Excelsior pre workout



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Yea I notice that too. I don’t do 1.5 scoops though, I usually do around 4 grams, but I do kinda grind my teeth, move my jaw unconsciously. Also get cotton mouth, and piss like a racehorse! That’s why I stick to lower doses but occasionally I take a lil extra
I used to jaw clench my first year using then I became perma exalted like Obelix who fell in the pot with magic juice and never had to drink again! :)


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How many post in a row is your personal record so far?
Thats actually partly a problem can be a little entertaining but I am looking at this obvious freaking trait of mine and if I could just cut stims and be more quit and peaceful1 I really respect your healthy way flooring at training Frode. I know you cant understand me, barelycan I , I just like to try and stretch things and think one step further than the teacher say we should lol


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I am lot into reading all kind of things and my greatest fascination lately is ho Tolkien Lord of the Rings took the mythology and Even the Elves straight from old Norse Vikings and asatro or Aesir faith


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Odin is both wisdom and war God but is it really wise towage war?

Thor and Hercules obvious bodybuilding inspirations and I am looking forward to the new movie when Thor is gonna fight Hercules and it was fun Russel Crowe playing evil Zeuss in the last Thor movie lol


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But Odin kills his beloved Elf woman in her sleep in her bed with his spear 3 times all over! Thor too smashes a sleeping giant right in his head with his hammer


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The elves in the old Scandinavian and the Icelandic collection I last read. Elves were nature loving song music and poetry and even got intoxicated with flower buds!It didnt say what kinda flower.
Anyhow it was a war and asa lost and after they intermingled.

Good to be strong when needed but try and grow peace in our hearts. I have been to 3 Swedish Norwegian mixed forest festivals 2 I Sweden and one across the Norway border on a mountain farm.
So peaceful and lovely the Norwegian people I meet there. Always great fun to talk our languages so alike but little funny differences.

Rather than study more training I am c
How many post in a row is your personal record so far?
Thank you for reply, sorry when I wasted your time being stupid! But glad anyhow to at least have someone to write when Excelsior inspired even if I think more of mythology and Tids than training!
I should release a pre story telling writing and listening brew!
Would be much nicer though if we could gather around fireplaces face to face like in old times before internet.
And I gotta get off to and Bryan intermingle a bit more with the world how lonely these parts of the woods might be.

Peace you all Army of Musclemen I assume @Frode Falch a fearsome rondkicker I know @zufir a mad brave overdose of magic brew I know but maybe like Obelix who fell in the Excelsior pot as a baby you dont need no more? Lol
Peace you all spice Carolina cj Adams Polish Damon cjfisher Wesley veteran and Bernard the thread starter

Chers even to the Excelsior cook. And Predator you have the cutting edge selection but I wish you keep quality same I dunno really and the prices lower, I realize the research and having small cutomsynth is very expensive but once most compounds patents are over so many things coat so little to make

And what about a natural berry just stevia flavored Excelsior? But I guess all that Sucralose and the chemical taste is addictive as well. But I feel better with less PWO and honestly happened to mak **** strong black Christmas tea this morning!
I didntmeasure just pure in the pot a bit of oat a bit if sugar and theobromine xanthine peace and out


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Yes. That’s why I chew gum during my trainings on excelsior. You also need some TUMs afterwards for potential acid reflux
Sorry be such besserwisser.
I understand the function of chewing to produce saliva after having Excelsior or any meds giving you dry mouth. Chewing gum though will as well as any chewing get your gastric juices going wether you hav eaten or not,

Its great to chew a lot when you eat to release those magic enzymes part of the human bodys almost magic system of breaking down food and sending the nutrients through the blood stream!

Chewing too mucho empty stomach though could lea to too much stomach acid believe me or not.
Fennel seed ea about one deciliter steeped in boiling water for like 5 - 10 minutes and drank like a tea is an amazing stomach medicine that will heal quickly. Omeprazol is instant alkaline but weakens your system and then it comes back worse.
Sorry to be out of place recommending natural herbs against some of the damage of these synthetic supplements.


