive and I think it could also be related to comp prep with low carbs...I def have some spill over effects going on being at 150-200 carbs a day, and I feel like crap from it. I will be reformulating my diet to be eating 100gm carbs a day to see how that feels, and keeping my protein to about 200gm, and maybe adding more fats. I would like to stay at about 2000 calories a day. We will see how this goes :)

Todays workout:
Squats @ Bar for 20
@ 115 for 12
@ 135 for 9x2
@ 155 for 3x2
@ 115 for 12, 15, 20

HS one leg ham curl @ 15 for 15
@ 25 for 12x2
@ 15 for 15

Side step squat @ 70Bar for 24, 24, 20

Leg Press @ 70 for 20, 15x4 (slow reps)

Rack pulls @ Bar for 15
@ 95 for 8
@ 115 for 8x2
@ 95 for 8x2

Standing calves @ 305 for 20x3
Leg Ext @ 65 for 15x4 quads and my glutes are my weak points in terms of needing muscle development. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated for leg day activities!
Stairs!!!! It works. 45-60 min 3 times a week on there ;)
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Question for ya Doc - Are rack pulls like a half deadlift movement? So instead of a full body lift it targets the back more?
I kno im not doc, but yes.

Favorite back movement for me


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Question for ya Doc - Are rack pulls like a half deadlift movement? So instead of a full body lift it targets the back more?
Rack Pulls have no interaction with the UPPER is a "Lockout" teaching technique. It helps if you can't lock your dead lift, if you need more grip work too...and even when doing a snatch grip it is simply a partial movement to help the full compound.

Best analogy would be the Floor Press to the Bench press, since they both are just for helping the last portion of the eccentric.
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Rack Pulls have no interaction with the UPPER is a "Lockout" teaching technique. It helps if you can't lock your dead lift, if you need more grip work too...and even when doing a snatch grip it is simply a partial movement to help the full compound.

Best analogy would be the Floor Press to the Bench press, since they both are just for helping the last portion of the eccentric.
Then why is deads touted as the best mass movement for back? Essentially the first quater to half movement is legs/hip drive then back..


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ok so I started off my lean bulk with a 40/40/20 split for macros but I am super carb sensitive and I think it could also be related to comp prep with low carbs...I def have some spill over effects going on being at 150-200 carbs a day, and I feel like crap from it. I will be reformulating my diet to be eating 100gm carbs a day to see how that feels, and keeping my protein to about 200gm, and maybe adding more fats. I would like to stay at about 2000 calories a day. We will see how this goes :)

Todays workout:
Squats @ Bar for 20
@ 115 for 12
@ 135 for 9x2
@ 155 for 3x2
@ 115 for 12, 15, 20

HS one leg ham curl @ 15 for 15
@ 25 for 12x2
@ 15 for 15

Side step squat @ 70Bar for 24, 24, 20

Leg Press @ 70 for 20, 15x4 (slow reps)

Rack pulls @ Bar for 15
@ 95 for 8
@ 115 for 8x2
@ 95 for 8x2

Standing calves @ 305 for 20x3
Leg Ext @ 65 for 15x4 quads and my glutes are my weak points in terms of needing muscle development. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated for leg day activities!
If the Glutes are the problem and so are the Quads...why not add direct Quad Work like Front Squat instead of Back Squat, and for Glutes try Hip Thrusts (Bridges) and Good Mornings.

Honestly you have a good squat already, since you are figure I would say concentrating on a good FULL ROM Front Squat is all you would need for Quads, that and I also am a fan of Front Squat Grip Single Legged Step Ups...hard to get used to but pretty good for size :)


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Then why is deads touted as the best mass movement for back? Essentially the first quater to half movement is legs/hip drive then back..
I don't know what kinda bro-science people listen to, but Dead lifts (even Snatch Grip dead lifts) are a Posterior Chain movement. If you are referring to LOWER back then yes , it is good for the erectors however the Dead Lift (properly done) is a Hip predominant motion that gets it's power from the whole posterior chain.

Are we speaking the same terms? I refer to the lower back as the Erectors, and the upper back as the Lats, Rhomboids, Scapula and Traps.
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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I don't know what kinda bro-science people listen to, but Dead lifts (even Snatch Grip dead lifts) are a Posterior Chain movement. If you are referring to LOWER back then yes , it is good for the erectors however the Dead Lift (properly done) is a Hip predominant motion that gets it's power from the whole posterior chain.

