Falkens Maze (or declaring global thermonuclear war against fat). A non-sponsored RAD



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1000 Reps sounds like fun !!


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Back felt good this am so hit the legs up but to b cautious I didn’t pull.

Good morning 3x15. 45,65,95

Still getting used to doing these with the barbell, I find it awkward, probably just a getting used to thing but to date I prefer them on the smith.

Box squat 5x10. 135,185,225,235,255. 275x8. The 275 was my fourth set. If I had a gun to my head I could’ve easily hit the target range but something didn’t feel right in low back area so I stopped and back the weight down 20 lbs which I did but still felt awkward so dropped 20 again which felt fine.

Standing bb calf raises 3x20. 185,295,215
Squat machine. 3x10 2,3,4 plates per side
I’ve probably used this at some point b4 but can’t recall. Are these supposed to be wayyyyy easier than bar squat bc I can not bar squat 360 especially for 10 reps. Just curious even though answer seems obvious lol

Tri set. Leg press machine
Close and in. 3x20. 90,180,270
High and wide. Same
Calf press same

Tri set
1 leg rdl. 3x10. 30 lbs
Hack slide 3x10. 180,270,270
Calf on hack slide 3x20 same weights

Seated calf 3x30 25 lbs

1 leg extensions 25x50 per

Seated leg curl 90x30 drop 50x30

This workout was pretty brutal. Drenched and super sore. Pretty much I already know the doms are gonna be more furious than terretto ever was lol


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I have a hard time getting sore any more and I miss it. Bring On The DOMS !!


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I have a hard time getting sore any more and I miss it. Bring On The DOMS !!
I’d love a world without doms. I only get em for legs but would b nice to not get them there for sure


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I’d love a world without doms. I only get em for legs but would b nice to not get them there for sure
How about Lat cramps when you are trying to wipe ???


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Well today was interesting...

Woke up feeling great. Wanted to get a little cardio in bc, while I really don’t do much, I do try to get an hour a week total in, needed about 14 minutes so got that in on the stair master. After I fell really great so thought I’d get a little extra back In.

Bent over row 4x10. 45,95,145,195
Reverse grip 3x10. 45,95,145. 195x6

Bar shrug 200x25,180x30,150x35
Behind back same

Now there’s no significance to the reps as it turns out. My old brain thought that added to 100. Lol

Tried that chest supported row again 3x10. 45,90,70

Must’ve retweaked that back thing from the other day so stopped there.

In the locker room my buddy was rubbing this thermogenic cream on his stomach abs of steel he called it. Said he loves it, I just said “bro just get lit instead” so he wants to try it, gonna see him on Tuesday and told him I’ll give him a cpl caps but after he loves it he’ll have to get his own lol

Then as I was leaving I actually had am radio on and heard a local commercial for this new place that sells kratom and cbd oil. So thought I’d swing by and see what they had bc I could use a bit of pain relief tonight.

Let me tell you, I cannot believe how many different types of kratom that’s out there, so many names, colors and strains. Told the dude I was looking for the one with the best pain reliever ability. He picked a low-mid priced one and recommended a small pack to see if I liked it. This is how you know a salesman is being honest. Tbh right after I asked him my brain immediately expected him to pick out one of the crazy expensive ones and he’d then recommend the super large pack and tout the savings in volume. Nope pretty much opposite. So for 12 bucks I’m giving this Bali strain a run. Just took it so no effect yet. Oh dude also told me to chug it down fast bc it’s brutal. That’s honesty. And he was so right. Mouth full of dirt u tell you lol. Smells nice though.

Then went to old navy bc I had some rewards expiring next week and wound up getting a free pair of jeans. I can’t believe 30s are actually loose. Six years ago I’d have lost serious money if someone said one day 30s would be big.

So walking to my car and this woman in an suv almost hits me. She had her head turned around yellow by like a maniac at her kids in the backseat and slammed her breaks and swerved out of the way. I tried my best to avoid her but it was tough bc tbh wasn’t moving all that well. She rolled her window down, not to apologize but to yell at me for walking too slow. I just reacted and told her to F off and to pay attention to driving, her response was you try dealing with kids“. I wonder if that reason would’ve held up if she hit me lol.