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Sounds like a degenerate move, but I have to agree with your decision since you feel really productive on excelsior. I usually clean the house or get errands done post training lol
I would never ever have cleaned my house if I hadn't found PWO for me its more of a pre cleaner. I have learned to vacuum and now my hardcore cardio session also include swabbing all the floors on my knees with traditional natural såpa or soap made from pine tree oil flax oil or hemp oil into a natural caring cleaner treating the wooden floor and furniture as well
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Have you tried placing an order without being logged in to your customer account?
I'll give it a shot 👀
Just change your name?

or just for you with my pharmacological schooling combined with mythology and magical brew training I will cook up a very special brew that only you @zufir would survive and get superpowers from.

But please think of something heroic to do on that dose! 💪

Be ready to levitate though and be ready to see through yourself a well, thats the scariest part for me anyhow, when I see that although all my love talk I have been much more of angry Thor than Balder the Asa Love God!
I will be surfing by on my cosmic board by your side shooting cosmic love rays from my silver mirror skin at ya
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Well its def an analogue in there so I don't blame them for being hidden.
In this case I believe a functional analogue , I e functioning similarly butt not being that close of a structural analogue, if that had been the case many more had failed drug tests and reported online.
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Would drinking a Red Bull before work surprise you? Logically, what is the difference between an “energy drink “ and a PWO? They are both just combinations of different stimulants and energy boosters
Simples most logical comment I read here. A naturopath in India told me that in principle caffeine and methamphetamine work through the same principle. Even just plain caffeine is being described as toxic and it is the toxic reaction pumping out that adrenaline that get us going.


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I often wonder if I got to a police road check and breathalyzed would I fail for taking thermal spark , hydrazine or any other pre workout etc
Risks with quite a few stims if you know what's in them! Lol

Some might give false positives and some might just have real illegal things in them wouldn't surprise me one bit! Lot of false rumors about different active in Excelsior but I dunno havent tried all and they are very creative with new herb seasons! Smash though I do believe the rumour its a 4fmph a phenidate analogue Ritalin concerta prescribed a d h d meds that I tried and found all crap smash good for waking up when you get used to the jitters and good for shitting my intestines out. I wouldn't worry about being locked up if they found it. But yeah road and work tests even of false positives normally second more detailed test would show its a false I read. I took Excelsior like 3 days before drug screen test and nothing showed.

I dunno how advanced breath analyze roadside are? But I think most drug tests mostly look for most common drugs and similar ones can give false positives. Kinda expensive and maybe difficult to drug screen for different things I dunno really? and surprinsingly few people found the secret of O.G but me too even if I knew it would be safer as secret than people looking for it getting ripped off or poisoned by risky pure stim powders and then depending on what maybe also knowingly breaking the stim rules.
I believe it was partly pulled to keep the Imperial crew a bit above the rest and maybe now again some of those tubs they sprinkle with magic keeping stim dreams alive. And also sending some bunk ones to mess, but more and more I realize everybody using stims daily will slowly over time develop some perma tolerance. I guess just a few times a week onlyPWO is okay loads of coffee can almost same
As long as we innocently unknowingly keep drinking research stims not yet detectable we are free legaly but I still feel guilty I havent learned to fly this cosmic board without special juice


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Only allowed to sell in store is my understanding, not available online on their website….
Like it used to be. The real good stuff only passed to trusted family members in person! <3 Not just send around the globe to any crazy madman who might become a bodybuilder or something even crazier! 🧘‍♀️


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Don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t think you should be taking any preworkouts or spending time on boards like this. Reading that post I hope you can get some help buddy cos it’s uncomfortable to read for me.
Thank you so much for concern Maximilian!
You're really right Benn considering trying silence and talking less as well until I might fins some peace and maybe even some real wisdom to share!
Even if crazy I hope I could brings some laughs at least your welcome too :) Everyone is welcome to laugh at me an if we can laugh at ourselves compassionate instead of being angry, thats what I am trying here thanks again!

