EvoMuse Fat Loss Sponsored Log - Kaprice



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Yeah, I feel really good about that. It's .84 miles up almost entirely up hill -- MapMyRun says it's a 284 ft climb.

I alternate between jogging and walking it -- 100 paces of my left foot.

Definitely felt my recovery during the walking phases happening much sooner than before.

But, my left hamstring is really bothering me right now. (sigh)
Wish I had some Injure-Eeze I could send you., however I was sent a sample of Iron Legion Invictus, and it also works decently. It might help your hamstring.


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Wish I had some Injure-Eeze I could send you., however I was sent a sample of Iron Legion Invictus, and it also works decently. It might help your hamstring.
Found this review of Iron Legion Invictus. How's this supposed to help my leg? By giving me other more interesting things to focus on? :)

The key benefits listed for using Invictus were increased fat loss, cortisol control, and libido boosting properties. The latter of those is where this product stood out the most for me. This could be the best libido product that I have ever used, not exaggerating in the least when I say I had a hard time controlling my friend downstairs. I was ready to go all day every day, and on several occasions went multiple times a day.... This stuff would be worth it for me on that basis alone if you were experiencing any kind of shutdown to to PH/AAS.
But your recommendation did remind me of a Melalueca product I have lying around called Pain-A-Trate. It's a bit like Icy Hot with some purported additional muscle healing properties. Applying it to my hamstring now.

The challenge is there's a huge layer of fat the goop must get through before it can reach the muscle!


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The one I have is an external liquid to be applied to areas that are hurting, like Injure-Eeze (shares many of the same ingredients.)


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I forgot to mention that I applied SN to my core, but, and thighs just prior to my run.


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The one I have is an external liquid to be applied to areas that are hurting, like Injure-Eeze (shares many of the same ingredients.)
Hmmmm... from the product website:

Increased Fat Loss
Control Cortisol Levels
Maintain Muscle Mass
Reduce Inflammation
Improved Immune Response
Zero Conversion to HPTA Suppressive Hormones
Can be Used During PCT
Can be Stacked with Fat Burner of Choice

Maybe the reduce inflamation would apply.

Also, I don't know, from this list, why that other reviewer focused so much on libido.


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Sounds like he might have been confused.


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Sounds like he might have been confused.
Yeah, it might have been the other Iron Legion product, which increases testosterone.


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Monday's macros:

I had Defuse / DCP before dinner.

Cal: 1889
F: 87
C: 124
P: 141


1 tbsp Fiber in 2 cups water

Hamstring and ankle feeling reasonably good.

But, tomorrow's Lower Body, and I'm not sure I want to put much stress on them so soon. We'll see.

Applied SN to core, butt, thighs


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DAY 29 - Tuesday

Bed last night at 1:30a
Wake 9:15a

Good BM
Shower / Scrub / AA

Weight: 242.5

It's likely the fiber is helping with my BMs.

Brite / DCP / Epitome

The Brite bottle is definitely leaking a pretty significant amount every time I shake it. I've even tried shaking sideways and it still runs down the top.


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Around 10:30, I had 2 eggs fried in butter. This is part of a new experiment where I do eat a bit (focus on protein) during the day on lifting days. But, dang it all, 2 eggs is only 12g of protein!

Applied SN to core and lower body.

Good lower body workout
I'm getting more reps with my trailing body weight stuff: Lunges and Hindu squats.

15 mins on the incline treadmill.
Other than a 1 min warm up and a 2 min cool down, I did the entire time on Incline 7 speed 3.2. No rest breaks, other than periodically checking HR, which never went above 139. I think last time (with resting periods) my HR high was around 145.

Post WO weight: 241.5

Protein shake after WO.

Sadly, dinner was almost all carbs (potato soup). Cole Slaw.


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Around 10:30, I had 2 eggs fried in butter. This is part of a new experiment where I do eat a bit (focus on protein) during the day on lifting days. But, dang it all, 2 eggs is only 12g of protein!

Applied SN to core and lower body.

Good lower body workout
I'm getting more reps with my trailing body weight stuff: Lunges and Hindu squats.

