EvoMuse Fat Loss Sponsored Log - Kaprice



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I forgot to mention I had fresh grapefruit juice (2 grapefruits).

Since dinner, I added a protein shake with a full banana and 1 no bake cookie.

Ending macros:

Cal: 2758 (plus whatever the sauces during dinner added)
F: 71
C: 321
P: 119

So, my calories are right at maintenance.

I feel good about that as a refeed so my body doesn't adjust to the ultra low calories I've been giving it.

It was also all on purpose and not a slip up or weak moment.

Total calories for the week: 12,700

Total Maintenance would be: 19,600
Total for Fat Loss would be: 16,065
Total for Extreme Fat Loss would be: 14,000

(According to: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm)

I didn't miss any workout Mon through Sat. And, I pushed each one pretty hard.

Areas of weakness I need to work on:

* staying up too late
* late night snacks

I also need to formalize my new workout to adjust for the layout (and busy-ness) of my new gym.

The down hill running is getting hard on my ankles, shins, and knees. I have knee wraps, so I think I'll start wearing those, at least. For the chin splints, I'm adding exercises from a running course I bought a while back.

In a week or two (or three), I may start increasing calories (via protein) on my lifting days and stay low cal on cardio days. I'll do that with eggs and bacon in the morning and MAYBE mid day.

My cardio days are more for building up endurance and health than for fat loss, though I believe it's helping that, too.

Again, my weight goal for Saturday is 238 pounds.

Next week will be progress pics.

Applied SN
Bed: 12:30a


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I forgot to mention I had fresh grapefruit juice (2 grapefruits).

Since dinner, I added a protein shake with a full banana and 1 no bake cookie.

Ending macros:

Cal: 2758 (plus whatever the sauces during dinner added)
F: 71
C: 321
P: 119

So, my calories are right at maintenance.

I feel good about that as a refeed so my body doesn't adjust to the ultra low calories I've been giving it.

It was also all on purpose and not a slip up or weak moment.

Total calories for the week: 12,700

Total Maintenance would be: 19,600
Total for Fat Loss would be: 16,065
Total for Extreme Fat Loss would be: 14,000

(According to: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm)

I didn't miss any workout Mon through Sat. And, I pushed each one pretty hard.

Areas of weakness I need to work on:

* staying up too late
* late night snacks

I also need to formalize my new workout to adjust for the layout (and busy-ness) of my new gym.

The down hill running is getting hard on my ankles, shins, and knees. I have knee wraps, so I think I'll start wearing those, at least. For the chin splints, I'm adding exercises from a running course I bought a while back.

In a week or two (or three), I may start increasing calories (via protein) on my lifting days and stay low cal on cardio days. I'll do that with eggs and bacon in the morning and MAYBE mid day.

My cardio days are more for building up endurance and health than for fat loss, though I believe it's helping that, too.

Again, my weight goal for Saturday is 238 pounds.

Next week will be progress pics.

Applied SN
Bed: 12:30a
Great job man. Areas of weakness - I think you just have 1, staying up late even though you don't have a need to. You're doing mindless things that suck you in, which puts you back on "auto pilot" which involves the snacking. This isn't a criticism of you - it's how I am too!!! If I am not focused on something, not mindful, just doing something that doesn't involve work or effort, it is easy for my "autopilot" to say, "Hmmm, I should put something in my mouth and at least chew while I'm doing this."

It is hard to sit and watch TV and not want a snack of some sort. And when I snack while watching TV, I don't pay attention AT ALL to what I'm putting in my mouth. "I'll just have a couple pretzel chips" ...."Whaaa....that bag is gone? Must have been hardly anything in it!!!"


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Great job man. Areas of weakness - I think you just have 1, staying up late even though you don't have a need to. You're doing mindless things that suck you in, which puts you back on "auto pilot" which involves the snacking. This isn't a criticism of you - it's how I am too!!! If I am not focused on something, not mindful, just doing something that doesn't involve work or effort, it is easy for my "autopilot" to say, "Hmmm, I should put something in my mouth and at least chew while I'm doing this."

It is hard to sit and watch TV and not want a snack of some sort. And when I snack while watching TV, I don't pay attention AT ALL to what I'm putting in my mouth. "I'll just have a couple pretzel chips" ...."Whaaa....that bag is gone? Must have been hardly anything in it!!!"
Um... you simply repeated what I already said were my two weaknesses! :)

But, yeah, that mindless eating late at night is a problem.

The good news is it's been months since I've gone through a whole bag of anything in one sitting. Even during the mindless stuff, I find I'm satisfied after a dozen or so.