A block or so away is my favorite donut shop and I’ve been a good boy this week so I went in and got their Oreo donut which is only being made til the end of the month. Looking forward to eating this later:


The young girl knows me by now and when I told her just the one her jaw dropped and said nothing dozen tonight. Lol. #normofdonuts. For you youngins norm Peterson is a classic character of television history. Look him up and binge cheers. One of the best comedies ever imo.

Definitely taking tomorrow off. Got 14 in sears cash that expires at the end of the month but all the sears’ in the area closed down, I found out though Kmart accepts them. So I’ll be heading into Kmart for the first time in nearly 30 years lol

Weathers turned and 50s all week. Things are looking up.


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Just a quick note:

Kmart is a rathole. There I said it. Visible Dirt on the floor, a dirty diaper in the first changing room I went in, a dead beetle thing in the one I used. Employees who look like they don’t shower, one had headphones on at the register. Cmon. All for free stuff. Got a pair of shorts for nothing so there’s that. Now this location isn’t in the greatest area but still I just can’t imagine these ppl from management on down having jobs which they obviously don’t do when so many others struggle with making ends meet.

Ok. On another note. It was freaking beautiful out today. 65 and sunny. Went out in a t for the first time in forever. Ppl walking dogs kids on bikes. Love this sh1t


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Just a quick note:

Kmart is a rathole. There I said it. Visible Dirt on the floor, a dirty diaper in the first changing room I went in, a dead beetle thing in the one I used. Employees who look like they don’t shower, one had headphones on at the register. Cmon. All for free stuff. Got a pair of shorts for nothing so there’s that. Now this location isn’t in the greatest area but still I just can’t imagine these ppl from management on down having jobs which they obviously don’t do when so many others struggle with making ends meet.

Ok. On another note. It was freaking beautiful out today. 65 and sunny. Went out in a t for the first time in forever. Ppl walking dogs kids on bikes. Love this sh1t
1. this might be why so many kmarts are closing.
2. this weather is fantastic...


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1. this might be why so many kmarts are closing.
2. this weather is fantastic...
True on both statements. Oh I think you’re into the pain relief stuff. This Bali strain kratom is awesome. Eliminates all the pain and gets you nice and relaxed not sleepy but super in relaxed mode and a nice little buzz to boot. Think I’ll research the extract kind next bc it does taste nasty af though. Gonna research the cbd too. But guy at the place said it’s mainly for anxiety so idk.


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Just a quick note:

Kmart is a rathole. There I said it. Visible Dirt on the floor, a dirty diaper in the first changing room I went in, a dead beetle thing in the one I used. Employees who look like they don’t shower, one had headphones on at the register. Cmon. All for free stuff. Got a pair of shorts for nothing so there’s that. Now this location isn’t in the greatest area but still I just can’t imagine these ppl from management on down having jobs which they obviously don’t do when so many others struggle with making ends meet.

Ok. On another note. It was freaking beautiful out today. 65 and sunny. Went out in a t for the first time in forever. Ppl walking dogs kids on bikes. Love this sh1t
65 is a beautiful day? Haha


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True on both statements. Oh I think you’re into the pain relief stuff. This Bali strain kratom is awesome. Eliminates all the pain and gets you nice and relaxed not sleepy but super in relaxed mode and a nice little buzz to boot. Think I’ll research the extract kind next bc it does taste nasty af though. Gonna research the cbd too. But guy at the place said it’s mainly for anxiety so idk.
I can't handle kratom, makes me puke....starting in july we will be able to buy the 3%thc cbd here in Indiana-waiting for that day!!!


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I can't handle kratom, makes me puke....starting in july we will be able to buy the 3%thc cbd here in Indiana-waiting for that day!!!
I know nothing about cbd yet except for what that guy said. I think cam uses it if I remember correctly. Def gonna do some research


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I know nothing about cbd yet except for what that guy said. I think cam uses it if I remember correctly. Def gonna do some research
My daughter has MS and uses drops of the oil to help her sleep, she says it works Great, I tried it and it had no effect on my sleep ??


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So I weighed in this am at the exact same weight I was las week. I was a little disappointed and then I broke the numbers down. Even though I was in a deficit for 5 of the 7 days the two days o was in surplus wound up putting me at 800 surplus for the week. Lol. Donuts.