15 mins on the incline treadmill.
Other than a 1 min warm up and a 2 min cool down, I did the entire time on Incline 7 speed 3.2. No rest breaks, other than periodically checking HR, which never went above 139. I think last time (with resting periods) my HR high was around 145.

Post WO weight: 241.5

Protein shake after WO.

Sadly, dinner was almost all carbs (potato soup). Cole Slaw.
Great work - good to see the workouts progressing. That's more important than the weight loss, IMO. The most important thing is being able to move and be active - what you weigh is secondary to that.

As far as the eggs - egg whites are low calories and all protein. I normally mix 4-5 egg whites with 1-2 whole eggs. Most of the time I'd say 5 egg whites and 1 whole egg. Yeah, you're throwing out a lot of yolks, and the yolks have nutrition - but you're saving a lot of calories too. 1 whole egg with 5 egg whites will have about 163 calories and 24 grams of protein. Or just buy egg beaters, which are great and taste like eggs with the yolk.


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Great work - good to see the workouts progressing. That's more important than the weight loss, IMO. The most important thing is being able to move and be active - what you weigh is secondary to that.

As far as the eggs - egg whites are low calories and all protein. I normally mix 4-5 egg whites with 1-2 whole eggs. Most of the time I'd say 5 egg whites and 1 whole egg. Yeah, you're throwing out a lot of yolks, and the yolks have nutrition - but you're saving a lot of calories too. 1 whole egg with 5 egg whites will have about 163 calories and 24 grams of protein. Or just buy egg beaters, which are great and taste like eggs with the yolk.
True about stronger vs lighter. But, again it's a head vs heart thing!

As for the eggs, I'm not concerned about calories, so I won't be throwing away any yokes. But, I AM finding it hard to get enough protein from food. I don't like the idea of getting 3/4 of my protein from powder. Also, I don't like the idea of egg beaters. I may just not have enough info, but it feels too processed to me.


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DAY 30 - Wednesday

Yesterday's macros (a lot of estimating here):
Cal: 2587
F: 121
C: 169
P: 201

I'm going to be experimenting with higher calories/protein on lifting days and low calorie medium protein on jogging days.

Bed last night at 1:30a
Up at 10:00a, but laid in bed, anyway until about 10:40.

BM. Shower. Scrub core for a bit of exfoliating.

Weight: 243.5

I'm looking forward to getting past this plateau. Hopefully it's a relatively short one.

11:00a 1 tbsp fiber in water.
I intended to take my supps first then the fiber an hour later, but I went into auto mode. Now the supps will have to wait an hour.


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I would say that that macro breakdown is probably about perfect for you.


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I would say that that macro breakdown is probably about perfect for you.
That's great to hear.

I'm finding it psychologically difficult to increase my calories when my weight has stopped dropping. But, I'll trust the system.


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That's great to hear.

I'm finding it psychologically difficult to increase my calories when my weight has stopped dropping. But, I'll trust the system.
Yep, your mind is your greatest asset, but also sometimes your biggest obstacle.


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That's great to hear.

I'm finding it psychologically difficult to increase my calories when my weight has stopped dropping. But, I'll trust the system.
I agree - the last couple days you have been between 160-200 grams protein which is WAY better for you.

Also, plateaus are part of the game no matter what you do. Just keep doing what you know works and keep plugging. A week with no loss isn't the end of the world, and usually you will have a week with a big, sudden drop shortly after those hard times.

It would be nicer, mentally, if this was more linear.


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I've had times where I was cutting where one week I'll drop ~1.2 lbs, I'll stall for 2 weeks eating the same deficit, then the next week I'll drop 2 lbs or something. Fat loss/dropping weight is just weird. Just stick to a deficit/macro ratio and see if it works in the long run, not over a span of a day or two. People change variables way too much during dieting or training.


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I went through a period of several weeks where I wasn't really hungry at all during the day. I attributed it to a combination of Epitome and just getting used to IF.

But, now I'm finding I'm starting to get hungry again mid day. And, I'm guessing that's a good sign. It probably means my metabolism is starting to kick in. Possibly due to muscle improvements from my workouts.

Just guessing. And, it could be either temporary or unrelated, but I thought I'd post the observation.

