Fasting and autophagy



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Anybody out there familiar with this?

I took a fall of my mtb back in September, followed by a torn acl in November. I haven't been able to lift or ride. I've gained a ton of weight...

I don't know how I fell upon this, but it looks very interesting and challenging.

I just hit 50 and realize that my metabolism is slowing down. I'm dealing with more than enough aches, pains, and just not feeling the way I WANT to...

Shortlt after my acl surgery on Thursday, I plan on trying a 24 hour fast.. Should be easy. If all goes well, I'll try 36 hours.

The information on fasting is very interesting.. Sure, I'll lose muscle. At this point, I don't care. I can get that back later..

I'm 5'7" and 218lbs... I really need to drop 20-30 lbs!

As soon as the leg permits, I can start cardio. But, in the meantime, I plan on ridding my body of toxins..


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keep us posted and GOD BLESS marine!!!

you are a good guy and i 🙏 everything works out for you!!!:)


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Anybody out there familiar with this?

I took a fall of my mtb back in September, followed by a torn acl in November. I haven't been able to lift or ride. I've gained a ton of weight...

I don't know how I fell upon this, but it looks very interesting and challenging.

I just hit 50 and realize that my metabolism is slowing down. I'm dealing with more than enough aches, pains, and just not feeling the way I WANT to...

Shortlt after my acl surgery on Thursday, I plan on trying a 24 hour fast.. Should be easy. If all goes well, I'll try 36 hours.

The information on fasting is very interesting.. Sure, I'll lose muscle. At this point, I don't care. I can get that back later..

I'm 5'7" and 218lbs... I really need to drop 20-30 lbs!

As soon as the leg permits, I can start cardio. But, in the meantime, I plan on ridding my body of toxins..
What exactly are you hoping to achieve with fasting? I've been fasting for many many years and consider myself prett well informed :) that being said most of the benefits you see online are nothing but nonsense being pushed by charlatans and zealots so if you let me know what you're looking to achieve with fasting/autophagy, I'll let you know whether or not you're on to something here.


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I had good success with some time doing "one meal a day". It helped quite a bit with fat loss obviously, but also cleared up some aches and pains. Just in my opinion, whenever you have a significant injury or surgery the body goes into a kind of super healing mode anyway (otherwise why would the tissue restructure itself so fast?) so you may not benefit much from fasting immediately after the procedure, but it would most likely help at some point in the recovery process.


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I can't do the one meal a day thing, to me that's the same as a eating disorder. You starve yourself all day and then stuff your calories into one meal. If you took however many calories was in that one meal and divided them up amongst multiple meals you'd still have the same results and you wouldn't have to wait 18 hours to have a meal.

At the same time, if you don't have a problem with not eating all day and then just eating one meal and it makes you stick to your calorie totals 🤷 why not.

No1 will ever convince me to fast, but if fasting works for you then go for it👍

Back in my party days I often ate 1 big meal per day, it was usually after the cocaine wore off and I was trying to sober up😁😁😁🤮


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I did a six day fast. It’s not as hard as you think and don’t worry you won’t lose much muscle. Wasn’t long after I was back to same strength. I did it because my stomache was wrecked and t seemed to help


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I did a six day fast. It’s not as hard as you think and don’t worry you won’t lose much muscle. Wasn’t long after I was back to same strength. I did it because my stomache was wrecked and t seemed to help
I salute you, that sounds terrible lol

I have considered a real fast for the gut health thing, my stomach is trash most of the time, even as a child I had stomach issues but I'm on the fence about how much I believe in it. And, I got this thing about food, I really like eating it...


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I’ve also always had stomache issuers. It’s not as bad as it sounds and you get used to it after a day or two. Just be careful going to long or you might need what they call snake juice which is basically just to keep electrolyte balance. But like you I also like to eat. I eat whole eggs a dozen at a time when I eat them. Lol


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keep us posted and GOD BLESS marine!!!

you are a good guy and i everything works out for you!!!:)
Thanks man.. We've never met, but it seems like if we did, it would be like 2 d friends catching up...


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I won't attempt this fast until I'm off of prescribed meds.. Hopefully sooner than later.. I hate taking Rx meds.

The more I read about this, the more it makes sense.. Autophagy is something that promotes true healing in the body. Sure, I want fat loss. But, the other benefits are more beneficial.


