Fat loss insan1ty with Sup3r-11 and Ignit3



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I agree with you. Things are too hyped. In this thread, I haven't even mentioned S11 all that much, it's part of my overall plan. Do I think it's having an impact, yes. I've tried to quantify it as much as possible, and I think saying it's improved my results by 10% is probably close to realistic. 5-10%.

But 5-10% of what is the question. If I was on a 500/day deficit instead of a 1500-1700 deficit, I'd have 5-10% more than I would have lost in that situation (or 25-50 calories/day extra). And this isnt' to say that's even fair because, it isn't like S11 works through increasing metabolism directly.


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That is aweomse! I'm not surprised based on what I read. I didn't see your log, but I've been trying to follow so many threads on here lately that it is beginning to take over my life, haha. I will look it up, sorry I missed it.

I ALWAYS feel like the quack doctor when I say this, but Vitamin C is HIGHLY under-rated. I drink crystal light and when I make it, I make 1 large packet in 1 gallon of water and dump a scoop of Vitamin C (5-6 g). I drink at least 1 gallon/day, often 1.5 of this mixture. I know the Crystal Light isn't ideal, but I have bad habits still. I used to do this all the time, then stopped and started getting colds, started again and went 3+ years without any colds at all until this past winter when my parents, my gf, her son and everyone I knew got a crazy flu that put them in bed for a week and lasted 2 weeks. I definitely got sick, but I didn't miss a day of work and it only lasted 3-4 days for me, because I started taking 50-60 grams of Vit. C a day as soon as it came on. It works, and there are studies pointing to it working, but it just isn't accepted.
Wow, 50-60 grams Vit C. Must be a typing error.
I have a history of gout and used Vit-C to reduce uric acid, with success I may add. Most people can't go higher than a couple of grams and explosive diarrhea sets in.
My tolerance limit was around 14 grams x day, taking the ester form -and about 10 grams x day when using plain ascorbic acid.
I made my own liposomal Vit-C and could get to about 35 grams x day.
To prevent -and treat colds and any other viral infection, I suggest: Ban-Lan-Gen as a tea and elderberry extract. Best antiviral option hands down.


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Wow, 50-60 grams Vit C. Must be a typing error.
I have a history of gout and used Vit-C to reduce uric acid, with success I may add. Most people can't go higher than a couple of grams and explosive diarrhea sets in.
My tolerance limit was around 14 grams x day, taking the ester form -and about 10 grams x day when using plain ascorbic acid.
I made my own liposomal Vit-C and could get to about 35 grams x day.
To prevent -and treat colds and any other viral infection, I suggest: Ban-Lan-Gen as a tea and elderberry extract. Best antiviral option hands down.
Nope. No typo. The theory is that the more sick you are, the higher your bowel tolerance limit becomes. Following this theory, you are supposed to take Vit. C until you have constant diarrhea. Honestly, I wasn't at the point of constant, but it was close for sure. And it beat the heck out of being sick in bed for a week. I've seen people taking doses up to 200 grams/day for some severe illnesses like cancer. I'm not sure how crazy you want to get with it, and those doses shouldn't be regularly used IMO, but I keep it to 5-6 g/day most days. Maybe 10 some days. I don't count really, just dump some bulk powder into my drinks.


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Nope. No typo. The theory is that the more sick you are, the higher your bowel tolerance limit becomes. Following this theory, you are supposed to take Vit. C until you have constant diarrhea. Honestly, I wasn't at the point of constant, but it was close for sure. And it beat the heck out of being sick in bed for a week. I've seen people taking doses up to 200 grams/day for some severe illnesses like cancer. I'm not sure how crazy you want to get with it, and those doses shouldn't be regularly used IMO, but I keep it to 5-6 g/day most days. Maybe 10 some days. I don't count really, just dump some bulk powder into my drinks.
You must have build up tolerance then.
Only heard of IV administration of high doses (Linus Pauling), -or expensive liposomal VIT-C.
If you take it to prevent illness, please read a bit about: 1: Elderberry extract / 2: Ban-Lan-Gen

I dumped regular high dosed Vit-C because:


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He's just built up a tolerance to sh1ting his pants. Lol


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LOL, built up? Nah, it's a problem I've had since childhood. haha.

