FAT BLOWTORCH STACK ,BLR,Exotherm,Incinderine and BPS Laxacrine (unsponsored)



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Decided im going to go to the doctors tonight. I don't really want to mess around with this and if anti-histamines aren't working then this is a serious allergic reaction. Ill keep you guys posted.


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Good luck


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Decided im going to go to the doctors tonight. I don't really want to mess around with this and if anti-histamines aren't working then this is a serious allergic reaction. Ill keep you guys posted.
Always best to be safe then sorry


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I went to the doctor today and was told what i already assumed. The rash on my skin was caused by the reaction to a substance which my body did not agree with, something that my skin had come in contact with had caused an allergic reaction. I told the doctor what i what using and was told to obviously stop using this supplement. No judgement was passed and the doc was pretty cool about the whole thing.

I was prescribed:
Randitidine HCL 150 mg tablets which i am to take twice daily for one weeks time

Apo-Hydroxyzine 25 mg which i can take up to 3 times a day and up to two tablets at a time.

The downfall of the apo is that it will make me drowsy if i take more than one at a time. I'm also to take these medications with food which kind of messes with my diet to a certain extent. So i am going to cut my fast down to 14 hours but keep my calorie intake at work pretty much the same. My wife always packs me two meals, containing the same thing, about a 200 gram chicken breast and 170 grams of fibrous vegetables. I usually eat these together around 3 to 3:30. Now however i am going to split it in two and have one meal at 12:30 and the next at 3:30. This is not a major problem for me.

The worst news of all however, is that i am to avoid any physical activity and sweating for the next 3 days. The doc says absolutely no gym for you sir. That one really hurt, no cardio, no weights, not even power lifter style. As a result of this i am going to down my calories to 2700 a day for the next few days. The doc said that it should clear up in 3 days and then i can go back to my normal routine. This is but a small bump in the road for me,though not ideal, it isn't going to make a huge difference to my end results. It may even benefit me as i haven't had a good long rest in quite some time.

The drowsiness that the medication will cause me is a bit more troubling. I work in a fast pace, mentally demanding environment where i need to be sharp and fully focused. I've decided i'm going to take a bunch of green tea to work with me and drink it all day long. My employers are like family to me and i tell them everything, so they'll fully understand why i'm going and boiling water all day. I think i'm going to bury myself in my work and put in some 12 hour days as a way to distract myself from not being able to go to the gym. I'm looking at this in a half glass full perspective and am just glad that things aren't worse than they are.


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Damn that sucks a$s


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Damn that sucks a$s
Live and learn bro. Im going to stick with the exotherm and incinderine stack and am throwing epic unleashed into the mix for my natural anabolic. I wanted to get follidrone but due to time restraints, had to go with unleashed because i could get it off a Canadian website and it will be here tomorrow where as the follidrone would take at least a week even if i paid for fast shipping. Time restraints.


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The lethargy off this medicine is nuts. I've only taken two capsules today in separate doses and im feel like i could go to sleep right now. Ive taken a pre workout, 600mgs of caffeine, drank a coffee and had 2 large green teas. Nothing seems to work. On a plus note i don't think my rash has gotten any worse, I'm not quite as red and i think i may look less like an alligator. (All the alligator bumps). Also another plus note, i won't have trouble staying under my calorie goal for the day as i'll probably be in bed as soon as i get home. On a down note, driving home is a touch worrisome. 30 minute drive, will be staying in the right lane on the highway today.


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Made it home in one piece. Definitely less red now. I went to shower when i got home and looking leaner today. I decided to weigh myself even though it's evening time. I weighed in at 182. Medicine makes me feel terrible and its odd not followinf a fasting eating schedule. This could also be contributing to my lethargy. My wife got me to eat this morning before i left for work so i could take the medicine that i have to take every 12 hours. I have to take it with food so i can't really follow my usual eating style. Both medicines i have to take with food. The other one i have to take 4 times a day and so i can't really fast for a week. Im going to go to sleep soon, im really tired and i start work now at 6 am


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Well done mate and don't worry stick to your kcals and a week of not fasting will not effect your progress.