Are we speaking the same terms? I refer to the lower back as the Erectors, and the upper back as the Lats, Rhomboids, Scapula and Traps.
Why must you let your arrogance get the best of you all the time? Always in threads pounding your chest as the internet "know it all." You try and put yourself on a pedestal, internet guru. Yes we were speaking the "same terms" simply asked a question.


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Carb sensitive ehh? You look into carb cycling? I am carbs b!tch, this has been great for lean mass, myself.
I have told her she should look into your dieting strategy

Btw i sent out a few scoops vitargo to you
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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I have told her she should look into your dieting strategy

Btw i sent out a few scoops vitargo to you
Excellent. Two packs strawberry Karbolyn heading your way this afternoon my friend, one of my pit stops on my way home from work.

Any carb cycling questions, let me know. I've done about every type imaginable.


Question for ya Doc - Are rack pulls like a half deadlift movement? So instead of a full body lift it targets the back more?
I am doing rack pulls to actually to take some of the tension off of my back :)
I was deadlifting @ 145 but doing higher reps and got an intense lower back pump plus also possible strain (have a bad lower back-happens) about 5months ago. I started doing rack pulls to lessen the potential strain in my lower back, and am using lighter weight. With the rack I have the saftey on the lowest bar which reaches a lower than mid shin, and still have the functional effect as the deadlift, I think with out the initial jerking movement. So I am still feeling it in my lower body the most, and of course my core, and arms. With my back I tend to envision it as just making a hinging movement with no real weight effecting it, kind of like guided imagery to help :)


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Excellent. Two packs strawberry Karbolyn heading your way this afternoon my friend, one of my pit stops on my way home from work.

Any carb cycling questions, let me know. I've done about every type imaginable.
Im gonna have to buy some karbolyn for my bulk thanks for the reminder :)


Excellent. Two packs strawberry Karbolyn heading your way this afternoon my friend, one of my pit stops on my way home from work.

Any carb cycling questions, let me know. I've done about every type imaginable.
YES! He has been telling me about about your strategy, and taking in carbs surrounding workouts. What does your ratio look like for this? :)


I think the 1st pic is blurry cuz he turned to look at another girl?
Doc take care of this LMAO !!!!:)
HA HA! Good for him if he did...but I think he scared to look at other girls ;)


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I don't know what kinda bro-science people listen to, but Dead lifts (even Snatch Grip dead lifts) are a Posterior Chain movement. If you are referring to LOWER back then yes , it is good for the erectors however the Dead Lift (properly done) is a Hip predominant motion that gets it's power from the whole posterior chain.

Are we speaking the same terms? I refer to the lower back as the Erectors, and the upper back as the Lats, Rhomboids, Scapula and Traps.
I def don't agree with u not based on science but my experience, ever since incorporating racks instead of full deads my traps especially, along with the rest of my back has improved significantly by simply switching to racks. No change to the rest of my routine. This was all suggested by my trainer/coach. Wrong or right who cares there are more than one way to do things bro. One can find a study/science to support whatever it is they want to believe example - IF vs "bro science" 6+ meals a day, I fall into the latter. I hated IF doesn't mean it doesn't work. What I will end with is yes, you are a wealth of knowledge probably a lot smarter than I, but agreeing with tyga in the sense as far as you do come off as a know it all maybe not on purpose but you do. Just my .02 we are here to learn teach and lead not make people feel stupid.


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Why must you let your arrogance get the best of you all the time? Always in threads pounding your chest as the internet "know it all." You try and put yourself on a pedestal, internet guru. Yes we were speaking the "same terms" simply asked a question.
I was not being a chest puffing "guru" lol...I can show you a thread where I got smacked for not knowing those muscles :shock: and no...I do not think you are wrong by asking a question or anything...i merely thought you resembled me because I once made that mistake too...:(

FWIW I think myself quite unknowing and really in dire need of learning more :/ ...if I went to the length of saying that Dead Lifts and Rack Pulls are more Posterior chain, and that RP are the supplementary lift of DL is because I saw the explanation and science behind it...from a REAL person that knows all of this from school, real life and competitions...Rodja...I merely thought to share since I benefit a lot from his advice. Rodja is a true genius and a real trainer, not those that come to you with real one that comes with science AND experience and delivers real (and fast) least for me it was like that...

Again I apologize if you think I came off like a gorilla trying to be a douche...I am a bit socially awkward...sorry...FWIW too, if you wanna get more trap involvement snatch grip for any of them does get it a bit more, yet it is needed to add more hypertrophy work to get it to grow and the needed kCalories that is.

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