2:00p 2 sc whey protein w/ 1.75 cups whole milk and a few slices of frozen peaches. Seems to be satisfying the appetite.

REALLY not looking forward to my run, today. In fact, I'm not very motivated today about anything. 2pm and I've accomplished virtually nothing all day. :(


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Hmm what do you think about the studies that show any more than 25g of protein isn't helpful in terms of being absorbed by muscles? Just curious. I used to double scoop + milk my shakes


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I went through a period of several weeks where I wasn't really hungry at all during the day. I attributed it to a combination of Epitome and just getting used to IF.

But, now I'm finding I'm starting to get hungry again mid day. And, I'm guessing that's a good sign. It probably means my metabolism is starting to kick in. Possibly due to muscle improvements from my workouts.

Just guessing. And, it could be either temporary or unrelated, but I thought I'd post the observation.

2:00p 2 sc whey protein w/ 1.75 cups whole milk and a few slices of frozen peaches. Seems to be satisfying the appetite.

REALLY not looking forward to my run, today. In fact, I'm not very motivated today about anything. 2pm and I've accomplished virtually nothing all day. :(
Moes the time to break out of that and have a kick ass run!! Power of positivity. Getting that blood flowing will turn your day around


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Hmm what do you think about the studies that show any more than 25g of protein isn't helpful in terms of being absorbed by muscles? Just curious. I used to double scoop + milk my shakes
I've not seen those so I can't comment. I do trust dsade of EvoMuse, though, and he's recommending I keep my protein at around 200g per day, so that's what I'm going to target -- at least on my lifting days.


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Moes the time to break out of that and have a kick ass run!! Power of positivity. Getting that blood flowing will turn your day around
Hmmm... I've run off and on for 35 years. More frequent in HS and early 20s, but off and on since then, too. Even when I ran cross country and sprints in HS, I've never experienced the joy of running. Never got the "runner's high". Never had it make me feel better the rest of the day.

It's always just been a necessary evil for me.

And now that I'm old and beat up, I don't think I'l ever get even close to a kick ass run again -- unless you count my heels kicking my flabby butt as I run!


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I just got my shipping notification. Gut health and Brite are on their way. I'm nearing the end of my current Brite, so that's great news.

I'd been taking another probiotic for my gut health -- something from BioTrust that I had lying around. But, that's gone now, so I'm looking forward to trying the EvoMuse version.


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Hmm what do you think about the studies that show any more than 25g of protein isn't helpful in terms of being absorbed by muscles? Just curious. I used to double scoop + milk my shakes
So, you're telling me that if I eat 100 grams of protein, and 400 calories, all at once - my body will only absorb 100 of the calories and I will just "waste" the other 300? If so, that's how I'm eating from now on. Unlimited protein, as long as it's all in one sitting.

Hmmm... I've run off and on for 35 years. More frequent in HS and early 20s, but off and on since then, too. Even when I ran cross country and sprints in HS, I've never experienced the joy of running. Never got the "runner's high". Never had it make me feel better the rest of the day.

It's always just been a necessary evil for me.

And now that I'm old and beat up, I don't think I'l ever get even close to a kick ass run again -- unless you count my heels kicking my flabby butt as I run!
I hear you. I friggin hate running. You're way better at it then I am. But I will say - on those days when I lack motivation and don't want to do anything and haven't accomplished anything, just getting my butt out of a chair and doing something a little strenuous turns me around and makes me ready to do more. Getting out of that chair can be so hard though.


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So, you're telling me that if I eat 100 grams of protein, and 400 calories, all at once - my body will only absorb 100 of the calories and I will just "waste" the other 300? If so, that's how I'm eating from now on. Unlimited protein, as long as it's all in one sitting.
Where did you get THAT from his post?

I hear you. I friggin hate running. You're way better at it then I am. But I will say - on those days when I lack motivation and don't want to do anything and haven't accomplished anything, just getting my butt out of a chair and doing something a little strenuous turns me around and makes me ready to do more. Getting out of that chair can be so hard though.
Well for me, it depends on how hard I push my run. If I push hard then I'm useless for at least the next 1.5 to 2 hours as I "recover". OTOH, a light jog or brisk walk does tend to improve my demeanor and motivation afterwards. But, I find it hard to take it easy once I'm out there. Taking it easy feels like I'm wasting the time!


