Epic Cutting Stack



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May need more than that to stop an extra 1.5 pound loss a week.
Not to mention that 50 or 100 kcals is fairly marginal and potentially insignificant unless you're weighing out everything you consume.


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Not to mention that 50 or 100 kcals is fairly marginal and potentially insignificant unless you're weighing out everything you consume.
I weigh everything except protein powder and my almond milk.


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You should weigh those. Just saying Protein powders are always wrong
Serious? It could only be maybe 10-20 cals of difference. And plus i first weighed to see how much the scoop looked like and i just remember what it looked like on the scale. If that makes since?
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You should weigh those. Just saying

Protein powders are always wrong
I agree i just tried a new protein and it labels 34g on the label and every scoop i used was 27-28g worth
I have had the same thing happen with some quest bars, some were 55 or 52g and the wrapper states 60g. Now some were 62g , but there is variety.

Just sayin
Always weigh it.


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I may weigh something the first time, but that's typically enough.


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Don't wanna add cals in too fast. 1 week won't make much difference in muscle loss and I'll be able to gauge the difference with the new cals. Goal is to get to 2lb/wk
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Don't wanna add cals in too fast. 1 week won't make much difference in muscle loss and I'll be able to gauge the difference with the new cals. Goal is to get to 2lb/wk
Adding more = better, the higher your kcals are the better for your metabolism, 50 kcals wont do jack.


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Adding more = better, the higher your kcals are the better for your metabolism, 50 kcals wont do jack.
Eh we'll see. I'll prob weigh in before the weekend just to gauge things a bit early.


Careful not to overtrain. I was running into that trying to cut doing 5500 in cardio a week on top of 5-6s of WT. No bueno, you hit the wall and need a break.


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Careful not to overtrain. I was running into that trying to cut doing 5500 in cardio a week on top of 5-6s of WT. No bueno, you hit the wall and need a break.
Ya I've done this program before so I know exactly how I respond to it. Just tweaking diet mostly this time since I'm over 25lb heavier


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So I've finally made the decision that I'm at a place where I can really start to play with my diet so I'll be doing a keto (<30g carbs/day) "prep" phase of 10 days and then beginning a carb backloading style diet. Diet/supps will look like this for the next 10 days:

Wake up: x2 AAv2, x2 Accelerant, x2sc Metabolic Powder, x4 Peak Beta+, x2 C20, x1 F95
Meal 1: 2 eggs, 3 whites, 2c spinach, x2 CLA (cardio days only), x1 Fish Oil (cardio days only)
Meal 2: 8oz Venison, 1c Veggie Stew (homemade, spices only), x2 CLA (cardio days only)
Meal 3: 8oz Venison, 1c Veggie Stew (homemade, spices only), x2 CLA (cardio days only)
Pre workout: x4 Ara, x4PB+, x2 Alphamax, x2 AAv2, x1 Accelerant, x2 C20, x1 F95
Meal 4: 4oz Chicken, 4oz Vension, Salad with light dressing, x2 CLA (cardio days only), x1 Fish Oil (cardio days only)
Meal 5: 1sc Protein (Elite XT/Select combo), salad or mixed veggies, Natty PB if needed to meet calorie goals
Pre Bed: x2 AAv2, x2 Alphamax

Calories should be about 2000 on cardio only days and 2200 or so on training days. I've given this a small run before but I know my carb intake much better now so I wont have to worry about overdoing it. Should be a good time and make for an easier lifestyle as it will allow me to more freely eat carbs and such later in the day. Any advice is always welcome (EBF/Solution I know you guys both follow a similar IF/backload protocol)


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Weighed in this morning at 188.7lb (up about 1 lb from monday). This will be my starting weight for the 10 day prep phase for CBL. I already have a good idea of how many carbs i will be able to eat, but am interested to see what the tables in the book say just as reference.
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Weighed in this morning at 188.7lb (up about 1 lb from monday). This will be my starting weight for the 10 day prep phase for CBL. I already have a good idea of how many carbs i will be able to eat, but am interested to see what the tables in the book say just as reference.
why dont you just use the macros you have now and just shift your carbs to later at night


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why dont you just use the macros you have now and just shift your carbs to later at night = CBL
That's essentially what I'll be doing but the book suggests a ten day prep phase to get your body used to burning fat more then carbs. Plus it'll give me some time to adjust my meals so I fast longer in the mornings. I've done the "jump right in" to IF before and it's a rough week or so adjusting as I wake up starving almost every morning.