Great chest workout today

Bench. 5x6. 135,185,205,215,190

Incline db press 5x6. 50,70,80,75,70

Incline fly 3x12. 30,35,40

Db hex press 50x12,40x15,30x20
Db fly 30x12,20x15,10x30

Decline bench 3x12. 95,135,155
Decline db fly 3x20. 10 lbs

Svend 10 lbs 2x15


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Lesson Learned


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My daughter has MS and uses drops of the oil to help her sleep, she says it works Great, I tried it and it had no effect on my sleep ??
My wife has MS, and makes butter and then uses it to make no bake cookies. Just a piece of cookie will put you right to sleep


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True very true but then again I’m old so I’m sure I’ll forget lol
trust me, it will balance out....just don't get carried away with cheats-


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Ac and fans both went down this am at work and it was brutal lifting in this condition. But I got it in:

Rack pull 5x10. 135,225,315x3

1 arm row. 60 & 70 lbs. 2@12 reps. 2@15

Plate loaded high row 2 plates per side. 30 reps using 2-2,4-4,etc rep scheme

Plate loaded low row. 1 plate per 5x20 nonstop set

Db shrugs 3x20. 50 lbs

Db lying rear fly 3x15. 20 lbs

1 arm straight arm pulldown 3x20 11 lbs

Ab roller 3x15.

Gym was dead bc of the ac. And seeing I was literally the only guy in their at the time I took a cpl pics. Really not very flattering shots but heck they r what they r. Donut gains aren’t as sexy as I make them out to be lol




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Gains are gains !!


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Leg day. No pre. Think the caps did just as well as any pre I normally use and I lifted 5 hours after taking them.

Today wasn’t supposed to be a leg day tbh. But I was telling another trainer about front to back squats last week and he caught me as I was heading out to the floor and asked me to show it to him. After setting up I just figured wtf I’ll just do legs. But I didn’t bring my belt so went lighter than I prob could’ve gone. Just don’t put anything to chance these days.

F 2 B squats 4x10. 45,95,135,155

Hack slide
Thought I’d do this early in the workout bc been doing them later on and wanted to see what I’d get earlier in the workout.

2x12. 180,270. 2x10. 320,360. 360x6

Leg press tri set
Close and center 3x3. 450. 3x5. 360. 3x7 270
High and wide. Same
Calf same weights but 3x5,3x7,3x9

Tri set
Lunges 25x5,6,7
Db rdl. 25x10,12,15
Reverse calf on squat machine 3x20. 180,270,360

Seated calf. 90x12,45x20,25x30
Hamstring crunch 3x20. 33,27,22

Tough to describe but what I do is grab a d handle attached to a high pulley and set up in a split stance. I stretch the opposite leg from the pulley hand until I feel a nice stretch in the hamstring. I then pull the handle down cross body-ish and with free hand reach out beyond my foot. Hold it. Then repeat. I live this hamstring variation. I’ll never claim to have created an exercise bc there’s always someone out there that prob did it first. Reminds me of that South Park episode where butters was trying to think of something and his little buddy kept saying simpsons did it after everything he’d say. Lol. But I’ve never seen anyone else do this for what it’s worth.

The fans were back running today but ac still down so definitely drenched again.

Taking tomorrow as a rest day. I never really plan them tbh. Usually my body tells me on sundays lol. But I feel it today and just gonna sleep in go to meet a potential new client at 230 then train the 17 year old kid that wants to gain strength but won’t listen to me when I tell him he’s got to lift more than 1/2 hour a week and eat if he wants to get stronger. Then floor hour and get ready to hopefully watch the bills get a franchise qb tomorrow night.


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Took a rest day yesterday. Had the entire gym to myself this afternoon and I go ahead and pick delts lol. That’s such a me thing to do.

Landmine press. 3x20. 25,35,45

Heavy partial side lateral raises 3x10. 80
1 arm side lateral raises 3x10. 45
Side lateral raises 3x12. 30

High incline db press 40x12x55x6,50x10,10

Idk what was up the the 55 but damn that weight felt heavy af today. I actually checked the weight after to make sure lol

Threw a cpl chest in as well

Db floor press 3x20. 35,50,45

Low pulley crossover 3x20. 11 lbs

Standing db press 3x12 30 lbs

Honestly I know it sounds like a broken record by now but there is literally no diminishing returns with these caps. Sure After the first few days that crescendo type build up is gone but the peak energy and focus just stays. So now we have the caps, the current powder formula and My favorite of the powder the OG and all are the best thermogenics on the market. You guys are like that elite hitter in bb who nobody else is close to, so U just have to keep beating yourself.