But, even that is something I want to curtail.


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Um... you simply repeated what I already said were my two weaknesses! :)

But, yeah, that mindless eating late at night is a problem.

The good news is it's been months since I've gone through a whole bag of anything in one sitting. Even during the mindless stuff, I find I'm satisfied after a dozen or so.

But, even that is something I want to curtail.
Lol, well for one thing, I'm messed up a little from a phenibut OD and a little high, haha.

For another, I was trying to say that it's all really just part of one bigger issue - autopilot. I wasn't disagreeing.

Yeah, it's good if you've been able to keep better control of it. I think that's a better place to be in the end, but I think there is the "getting there" and the "staying there" - getting there always involves more restriction and deprivation just because you're trying to lose the adipose tissue/stored calories that you have stored over time. Once you are there, staying there is a totally different game, but the dozen or so chips won't derail as much because you won't have the adipose tissue to supply additional calories that you are trying to burn still. You will just have to worry about burning the calories from the chips (or whatever) and if you have control over not eating an entire bag ....you're in a good spot.

For me, I can lose control so easily and I've had to realize that and kind of get control over that. It's easier for me to just not start eating. Once I start, I don't have an "off" switch.


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Yeah, I understand there are different mindsets and triggers for different people.

What I've found is that moderate intake of comfort foods reduces and in some cases removes the temptation to binge.

Whenever I've tried to be totally strict and practice total abstinence of comfort foods, I found that after a time, I couldn't handle it anymore so I'd talk myself into "just a bite" or "just one chip" or "just one cookie" and then my mind would go, "well, you've already blown your diet, you might as well have a whole bag!" and my animal instincts would take over and I'd attack the bag like a ravenous wolf.

And then I'd feel guilty the next day and decide I'd already ruined my diet so I might as well eat more of the foods I've been craving "and then I'll start up again tomorrow". Sometimes "tomorrow" would be a few days away. Or more.

So, for me, I've found I avoid that scenario by allowing myself a single cookie or a dozen chips. So far, this round, it has never resulted in going through the whole bag. But, it's early yet, so we'll have to see how I do long term.


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Yeah, I understand there are different mindsets and triggers for different people.

What I've found is that moderate intake of comfort foods reduces and in some cases removes the temptation to binge.

Whenever I've tried to be totally strict and practice total abstinence of comfort foods, I found that after a time, I couldn't handle it anymore so I'd talk myself into "just a bite" or "just one chip" or "just one cookie" and then my mind would go, "well, you've already blown your diet, you might as well have a whole bag!" and my animal instincts would take over and I'd attack the bag like a ravenous wolf.

And then I'd feel guilty the next day and decide I'd already ruined my diet so I might as well eat more of the foods I've been craving "and then I'll start up again tomorrow". Sometimes "tomorrow" would be a few days away. Or more.

So, for me, I've found I avoid that scenario by allowing myself a single cookie or a dozen chips. So far, this round, it has never resulted in going through the whole bag. But, it's early yet, so we'll have to see how I do long term.
This is the thing I point out to people a lot - dieting is more about mentality and lifestyle than anything else. At the end of the day, a caloric deficit is the BIG factor. But everyone handles different approaches to that differently. And changing our habits is kind of like changing gravity. You have 10 years of habits or a lifetime of habits that pull you in the direction of over eating, being fat, etc. - your auto pilot is going to default to those habits every time, even after a year or more of dieting. It takes even longer than that to actually change those habits. It's more a matter of modifying them a little at a time, or in ways you can stick to.

For some people, if they try to start exercising they don't really like it so, when they try to go all out for 2 hours or more a day in some enthusiastic approach to lose weight, it won't last - because they don't' really want to do it, they just want the results. But if they find something they like doing and let it build....a little at a time, the next thing you know they're working out doing crazy things they never though possible and not thinking of it as work, but as a challenge. Dieting is the same way.

Plus, to make matters worse, the bad habits we are trying to avoid are instant-gratification type habits. If we do what we shouldn't, we are instantly gratified. If we do what we "should", it will take a long while to see any gratification. So, of course, it's easy to let gravity pull us back to our old habits.

And yes, you have to get a grip on the mindset of cheating - you shouldn't feel bad about it. It's your life and your goals. You answer to you and you alone in this. If you cheat, people like HGP and I will beat you up a little, but just to try to get you back in line. Once you realize you can get back on the wagon and you practice that and it gets easier, falling off isn't so bad. You just take it and move forward. And you're working on that skill by avoiding the feeling of "I've blown it all, just give up" - which is a huge step.


