Erase/TitaniumXL/Division 1 Log


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Hey fellaz, I've logged before and its been a couple months so I decided to log my next big stack. PES and Athletix are two companies that I trust and have had good results with the products I've used in the past( Anabeta,Erase,Titanium,and Adamantium).


With this stack of Erase,TitaniumXL and Division1, I want to gain strength and power for my sport. I am not looking for weight gain but gaining 1 or 2 lbs would be nice.


I am currently using the Juggernaut Method by Chad Smith and I've been doing this style of training for about 4 months now and I am stronger than ever. I am a collegiate sprinter so track conditioning will also come into play here soon. I training strictly to get better at my sport.


I will log on a weekly biases as most people enjoyed that style when I did my Anabeta log. If requested I can log some of my workouts so you guys have an idea about what I do in the weight room.


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Subbed! Can't wait to see how this goes:)


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Training Update:

This past week was the start of track&field conditioning and pre-season. The sprint side of the house got a new coach so our whole system has been revamped and which that came along a new weight room training routine. So now, I will doing full body workouts 3 days a weeks and a day of misc. exercises that I will do on my own to bring up lagging parts(hamstrings,glutes).


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1st Week Quick Review

As with almost all products, you don't really noticed much the first week. What I have noticed off the bat was a sense of well being and a little more aggressiveness in the gym. I don't know if its coming from the Titanium or the Division 1. I have also noticed that I am more thirsty than usual. Hopefully good things are to come in this second week.


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I'm looking forward to week 2 update :D


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1st Week Quick Review

As with almost all products, you don't really noticed much the first week. What I have noticed off the bat was a sense of well being and a little more aggressiveness in the gym. I don't know if its coming from the Titanium or the Division 1. I have also noticed that I am more thirsty than usual. Hopefully good things are to come in this second week.
sounds like its getting to work to me.nice first week update


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Maxes as of Today

This week the sprint team has been maxing out on our main lifts to see where we are at and to accurately calculate our percentages for our weeks ahead.. Here are my maxes right now at 155lbs

Incline Bench: 220lbs
Bench Press: 255lbs
Power Clean: 250lbs
Military Press(Behind the Neck): 135lbs
Squat(Parallel): 395lbs


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2nd Week In Review

This was a pretty solid week. My hunger and thirst was up from the 1st week. Morning wood is almost a everyday things, so I can tell my libido is up. There are a couple of spots of acne on my back and neck so that indicates that my testosterone is up also. I cannot really noted if strength and endurance is up as of yet because I am starting a new routine. I will be able to take note of that better this week.


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Final Review

Sorry I missed week 3 fellaz, had a busy week with school and training.but here goes my final review!

I came into this stack weighing roughly 155 which I gained five solid pounds from Anabeta. At the end of this stack I I am around 157-158. I am looking leaner,yet my muscles are fuller at the same time. Between weeks 1 and 3, I had a morning wood everyday which indicates my testosterone was very high,it did taper a little bit during week 4.

I can't say much about strength gains cause the program we are doing right now changes in percentages and rep/sets weekly. I will say my endurance is at an all time high. Weights I was doing reps of 6-8 with I can easily get 10. Another thing I have noticed is the slight increase of hunger and thirst.

Overall this is the 2nd best stack I've taken besides the Anabeta I've ran solo. No telling what gains one might get stacking them all together I can easily see somebody gaining 8-10 in a month. My next stack(money willing) will be Anabeta and IGF-1


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Final Review

Sorry I missed week 3 fellaz, had a busy week with school and training.but here goes my final review!

I came into this stack weighing roughly 155 which I gained five solid pounds from Anabeta. At the end of this stack I I am around 157-158. I am looking leaner,yet my muscles are fuller at the same time. Between weeks 1 and 3, I had a morning wood everyday which indicates my testosterone was very high,it did taper a little bit during week 4.

I can't say much about strength gains cause the program we are doing right now changes in percentages and rep/sets weekly. I will say my endurance is at an all time high. Weights I was doing reps of 6-8 with I can easily get 10. Another thing I have noticed is the slight increase of hunger and thirst.

Overall this is the 2nd best stack I've taken besides the Anabeta I've ran solo. No telling what gains one might get stacking them all together I can easily see somebody gaining 8-10 in a month. My next stack(money willing) will be Anabeta and IGF-1
Thanks for the final review, some great feedback, glad you enjoyed the stack.

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