Excelsior pre workout



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$70 for TS. $80 for Excelsior

Imperial has been with Eva's since their start. I would wager the best batches are going to Eva's.

And it's in-store only. Not online. Not by phone.
Well its def an analogue in there so I don't blame them for being hidden.


Ohh **** new batch alert ! Guess I’m taking a road trip to NY


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Muscleman you find a stash of OG excelsior? Haha Merry Christmas brother but seriously I hope you are happy and not manic! Clear head is best for the season.

As far as the new thermal, never tried the original, but subsequent uses of the new predator batch provide pretty long lasting clean focus. After about 2-3 hours you sometimes forgot you took it but then realize you have plenty of energy and are focused. To me that’s good. No stimmed out I might drop dead feeling. Still, not sure it’s like the original thermal spark from what people describe. But it does feel like a longer lasting hydrazine
Merry Christmas @CATdiesel76 Not exactly a stash of O.G but now I know the secret but won't be spilling the beans after all. Sometimes it is better to not know the secret but when you know it, it can be kind of funny to laugh at the lies although even before knowing for sure you were pretty sure they were lies.
Like ingredient labels for some supplements lol
. my worst mania though came when I was running out of O.G and trying all these kinda combos to get close using just a bit of O.G and mixing it with other things to make it last. Well it also came when I had too much of the O.G and again that was amazing in small doses but having too much for me caused mild mania although not crazy high doses most I ever had was 2 scoops spaced out in a whole day. And I can imagine even though at low dose it felt safe cardiovascularly but pretty sure it could be risky for heart etc at higher continuous doses. That goes for most stims more or less

But yeah it can be a fine line finding that perfect productive dose but have just a little bit more and you get the sides as rapid heartbeat and anxiety.
Clear head for the win
Dusted off my dumbbells twice and did just a few good old slow push ups on new years. It is quite strenuous and it is easier to dumbbell chest press with light dumbbells. But push ups such an awesome allround excersice and really time saving as well
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Don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t think you should be taking any preworkouts or spending time on boards like this. Reading that post I hope you can get some help buddy cos it’s uncomfortable to read for me.
Sorry to worry you wow that was some crappy spelling half asleep in my elf hat lol
But yes you're right I went to far on a board like this and dont worry about me though I believe I have some very good source of help in different ways. But yeah sometimes I have been writing here in my worst moments after two stims and sometimes in my biggest ego mania moments also on stims lol.
Sorry to worry you or anybody else and thank you so much for concern <3
Frode Falch

Frode Falch

I think guys taking lower doses/less stims in general seem to report better response over the long term than those who desentizied themselves by taking too much for too long. Think once you’ve crossed a threshold of use you’ll never respond the same way. Phenibut is similar here. Once you take a lot one time even a one year break will never hit the same for that user IME.
Yeah i think phenibut changes you for a looong periode.


Get some from Eva’s if you can, it’s legit good…. Haven’t tried any from Predator, but my thermal spark and excelsior from Eva’s in NY are both
Top quality and excelsior is definitely better than the tubs I got from Predator….
My exelsior from Eva’s has some crystals in it…haven’t seen those since 4/24 batch a year ago


Ok, that's what I got as well. Just haven't opened it yet to look. As I mentioned earlier, I did see a few 7/26 tubs there.

I am convinced Eva's gets better batches than Predator lol
no doubt... next person to go should see what the 7/26 is like...

The 11/25 is almost stronger than I expected..

Better off doing one scoop or just under or its actually overstimulating and lasts wayyy too long


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Has anyone bought excelsior from predator recently? If so how was it?


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How did they connect your forum persona with your real-life name? Just curious
I think could sit down and pour just a glass of vintage Excelsior in purple crystal cups and see if that will help or hinder in out search for the truth :)


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My exelsior from Eva’s has some crystals in it…haven’t seen those since 4/24 batch a year ago
Its not exactly the formula mix and I dont wanna recommend but some of those withe specks in The Thermal Spark is the main long lasting focus from O.G But its not very strong for stim junkies like me , well actually first day even for me it felt like a functional dose.
I tried 2 one day but that was bad choice and heartbeat and anxiety was cap..... For me it feels like these Thermal Spark has some kind of bad mood ingredient in them.
Pure spice is what we need. The spice that controls the Universe

But Soma like in Somatic yes some herbs could helped awaken energy centers that otherwise would take lifetime But maybe just s good pump of for me like super sweet night surf through space :love:


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I am innocent 😭😂 #Freezufir

View attachment 239305
Love Peace and Blessings
to dear @zufir All of you others too!
And all your beloved and all the rest too! 😍
Yay I wish you well and lets do it wish well think live well love well
I love vert spontaneously but often also am too spontaneous
shoulda thought more before acting?