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DAY 22 - Monday

Got to bed at 12:30a last night, but it took FOREVER to get to sleep.
Wake: 8:15a

Weight: 244.8

AA / DCP / Epitome

11:00a Thermogum


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Around 11:30a or 12:00p, I had a green drink

12:45 Thermogum #2
Applied SN to core and lower body (not chest or arms) because today is a lower body workout.

Gym at 1:15.
Did my standard 12/10/8/6 sets and then laddered back down through lower weights
Leg press
Leg curl
Leg ext
Calf press

That all felt pretty good (though very tiring) but, I seemed to have slightly injured something in my right butt cheek or some muscle/tendon leading to it from the hamstring.

I discovered it during lunges (no extra weight, yet). After about 14 lunges, I noticed my left leg/butt cheek felt strong and great; my right but cheek started complaining with every lunge on my right leg.

I powered through another 34 lunges and had to stop for fear of doing some damage. My target was 100 lunges. I got to about 68.

I also did 100 steps on my toes and 100 steps on my heals. This is supposed to strengthen the lower leg for running -- esp to help avoid chin splints.

I did 10 mins on a hydrabed

then about 15 mins on a roller trying to work out the mess on my right leg/butt cheek.

It probably did some good, but walking up stairs is still quite uncomfortable. Getting out of a chair. Stuff like that and my right butt cheek complains.

That sucks because it will probably affect my run tomorrow (and for how long?).

Got back. Rested (but not napped), showered.

Post WO weight: 243.6

Post WO shake w/ 1.5 sc whey, 1 banana, 4 frozen strawberries, 1.5 cups whole milk

as of 4:30p, that's all I've consumed today.

That puts me at 567 calories, so far.

I'd guess I burned at least that at the gym.


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dsade, any eta on gut health?


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Finished reading through the latest posts.
You have carb cravings at night, well, that's a bummer!


Yesterday I barely stopped after the seventh Oreo... To get my carb-fueled thoughts out of my head, I sexually assaulted my wife instead, it worked.


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bed last night at 1:20a
(found a show on Netflix that is surprisingly entertaining. I guess it's old now: Lillyhammer. Also Stranger Things.)
My only snacking was 2 6" twizzlers and another 15 or 20 roasted almonds. I'm good with that.
Brite / Ammo

Yesterday's macros:
Cal: 1793
F: 80
C: 141
P: 108

Up at 9:00a

Reasonably good BM (a rarity, lately -- my psyllium husks arrive tomorrow)
Weight: 245.1 :02:


Measurements on Saturday had better be phenomenal because the scale isn't doing jack this week.


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bed last night at 1:20a
(found a show on Netflix that is surprisingly entertaining. I guess it's old now: Lillyhammer. Also Stranger Things.)
My only snacking was 2 6" twizzlers and another 15 or 20 roasted almonds. I'm good with that.
Brite / Ammo

Yesterday's macros:
Cal: 1793
F: 80
C: 141
P: 108

Up at 9:00a

Reasonably good BM (a rarity, lately -- my psyllium husks arrive tomorrow)
Weight: 245.1 :02:


Measurements on Saturday had better be phenomenal because the scale isn't doing jack this week.
Better macros, I still think you need to increase protein and maybe reduce the carbs just a hair for better results, but you're doing fine anyway - as long as your strength is sticking around.

Stranger Things was surprisingly entertaining. Binge watched that entire season in about 3-4 nights.

I don't watch too too much TV. There are 4 other shows I watch regularly - Grimm, which is a favorite. The Last Ship. Agents of Shield. The Flash. Unfortunately the last ship is the only one on this time of year, the rest are all fall/winter. I watch a lot more TV during those months, haha.


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bed last night at 1:20a
(found a show on Netflix that is surprisingly entertaining. I guess it's old now: Lillyhammer. Also Stranger Things.)
My only snacking was 2 6" twizzlers and another 15 or 20 roasted almonds. I'm good with that.
Brite / Ammo

Yesterday's macros:
Cal: 1793
F: 80
C: 141
P: 108

Up at 9:00a

Reasonably good BM (a rarity, lately -- my psyllium husks arrive tomorrow)
Weight: 245.1 :02:


Measurements on Saturday had better be phenomenal because the scale isn't doing jack this week.
Better macros, I still think you need to increase protein and maybe reduce the carbs just a hair for better results, but you're doing fine anyway - as long as your strength is sticking around.

Stranger Things was surprisingly entertaining. Binge watched that entire season in about 3-4 nights.

