EvoMuse Fat Loss Sponsored Log - Kaprice



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dsade much respect for what you're helping with on this log. I can tell you really enjoy helping others make changes in their lifestyles. I've never used any EvoMuse products (no reason why, just haven't somehow), but I can tell you that will change now!
Not only does he put so much of himself into his work- his ideas are totally sideways and different from everyone in the industry. Look at his fat burners. He isn't saying, "all you can hope for is appetite suppression , stimulation and better mood." He is actually trying to hit pathways that burn fat and change things that break when you've become overweight and damaged your metabolism. It's completely unique.


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As far as I figured out for myself to save the joints and tendons:

It's NOT low weight = heavy weight -for hypertrophy . It's moderate weight to failure = heavyweight to failure.

I noticed that with different weights I would achieve the same -or near the same number of reps.
Example biceps curls: 2x 30lbs at 14 reps vs. 2x40 lbs at 13 reps. Going with 45 lbs DB's at 7-8 reps, the difference became obvious.
That meant for me to chose the 40's for workouts.
As I progressed, I did not up the weight, instead I used TUT for awhile, like 2x 40lbs TUT 1.3.1 (lowering 3 sec.) at 6 reps.
Doing this, in conjunction with body weight exercises (chin ups, pull ups, push ups and inverted rows) AND rest pause sets, made my arms blow up rather quick.
It may have to do with each ones genetic makeup, as dsade mentioned it does not work well for him.

I'm only injured now because of ego lifting, keep that in mind, LOL.


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Kaprice, worth to mention it, to get bigger arms, you said something about it after revising your progression pics....
Answer: Triceps workouts. Triceps is 70% of the upper arm, biceps 30%.
My biceps are mostly from back workouts. Rows , chin ups, pull ups.
Curling session is usually short, limited to DB curls. Triceps on the other hand I punish with a mix of high volume (floor DB extensions, cable push downs)- and sometimes moderate weights, nowadays one armed- push downs -and extensions.


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Rope Face Pulls are also good for your rotator cuffs and shoulder balance.
YES, I forgot mentioning them, especially the version with fists up:


Thanks HIT4ME.


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YES, I forgot mentioning them, especially the version with fists up:


Thanks HIT4ME.
That's the same video that sold me!


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Kaprice: For shoulder strengthening exercises (rotator cuff):

Very important exercises for us older guys, once a week obligatory. I learned that the hard way...
Agree with this 100% I've got four anchors in my shoulder from a really bad labrum tear. I started doing all the shoulder rehab exercises and have continued to do so three years later. They have helped my shoulders and bench so much. Just google rotator cuff exercises and you'll find a good number of them and there are a good number listed below. Really light wrong that or bands and do them twice a week


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Today is a rest day. No workout. No supps.

At 3:00p, with no food or water since waking, my weight was 239.1 -- essentially where I was after yesterday's workout, even though I had 2 slices of pizza for dinner. So, that's not bad.

Here are my body measurements and pictures.

I'm not sure what to make of this week. A couple pound weight loss. Just a few good body measurements. I expected to see better pictures -- esp in the arms and chest.

I AM quite pleased with the gut reduction though.

Clothes are fitting much nicer.
And I went down another belt notch.

It occurred to me that the way I'm doing my comparison pics, we can't see changes over the two weeks. So, when we look at these and see nice progress, we don't know WHEN that progress happened.

Still, it IS nice to see some great progress since inception (1 month now).

But, I'm hesitant to take the time to create new Photoshop templates to compare current with two weeks ago.

So, I'll stick with the starting pics vs now.

EDIT: UGH! I inadvertently labeled some of these pics as Sep 9. Don't be fooled! They're from Sep 4th! :banghead:

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Awesome progress man!