Normally I only take 5-6 grams/day. On the rare occasion I get sick, I increase until I sh1t my brains out.

I've seen all the warnings about high dose vit c issues....I don't think there's any issue at the doses I normally take, not at all. I believe Linus Pauling used to point out that certain cultures routinely ate 20-30 grams/day in their diet when acerola berries were part of their diet.


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So here's my leg workout from last night:

1 X 8 X 185 warm up
Drop Set
2 X 275
3 X 245
2 X 225

This is a slight improvement over last time.

Leg Extensions:
1 X 8 X 165 (+1 rep)

Leg Presses:
1 X 6 X 590 (+50 pounds, - 4 reps)

Calf Presses:
1 X 10 X 540
1 X 7 X 540
1 X 5 X 540

I actually still had energy left at the end of this workout, which is something because when I started the workout I didn't really feel so great (it was a really hot day and my stomach hurt a little), and as I started the workout I was getting a stitch in my side it felt like, but I just kept going and it turned out better than I expected.

This morning's weigh in:
Bodyweight: 183.5
Tanita Bodyfat %: 26%
Waist: 42.25"

Yesterday I had 2 scoops select, 2 cups fairlife skim milk, 5 oz. chicken and 1 bag of steamed broccoli. Yet the weight goes up, haha. I did drink probably almost 3 gallons of water yesterday, it was hot and for some reason I just kept sucking down water.


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Today was chest and bis but I had no gas in the tank. I did two sets and couldn't budge anything. I was hoping it would have been like last night where I felt tired and then had a good workout anyway, but no go. Big fail for tonight. I will try again tomorrow.

Today I had a Muscle Milk and a small bag of beef jerky from the co vengeance store for 270 cals and 40 grams protein. I had a scoop of Select in water when I got home before my workout putting me at 390 and 64 grams protein. After the non-workout I had 6 oz of chicken and I was out of broccoli so I had 4 oz. Of my gfs chicken and broccoli Alfredo to go with my chicken. The package stated a cup has 260 calories so I am estimating I had 150 calories plus 240 for the chicken, bringing me to about 120 grams protein for the day and 780 calories. Not a perfect diet, but the small amount of ziti, chicken and broccoli kept me from cheating.


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Today was chest and bis but I had no gas in the tank. I did two sets and couldn't budge anything. I was hoping it would have been like last night where I felt tired and then had a good workout anyway, but no go. Big fail for tonight. I will try again tomorrow.

Today I had a Muscle Milk and a small bag of beef jerky from the co vengeance store for 270 cals and 40 grams protein. I had a scoop of Select in water when I got home before my workout putting me at 390 and 64 grams protein. After the non-workout I had 6 oz of chicken and I was out of broccoli so I had 4 oz. Of my gfs chicken and broccoli Alfredo to go with my chicken. The package stated a cup has 260 calories so I am estimating I had 150 calories plus 240 for the chicken, bringing me to about 120 grams protein for the day and 780 calories. Not a perfect diet, but the small amount of ziti, chicken and broccoli kept me from cheating.
There are days when I feel I have no gas. I simply skip gym and do something for my well being, like a hot bath -or sleeping 12-14 hours.
Next day I go for it really hard and make the weights suffer. When it comes to your diet, I applaud your diligence!
If you would do at least 5min cardio x day, I would give a standing ovation, LOL.


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Cardio? Why do I need that? Lol. I have it on the plan...once I increase my calories to 1500-1800 I plan on throwing in a little cardio.


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Cardio? Why do I need that? Lol. I have it on the plan...once I increase my calories to 1500-1800 I plan on throwing in a little cardio.
Hate cardio too, LOL. At least you keep your diet strict, I couldn't and was carried away the past 2 days...damn


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Lol, I don't know if I am that strict. I slip up plenty. The trick is to accept small slips and not let them become bigger slip ups.


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Lol, I don't know if I am that strict. I slip up plenty. The trick is to accept small slips and not let them become bigger slip ups.
For me: Bigger slips = more self punishment in the gym, LOL
Humans are sick mofo's, man.
Imagine apes would do that. First they eat bananas until passing out, the next day they go all apesh1t, moving heavy logs and boulders around.