I don't watch too too much TV. There are 4 other shows I watch regularly - Grimm, which is a favorite. The Last Ship. Agents of Shield. The Flash. Unfortunately the last ship is the only one on this time of year, the rest are all fall/winter. I watch a lot more TV during those months, haha.


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Yeah, I'm not too happy with the carbs, either. But, 90% of the carbs are coming from dinner and for various reasons I've decided to just eat what's placed in front of me rather than disrupt the household by having my own meal plan.

Last night's carbs mostly came from spaghetti squash, not bread or sugar.

So, carbs will go up and down depending on what's for dinner. I'm not going to try to change that any time soon.

I AM trying to get the protein up, though. The only practical way seems to be extra protein shakes.


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It can be a difficult thing to change, and my opinion is just my opinion and maybe not right for you - but I've convinced my gf to just cook a bunch of chicken for me when she's cooking other things and stack it in a Tupperware container and throw it in the fridge. She may cook a pound or two at a time and it's there 80% of the time. Then, when I run out, I keep some frozen fish in the freezer - thaws and cooks pretty quickly. Both are great, lean protein sources (lean fish like flounder, tilapia, cod, mahi mahi). It takes some getting used to - especially for everyone else. They often feel like you should be eating what they eat and it takes some getting over that. After my gf got used to eating things when I wasn't eating anything at all, it became much easier for both of us.

Protein powders are convenient and are actually relatively inexpensive (4 oz. of chicken probably costs 0.75 anyway, and protein powder usually costs $0.75-1.00 for the same protein content...so it isn't out of hand).


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Yeah, I'm in a rather unique living situation and have decided to not disrupt the dinner plans. It's more than just my wife and I.


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lol, I hear ya.


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Yeah, I'm in a rather unique living situation and have decided to not disrupt the dinner plans. It's more than just my wife and I.
Harem ?



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Better macros, I still think you need to increase protein and maybe reduce the carbs just a hair for better results, but you're doing fine anyway - as long as your strength is sticking around.

Stranger Things was surprisingly entertaining. Binge watched that entire season in about 3-4 nights.

I don't watch too too much TV. There are 4 other shows I watch regularly - Grimm, which is a favorite. The Last Ship. Agents of Shield. The Flash. Unfortunately the last ship is the only one on this time of year, the rest are all fall/winter. I watch a lot more TV during those months, haha.
Haha!! I found a difference between us!
I don't watch any of your TV series. My favs are: Alone (History Channel), Queen of the South, Bering Sea Gold, GOT.


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Haha!! I found a difference between us!
I don't watch any of your TV series. My favs are: Alone (History Channel), Queen of the South, Bering Sea Gold, GOT.
Hmmm....I guess we can't be friends then. Too bad, it was looking like a promising bromance for a while there. Haha


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DAY 23 - Tuesday

Work got in the way of my day run. But, I pushed myself to do it about an hour and a half after dinner.

I was still feeling the food in my stomach and it was getting dark, so I was slower than previously.


Cal: 1754
F: 89
C: 139
P: 95

bed at 2:00a - but it was 100% for work. No TV or web surfing.


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DAY 24 - Wednesday

Up at 8:50a

Reasonable BM

Weight: 242.9

I'm pretty sure that's a new morning, pre workout low.

Applied AA
Ultimate Omega

Green Drink


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Fingers crossed for that 240 mark by the weekend.


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Fingers crossed for that 240 mark by the weekend.
Well, I ended last week at 241.8, so I'm hoping to do better than just 240 this week. OTOH, it would be understandable to have a slower week after two weeks of significant weight loss.

Still, I'm really pushing to end this week below 240. 238 would be wonderful.


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FWIW, I recommend a combination of the psyllium husks with half a serving of miralax at night, then pound a couple of coffees the following morning.


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FWIW, I recommend a combination of the psyllium husks with half a serving of miralax at night, then pound a couple of coffees the following morning.
The psyllium should arrive today. I don't drink coffee, but I do have some powdered caffeine I sometimes put in my drinks. I've not heard of miralax. I'll look into it.


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I can't tell if you guys are just having fun or if you're actually recommending I add Ephedrine to my stack.


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For Fecalcational Purposes Only.


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For Fecalcational Purposes Only.
Ahh. Well, I'll stick with the psyllium and myolax for now and see where that goes.

BTW, I actually had a 2nd BM today -- and a reasonable one at that. I don't recall the last time I had 2 in a day. It's probably been at least 2 or 3 weeks.

Lately, I've been having just one every 2 or 3 days. I don't like that. I used to be pretty regular.