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Yes, one thing to keep in mind - studies like this often have design issues. They use untrained people who will grow doing anything for instance. And a lot of times they do things along these lines:

1 set with 85% of 1 RM vs. 3 sets at 85% which is better? Well, 1 set can be truly carried to negative failure to the point where a second set is impossible, which the three set group can't do logically, because they have to do 3 sets. So they don't go that intense, and that means the 1 set group can't go that intense either, and so it isn't a comparison of maximal intensity. I hope I am making sense here.
The studies in the article didn't seem to play those games.

Make sure you do a good, higher rep, lower weight warm up to get blood to the joints. Also, is the pain joint pain or muscle pain? Weak shoulders that are failing will hurt as they can't handle the stress of the weight you are benching...regular benching that keeps you safe but near the limit will help overcome this.
I'm not sure I know how to tell the difference -- other than this didn't feel like my muscles feel when they're just sore from working to failure. This felt like a precursor to getting injured. But, joint vs muscle? No idea.

Also, try backing way off the weight and building up....still go to failure and do lighter weights...But just continuously increase. I know squats are hard on your knees for instance - for me I used to have lower back pain squatting - but once I backed off and committed and did squats every other day with light weight and working up...one day it was like I totally rehabbed so many issues...and I think strong knees are the best defense against knee pain.
Well, that was kinda my point with the article I posted. I was acknowledging that's probably the direction I need to go.


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YES, I forgot mentioning them, especially the version with fists up:

I had a REAL hard time getting past his gay looking outfit and silly pony tail. But, once I did, really good info there!


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My daughter took me to dinner, so carbs and calories a bit higher than I planned, but still not bad for a workout day, I think.

Cal: 2684
F: 122
C: 190
P: 205


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DAY 32 - Thursday

I ended up doing a lot reading and then watched a movie last night.
Some snacking on Cool Ranch Doritos. Not too bad, though.

Bed at 4:30am! :(
Woke at 10:30a

Weight: 242.7

I must have done something right at the gym, yesterday because my chest, traps, and biceps are pretty sore -- more so than I can't recall happening in quite a while.



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I just ordered a bottle of EvoMuse ClearEdge. I'm a big believer in the value and effectiveness of nootropics and I find I'm needing the extra energy and focus they provide. So, I'm very excited to try the EvoMuse formula.

The only bummer is it's a presale so it won't like be shipping for another 3 to 4 weeks. But, I didn't want to risk them getting sold out.

I only got one bottle due to budget restrictions, but I'm hopeful there will be a new batch by the time I use up this one.


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I had a REAL hard time getting past his gay looking outfit and silly pony tail. But, once I did, really good info there!
Strengthening the rear head of the deltoid is critical to minimize shoulder industry. Muscle development and strenght imbalances cause the other two heads to "pull", while the weaker rear delt can't pull back hard enough to keep the whole joint in balance.


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DAY 34 - Saturday

No workout yesterday or today because I'm way behind in my workload and I'm self-employed. I don't get work done I don't get paid.

Plus, my body was feeling rather beat up and giving it a few days to heal and recover felt right.

Weekly measurements.

Good growth in the pecks, arms, and calf. Decent loss in the thigh.


Date night. Dinner and movie. I'm not going to try to be good other than eating nothing during the day leading up to it. Hopefully, Defuse will help me out. Otherwise, it will just be a nice refeed day.


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Running low on some of my stack, so I don't know how much longer this sponsored log will be going. I'll have to see what dsade wants to do.


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You are growing in the right places! Losing fat on pecs and thigh. Awesome! Keep doing what you are doing, bro!


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How is the diet going brother? Any updates today? I believe it is a day off on Sun?


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Yeah, no workout and no supps on Sundays.

Didn't track macros of last night's dinner and movie. Today, I had some leftover meat and rice from last night. And, some sugary snacks from a neighborhood block party.

Even with that, I'd guess I was below maintenance.

Lower body, tomorrow. So, I'll be going for high protein, and close to maint calories.


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DAY 36 - Monday

Morning weight: 243.5

I've got maybe 2 days supply of DCP and Brite left.
and about 2 weeks of Epitome and Ammo
Not sure how much AA and SN is left, but they're pretty low, too.