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Hmm what do you think about the studies that show any more than 25g of protein isn't helpful in terms of being absorbed by muscles? Just curious. I used to double scoop + milk my shakes
I've tried all kinds of intermittent fasting schemes in bulking and dieting where sometimes I would have 1 or 2 meals for my daily caloric intake with tons of protein in them. I've made gains during bulking, and I've prevented LBM loss during cuts. So any studies that say that are either full of crap, or we really don't need as much protein as they say we do. Take my small experience for what it's worth. :)


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Where did you get THAT from his post?

Well for me, it depends on how hard I push my run. If I push hard then I'm useless for at least the next 1.5 to 2 hours as I "recover". OTOH, a light jog or brisk walk does tend to improve my demeanor and motivation afterwards. But, I find it hard to take it easy once I'm out there. Taking it easy feels like I'm wasting the time!
Sorry, you know me...I am a pain. I was just following the logic. If you believe you can only absorb 25 grams of protein per meal, since protein is a source of calories, which has to be absorbed to be utilized, if that were true, whenever you are more than 25 g protein, you wouldn't absorbed the additional protein, and thus would not have any calories from it. So if you ate 25 g of protein, that would give you 100 calories. If you ate a pound of protein, that too would give you 100 calories, as about 420 g wouldn't be absorbed.

I was just being playful. But it doesn't work that way. The studies show that protein synthesis is maximized around 20-30 g per meal, not that we can only absorb/utilize that much. What that really means is that for maximum muscle growth, you should never eat less than 20-30 grams per sitting.

Sorry if I came across wring, like I said, I was just being playful.

As far as the run - that is my issue with running too. It just beats the hell out of me. More so than weights even.

But I also have the same issue with sitting around all day - I never get going, never get motivated...it can be hard.


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Did my run. Both up and down were just a few seconds off last round's excellent times.

But, it WIPED ME OUT. I just laid around for an hour or more, with periodic coughing. And, I still feel exhausted.

A stick, of nicorette is helping some.

Post run weight: 241.7

Only intake, so far, is a protein shake and about 25 roasted almonds.


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Joining in for more updates. Keep pushing Kaprice! I know you'll get it done! I came through the same sort of thing (pack a day, 255 pounds down to 170 at my lowest) and I know it can get discouraging. Just stock with it, there are better days coming! If you want, we'll meet up this spring and run an Obstacle Course Race! I'm in Illinois, so pick something halfway and I'm in. Gives you something to shoot for!


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Well, I'm feeling much better after dinner. A good portion of my post run fatigue might very well have been the fact that I was running on just 500 calories up to that point -- a protein shake.

Dinner was breaded chicken in BBQ sauce and ranch dressing in a tortilla shell.

I had one in the shell and another .75 without the shell.
Just water to drink.
No sides.

I'm at 1344 calories for the day. I intend to have nothing more tonight except another protein shake and maybe a green drink.

Assuming I do both, I'll end at:

Cal: 1622
F: 74
C: 108
P: 153

Again, my intent for the next few weeks is to alternate between low and high calorie days, where high is at about maintenance. Low on running days, high on lifting days.

It's an experiment -- and sort of a compromise between Hit4Me and dsade.

In support of the high days, my theory goes like this:

* The muscles need more calories -- esp protein -- to build and recover effectively.
* The EvoMuse stack will offset the potential fat gain from the higher calories -- though really, since the high days are at maintenance, in theory that shouldn't cause any fat gain, so maybe the stack simply allows fat loss closer to what lower calories would normally do, while still allowing muscle growth.
* The high days should make maintaining the diet easier, both physiologically and psychologically.
* The high days should reduce the likelihood of metabolic slowdown.

BUT, I wasn't prepared to give up lower calories completely.

I expect it will take a week or two to see the benefit of this new way of eating. But, I'm hoping I'll end September with some impressive body recomp, including significant fat loss.

We'll see.


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Well, I'm feeling much better after dinner. A good portion of my post run fatigue might very well have been the fact that I was running on just 500 calories up to that point -- a protein shake.