So 3 products. 3 smashing successes. You guys need to expand into like every aspect of supplements. But as unrealistic as that is for a relatively new company I for one can’t wait until that next hit comes out.

Oh and speaking of bb. Monte are u supplying moose with radiate bc he’s crushing it this year


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Love a good shoulder work-out!!


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Took a rest day yesterday. Had the entire gym to myself this afternoon and I go ahead and pick delts lol. That’s such a me thing to do.

Landmine press. 3x20. 25,35,45

Heavy partial side lateral raises 3x10. 80
1 arm side lateral raises 3x10. 45
Side lateral raises 3x12. 30

High incline db press 40x12x55x6,50x10,10

Idk what was up the the 55 but damn that weight felt heavy af today. I actually checked the weight after to make sure lol

Threw a cpl chest in as well

Db floor press 3x20. 35,50,45

Low pulley crossover 3x20. 11 lbs

Standing db press 3x12 30 lbs

Honestly I know it sounds like a broken record by now but there is literally no diminishing returns with these caps. Sure After the first few days that crescendo type build up is gone but the peak energy and focus just stays. So now we have the caps, the current powder formula and My favorite of the powder the OG and all are the best thermogenics on the market. You guys are like that elite hitter in bb who nobody else is close to, so U just have to keep beating yourself.

So 3 products. 3 smashing successes. You guys need to expand into like every aspect of supplements. But as unrealistic as that is for a relatively new company I for one can’t wait until that next hit comes out.

Oh and speaking of bb. Monte are u supplying moose with radiate bc he’s crushing it this year
I've never done floor press. How do you like those?


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I've never done floor press. How do you like those?
I love them. Lay flat on the floor and press. Db or bb. If u scroll wayyy back on my ig past all that food. There’s a video for each in there.


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Well I had one rough day.

Woke up at 6 and had to b at the garage for inspection at 8. Guy got back logged and didn’t get seen til 10. Then he tells me I have two bald front tires and I need new rotors and brakes. Normally I’d question it but this is my fathers good friends kid. So 450$ unexpectedly gone.

The sh1ttiest thing is that I was just starting to make some decent headway and it seems like whenever I get to the point where I feel like there’s hope getting out from beneath this rock some unexplained bs pops up. Smh

I was tired af and was planning on a rest day but I’m sure u guys do this too, you want a place to dispose this anger et al. So I go to the gym. I even picked a back and bi workout which is my favorite.

Place was swarming with ppl. This gym I’ve gone to for awhile and it’s always had good traffic but I get to know the times not to go. So Saturday afternoon is usually good. Not today. And these ppl were inconsiderate scum bags and I’m being polite. I was doing straight arms and this guy puts his hand on my back while I’m lifting and tells me I need to move forward bc he didn’t have room to do the leg extensions. The gym has all the latest equipment but it’s too small of a space and everything is crammed. So I get what the guy meant but wtf u never touch someone who’s lifting and yeah it was cables but still. I told the guy this and while I’m talking to him he puts his beats back over his ears.

Then my buddy was at the rack and some dude just started working in without asking.

Turns out this garbage gym around the block that was like 10 a month closed down my gym made something agreement that there ppl can go to this location. Overcrowded with idiots

I eventually just said f it and left and drive right over to Paula’s and got me a dozen. Bad impulsive decisions I do make when pissed and or depressed lol

Did get this done:

Straight arm pulldown rep per pound. 30,35,25

Chest supported row 3x15. 45

Bar curl 4x12. 45,65,75,95

Bar shrug 2x15 135

Db hammer 2x15 40.

Some guy took the 40s from right beneath my feet. Just askkkkkkk I share. Oh well

So thought of a cpl funny jokes to cheer me up lol

You know you’re a gym rat when:

Your girl tells you she’s bicurious and you immediately start showing her curl variations

You’re working at a deli and a customer asks “let me see those hams”. And without hesitating you turn around, drop your pants and flex for her


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Well I had one rough day.