So, again, not sure what happens on a sponsored log when the sponsorship stops. I haven't heard from dsade yet about whether he plans to sponsor another month or not.

But if not, it's been an amazing journey with some great progress.

Took DCP/Epitome

gym at 1:00. That's a bit too close to Epitome, but I decided to take it anyway.
today's supposed to be Lower Body, but I think I'm going to spend half my time doing rotator cuff exercises.
The other half will be mostly body weight lower body and incline treadmill.


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I'm pretty much out of everything you're using for your log at the moment, so we can keep going with the Supernova.


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In my eyes, this is your log KAPrice, you do what you want. I kept my log going well after my Sup3r-11 run, even though it was semi-sponsored. It's more of an evomuse log at this point than an Olympus Labs log, but I think everyone can benefit and the log is about you reaching your goals, not just about the products you use.


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I'll agree with HIT4ME on this. Having never ran a log personally, my thought process is that I'm following the person, not just the product. Those of us who spend a fair amount of time lurking like to see what works for others as well as what doesn't. Seeing where they struggle and how they overcome those struggles is the reason I follow along. So while this started because I was interested in the product, at this point I'm rooting for you Kaprice, and hoping you stick with your journey.
Make sense??


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^^^ Very well said! We are following Kaprice and not a particular supplement.


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Also, I just remembered that I recently purchased Brite and Gut Health, which will be coming, soon. And I pre-ordered EvoMuse nootropic product -- is it ClearMind? Something like that.


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^^^ Very well said! We are following Kaprice and not a particular supplement.
BTW, HG, I spent about 30 mins, today, doing rehab work on my rotator cuffs. Talk about fighting the ego! Guys tossing around 70 lb dumbbells and 300 pound barbells and I'm doing shoulder rotations with 8 pounds on the pulley!

I swear, every time I even THOUGHT someone was glancing my way, I had to fight the impulse to say, "I'm doing rehab work on my shoulder. No, really, I can lift a lot more than this! Honest! Hey, come back! I'll show you!!" :)


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Also, I just remembered that I recently purchased Brite and Gut Health, which will be coming, soon. And I pre-ordered EvoMuse nootropic product -- is it ClearMind? Something like that.
Believe it or not, I think Clear Edge is going to help your quest quite a bit. A bit harder to explain, but the dopaminergic areas we're hitting are responsible for both learning and reward. Holding strong and strict for even a week or two, with no slips, and the Clear Edge will change your brain around to crave what you were giving it - which is a healthy macro breakdown and a dialed in routine.

You really can reprogram your brain to react the same way to chicken/broccoli as it does (cravingwise, anyway) to Little Debbie if you can make it past those first really difficult stages without any slip ups.


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You really can reprogram your brain to react the same way to chicken/broccoli as it does (cravingwise, anyway) to Little Debbie if you can make it past those first really difficult stages without any slip ups.
Actually, I like chicken and broccoli quite a bit. I'll even snack on raw broccoli without any dips once in a while. And steamed with butter? YUM!

But I get your point. And I agree. My mind could use help in focus and motivation. I have high hopes for this.

As to the other... is Little Debbie that 16 yo you were talking about a couple weeks ago?


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I swear, every time I even THOUGHT someone was glancing my way, I had to fight the impulse to say, "I'm doing rehab work on my shoulder. No, really, I can lift a lot more than this! Honest! Hey, come back! I'll show you!!" :)
And this is the same thought that every person who didn't grow up in a gym has. I can assure you, however, that 99% of people in the gym don't care what you're doing and won't judge you because of the amount of weight you're working with. Poor form will garner way more looks than light weight (in my experience anyway). Typically, the people who are actually watching you are doing so because they are unsure what they should be doing, believe it or not.


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BTW, HG, I spent about 30 mins, today, doing rehab work on my rotator cuffs. Talk about fighting the ego! Guys tossing around 70 lb dumbbells and 300 pound barbells and I'm doing shoulder rotations with 8 pounds on the pulley!