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For me: Bigger slips = more self punishment in the gym, LOL
Humans are sick mofo's, man.
Imagine apes would do that. First they eat bananas until passing out, the next day they go all apesh1t, moving heavy logs and boulders around.

View attachment 137687
That is a very good point. Mental illness. And we're supposed to be logical, right?

This morning's weigh in:

Bodyweight: 183 pounds
Tanita Bodyfat %: 26%
Waist: 41.25"

Not sure why I seem to be so predictably cyclical. I seem to hit a low weight, like 182.5, rebound a little ...to 183.5, 184, then it comes back off and I then hit a new low weight and it starts all over. It's strange considering I'm not eating enough to account for any gain, it has to be water, which explains why it suddenly comes off at the end of all of it and I'll lose 2+ pounds in a day. Interesting though.

Not as interesting as the idea of an ape overeating and then punishing himself for it. haha.


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183% body fat? Damn. That's a slight increase from last time...haha.


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183% body fat? Damn. That's a slight increase from last time...haha.
Lmao, good catch. I corrected. It is still kind of early in the morning.

If that happened, that would be the end of the metabolic slowdown/starvation mode debate.


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Lmao, good catch. I corrected. It is still kind of early in the morning.

If that happened, that would be the end of the metabolic slowdown/starvation mode debate.
If that happened, I'd be pretty scared for you man.


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Lol, that T3 just dissolves muscle on contact I guess. Even at 25 mcg!

I lost weight, but my bones turned to fat.


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Got my chest and biceps workout in tonight, but my top end strength is shot. Had to modify my workout a little bit.

Inclined Dumbbell Flyes:
1 x 8 x 47.5 warm up
1 x 6 x 67.5 (-1 rep)

Bench Press
I was going to do a drop set starting at 200 pounds but I barely got it up and then failed to do a single rep on my first drop. I was already tired so I did the following:

1 x 6 x 145
10 second rest
1 x 1 x 145

1 x 6 x bw (same as last week)

Barbell Curls:
1 x 8 x 45 warm up
1 x 6 + 2 cheats x 80 (same)

Cable Curls:
1 x 5 x 45 (same but did a drop set last week)

The T3 I think is really draining my energy, even at 25 mcg. The 11-KT at the higher dose seems to be making me more aware mentally though.

Today my diet consisted of 1 cup of Fairlife Skim, 3 scoops Select, 1 scoop Isomorph post workout, and for dinner I had some fish and the last 3 oz. Of the chicken broccoli/ziti from last night. Totals for the day: 920 calories and 157 grams protein.


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Morning weigh in:

Bodyweight: 184.5
Tanita Bodyfat %: 26%
Waist: 40"

At least my waist went down a bit, but my weight? WTF? lol. It just goes to show how the scale doesn't tell the entire story I guess. Not sure if it is water retention, or maybe the S11 is actually showing some signs of anabolism at this dose?

Also, I have about 1 day worth of my own S11 left. I dumped 2 bottles in a Tupperware container, added the DMSO and Alcohol and dosed with an oral syringe. After doing this, I question if I added 24 ml of DMSO/Alcohol or 48 ml - I meant to add 48 and was dosing at 2.4 ml, 2X per day. If I added 24, it should have been 2.2 ml, which means I have been overdosing by 0.4 ml per day.

Having said that, the two bottles, measured with an oral syringe, have lasted 33 days and will probably make it through day 34. The 0.4 ml/day extra for 34 days = 13.6 ml. That's 3 days extra that I've used. So each bottle lasted just about 19 days?? Not sure what happened here. But I got a free bottle, so I can't complain too too much :)

I'm feeling leaner, starting to see a change in the mirror, etc. I will take some photos tomorrow.


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Had a cheat meal last night. Intake for the day was a protein shake with water and a bag of beef jerky for about 400 calories and 50 grams of protein, and then a burger with fries and a whoopie pie for desert for the cheat meals.This morning shows the typical 1 pound gain from that, but I'm not sure why the I gained the days before still. But I will come off.