Dinner was breaded chicken in BBQ sauce and ranch dressing in a tortilla shell.

I had one in the shell and another .75 without the shell.
Just water to drink.
No sides.

I'm at 1344 calories for the day. I intend to have nothing more tonight except another protein shake and maybe a green drink.

Assuming I do both, I'll end at:

Cal: 1622
F: 74
C: 108
P: 153

Again, my intent for the next few weeks is to alternate between low and high calorie days, where high is at about maintenance. Low on running days, high on lifting days.

It's an experiment -- and sort of a compromise between Hit4Me and dsade.

In support of the high days, my theory goes like this:

* The muscles need more calories -- esp protein -- to build and recover effectively.
* The EvoMuse stack will offset the potential fat gain from the higher calories -- though really, since the high days are at maintenance, in theory that shouldn't cause any fat gain, so maybe the stack simply allows fat loss closer to what lower calories would normally do, while still allowing muscle growth.
* The high days should make maintaining the diet easier, both physiologically and psychologically.
* The high days should reduce the likelihood of metabolic slowdown.

BUT, I wasn't prepared to give up lower calories completely.

I expect it will take a week or two to see the benefit of this new way of eating. But, I'm hoping I'll end September with some impressive body recomp, including significant fat loss.

We'll see.
I like it. I like how you are taking multiple ideas and making them your own too. Great job man.


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Well, I'm feeling much better after dinner. A good portion of my post run fatigue might very well have been the fact that I was running on just 500 calories up to that point -- a protein shake.

Dinner was breaded chicken in BBQ sauce and ranch dressing in a tortilla shell.

I had one in the shell and another .75 without the shell.
Just water to drink.
No sides.

I'm at 1344 calories for the day. I intend to have nothing more tonight except another protein shake and maybe a green drink.

Assuming I do both, I'll end at:

Cal: 1622
F: 74
C: 108
P: 153

Again, my intent for the next few weeks is to alternate between low and high calorie days, where high is at about maintenance. Low on running days, high on lifting days.

It's an experiment -- and sort of a compromise between Hit4Me and dsade.

In support of the high days, my theory goes like this:

* The muscles need more calories -- esp protein -- to build and recover effectively.
* The EvoMuse stack will offset the potential fat gain from the higher calories -- though really, since the high days are at maintenance, in theory that shouldn't cause any fat gain, so maybe the stack simply allows fat loss closer to what lower calories would normally do, while still allowing muscle growth.
* The high days should make maintaining the diet easier, both physiologically and psychologically.
* The high days should reduce the likelihood of metabolic slowdown.

BUT, I wasn't prepared to give up lower calories completely.

I expect it will take a week or two to see the benefit of this new way of eating. But, I'm hoping I'll end September with some impressive body recomp, including significant fat loss.

We'll see.
Good call on increasing cals on workout days. This should fuel and increase your workout intensity and performance. More muscle = higher metabolism. Excited to find out if this helps you:).


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My Brite bottle has a vendetta against me.

A week or two ago, it started leaking when I'd shake it. So, I started shaking horizontally instead of top to bottom.

Now it actually leaks as I pump it! Can't win! :)

I still have my last bottle. I'm going to try dumping the contents from the leaker to the older one and see how that goes.

I stuck to my macros in my last post.


I'll probably get to bed in an hour or so.


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I had 2 eggs and 1 hamburger patty with cheese mid morning.
and protein shake 2sc Whey in 1.5 cups whole milk.

I was on a phone appt that went long so I wasn't able to apply SN before rushing off to the gym.

Upper body.
Was feeling reasonably good on the bench press.
After some lower weight high reps
I did 165x5.
Then I started to notice a slight warning in my left shoulder.
Dropped to 145x12 and the shoulder didn't complain too much

Moved to incline bench.
Bar x 20
(Bar+20) x 12
Shoulder complained a bit more.

Over to standing DB curls. Definitely felt the shoulder on those, so I did lower weights higher reps.

Really disappointing. But, I do feel I got a good workout in. Every group near failure.

10 mins on hydrabed.
6 mins on incline treadmill was all I had time for, but after the one min warmup, it was all Incline 7 at speed 3.2. No rests. Final 2 mins was at speed 3.3.