Woke up at 6 and had to b at the garage for inspection at 8. Guy got back logged and didn’t get seen til 10. Then he tells me I have two bald front tires and I need new rotors and brakes. Normally I’d question it but this is my fathers good friends kid. So 450$ unexpectedly gone.

The sh1ttiest thing is that I was just starting to make some decent headway and it seems like whenever I get to the point where I feel like there’s hope getting out from beneath this rock some unexplained bs pops up. Smh

I was tired af and was planning on a rest day but I’m sure u guys do this too, you want a place to dispose this anger et al. So I go to the gym. I even picked a back and bi workout which is my favorite.

Place was swarming with ppl. This gym I’ve gone to for awhile and it’s always had good traffic but I get to know the times not to go. So Saturday afternoon is usually good. Not today. And these ppl were inconsiderate scum bags and I’m being polite. I was doing straight arms and this guy puts his hand on my back while I’m lifting and tells me I need to move forward bc he didn’t have room to do the leg extensions. The gym has all the latest equipment but it’s too small of a space and everything is crammed. So I get what the guy meant but wtf u never touch someone who’s lifting and yeah it was cables but still. I told the guy this and while I’m talking to him he puts his beats back over his ears.

Then my buddy was at the rack and some dude just started working in without asking.

Turns out this garbage gym around the block that was like 10 a month closed down my gym made something agreement that there ppl can go to this location. Overcrowded with idiots

I eventually just said f it and left and drive right over to Paula’s and got me a dozen. Bad impulsive decisions I do make when pissed and or depressed lol

Did get this done:

Straight arm pulldown rep per pound. 30,35,25

Chest supported row 3x15. 45

Bar curl 4x12. 45,65,75,95

Bar shrug 2x15 135

Db hammer 2x15 40.

Some guy took the 40s from right beneath my feet. Just askkkkkkk I share. Oh well

So thought of a cpl funny jokes to cheer me up lol

You know you’re a gym rat when:

Your girl tells you she’s bicurious and you immediately start showing her curl variations

You’re working at a deli and a customer asks “let me see those hams”. And without hesitating you turn around, drop your pants and flex for her
Glad you cheered yourself up brotha, that's what is important. Some people can't cheer themselves up and they just fall into a deeper and deeper hole... And I don't mean donut holes hahaha


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Great Jokes, Cheered Me Up !!


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Well rest day yesterday and spent it watching new avengers film. Won’t ruin it for those who haven’t seen it yet. But let me just say WOW

Hit legs today

Squat 4x8. 135,225,245,225

Box squat 2x8. 225,245. 2x6. 275,265

Sumo 4x6. 135,225,275,325

Standing calf raises bb 5x20. 225

Seated calf raises 35x35,30,30

Goal was to hit those for rep per pound but that obviously didn’t take place lol

Actually did some cardio today. Just light walking for 20 minutes on a 15 incline. I think the speed was 3 but not positive as the led was out.

Exact same weight 3 weeks in a row. It’s not a true weight this week though as even with my weekend donuts I was still in a deficit all week by about 800 calories so the fact that some of those donuts were eaten yesterday it’s just water weight. I feel really lean today so I’m cool with whatever number was in the scale this am.

Had a scary scene today. Was doing my floor hour and went to pick a 45 off the floor when a wave of nausea came over me. I knew it instantly that my hernia popped itself out. Doesn’t hurt per se but I do feel sick when it happens. Today though it took me like 15 minutes to push it back. Dr said no reason to worry if u can get it back but rush to hospital if u can’t. It actually doesn’t pop out that often but when it does it typically takes like 1-3 min max to fix it. So today’s case scared me. But all’s well and good right now but probably gonna take a preemptive rest day tomorrow just to be sure. I only have 45 minutes bc I had a cpl clients rescheduled from last week tomorrow and was only gonna do abs anyway and that’s a nogo until this stays good for a bit.


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That hernia does not sound good at all. You good now ?


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Be careful Fred, take it easy for a few days and def don't push it too hard when you go back, a hernia is no joke!!


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Had 40 minutes dead time this afternoon so just played around nothing heavy just fun presses and flys.
And did some cardio as well. About 20 min at 15 incline and 3.3 mph
Hernia was normal today but gonna give it a few days or so before utilizing core movements

Forgot to post updated pics yesterday



And a cpl I took today




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see lots of improvement here BNT, good work!!!:clap2:


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Them arm veins !!