I swear, every time I even THOUGHT someone was glancing my way, I had to fight the impulse to say, "I'm doing rehab work on my shoulder. No, really, I can lift a lot more than this! Honest! Hey, come back! I'll show you!!" :)
Hahaha! Exactly!
But nowadays, I give a fugg. No more ego lifting. Besides I'm looking bigger than most dudes in my gym (no monsters in my gym, mainly girly-man).
They must think I'm onto something revolutionary, lol, using mini DB's and rubber bands, hahaha!


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Believe it or not, I think Clear Edge is going to help your quest quite a bit. A bit harder to explain, but the dopaminergic areas we're hitting are responsible for both learning and reward. Holding strong and strict for even a week or two, with no slips, and the Clear Edge will change your brain around to crave what you were giving it - which is a healthy macro breakdown and a dialed in routine.

You really can reprogram your brain to react the same way to chicken/broccoli as it does (cravingwise, anyway) to Little Debbie if you can make it past those first really difficult stages without any slip ups.
DO. NOT. EVEN. THINK. ABOUT. taking away my Zebra Cakes. The perfect food.


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Believe it or not, I think Clear Edge is going to help your quest quite a bit. A bit harder to explain, but the dopaminergic areas we're hitting are responsible for both learning and reward. Holding strong and strict for even a week or two, with no slips, and the Clear Edge will change your brain around to crave what you were giving it - which is a healthy macro breakdown and a dialed in routine.

You really can reprogram your brain to react the same way to chicken/broccoli as it does (cravingwise, anyway) to Little Debbie if you can make it past those first really difficult stages without any slip ups.
How well does Clear Edge work when having two separate objectives? Like healthy macro breakdown / routine while also working on establishing better and more effective work habits (e.g. avoiding procrastination and ignoring low value activity in favor of high value tasks)?

I'm finding it hard to hang onto both at the same time. When I put my energy into fat loss, I do pretty good on my eating and workouts but my work suffers. And vice versa.


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I don't know what I had for dinner!
some sort of veggie pattie with corn and stuff.
Probably added up to a lot of (relatively clean) carbs.
I had 2 of those patties (about the size of a hamburger patty) with a homemade sour creme made from almonds.
and bottled salsa on top.

No idea how to estimate macros for it. But, I doubt it was very many calories.

Outside of that:

Cal: 1070
F: 42
C: 43
P: 125

Other than dinner, all I had was a small chunk of watermellon, 2 protein shakes (4 scoops) in milk. And, maybe 25 roasted almonds.

I chose to go for lower calories today because:

a) My workout was mostly shoulder rehab and some body weight lower body:
100 steps on toes
100 steps on heals
100 body weight lunges -- split into a few sets
100 hindu squats -- 2 sets narrow stance; 2 sets wide stance

My goal is to be able to do the lunges and squats in one set.

b) I had a lot of dirty carb, high calories over the weekend

I'm not going to run this week, just the gym on M-W-F. I'll probably also do a long workout of some kind on Saturday.

I'm giving my knees and shins a chance to recover from the last few weeks of hammering on them.

I had a mid morning dose of Brite / DCP / Epitome

Took DCP / Brite / Epotimo at dinner time

Fiber in water at 11:00p

DCP / Ammo / Brite at 11:30p

I'll be up another hour or so, I'm sure.


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DAY 37 - Tuesday

Up at 8:30a
Weight: 243.5


I'm down to just about 5 or 6 DCP caps, so I'm just taking 1 per dose now.


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DO. NOT. EVEN. THINK. ABOUT. taking away my Zebra Cakes. The perfect food.
The new cookies and cream cakes are pretty decent if you put them in the fridge for a bit.


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How well does Clear Edge work when having two separate objectives? Like healthy macro breakdown / routine while also working on establishing better and more effective work habits (e.g. avoiding procrastination and ignoring low value activity in favor of high value tasks)?