I noticed a distinct drop in sweat, though I can't be sure it wasn't due to the lower load. More likely it was the lack of SuperNova.

Post WO weight: 140.7

Applied SN to upper body.

Protein shake: 1.5c whole milk. 1.5sc Gold Standard Whey. 1 tsp luecine. 1tsp creatine. 3 slices frozen peach.

Still pretty wiped out, but I can probably function again.

Goal for today is calories around maint and high end of protein.


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I had 2 eggs and 1 hamburger patty with cheese mid morning.
and protein shake 2sc Whey in 1.5 cups whole milk.

I was on a phone appt that went long so I wasn't able to apply SN before rushing off to the gym.

Upper body.
Was feeling reasonably good on the bench press.
After some lower weight high reps
I did 165x5.
Then I started to notice a slight warning in my left shoulder.
Dropped to 145x12 and the shoulder didn't complain too much

Moved to incline bench.
Bar x 20
(Bar+20) x 12
Shoulder complained a bit more.

Over to standing DB curls. Definitely felt the shoulder on those, so I did lower weights higher reps.

Really disappointing. But, I do feel I got a good workout in. Every group near failure.

10 mins on hydrabed.
6 mins on incline treadmill was all I had time for, but after the one min warmup, it was all Incline 7 at speed 3.2. No rests. Final 2 mins was at speed 3.3.

I noticed a distinct drop in sweat, though I can't be sure it wasn't due to the lower load. More likely it was the lack of SuperNova.

Post WO weight: 140.7

Applied SN to upper body.

Protein shake: 1.5c whole milk. 1sc Gold Standard Whey. 1 tsp luecine. 1tsp creatine. 3 slices frozen peach.

Still pretty wiped out, but I can probably function again.

Goal for today is calories around maint and high end of protein.
Nice work man! You are right at my heals with that bench press. I better get my rear in gear.


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I may have to start listening to articles like this, though.

I HATE the idea because I really like working for PRs. But I REALLY don't want to risk injury.

That's a good article. HGP came across that study a while back and we've discussed it. I definitely agree with it. Actually, I think that going TOO heavy may be detrimental in some exercises, just like doing too much volume is. The idea is to create a stimulus that the body needs to adjust to. Going to failure should send a signal that the muscles are not capable of responding to a load that they are being subjected to, and this should be a trigger for growth. If you are using a weight that is at 90% or 70% or 40% of your 1RM, much of that signaling should be about the same - you can't respond to the stress and need to adapt. And on the other side, if you are failing on, say, deadlifts with 90% of your 1RM - then you are creating an enormous tax on your CNS that will hinder recovery since your CNS can't recover as easily as your muscles. So, in this light, it may actually be more efficient and easier to recover if you create the signal to adapt using 70% rather than 90%.

I think the "use heavy weights" idea comes from the fact that we have fast and slow twitch fibers and fast twitch fibers are supposedly more susceptible to hypertrophy - so using heavy weights will recruit more fast twitch fibers and thus stimulate more hypertrophy. But this may have been overly simplistic and over played. My feeling, especially after starting the 15 reps scheme from HST, is that 15 reps feels much different than 5 reps and both ranges will produce different results. They are two different tools and should be used appropriately.


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I think the "use heavy weights" idea comes from the fact that we have fast and slow twitch fibers and fast twitch fibers are supposedly more susceptible to hypertrophy - so using heavy weights will recruit more fast twitch fibers and thus stimulate more hypertrophy. But this may have been overly simplistic and over played.
One of the studies quoted in that article showed that both fiber types improved on the low weight high rep followed by medium weight medium rep plan, apparently flying in the face of accepted norms.


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Defuse / DCP / Epitome / Brite

dinner soon


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I think that once you reach a certain point, heavy weight / low rep or lightweight / high rep probably does make a difference. But I also think that for the majority of people, just doing something is the important part. I would like to think that I'm a physically fit individual, but the reality is that my fitness level is not the same as someone who has spent the last 15 - 20 years focusing on building muscle, bulking and cutting. People who are in the single digit bodyfat, and have a lifetime of training their body to respond in certain ways probably can tell a difference in the two options. People like me, not so much. Am I in good shape? I like to think so. Am I in better shape than the majority of 53 year old males? Definitely. If I don't do the correct type of workout will I stop progressing? Probably not. Get up, start moving, and start feeding your body correctly and you'll see a change. It's actually quite easy physically. The mental part is the hardest, until it becomes habit, anyway.