I am doing pretty well and instead of doing doing graffiti outside like some other kids I mess around in here as muscleman... but yeah been thinking really about what to write to put better use than just Excelsior thread.?
But nothing ever stimulated me verbally as much as the main O.G stim! In low dose perfect writing stim,too high uh uh muscle man almost falling off that cosmic surf board


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All my thermal spark came from Eva’s. Their excelsior they got in alongside it as well is also really good…..
I can confirm the white specks in my thermal sparks tastes exactly like the main stim of O.G , very mild taste for a stim almost neutral . I have no labs I just taste and analyze my own experience. I have a stim experience laboratory build in my head. Actually drinking a shitload of O.G mutated my brain so much until little chemical elves with artficial intelligence build this whole laboratory in my head and created muscleman.
I am about to trying stop muscleman ramble just letting him loose this morning

Just joking I am just a random guy on the internet who drank too much Excelsior!

Don´t do it kids quite before you start creating megalomania personas.

I am off this cosmic board gonna do something on earth like ice skating and rollerblading when snow melts


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This is exactly how it is for me. Sometimes a little Euphoria but just smooth long lasting focused energy.

And with the new Thermal Spark seems to last a decent length too. But to me, it’s really nothing too strong. I have a certain stim tolerance but nothing crazy. I don’t do anything over 300mg caffeine. It works and it feels pretty clean but not like what I’ve heard about old batches
Yeah it the same long-lasting stim as the main in O.G if you open it up and see those white specks but not too strong and 1 is almost chilled. 2 I got stressed and bad mood. O.Ghad other stuff too I dunno. But at low doses that stim is smoother than caffeine even too strong coffee mess up my heart beat and mood lately


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People really think doing karate and taking doomsday makes them superior to everyone else
Why the Evil vibe with Doomsday name? I guess it's because Superman lost to Doomsday?
What would be better PWO names?

2. Spiderman
3. Wolverine
4. Mr Fantastic?


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Placebo effect could explain all that though.
It could be placebo, it can be more powerful than anything!
Thiswhole speculation about variation in Excelsior batches could be a very powerful placebo that has spread far across the internet and gyms, not impossible at all. I try and stay open to new knowledge and your right placebo is much healthier than powder PWO! :)

but blindfolding myself not knowing wich tub I drank from a special long lasting ingredient was totally lacking in some tubs no matter ho much you took an I am pretty sure some had other stims shorter lasting or we can just believe like imperial Nutrition said according to the season of the herbs and fruits used batches will vary 🤣


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How is the Doomsday Hardcore for anyone who has tried?

Still haven’t gotten to sample yet, but I’m also one of the few who liked Doomsday.

Have tried the new Thermal Spark. Agree 100% with @BigGame84 that it’s OG good…..got mine from Eva’s as well….
I didnt like hardcore much but it was kinda strong
I personally like it, would say it’s good for at least 4hrs (IMO and from my experience)….
I noticed a little nootropic a little from Doomsday sample but for price its ridiculous IMHO

I also tried a sample of Hardcore and although noticeably stronger I didnt like it.
I got too locked in without mood lift rather bad mood and locked upon myself actually was not a good day and no creativity like on the secret of O.G and my few favourite stims hehe


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Got a tub of 7/26 from Eva’s to try….. strong as FACK IMO. 👀
Man good luck to you! You seem like a responsible user.

But guys honestly of course you have also noticed that even though I am funny I am a stim wreck glorifying the fun and lying even to myself of how bad I have been treating myself.
I am not blaming the PWO but my life and my reaction have been too strung out too long and using too strong stims to even clean my own closet.
A lot of comments like that are actually truth lol
Another truth though I believe I have the power to clean my closet without! Please guys help me believe! Lol

And thanks for reading couldn't have told the Stim junkies diary to my psychologist... lol.

But I was kinda thinking I should be writing the galactic passengers guide to understand the people of the people farm called Earth!