The morning weigh in was:

Bodyweight: 185.5
Tanita Bodyfat %: 26%
Waist: 40"

Chest 42" (0")
Legs: 24" (-1.5")
Biceps: 15" (0")

Bodyfat Caliper Measurements:
Chest: 6 mm (0)
Waist: 23 mm (-2)
Thigh: 15 mm (0)

I will try to get some progress picks up later.


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Some photos:

Progress 2 - 07-16-2016.resized.jpg

Progress 7-10-16.resized.jpg


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Today's diet intake: 2 scoops Select, 1 scoop Isomorph, 1 cup Fairlife Skim, 1 cheese stick. For dinner had a package of calamari and a bag of broccoli. 810 calories, 130 grams protein.

Tonight was a back workout:

1 x 8 x 225 warm up
Drop Set
1 x 405
1 x 375
5 x 345
4 x 315

Not bad considering I couldn't even budge 405 last week. 2 weeks ago I did the same drops but got fewer at 245 / 315.

Pull ups:
1 x 6 x bodyweight

Bent Over Rows:
3 x 175

Underhanded Pull Downs:
Drop Set
7 x 135
1 x 120
2 x 105

That was it. Felt stronger and performed a little better, but I guess that should be expected after a cheat meal.

Ran through all of the Sup3r 11 that I had in the Tupperware container this morning. I went through 3 bottles in exactly 2 months (may 10 - July 10). I actually got more days out of the first bottle that I pumped than I did out of the two bottles I used the oral syringe on. Granted, the last 5.5 days of the last bottle I was double dosing, so that would add 5.5 days to what I got. Plus, for about 28 days I may have been using an extra 0.4 ml/day because I miscalculated. That should equal 11.2 ml in that timeframe or almost another 3 days. So 3 bottles probably last me about 69-70 days instead of 90.

I have the free bottle which should last me 2 weeks at double doses. I may add in another of my own bottles and go to 750 for the last 1-2 weeks. We will see. I don't want to complain, it is just the nature of tropical, but I believe people should have the proper expectations.


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Today's diet intake: 2 scoops Select, 1 scoop Isomorph, 1 cup Fairlife Skim, 1 cheese stick. For dinner had a package of calamari and a bag of broccoli. 810 calories, 130 grams protein.

Tonight was a back workout:

1 x 8 x 225 warm up
Drop Set
1 x 405
1 x 375
5 x 345
4 x 315

Not bad considering I couldn't even budge 405 last week. 2 weeks ago I did the same drops but got fewer at 245 / 315.

Pull ups:
1 x 6 x bodyweight

Bent Over Rows:
3 x 175

Underhanded Pull Downs:
Drop Set
7 x 135
1 x 120
2 x 105

That was it. Felt stronger and performed a little better, but I guess that should be expected after a cheat meal.

Ran through all of the Sup3r 11 that I had in the Tupperware container this morning. I went through 3 bottles in exactly 2 months (may 10 - July 10). I actually got more days out of the first bottle that I pumped than I did out of the two bottles I used the oral syringe on. Granted, the last 5.5 days of the last bottle I was double dosing, so that would add 5.5 days to what I got. Plus, for about 28 days I may have been using an extra 0.4 ml/day because I miscalculated. That should equal 11.2 ml in that timeframe or almost another 3 days. So 3 bottles probably last me about 69-70 days instead of 90.

I have the free bottle which should last me 2 weeks at double doses. I may add in another of my own bottles and go to 750 for the last 1-2 weeks. We will see. I don't want to complain, it is just the nature of tropical, but I believe people should have the proper expectations.
**** man, that is a huge difference in the pictures, you leaned out pretty awesomely. Now I'm excited to hope on it lol but hopefully mine doesn't turn out like the others that turned up short.


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**** man, that is a huge difference in the pictures, you leaned out pretty awesomely. Now I'm excited to hope on it lol but hopefully mine doesn't turn out like the others that turned up short.
Thanks man, still have a way to go. I was hoping I could get to 160 @ 10% body fat. I've been gaining some weight even in this caloric deficit, since going to 500 mg. But I feel like I am leaning out even though I am gaining. My sides are starting to feel harder. I am guessing this will help me be closer to 160 when I hit 10%.