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I won't attempt this fast until I'm off of prescribed meds.. Hopefully sooner than later.. I hate taking Rx meds.

The more I read about this, the more it makes sense.. Autophagy is something that promotes true healing in the body. Sure, I want fat loss. But, the other benefits are more beneficial.
Eating promotes healing. Please under no circumstances should you consider fasting after a procedure. Maybe a few weeks post op you can start up.


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Yeah, it wouldn't be right after the surgery. I'll get myself through the Rx meds, probably a few weeks after that, off the crutches, and then into a fast.


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fasting is great! think of autophagy as removing the bad tissue. just connect your fasting phase to sleeping and you can hit 16 hour fasts without much difficulty. that does mean that you still need to eat in some kind of surplus or maintenance to actually heal. 24 hour fasts (OMADish) are pretty easy imo

so it's up to you to decide whats best for you. personally, I like to wake up, lift fasted, then surplus


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I think I'm finally off my Rx meds and feeling better. Taking Ibuprofen a couple times a day for inflammation.

I'm thinking of starting an extended fast later this week. From what I've seen and read, autophagy kicks in after 36 hours.. optimal is 48 hours, so I'm going to start my 48 hour fast in a few days. I'm going to the in-laws tomorrow, so in Monday, I'll start keto. I'll run keto until Wednesday morning and start the fast then.. Lol, ironically, all lines up with Mardi Gras and Lent..

As far as breaking the fast, I'm thinking of bone broth slowly, followed by small portions of clean solid food..

I'll be drinking water throughout and using small amounts of pink Himalayan sea salt to help with electrolytes.

@MrKleen73 you mentioned extended fasting as well. How long will you be going for your first fast?


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I think I'm finally off my Rx meds and feeling better. Taking Ibuprofen a couple times a day for inflammation.

I'm thinking of starting an extended fast later this week. From what I've seen and read, autophagy kicks in after 36 hours.. optimal is 48 hours, so I'm going to start my 48 hour fast in a few days. I'm going to the in-laws tomorrow, so in Monday, I'll start keto. I'll run keto until Wednesday morning and start the fast then.. Lol, ironically, all lines up with Mardi Gras and Lent..

As far as breaking the fast, I'm thinking of bone broth slowly, followed by small portions of clean solid food..

I'll be drinking water throughout and using small amounts of pink Himalayan sea salt to help with electrolytes.

@MrKleen73 you mentioned extended fasting as well. How long will you be going for your first fast?
I am going at least 3 days, from Wednesday night to Sunday morning, maybe Monday if not miserable. I have done many 36 hour fasts when I tried out Alternate day fasting for a while. It isn't too bad once you get used to it.

I find 16/8 or 20/4 are pretty comfortable, and effective intermittent fasting protocols but no autophagy with those.


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First fast is finished! I completed my 48 hour fast last night!
I could have gone longer, but honestly, I caved because the wife was just absolutely non stop about how stupid I am for starving myself. Lol.

Craving for food would come and go. Towards the end of the day yesterday, I started to get a headache. A couple times yesterday I washed down a bit of the Himalayan sea salt.
I think through this weekend and next week I'll just continue with the IF and then probably start another 48+ fast. Hopefully, by then I'll be able to prop myself up on the scale for a weigh in.. I can definitely see a difference in the mirror, so I'm happy and motivated.


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I'm finally able to hobble around the house without my crutches. That means I've finally been able to get on the scale..

Y'all... I'm down to 191!!! Since March 15th, I've dropped 27lbs!!!

I understand that a lot of that was water weight. I've all but quit drinking and haven't been eating fast food. I can't drive, and the wife won't buy me either of those!! Haha.

I felt so good on that fast last week, so I've decided to start another one today. I set my timer for 48 hours, but I may take it up until Friday evening.

My goal, about 2 months ago, knowing I was going to be out of work with surgery, was to come back to work 40 lbs lighter.. I'm only 5'7. I don't think 200lbs is good for me. I already deal with high BP and cholesterol. This significant weight loss should only help improve those numbers.

I'm no longer on any pain meds for my knee and my range of motion at my knee is slightly better than the Dr projected.


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Man that is cool to hear! I’m following along to see how you do!

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