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Not to go off track but I ran out of my on protein the old taste and the new one tastes like ass so does anyone know the best taste for vanilla protein powder I've gotta get it today


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Not to go off track but I ran out of my on protein the old taste and the new one tastes like ass so does anyone know the best taste for vanilla protein powder I've gotta get it today
Just taking 5 mins at work i like Iso 93. Ill pm you a link.


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Rash seems to have come down a bit today. Less red than before. This was a serious allergic reaction. Doctor said it should only take 3 medicated days but i think,based on the rate its going, will probably stick around til Saturday, maybe longer. Lethargy and headaches plus tingles seem to be medicine side effects. On a positive note, metabolism staying high, looking very lean, visible abs despite not working out since Sunday. Really want to get back in gym, its a waiting game right now.


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Damn that does not look like fun.

Additionally I think you will thoroughly enjoy Ep1c UL. Did you get caps or TD?


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Damn that does not look like fun.

Additionally I think you will thoroughly enjoy Ep1c UL. Did you get caps or TD?
I got the caps. Kinda turned off transdermals at the moment for some reason


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Morning weigh in results. Weight down to 181. According to body fat scale fat mass down,lean mass up. So i lost pure fat according to scale. This has been effortless fat loss at an alarmingly fast rate. I haven't even been carb cycling these past few days and i haven't been fasting either. The medicine that i have to take for the rash makes me so sleepy that ive been eating whatever is easiest for the most part, just trying to keep my protein above a gram per pound of body weight and sleeping a ton every day. Ive been in bed by 8 most days recently. Blow torch stack (incinderine/exotherm) is no joke, it does the work for you.


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Damn that does not look like fun.

Additionally I think you will thoroughly enjoy Ep1c UL. Did you get caps or TD?
Yeah! When he said a rash I wasn't expecting it to be that bad. Glad its improving. Pfresh So this is the lightest and leanest you've been?
tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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I used BPS lax for four weeks before the rash popped up. I'm a rep, and there's no hiding that 3/4 of the loggers had the reaction. From my understanding they are looking at the carrier and I believe they are going to try and reformulate it. With that being said, after stopping for four days it's cleared TREMENDOUSLY. No other sponsored or unsponsored logger has went to the doctor (other than pfresh) for antihistamines. It's cleared up for them after several days


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I used BPS lax for four weeks before the rash popped up. I'm a rep, and there's no hiding that 3/4 of the loggers had the reaction. From my understanding they are looking at the carrier and I believe they are going to try and reformulate it. With that being said, after stopping for four days it's cleared TREMENDOUSLY. No other sponsored or unsponsored logger has went to the doctor (other than pfresh) for antihistamines. It's cleared up for them after several days
It was the tanning that did me in. I put the laxacrine on the night before i went tanning.The next day i got to the gym and tanned before my workout. After my workout i noticed that i was starting to break out in hives. This is where i made everything a million times worse. I did my normal suana routine ( a terrible idea as heat makes hives worse) and combined it with another bad idea for hives, a hot shower.

Then i applied laxacrine to my chest. It was lights out from there. Everywhere i put laxacrine broke out in the rash. From my biceps to my forearms to my leg. It is clearing up now, slowly. I have been on medication since Monday night. The rash is going away over time. Tanning and laxacrine=a big no no.


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It was the tanning that did me in. I put the laxacrine on the night before as i always would, after the suana and then a shower. The next day i got to the gym and tanned before my workout. After my workout i notice that i was starting to break out in hives i did my normal suana routine ( a terrible idea as heat makes hives worse) and combine it with another terrible idea for hives a hot shower. Then i applied laxacrine to my chest. It was lights out from there. Everywhere i put laxacrine broke out in the rash. From my biceps to my fore arm. It is clearly up now, slowly. I have been on medication since Monday night. The rash is going away, just slowly. Tanning and laxacrine=a big no no.
I just read my post and it makes no sense. Hope you guys got the idea though.