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OMFG! Awesome changes here!!!!
Now you have the loose skin problem. Don't worry, just build more muscles later to fill it out! It worked for me!
Lol, thanks man. I've still got plenty of fat..the skin isn't too too loose, but it is a little and I think it will tighten over time.

Thanks again for everyone following along. It helps keep me going!


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Lol, thanks man. I've still got plenty of fat..the skin isn't too too loose, but it is a little and I think it will tighten over time.

Thanks again for everyone following along. It helps keep me going!
It may get tighter, you are right, sorry, I forgot you are much younger than me...
Great job so far!


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It may get tighter, you are right, sorry, I forgot you are much younger than me...
Great job so far!
Lol, no need to be sorry. I was just pointing out that I still have fat filling that loose skin, haha.


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Serious progress in those pics bro!

Well on your way to hitting your goals. Keep your eye on the prize and stay the course. Rome wasn't built in a day : )


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Serious progress in those pics bro!

Well on your way to hitting your goals. Keep your eye on the prize and stay the course. Rome wasn't built in a day : )
Thank you kboxer! These are the first photos where I believe the change is obvious. 8 weeks and a pretty extreme diet plus supplements and I'm down about 30 pounds. This is simpler than most people make it, but more difficult than most people believe!

Today's weigh in:

Bodyweight: 185
Tanita Bodyfat %: 26%
Waist: 42.25"

Not sure what's going on with the weight and waist stuff. I'm seeing more leaning in my sides, etc. - so I'm going to just keep at it, but I would have expected to have lost more weight by now. The higher dose of S11 must be causing some water retention and maybe even some muscle retention? Who knows.


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Sorry for not updating for a couple days. It's been a busy time. A couple nights ago I was working until 930 when I realized I was out of food. If I was hardcore I would have had a shake and not eaten, but my gfs needed to get something and the only place open was Chinese, so I cheated. The next day, I gained a pound.

Yesterday's weigh in:
Bodyweight: 186.5
Body fat %: 26%
Waist: 40.5"

I ate 800 calories yesterday and then this morning's weigh in:

Bodyweight: 185.5
Tanita Body fat %: 26%
Waist: 40"

I had a shoulder workout on Monday night, was off last night, and did legs tonight. I don't have the log from Monday with me but I was actually a little stronger. Tonight's workout:


1 x 8 x 185 warm up
Drop Set:
3 x 275 (+1 rep)
3 x 245 (+1 rep)
5 x 225 (+2 reps)

Leg Extensions:
1 x 9 x 165 (+1 rep)

Leg Presses
1 x 9 x 590 (+3 reps)

Straight Legged Deadlifts
1 x 9 x 245 (+2 reps)

Calf Presses
1 x 12 x 540 (+3)
1 x 9 x 540 (+2)
1 x 8 x 540 (+2)

It is pretty strange that since going to 500 mg Sup3r 11 in the past week I actually gained some weight and it hasn't been coming off. I spent some time reading Lyle McDonald's website last night and how he talks about most people getting results early on, but then after they get half way there, the weight comes off more slowly and he said it seems that weight always comes off half as fast as you'd expect. You do the math and calculate, for instance, 500 calls a day deficit x 7 days = 3500 calories/week = 1 pound lost per week....but a lot of times, after being on a diet for a while it seems like you actually lose half a pound a week. This is when the going gets tough I guess.

In light of the weight gain and corresponding increase in strength though, it seems like the 500 mg may actually have put some muscle on already? Hard to believe in this deficit that I would gain any muscle. Especially using T3, which I've been at 50 mcg and I'm thinking of going to 75.

Today's waist measurement also shows some recompile going on. My waist went as low as ever, even though I'm 3 pounds above my lowest weight.

We will just have to see how this plays out over the next couple weeks.


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One other thing. I truly feel like my recovery is through the roof. I had a great deadliftt workout on Sunday, which normally would leave me sore for days...I was barely stiff on Monday and Tuesday and almost skipped my night off last night, but I didn't have much time so I just took it off. I'm not doing a lot of volume, but my recovery is definitely improved.