Worst thing though.... **** I even freaking forget my own anger bursts! Lik worse than Thor! So sorry for the people mostly the ones around me who has still stood by me.
It wasnt really the PWO by itself but I have known that somehow all synthethical flavor especially sneakily screws me up more or less....

I hope to be a peaceful and kind person as much as possible even more and gotta stop stims and write crap and sleep!

Maybe yeah although tired and lazy first few days, at least for me peace of mind increases a lot after just a few days without stims.

My greedy I had the idea of having muscleman retirement garage sale and I could have made the craziest brews pumps or changing into a green angry superstring giant.....

Man I read in spiritual books and now its true in my own experience as well

Nothing makes you lose so much energy like anger and the people around you and my rage and reaction I barely remember but I am afraid that part of my souls has been taken up by an ugly Goblin!

And **** gotta sleep lets see if my new genius theory the less train the larger muscles I will get? But just carrying those potatoes is kinda enough right now, farmers walk lol

Peace and wish muscleman bye bye I am really tired of him and need to give up these stims and sleep!

Love peace and goodnite and stay or seek peace and love although if the troll is too bad we better be ready to fight!
And **** guys I myself is the toughest troll I have been fighting with. No not I just angry misguide confusion.... sleep tight peace people. I did threw away most PWOs in the burning garbage already sorry the garbage burning air will be polluted instead f my body brain and pee going back into the communal water system! Dont wanna keep being PWOs at my neighbors although many pee coffee and booze around here Lol

Peace and good night take care of yourselves and keep looking for light and goodness we all already have it! man **** I have been possessed by a sneaky troll! And I dont blame the Hulk comics or PWOs but my won foolish ass!

Good nite

Carolina Kid

Carolina Kid

Oh man here we go again😅
How does it compare to the 2025 batches? Stronger , weaker , any difference in effects ?
Stronger IMO, more appetite suppresion, maybe less euphoria but need to try again.

Have never had a bad experience with predator but all my recent tubs of excelsior and thermal spark from Eva’s have just been straight bangers.

I only picked up a 7/26 because @BigGame84 said in a prior post they had on his visit, so had to scoot over there and check out for myself. My 11/25 from Eva’s was awesome too.

for those of y’all into this sort of comparison thing, my 7/26 has smooth lid (no ridges) and is grainy like OG excelsior, pic attached:


When I heard the name Doomsday I thought I am already eternally doomed and I remembered CRZ the O:G are Craze being crap. But congrats to you who like it! Might be some mild stims that more fried people wouldn't feel. I had a sample and felt a little but I think its really screwed to be charging and the false like Craze once again.
Still for those who enjoy that special long lasting ingredient of O.G it's hard to beat. It's not a rush for me just a very long steady flow of energy that for me is mentally and verbally stimulating for me.

Sorry guys I keep thinking to take out my dumbbells but then what if I do get a heart attack?

Actually did 4 slow heavy push ups yesterday lol Most of the base of my build today at 48 is dna and leftovers from starting push ups at eleven and sometime around my peak at 15 I could do maybe 40 but fast tempo then prob more...

then I became a teenage drunk and disco dancer was always crap boring the few times I followed my friend to gym with hang over and he had no magic PWO back then.....
I think muscle man’s long posts at 2 am is proof excelsior is back


View attachment 239613

Stronger IMO, more appetite suppresion, maybe less euphoria but need to try again.

Have never had a bad experience with predator but all my recent tubs of excelsior and thermal spark from Eva’s have just been straight bangers.

I only picked up a 7/26 because @BigGame84 said in a prior post they had on his visit, so had to scoot over there and check out for myself. My 11/25 from Eva’s was awesome too.

for those of y’all into this sort of comparison thing, my 7/26 has smooth lid (no ridges) and is grainy like OG excelsior, pic attached:
View attachment 239613

Stronger IMO, more appetite suppresion, maybe less euphoria but need to try again.

Have never had a bad experience with predator but all my recent tubs of excelsior and thermal spark from Eva’s have just been straight bangers.