But, maybe I'm all wet. I only know what I know, and I've been wrong before. But I made some pretty drastic changes to myself, before I learned all the rules, so maybe ignorance is bliss!


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I think that once you reach a certain point, heavy weight / low rep or lightweight / high rep probably does make a difference. But I also think that for the majority of people, just doing something is the important part. I would like to think that I'm a physically fit individual, but the reality is that my fitness level is not the same as someone who has spent the last 15 - 20 years focusing on building muscle, bulking and cutting. People who are in the single digit bodyfat, and have a lifetime of training their body to respond in certain ways probably can tell a difference in the two options. People like me, not so much. Am I in good shape? I like to think so. Am I in better shape than the majority of 53 year old males? Definitely. If I don't do the correct type of workout will I stop progressing? Probably not. Get up, start moving, and start feeding your body correctly and you'll see a change. It's actually quite easy physically. The mental part is the hardest, until it becomes habit, anyway.

But, maybe I'm all wet. I only know what I know, and I've been wrong before. But I made some pretty drastic changes to myself, before I learned all the rules, so maybe ignorance is bliss!
I can tell a huge difference between low and high resistance demands. Low weight, no matter how diverse the rep scheme or volume, just causes me to go backwards in terms of size/strength/hardness


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I think that once you reach a certain point, heavy weight / low rep or lightweight / high rep probably does make a difference. But I also think that for the majority of people, just doing something is the important part. I would like to think that I'm a physically fit individual, but the reality is that my fitness level is not the same as someone who has spent the last 15 - 20 years focusing on building muscle, bulking and cutting.
MY challenge is that my shoulders, elbows, and knees can't seem to keep up with my muscle growth. It was clear, today, that my chest and arm muscles were ready to lift heavier, but my shoulder said, "NO WAY!".


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I can tell a huge difference between low and high resistance demands. Low weight, no matter how diverse the rep scheme or volume, just causes me to go backwards in terms of size/strength/hardness
That's my fear/concern. The article I posted gave me some hope. But, I'm reaching the point where I believe I'm going to injure something if I keep going for higher PRs. My muscles feel like they're ready for more, but my joints are threatening to revolt if I do.

I'm going to go look for shoulder strengthening / conditioning exercises. Know of any?

How about for the elbows?


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Matt, your PM box is full, so I couldn't send you this PM:

Just a heads up that I've only got a few more days of AA left. Not sure if you want that to continue to be part of my sponsored log or not.


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I can tell a huge difference between low and high resistance demands. Low weight, no matter how diverse the rep scheme or volume, just causes me to go backwards in terms of size/strength/hardness
And I would say that you certainly fall into the group of above average fitness people. For a person like me to follow the same workout program that you do would probably result in an injury. I think that was the point I was trying to make. I've only been serious about my fitness for about the last seven years, nothing close to the amount of time that you've got into it. I admire people like you, and enjoy seeing the amount of work they put into themselves. To compare myself to you would just set me up for failure. It took me a few years to accept that, but I finally did.
Kaprice don't allow yourself to get injured! Listen to your body and know when to back off. We're not young men anymore.


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dsade much respect for what you're helping with on this log. I can tell you really enjoy helping others make changes in their lifestyles. I've never used any EvoMuse products (no reason why, just haven't somehow), but I can tell you that will change now!


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One of the studies quoted in that article showed that both fiber types improved on the low weight high rep followed by medium weight medium rep plan, apparently flying in the face of accepted norms.
Yes, one thing to keep in mind - studies like this often have design issues. They use untrained people who will grow doing anything for instance. And a lot of times they do things along these lines:

1 set with 85% of 1 RM vs. 3 sets at 85% which is better? Well, 1 set can be truly carried to negative failure to the point where a second set is impossible, which the three set group can't do logically, because they have to do 3 sets. So they don't go that intense, and that means the 1 set group can't go that intense either, and so it isn't a comparison of maximal intensity. I hope I am making sense here.