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One other thing. I truly feel like my recovery is through the roof. I had a great deadliftt workout on Sunday, which normally would leave me sore for days...I was barely stiff on Monday and Tuesday and almost skipped my night off last night, but I didn't have much time so I just took it off. I'm not doing a lot of volume, but my recovery is definitely improved.
To what supp do you attribute the faster recovery?


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To what supp do you attribute the fasten recovery?
Right now I am taking Ignit3, combustion, T3, Orange Triad, Fish Oil and 500 mg of Sup3r-11/day. I doubt 50 mcg T3 will increase recovery.

What do you think I should blame for the faster recovery?


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Right now I am taking Ignit3, combustion, T3, Orange Triad, Fish Oil and 500 mg of Sup3r-11/day. I doubt 50 mcg T3 will increase recovery.

What do you think I should blame for the faster recovery?
I've noticed much less soreness also with big deficit only thing I can attribute to is super 11. I recently began DSU but I noticed it before I began DSU so that has only aided to what I was already feeling. I had a brutal leg day yesterday and I'm barely sore if any even hit sets of 10 with weight I had never done


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I've noticed much less soreness also with big deficit only thing I can attribute to is super 11. I recently began DSU but I noticed it before I began DSU so that has only aided to what I was already feeling. I had a brutal leg day yesterday and I'm barely sore if any even hit sets of 10 with weight I had never done
Bro, you have been killing it. You have been getting stronger AND leaner.


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Bro, you have been killing it. You have been getting stronger AND leaner.
Thanks bro I'm actually typing this on my phone while trying to fight off cramps from today's curls I probably over did it and now I jinxed myself lol. Honestly I probably shouldn't have done a strength program I think I would have lost more weight with a bodybuilding style routine but would have lost a lot of strength I believe


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Thanks bro I'm actually typing this on my phone while trying to fight off cramps from today's curls I probably over did it and now I jinxed myself lol. Honestly I probably shouldn't have done a strength program I think I would have lost more weight with a bodybuilding style routine but would have lost a lot of strength I believe
Lol, that's always the way. It is an awesome feeling when you have pushed that hard. I think the diet causes the weight loss. The exercise is just to keep muscle loss at bay.


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Today's weigh in:

Bodyweight: 183.5 pounds
Tanita Bodyfat %: 26%
Waist: 40"

It can really be a mind game how weight fluctuates, even with a pretty large deficit. More than anything, I hope this log shows that for others that may be trying to lose weight. A lot of people on this board talk about how the scale is just a tool - and the fluctuations show why. If you are doing things right, and you are patient, the weight WILL come off. I also hope people will see that they should be a little more patient before they jump to thinking they've "stalled".

In the mirror, I really believe I am much leaner now than I was when I was 182.5 on 7/6/2016. Hard to believe it's been 8 days where I gained almost 5 pounds while in a deficit and now I'm just getting back there. But my waist is smaller, I'm seeing more definition in the mirror, etc.


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Don't know if it helps sharing this, as everybody is different:
First, I'm sick of counting calories and going through cut-and bulk phases.
I don't want to go to the gym anymore, knowing I am on a cut and can not gain strength and muscle.

I need a daily diet that satisfies me, promotes gains- and if possible, makes me lean in the long run.

Complex carbs are apparently the key.

For my skinny son I make "bulk-bread" , the recipe is here(scroll a bit):
You can play around and use cocoa , milk, juice (fresh), fruits -whatever and it turns out delicious (no peanuts, they get bland), always watching that you do not mix "bad sugars" in.
A fist full of that "bread" has 25+grams of protein and double the amount of complex, slow digesting carbs, it has healthy fat from nuts too and is rich in fibers.

This stuff is awesome in taste and providing energy, I could virtually live only on that and two daily meals with meat and veggies.
Be aware that I do not have cravings for simple carbs anymore, I see bread, pasta, soda and pizza as the enemy.

Here comes the "belief" stuff:
I believe that complex carbs from oats, nuts and dried fruits does not make me fat, instead they promote gains. My experience so far points in that direction.
The question is, can I eat those carbs (+meat) and lose fat, eating until satisfied, when cutting out all other carbs?

What do you think?

I'm about to jump on this diet and try out, even though I would have to stick to a cut, looking at my BF.
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Don't know if it helps sharing this, as everybody is different:
First, I'm sick of counting calories and going through cut-and bulk phases.
I don't want to go to the gym anymore, knowing I am on a cut and can not gain strength and muscle.