I'm finding it hard to hang onto both at the same time. When I put my energy into fat loss, I do pretty good on my eating and workouts but my work suffers. And vice versa.
That's a pretty difficult question to answer. What's your previous experience with nootropics?


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That's a pretty difficult question to answer. What's your previous experience with nootropics?
I've taken Noopept on a more or less daily basis for a few weeks. And Phenylpiracetam periodically when looking for a boost. Both as powders taken sublingual.

It seems like in both cases the effect was mild.

I haven't had either for several weeks -- I can't find my supply since I moved.


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Keep fighting Kaprice , at the end it's not the pills that make you lose weight.


^^^^ That's your goal, it's getting closer!


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I vote you keep this log open until you can replace your avatar with your own photo. I know you got it.


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Keep fighting Kaprice , at the end it's not the pills that make you lose weight.
Wait, WHAT??? The pills won't solve all my problem? Well that sucks! :)


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I received my order of Gut Health (2), Brite (1), and Dry-Uretix.

I don't imagine the Dry-Uretix (which was a free bonus with the order) will be useful unless and until I get down to a much lower body fat, so I'll put that in storage for a while. Hopefully, it has a long shelf life.

Actually, I just noticed the Exp Dt on it. April 2015! :eek:
dsade, do I need to worry about the expiration date of the Dry-Uretix?

Also, Gut Health says 2 a day for 5 days and then "as needed"

Can you give more guidance on that? What would indicate "as needed"?


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The race is on. HIT4ME and myself are going to lose 18lbs in 6 weeks, Kaprice, are you in?

The one who does not meet the goal has to fap to a pic of Hillary ... and finish it.


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The race is on. HIT4ME and myself are going to lose 18lbs in 6 weeks, Kaprice, are you in?

The one who does not meet the goal has to fap to a pic of Hillary ... and finish it.
I'm ok with that as long as I have a picture of sexy grandpa at 205 to go with it.


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The race is on. HIT4ME and myself are going to lose 18lbs in 6 weeks, Kaprice, are you in?

The one who does not meet the goal has to fap to a pic of Hillary ... and finish it.
One can only assume there would have to be video proof of said finishing


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You guys have too many supplements to make it fair. I'm at the end of my stack.

What is that 3 pounds a week? Is Hit really going to go for another 18 pounds? That seems rather ambitious.

Is there a loser if no one makes it to 18 pounds in 6 weeks? Or, is the loser the one who loses the least?

Finally, I'm not sure the scale is the best indicator of progress.

What else you got?


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3 pounds a week is totally do-able for you Kaprice. I'd put $20 on you in a heartbeat. You got this!!!


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You guys have too many supplements to make it fair. I'm at the end of my stack.

What is that 3 pounds a week? Is Hit really going to go for another 18 pounds? That seems rather ambitious.

Is there a loser if no one makes it to 18 pounds in 6 weeks? Or, is the loser the one who loses the least?

Finally, I'm not sure the scale is the best indicator of progress.

What else you got?
-too many supplements -check
-What is that 3 pounds a week? -check
-Hit really going to go for another 18 pounds? That seems rather ambitious. -check (Hillary, here he comes)
-Is there a loser if no one makes it to 18 pounds in 6 weeks? -check (everyone's a winner babe) ---> see video


-Finally, I'm not sure the scale is the best indicator of progress. - with a diet like this, it is!
-What else you got? -lots of motivation, saggy tits, love handles, belly


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Yeah, I'm not going to try a diet like yours.

So, I'll be like the kid who won't actually get on the dance floor, but practices dancing in the shadows.

I'm going to try to keep up with you two, but I'm not agreeing to the rules of the contest! :)


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Lol, my supplements include about 2 weeks of DCP, a bottle of supernova, and that is it at this point. I'm about out of everything. And I am an ambitious guy.

Juno out on that dance floor KAPrice! It is a 6 week challenge. No rules as to HOW you get there ...just 18 pounds in 6 weeks. You can do spinning classes for all I care. :)

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