Like Ingmar Bergman did am I here typing out the ,manuscript and the people and adventures become the pieces of my compositions?
Meh I havent felt creative but I have discovered much beauty in fairytales music and poetry

But be aware sometimes muscleman posts can be a lt far!
But believe me when I say I wanna do you no harm
And all of beloved and all the rest too! 😍

Dear @zufir Brave Zufir and gratulate you on your bravery. I would have been pissed myself but in a way I am also happy for you to get go out this purchasing realtionship with this company. I´,m with ya buddy butI have gotten tired of these even if they might have found some of that long lasting ingredient again, the old O.G also had something a little extra euphoric sparkle that also gave muscle mania....

Stay safe People and Zufir I wish you good health an I hope you dont keep drinking more PWO longer than I have anyhow if you have I really wish strength and health remains with you! <3

I have pushed myself too much with too much stims and not just for a few training sessions a week almost just for active survival.

Was a bi shocked today, came down to ice just after sunset and a perfect mystical misty mat lay over the ice and my mind went to Ronja. Lindgrens story about the robbers daughter who get bewitched by people below the earth myhthologocal names dint opt up right now but in scnadinavian they are called De Underjordiska. The once below the earth an the kind of bewitch people in the movie.

So i was standing on land sun down and the mystical mist and temperature dropped like 10 degrees to minus 30 celsius in one hour or so.
And my son was like bewitched but across the ice was closest way already ice skating so thick ice so we too th nice way less than one kilometer.
We have hiked more than 10km off trail in summer many times,

But this last kilter across the ice in miss 30 felt like one of the longest. My sin was geting exhausted wanted to sit in snow and rest and was getting cold.... banana we didnt minus 30 clothing, with a few more layers and polar thermo long johns possible. O have amazing polyester fur hunters long ! Amazing super cheap and the warmest ever and my wife even feel emabarrassed if I go out and throw garbage in those because are like green fur and I am dator and my horns are wild and my green furry leggs and hooves...

Sorry guys I guess I bettet join anabolic mythological creatures . But if you guys believe in reality and all keep your eyes and minds awaken so many illusions to get stuck in!
I git hung up Excelsior and wrote too much here again!!!!

Too much should have slept long ago! Good note

Love Peace and Blessings
All of you!
And all of beloved and all the rest too! 😍


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How did they connect your forum persona with your real-life name? Just curious
That's what I was wondering as well. And the statement "worst case would be 16£ wasted" isn't even a harsh comment. That could be said about any supp/product when trying something out. Weird.. The best part is though: "Thank you very much for getting in touch with us", inb4 GTFO.


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Its not exactly the formula mix and I dont wanna recommend but some of those withe specks in The Thermal Spark is the main long lasting focus from O.G But its not very strong for stim junkies like me , well actually first day even for me it felt like a functional dose.
I tried 2 one day but that was bad choice and heartbeat and anxiety was cap..... For me it feels like these Thermal Spark has some kind of bad mood ingredient in them.
Pure spice is what we need. The spice that controls the Universe

But Soma like in Somatic yes some herbs could helped awaken energy centers that otherwise would take lifetime But maybe just s good pump of for me like super sweet night surf through space :love:
You ain’t taking THAT spice are you bud?


My exelsior from Eva’s has some crystals in it…haven’t seen those since 4/24 batch a year ago
Hi there ! Is this what you mean by crystals ? And did the crystal batches hit hard for you ?


Hit hard and last longer.. it’s hard to tell best way is to use your flashlight and look in the tub and look for a reflection from the little crystals..this looks good tho is this an 11/25?
It definitely shimmers in the light . First time I saw these Crystal lookin pieces.
it’s a red 5/2024
Frode Falch

Frode Falch

On a side note: how are you guys doing in your training? All good yeah?