Not sure why it's been happening. It seems likely that smaller food intake would be a big contributor. But, it still seems odd. Looking forward to the psyllium.


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If I were to go for ephedrine, where would I get it and what brand do you recommend?

Also, Matt, when do you think you'll have Gut Health back in stock?
Gut Health came in today, back in stock


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What the hell? Hahaha!
You know who sucks at pooping? You do. That's right.

This will give you the best poop of your life. A step stool made for a constipated king.


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You know who sucks at pooping? You do. That's right.

This will give you the best poop of your life. A step stool made for a constipated king.
With my bad knees? I could do it while lying down though.


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DAY 24 - Wednesday

Work messed up my workout, again.

I managed to get to the gym at 10:45p.
I applied SN to my core, chest, and arms.

Did a good upper body and 18 mins on the incline treadmill. I'm definitely getting stronger on that. After a 1 min warmup, I jumped right to Incline L7 at speed 3.2. I stayed there until 15 mins and started dropping the incline every 30 seconds until at 18 mins when the gym started shutting down (midnight).

I hit a new PR on DB Bench Press. 70 lbs in each hand x 6 reps.
For the first time, I followed that with a set of incline DB bench press.

I clearly don't do enough with my shoulders because I tried some shoulder shrugs with relatively light weights and almost pulled a muscle. I'll have to work on that.

During the day, I snacked on a couple oz of pepperoni and 3 black olives.
and a protein shake.
and about 30 roasted almonds.
nothing else that I can recall.

Dinner was a mix of summer sausage slices and a hodgepodge of veggies. I'm pretty sure there was some potato. Def a bunch of onion and some bell pepper. Not sure what else.

No flavored drinks. No snacks.

I did have 2 green drinks, today.
Mid day, I had 2 Ultimate Omegas.

Best guess at macros for the day:

Cal: 1074
F: 70
C: 46
P: 58

I know that protein is way too low.

It's 12:30a and I'll probably be up another 30 to 60 minutes.
Just took DCP/Ammo/ Epitome/Brite.


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DAY 25 - Thursday

I took my first dose of fiber last night.
I ended up NOT getting whole psyllium husks. I got a powdered blend of fiber sources which has great reviews online. We'll see if that was a mistake:
--> Yerba Prima Botanicals - Daily Fiber Formula

Recommended serving is a Tbsp. To start with, I just did a Tsp.

Woke at 10:00a
Smallish BM

Weight: 241.8
That's a new morning, pre WO low.
It's just a half pound higher than my post WO low.

Applied AA


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My big concern about taking fiber is that I've read it can soak up your supplements so the body never gets to absorb them.

I don't know how far away from my supps I need to keep the fiber but I certainly don't want anything getting in the way of the supps from doing their job.

The only credible recommendation I found online was at WebMD:

Your best bet: Take your meds either 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating fiber.


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Gym at 12:40p
applied SN to core and lower body

Good low body workout
Also did tow walks, heel walks, lunge walks (100 lunges in sets of 7), and hindu squats (3x10 close stance, 3x10 wide stance)

No treadmill, due to time.
but, I did spend several minutes on a roller.

Post WO weight: 240.3
New record low!


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Gym at 12:40p
applied SN to core and lower body

Good low body workout
Also did tow walks, heel walks, lunge walks (100 lunges in sets of 7), and hindu squats (3x10 close stance, 3x10 wide stance)

No treadmill, due to time.
but, I did spend several minutes on a roller.

Post WO weight: 240.3
New record low!
Congrats on the new number!


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Gym at 12:40p
applied SN to core and lower body

Good low body workout
Also did tow walks, heel walks, lunge walks (100 lunges in sets of 7), and hindu squats (3x10 close stance, 3x10 wide stance)

No treadmill, due to time.
but, I did spend several minutes on a roller.

Post WO weight: 240.3
New record low!
Great work man! Just keep pushing that low!

As far as the fiber - I usually mix it in with a shake. I take my pills in the morning on an empty stomach (DCP, Probiotic, Orange Triad, Fish Oil, Brite, IDL Fat burner) then have a shake with fiber at either 1 or 5 PM and take my pills around 1 if I don't have the fiber then and around 3-5 if I have the fiber with the 1 PM shake. Then I have my last round of pills with dinner around 8 PM or so. Every round is the same except I only take the IDL fat burner in the morning, 1X per day and I only take the Probiotic in the morning and again before going to bed. I think it's the best you can really do to just try to separate it from the pills as much as possible...you gotta have fiber.


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240 by the weekend, baby

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