I need a daily diet that satisfies me, promotes gains- and if possible, makes me lean in the long run.

Complex carbs are apparently the key.

For my skinny son I make "bulk-bread" , the recipe is here(scroll a bit):
You can play around and use cocoa , milk, juice (fresh), fruits -whatever and it turns out delicious (no peanuts, they get bland), always watching that you do not mix "bad sugars" in.
A fist full of that "bread" has 25+grams of protein and the same amount of complex, slow digesting carbs, it has healthy fat from nuts too and is rich in fibers.

This stuff is awesome in taste and providing energy, I could virtually live only on that and two daily meals with meat and veggies.
Be aware that I do not have cravings for simple carbs anymore, I see bread, pasta, soda and pizza as the enemy.

Here comes the "belief" stuff:
I believe that complex carbs from oats, nuts and dried fruits does not make me fat, instead they promote gains. My experience so far points in that direction.
The question is, can I eat those carbs (+meat) and lose fat, eating until satisfied, when cutting out all other carbs?

What do you think?

I'm about to jump on this diet and try out, even though I would have to stick to a cut, looking at my BF.
Sounds good honestly, just add like an hour of LISS or 30mins of intermediate cardio a day.


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Lol, thanks man. I've still got plenty of fat..the skin isn't too too loose, but it is a little and I think it will tighten over time.

Thanks again for everyone following along. It helps keep me going!
Hey brother, checking in! Tried to catch up on everything. The progress is impressive! Looking good, man! How are you liking the pharma T3? And if in the future you are concerned about loose skin at all, hit me up. When I lost 150lbs I was concerned too, but there are many successful strategies. GH and Peptides are where its at.


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Don't know if it helps sharing this, as everybody is different:
First, I'm sick of counting calories and going through cut-and bulk phases.
I don't want to go to the gym anymore, knowing I am on a cut and can not gain strength and muscle.

I need a daily diet that satisfies me, promotes gains- and if possible, makes me lean in the long run.

Complex carbs are apparently the key.

For my skinny son I make "bulk-bread" , the recipe is here(scroll a bit):
You can play around and use cocoa , milk, juice (fresh), fruits -whatever and it turns out delicious (no peanuts, they get bland), always watching that you do not mix "bad sugars" in.
A fist full of that "bread" has 25+grams of protein and double the amount of complex, slow digesting carbs, it has healthy fat from nuts too and is rich in fibers.

This stuff is awesome in taste and providing energy, I could virtually live only on that and two daily meals with meat and veggies.
Be aware that I do not have cravings for simple carbs anymore, I see bread, pasta, soda and pizza as the enemy.

Here comes the "belief" stuff:
I believe that complex carbs from oats, nuts and dried fruits does not make me fat, instead they promote gains. My experience so far points in that direction.
The question is, can I eat those carbs (+meat) and lose fat, eating until satisfied, when cutting out all other carbs?

What do you think?

I'm about to jump on this diet and try out, even though I would have to stick to a cut, looking at my BF.
From Lyle McDonald (I was reading a lot of his site the other night and like his work) - he has an article about how all diets can work, and points out that one of the biggest keys in dieting is "Increased protein intake". Really, IMO, get a lot of protein, eat in a deficit and that's it. It's all that matters really for fat loss. The rest can be all fat, all carbs, a mix. Whatever. Complex carbs are obviously better than sugars for the most part.

Plan and be consistent. Eat at least 1 g/pound of lean bodyweight of protein and eat in a deficit, and you will lose weight. It's just a matter of time and consistency from that point on.

Hey brother, checking in! Tried to catch up on everything. The progress is impressive! Looking good, man! How are you liking the pharma T3? And if in the future you are concerned about loose skin at all, hit me up. When I lost 150lbs I was concerned too, but there are many successful strategies. GH and Peptides are where its at.
Hastur! Good to see you back. Thanks for following along, you've been missed. I still have a way to go, and I am going to follow this log through PCT and hopefully have even better results to show. I've been on the pharm T3 for a little over a week and just increased the dose to 50 mcg in the morning and 25 mcg in the afternoon. Honestly, I can barely tell it's doing anything at this point...but I honestly REALLY believe the higher dose of Sup3r-11 is turning out to be more anabolic than I expected. I've been "retaining" weight it seems and I'm not sure if it's water or what, but my waist slowly decreased while my weight actually bumped up a little and I have been actually getting stronger. At 800 calories/day and on T3. Who knows what to expect anymore?