On a side note: how are you guys doing in your training? All good yeah?

I mean this is the excelsior thread ,in the supplement forum, so I mainly come here to talk about that. But if you really must know my training is going great, it’s an obsession. doing a push-pull-legs split atm with no rest days. Eating about 3000-3500 calories a day , tracking every meal and I am super excited to wake up and do it every single day


Does anyone else here actually want to hear about training or just this guy? I feel like I hear about training enough in other places
Frode Falch

Frode Falch

Wow you are on fire my man.

Its a PWO thread yes. But sometimes it feel like a read endless long posts, that sound like they was written by skinny Pete and Badger from breaking bad


Wow you are on fire my man.

Its a PWO thread yes. But sometimes it feel like a read endless long posts, that sound like they was written by skinny Pete and Badger from breaking bad
😄 love that show. I feel you but it’s also the Excelsior thread in particular, which is specifically known to be have been spiked with sketchy stims. So I mean it should be kinda expected 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t even usually take excelsior to train tbh, I have a huge collection of pres that I find better suited for the gym. I like Excelsior for at work


Wow you are on fire my man.

Its a PWO thread yes. But sometimes it feel like a read endless long posts, that sound like they was written by skinny Pete and Badger from breaking bad
I imagine there are plenty of other threads out there with content which is more up your alley ?


We're not training here... Only sipping on that devil's juice. Matter fact I'm currently with @cfisher52986 and I unsealed my finest 06/24 with him 😂😭
My Man! I would love to get my hands on some 06/24. I’ve heard good things about the red tubs
I got 2 servings of 2/23 from ebay coming tomorrow which I’m excited about.
As for now , im about to down some phenibut to take the edge off this 5/24 and try to get some sleep 🤪
Frode Falch

Frode Falch

😄 love that show. I feel you but it’s also the Excelsior thread in particular, which is specifically known to be have been spiked with sketchy stims. So I mean it should be kinda expected 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t even usually take excelsior to train tbh, I have a huge collection of pres that I find better suited for the gym. I like Excelsior for at work
You take Excelsior before you go to work? Not for training?


We're not training here... Only sipping on that devil's juice. Matter fact I'm currently with @cfisher52986 and I unsealed my finest 06/24 with him 😂😭
I always wondered if we all got together somehow what everyone looks like in this thread lol.

Were prob a interesting bunch.


My Man! I would love to get my hands on some 06/24. I’ve heard good things about the red tubs
I got 2 servings of 2/23 from ebay coming tomorrow which I’m excited about.
As for now , im about to down some phenibut to take the edge off this 5/24 and try to get some sleep 🤪
you try any batches from Eva?


You take Excelsior before you go to work? Not for training?
Surely you don’t think exercising is the only thing stimulants are good for ?😅
I take Excelsior for anything that requires a little boost.. training, working, occasionally if I have a lot of chores..imo all of this equates to doing work, in one form or another
I’m actually going to a rave this month I and I might use a scoop for that as well


You take Excelsior before you go to work? Not for training?
Would drinking a Red Bull before work surprise you? Logically, what is the difference between an “energy drink “ and a PWO? They are both just combinations of different stimulants and energy boosters


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Has anyone else noticed that during the first couple hours after taking a dose of Excelsior (usually 1.5 scoops for me), you subconsciously clench your jaws? After I'm done running, my jaw muscles will almost be sore, almost as if I'd been chewing a massive wad of bubblegum for the last few hours.


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Has anyone else noticed that during the first couple hours after taking a dose of Excelsior (usually 1.5 scoops for me), you subconsciously clench your jaws? After I'm done running, my jaw muscles will almost be sore, almost as if I'd been chewing a massive wad of bubblegum for the last few hours.
Yes. That’s why I chew gum during my trainings on excelsior. You also need some TUMs afterwards for potential acid reflux


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Would drinking a Red Bull before work surprise you? Logically, what is the difference between an “energy drink “ and a PWO? They are both just combinations of different stimulants and energy boosters
Sounds like a degenerate move, but I have to agree with your decision since you feel really productive on excelsior. I usually clean the house or get errands done post training lol

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