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I used BPS lax for four weeks before the rash popped up. I'm a rep, and there's no hiding that 3/4 of the loggers had the reaction. From my understanding they are looking at the carrier and I believe they are going to try and reformulate it. With that being said, after stopping for four days it's cleared TREMENDOUSLY. No other sponsored or unsponsored logger has went to the doctor (other than pfresh) for antihistamines. It's cleared up for them after several days
To be fair, i was thoroughly enjoying my time on laxacrine before this issue arose. I found it to be way more effective than the other laxogenin product i had tried. I think once they get the carrier issue sorted out, it will be a solid product.
BPS has offered to send me some free goodies to show that they care and ill be sure to take a picture of what they send and post it on here for guys to see.


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Haha no doubt.
Im actually thinking on running a triple stack though as a log. Epic unleashed caps, epic unleashed trans dermal. Epic Unleashed pre workout. How's that for OL love?


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Im actually thinking on running a triple stack though as a log. Epic unleashed caps, epic unleashed trans dermal. Epic Unleashed pre workout. How's that for OL love?
Damn it can't rep you again yet...but that's what I think LOL


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I ran the EPIC UNLEASHED at 2 caps a day last time. You think i should bump that up to 4 or 6?
I don't see any reason to. I ran 2 caps for 6 months and I don't think any tolerance or gains diminished.


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You ever try the transdermal/ you do both caps pre workout?
I have tried the td before the current version. When I was a rep we all beta tested the original td version.

And yeah always took both caps PWO


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The fat burning effects of this stack are crazy dudes. I haven't worked out all week and my abs are in more than ever. The fat on my chest seems to be almost completely gone, incredible!


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Yeah! When he said a rash I wasn't expecting it to be that bad. Glad its improving. Pfresh So this is the lightest and leanest you've been?
Yes in the 3 years, 8 months i have been weight training this is the lightest/strongest i have ever been. When i first started lifting weights i did what most people do, i ate as much as i could and did the bro split. The bro split is hitting each muscle group once a week and legs maybe once a month. When i started i weighed 195-200 pounds. Probably around 25 percent body fat, maybe higher. I trained regularly at this time, 5-6 times a week, never did cardio. After about 1 year of training this way i had bulked up to 215 and probably around 20-25 percent body fat. This thought process went on for about another 6 months. I then started hitting each muscle group the same way i train now, push/pull/leg. I continued to eat as much as i could and by the 2 1/2 year mark had bulked up to 250 pounds and the same 25 plus probably closer to 30 percent body fat. Strong as hell at this point, I had a size 40 waist at this time. I then decided enough was enough and searched for a solution. I started to follow carb back loading and dropped down to 220 probably 20 percent body fat. I cant do carb backloading because i can't stop myself from eating once i start if im not tracking it. From there i used the carb nite diet and got down to 200, my leanest in years but couldn't get past that point. Im guessing around 15 percent body fat. I carb backload back up to 215 and then said screw it and went back on carb nite. Carb nite wasn't working and that's when i started IF and tracking my calories. I also finally added in the cardio. Ive been doing that now for about 4 months and have gotten down to my leanest ever physique.


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Awesome mate. Are u on two pumps of exotherm?
Two to Three daily. Morning weigh in results, down in 181.8, looking lean. I may up my calories to 3600 when i return to the gym routine. Rash has improved tremendously over night, i'll take pictures of the rash tonight when i get home from work. Hoping to be able to gym on Sunday.


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You can see it's really starting to clear up. Im really hoping that by the end of the weekend im 100 better and we can get back to focusing on making some fat loss gainz.


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Check out these results, a week of no training. Just exotherm and incinderine combo, and keeping my cals in check of course


tyga tyga

tyga tyga

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Clear your PMs fresh


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Sh*t dude! Impressive!

Starting on the same stack next week.


Good work. Glad the hives/reaction cleared-up so quickly, too!