I only picked up a 7/26 because @BigGame84 said in a prior post they had on his visit, so had to scoot over there and check out for myself. My 11/25 from Eva’s was awesome too.

for those of y’all into this sort of comparison thing, my 7/26 has smooth lid (no ridges) and is grainy like OG excelsior, pic attached:
Time for another 2 hour drive to Jackson heights


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I'm gonna be honest with you guys... I've been going back and forth between 05/24, 06/24, 11/25 and now 10/25 and I don't even notice the subtle differences anymore 😂

What I can say is that 06/24 has a bitter aftertaste which makes dry scooping harder to gulp down


I'm gonna be honest with you guys... I've been going back and forth between 05/24, 06/24, 11/25 and now 10/25 and I don't even notice the subtle differences anymore 😂

What I can say is that 06/24 has a bitter aftertaste which makes dry scooping harder to gulp down
Did predator let you buy from them?


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Unfortunately most of mankind isn't really ready for that spice.

I would be more worried about some people taking too much somatomax or Excelsior mixed up with impure chems!

There is something with these powders and sweeterners that screw with my alien biochemistry more than pure spice itself.
We talking about the same spice? Lol the one that turns people into zombies?


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The Hardcore sample to me was kinda hardcore locked in but didnt enjoy it much. New TS like weak Excelsior byt 2 gives me bad mood and it is that long lasting **** so dont take late
Same for me. That hardcore is the strongest stim on predator IME. But not pleasant.


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Gone like tumbleweed here ..Where is everyone?
Unknown research chems in excelsior finally caught up to everyone….

In other news, predator has so bogos currently with excelsior, hydrazine, and doomsday. I ordered two more tubs of doomsday, some doomsday hardcore samples, and another bottle of thermal spark. Going to be really upset if doomsday doesn’t get another batch or the new ones are different. It’s perfect to me. Going to slowly increase my stash just in case. I think these are tubs 7 and 8 for me
Frode Falch

Frode Falch

Doomsday is just perfect. Excelsior is too strong. And the others alternatives are too weak
Frode Falch

Frode Falch

how about doomsday hardcore? That’s definitely not weak imo but wasn’t a fan all the same.
Yeah. Its way stronger. And longer lasting.

Not sure if thats a good thing. Maybe doomsday once in a while. When going through a harder workout then you normally do.


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Yeah. Its way stronger. And longer lasting.

Not sure if thats a good thing. Maybe doomsday once in a while. When going through a harder workout then you normally do.
How do you find it intensity wise compared to excelsior? Same q for you @Carolina Kid as I think you’ve both tried them.

I’ve seen one or two say it feels like excelsior but from my memory of excelsior I didn’t find that at all.
Carolina Kid

Carolina Kid

How do you find it intensity wise compared to excelsior? Same q for you @Carolina Kid as I think you’ve both tried them.

I’ve seen one or two say it feels like excelsior but from my memory of excelsior I didn’t find that at all.
have never had a chance to try doomsday hardcore, however I am one of the few fans of normal doomsday and it always worked well
For me….


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have never had a chance to try doomsday hardcore, however I am one of the few fans of normal doomsday and it always worked well
For me….
I don't think people who like Doomsday are that rare honestly. It's just the way it was/is advertized that left many customers dissapointed and some of them were very vocal about it 😃 Which I do understand. It's quite a lot different, than Excelsior. I find Doomsday to be beneficial in right situations and would put it in my top 5 for PWO's available at the moment.

Haven't tried the "hardcore" version myself, but I would expect that if you like Doomsday, then you'll like the HC as well, and if you don't like Doomsday, then you won't like the HC either.

Speaking of personal top 5 PWO's, Skull labs Angel Dust (lol the name) has been my go to for a few years now for those days when I need a kick in the a$$ and want to really get after it in the gym, but am not feeling like it enerzy wise. Strong effect which fully appears when doing physical activity and doesn't keep me up late.

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