I think that once you reach a certain point, heavy weight / low rep or lightweight / high rep probably does make a difference. But I also think that for the majority of people, just doing something is the important part. I would like to think that I'm a physically fit individual, but the reality is that my fitness level is not the same as someone who has spent the last 15 - 20 years focusing on building muscle, bulking and cutting. People who are in the single digit bodyfat, and have a lifetime of training their body to respond in certain ways probably can tell a difference in the two options. People like me, not so much. Am I in good shape? I like to think so. Am I in better shape than the majority of 53 year old males? Definitely. If I don't do the correct type of workout will I stop progressing? Probably not. Get up, start moving, and start feeding your body correctly and you'll see a change. It's actually quite easy physically. The mental part is the hardest, until it becomes habit, anyway.

But, maybe I'm all wet. I only know what I know, and I've been wrong before. But I made some pretty drastic changes to myself, before I learned all the rules, so maybe ignorance is bliss!
I agree with what you are saying here to a large degree. An untrained person can improve no matter what they do. Just caring enough to do SOMETHING is a huge part of the battle and that desire alone sets people apart.

Many people over think things and make them overly complex. Desire is what matters. I know people who have told me they were on low carb diets, and every time I turned around they were eating special k chips and flat bread and crackers. They still lost weight. Why? Everything they were doing was "wrong", but they worked so hard they still lost close to 100 pounds. What you believe and act on is more important than being right.

Anthony Robbins talks about beliefs and asks if it is important if your beliefs are "true"? And then he asks the question, "Do your beliefs move you closer or closer to your goal?" In other words, what is better, to believe something that is wrong but gets you where you want to be (like being happier), or believing something that is 'true' but moves you away from your goal? Like something that makes you unhappy.

I can tell a huge difference between low and high resistance demands. Low weight, no matter how diverse the rep scheme or volume, just causes me to go backwards in terms of size/strength/hardness
Well, I agree...there are some differences. And specificity of training comes into play. At some point, the weight becomes light enough that the exercise is no longer a stimulus to become stronger, but aerobic in nature. Lifting 1ok pounds 15 times is also different than lifting 135 pounds 5 times. But both can be used...just different tools.

MY challenge is that my shoulders, elbows, and knees can't seem to keep up with my muscle growth. It was clear, today, that my chest and arm muscles were ready to lift heavier, but my shoulder said, "NO WAY!".
Make sure you do a good, higher rep, lower weight warm up to get blood to the joints. Also, is the pain joint pain or muscle pain? Weak shoulders that are failing will hurt as they can't handle the stress of the weight you are benching...regular benching that keeps you safe but near the limit will help overcome this.

Also, try backing way off the weight and building up....still go to failure and do lighter weights...But just continuously increase. I know squats are hard on your knees for instance - for me I used to have lower back pain squatting - but once I backed off and committed and did squats every other day with light weight and working up...one day it was like I totally rehabbed so many issues...and I think strong knees are the best defense against knee pain.

That's my fear/concern. The article I posted gave me some hope. But, I'm reaching the point where I believe I'm going to injure something if I keep going for higher PRs. My muscles feel like they're ready for more, but my joints are threatening to revolt if I do.

I'm going to go look for shoulder strengthening / conditioning exercises. Know of any?

How about for the elbows?
Don't listen to dsade . The guy doesn't know anything about nothing. Haha, jk.

More benching, pressing, triceps extensions.... hairygrandpa probably has some good ideas too.

And I would say that you certainly fall into the group of above average fitness people. For a person like me to follow the same workout program that you do would probably result in an injury. I think that was the point I was trying to make. I've only been serious about my fitness for about the last seven years, nothing close to the amount of time that you've got into it. I admire people like you, and enjoy seeing the amount of work they put into themselves. To compare myself to you would just set me up for failure. It took me a few years to accept that, but I finally did.
Kaprice don't allow yourself to get injured! Listen to your body and know when to back off. We're not young men anymore.
I agree with this. But I think it is easy to let fear hold you back and to sell yourself short. We are capable of more than we ever think...we often set our own limits.

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