You wrote you're keeping your cals in check...out of curiosity, does that mean only cals or are you targeting macro levels, too?


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Good work. Glad the hives/reaction cleared-up so quickly, too!

You wrote you're keeping your cals in check...out of curiosity, does that mean only cals or are you targeting macro levels, too?
Usually i do target macro levels using a carb cycling approach. This last week i have only been keeping my calories in check because the medicine I've been on makes me so sleepy, i havent been doing my normal meal prep.

When everything is running smoothly though I will do refeed carb days based on how i am feeling. I just kind of know when i need to carb up, based on how i look in the mirror/how my workout goes on a given day. The day after a carb refeed day i will try to keep my carbs below 100 grams. On other days that are not refeed days i will keep my carbs under 150 grams. On these 100-150 carb days i keep my fat under a gram per pound of body weight and let protein fill in the rest. I honestly feel the best the next day when i have my fat a bit on the lower side and up the protein macro. So instead of hitting 180 grams fat or a gram per pound of body weight, i may be more like 120 and boost the protein with the remaining calories. I really can't say how much all these things actually help but my feeling is that the more on top of things you stay, the smaller your slips when you do slip up.Also it is easier to make dietary adjustments and track how those adjustments effect your over all physique.


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Today is my day of rest. I picked up this cream at shoppers to apply to my shoulder. The skin there has become incredibly dry, im not sure if this is a side from the medicine or just from the rash in general.




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Im hanging out Tarzan style today and am going to be frequently applying this cream. Ill let you know tomorrow how it works out. Unfortunately, i do not think this will have cleared up by tomorrow but my gym bag is packed. Hoping ill be able to gym tomorrow but may have to wait a few more days.




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Im hanging out Tarzan style today and am going to be frequently applying this cream. Ill let you know tomorrow how it works out. Unfortunately, i do not think this will have cleared up by tomorrow but my gym bag is packed. Hoping ill be able to gym tomorrow but may have to wait a few more days.
Bahahaha! Looking good. Lol! Just kidding. Shirtless is the way to go bro.


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Bahahaha! Looking good. Lol! Just kidding. Shirtless is the way to go bro.
Haha, you see the Arnold pic in the background, i always look to him and say, "what would arnold do?"


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Looking shredded, man. Keep me updated on your rash progress.
It's really cleared up alot! Im off prescription medicine and am now just taking benadryl. Its only really on my shoulder now. I have tiny bumps on my arms still but my chest is pretty well clear. I am no longer red, skin is a normal colour again. I think either the medicine or the rash itself really dried up my skin. There is part of my neck that is red like a wind burn almost but im using the cream on it and it seems to be helping. I was able to get back to work in the gym tonight! Thanks for caring BPS, if and when you come out with the next generation laxacrine, id be willing to do another log and give it a second go. I saw a lot of benefits from the product in the short time i was using it. I would have loved to of stayed on.


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Workout log

Right back to the grind. Not taking another day off until i leave a week friday. Pushing hard now, getting er done.

Here are my plans for these last 10 days

-Daily cardio for 500 cals a day on the stair master
-push/pull/leg split
-3600 calories a day
-Carb backloading 200- 300 grams carbs a nite!
-Protein set at 1.5 grams per pound of body weight
- Intermittent fasting 16/8 no carbs pre workout just fats and proteins


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Workout log

Stair master 27 mins 28 seconds hiit 500 cals

Immediately following cardio i took an ice cold shower to cool down so rash doesn't get worse/less damaging.

Pull workout

Barbell rows wide grip
150 *13

Wide grip chins

Pull downs

Close grip pulley rows
(Nice and controlled really stretching it out)

Hammer curls

21's with 30 pounder, yes that light!
Super slow, really getting the burn and doing full reps at the end to failure
3 sets

Cable crunches to failure for 5 sets

I thought about doing a full body or a full upper but i decided id give my shoulder the extra time to rest until Wednesday when i'll do a push workout

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