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From Lyle McDonald (I was reading a lot of his site the other night and like his work) - he has an article about how all diets can work, and points out that one of the biggest keys in dieting is "Increased protein intake". Really, IMO, get a lot of protein, eat in a deficit and that's it. It's all that matters really for fat loss. The rest can be all fat, all carbs, a mix. Whatever. Complex carbs are obviously better than sugars for the most part.

Plan and be consistent. Eat at least 1 g/pound of lean bodyweight of protein and eat in a deficit, and you will lose weight. It's just a matter of time and consistency from that point on.
That's just what I want to avoid, letting out fats- or carbs and/or counting calories.
I'm really sick of dieting, no more cut- and bulk for me. I'm done.
No more eating in a deficit.
Instead: Eating right and adjust cardio and workout to food volume.

Look at the nutrition facts of oats and see how much protein it has, it's unbelievable.


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That's just what I want to avoid, letting out fats- or carbs and/or counting calories.
I'm really sick of dieting, no more cut- and bulk for me. I'm done.
No more eating in a deficit.
Instead: Eating right and adjust cardio and workout to food volume.

Look at the nutrition facts of oats and see how much protein it has, it's unbelievable.
Sounds like a good fantasy to me. :)


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That's just what I want to avoid, letting out fats- or carbs and/or counting calories.
I'm really sick of dieting, no more cut- and bulk for me. I'm done.
No more eating in a deficit.
Instead: Eating right and adjust cardio and workout to food volume.

Look at the nutrition facts of oats and see how much protein it has, it's unbelievable.
This is how I would eat if I were just maintaining body composition, gaining strength and staying healthy. Some of us just get obsessive trying to pack on mass and/or getting shredded.


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This is how I would eat if I were just maintaining body composition, gaining strength and staying healthy. Some of us just get obsessive trying to pack on mass and/or getting shredded.
I agree with you to a point here. My situation is that normal eating makes me fat. I mean, at 800 cals I may be losing more slowly than most. That is just how it is for some people, especially after years of being extremely obese and all the metabolic damage that goes with it.

If you have good habits and eat clean 80-85% of the time (whatever clean means), you should be good for maintaining weight. But if you don't track at all and don't have any reality check...and if you have been obese in the past...I think it may be a recipe for disaster. Failure to plan is planning to fail.

Having said that, even in my diet I am not really obsessing over counting calories. I have a plan of what fits my goals and I just kniw what that is. I plan once or twice and then just do my best to follow that plan. As time goes on, I learn to adjust the plan for some flexibility. It isn't constant counting or obsessing.


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To be clear, I thing HGPs plan is valid, IF he actually creates a plan based on those principles. In reality, it is about creating a plan that can create a ha it, so you don't have to obsess over anything. Get yourself a new autopilot in other words.


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Today went pretty quick. Had a busy workday and tomorrow looks to be worse. That makes the diet go easier though

I've had 2 scoops of Select (I am really liking the new FCC. It is really good), 1 cup of Fairlife Skim, 1 50 calorie cheese stick , 4 oz. Of chicken and a bag of broccoli. Total 650 calories, 100 grams protein. I will have another scoop of Select in a while to bring it up a little.

Tonight's workout:

Incline Dumbbell Flyes
1 x 8 x 47.5 warm up
1 x 7 x 67.5

Bench Press
Drop Set
1 x 200
1 x 185
2 x 165
4 x 145

1 x 7 x be

Barbell Curls
1 x 8 x 45
1 x 6 + 2 cheats x 80
1 x 3 + 1 cheat x 80

Cable Curls
Drop Set
4 x 45
2 x 40
2 x 35
3 x 30

I was a little stronger this workout. Compared to last week, I was much stronger...Compared to two weeks ago, I was just a hair stronger.

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