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Looking solid brother and them veins !!!!


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Had 3 hours between clients today. Gym was dead so I couldn’t even use the time to try and scout for potential clients. So I did a bit on the elliptical and played around with the dbs. Some rows, rear flys, shrugs. All was fine until I went to try some pulldowns and I only put 77 lbs on it too. It didn’t pop out again bc something didn’t feel right so I stopped but I think if I would’ve kept going it would have. Good thing I didn’t dl like I really wanted to lol


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The thought just makes me cringe


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Noticeable improvement! Nice work...


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Still not going full bore again giving that hernia a breather. Letting it heal up some but did have a pretty good, albeit abbreviated arm session this afternoon

Close grip bench 3x10 135,155,185

Rope pd. 22-3x20

Db curl. 3x12. 30,35,40

Db hammer 3x12. 40,45,50.

Tomorrow I finish first bottle. Thinking about cracking open the last of my OG tubs and doing 1 cap and the powder. Just to stretch log out a little longer.

I started a bcaa log but they agreed by picking me that there won’t be any conflicting info between the two. Just thought I’d mention it in here as I’m going to keep this log going still.


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enjoying the log glad you are going to keep it going !!


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Crazy workout today. Felt great so decided to push the envelope and do a full workout and case out nicely.

Full workout on my rpg log. But in essence it was a chest, front/side delt, legs and calves session. Rep schemes went in 3x6,3x7 and multiples of 6 and 7 which is why I termed this rep scheme my heaven and hell workout.

1 bottle down and second opening tomorrow. I decided that I’ll open my last OG tub and go with 1 scoop/1 cap in the am.

But 1 bottle down and everything is consistent as ever, even the randomness with the crazy sweating is consistent in that I never know exactly when the downpour will turn on. As you all can tell, I love this stuff and while there’s differences between caps and powder as outlined throughout the log, they’re both top of their category in my opinion. I can’t wait to see how crazy it’s gonna be using the combo of powder and caps. I can’t wait.


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Crazy workout today. Felt great so decided to push the envelope and do a full workout and case out nicely.

Full workout on my rpg log. But in essence it was a chest, front/side delt, legs and calves session. Rep schemes went in 3x6,3x7 and multiples of 6 and 7 which is why I termed this rep scheme my heaven and hell workout.

1 bottle down and second opening tomorrow. I decided that I’ll open my last OG tub and go with 1 scoop/1 cap in the am.

But 1 bottle down and everything is consistent as ever, even the randomness with the crazy sweating is consistent in that I never know exactly when the downpour will turn on. As you all can tell, I love this stuff and while there’s differences between caps and powder as outlined throughout the log, they’re both top of their category in my opinion. I can’t wait to see how crazy it’s gonna be using the combo of powder and caps. I can’t wait.
I had thought about trying that cocktail, anxious to hear how you like it!


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I had thought about trying that cocktail, anxious to hear how you like it!
Well it’ll have to wait til tomorrow bc I woke up like a zombie and didn’t even think just grabbed my daily vitamins and fish oil and radiate out of habit. So tomorrow


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Well it’ll have to wait til tomorrow bc I woke up like a zombie and didn’t even think just grabbed my daily vitamins and fish oil and radiate out of habit. So tomorrow
I am a patient man ..


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Well I’ve placed the caps bottle directly on top of the OG tub so definitely won’t repeat zombie mode tomorrow

Quick back trap rear delt session actual workout in other thread.

But a cpl new pics.



Normally I don’t post pics that reveal that damn loose skin but I just think my back looks sick af and had to post. Honestly I feel like I’m losing fat despite the sh1tty eating habits I’ve had and the scale really not going down much. Just shows that the claim these caps utilize fat differently are true af. Not that anyone would question it but just look at my two back shots from beginning of log to this. Crazy difference even from last pics I posted to today. As much as I love the powder I just don’t recall such a dramatic difference like this. Caps are winning in the comparison game imo


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I am fighting that loose skin thing also, wish there was a way to make it go away faster. musclemaker suggested trying a Collagen supplement, so I just got one to giver it a try.


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