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On a side note, the gf texted me and said she wants to have a gym date tonight (we've never gone together before and she really is just getting into fitness this year). That made me excited but when I asked her what she wanted to do she stole my heart. The girl said LEGS. That's a keeper.
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That's essentially what I'll be doing but the book suggests a ten day prep phase to get your body used to burning fat more then carbs. Plus it'll give me some time to adjust my meals so I fast longer in the mornings. I've done the "jump right in" to IF before and it's a rough week or so adjusting as I wake up starving almost every morning.
10 day bleh bleh bleh
Your in such a deficit it wont matter bro.
Just shift your carbs later more along the lines of Biorythm in essence.
Your body does not burn more fat than carbs in a deficit, your body is burning through calories because your in a deficit. Think about what your saying for a second lol. Your body does not have anything to burn when your in a deficit because your not even giving your body enough to function as it wants to.



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Weight this morning was 186lb (-1.6lb) so right where I want it to be. Really not feeling any ill effects from the low carbs over the last few days so the 10 days may not be as bad as I thought it would. It'll still be great to get back to eating more of what I want though.

Friday: double workout evening. Arms right after work, Legs later on with the gf. Legs workout was at the gf's gym (planet fitness) which is as much of a joke as everyone thinks. Donut mondays, bagel tuesdays, and pizza wednesdays... come on now. And the fact that there is NOT ONE BARBELL in the entire place is awful. The only thing they have is smith machines. I'm not a big guy and I was far and away the biggest there. I had a guy who was doing squats with 200lb ask me for a spot. On a smith machine. WTF.

I've been feeling great minus the tendonitis in my left arm so i decided to hit the gym for back on saturday and shoulders for a quick workout on sunday. Sunday was higher paced, monster set (4 exercises) with some pump and isolation work after. Really feeling great for being my 12th week of cutting.


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Today is my first (awake) day with an extended fast. I ususally eat breakfast at 6:30am or so when I first get to work so today I'll extended the fast until 9am. This should help maximize any of the fat burning supps I'm taking in the morning, as well as allow me to eat some larger meals later in the day.

I'm out of metabolic powder and not eating carbs so currently those two are off the list.

Still taking: Accelerant (3 more days), AAv2, X Factor Adv, Peak Beta+, C20 (OG), F95 (last week), Alphamax (3 more days)


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Yesterday I elongated my fast until 10am and added in some BCAA's between my wake up (5am) and Meal 1 (10am). Really not feeling too bad from the ULC these past few days which is surprising. Could be that I'm getting enough from the ridiculous amount of veggies I'm eating.

Today I'll be fasting until 12pm with some BCAA's and coffee through the morning and only having that one meal pre workout. Post I'll be having some monster meals and I can't wait. Today will be legs and shoulders so the food will be well used...


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Totally crushed legs and shoulders this afternoon. I was really surprised with how good I felt considering this is day 7 of pretty low carbs (veggies only). My endurance was absolutely unreal and I had to force myself to leave after ten sets of squats and 6 of leg presses all superset with shoulder presses flys and raises. Came home and at two entire spaghetti squashes, a bag of spinach, and some ground chicken. Then had some frozen protein cottage cheese, a little pb, and some green beans for my pre bed meal. Man do I love to eat bigger meals like that.

Forgot to add all my corefetti/pb marshmallow protein came in (along with a bunch of other goodies including a 4 tub refill to my metabolic powder stock and enough albutarex to kill someone) so this weekend I'll be baking up some solution-esque goodies to carb up on.


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Totally crushed legs and shoulders this afternoon. I was really surprised with how good I felt considering this is day 7 of pretty low carbs (veggies only). My endurance was absolutely unreal and I had to force myself to leave after ten sets of squats and 6 of leg presses all superset with shoulder presses flys and raises. Came home and at two entire spaghetti squashes, a bag of spinach, and some ground chicken. Then had some frozen protein cottage cheese, a little pb, and some green beans for my pre bed meal. Man do I love to eat bigger meals like that. Forgot to add all my corefetti/pb marshmallow protein came in (along with a bunch of other goodies including a 4 tub refill to my metabolic powder stock and enough albutarex to kill someone) so this weekend I'll be baking up some solution-esque goodies to carb up on.
Would metabolic powder serve me well dosing multiple times a day for my cheat meal/day? Would it help to prevent fat gain?


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Would metabolic powder serve me well dosing multiple times a day for my cheat meal/day? Would it help to prevent fat gain?
Absolutely. That's exactly what it's designed for. On sale at np right now too.


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Absolutely. That's exactly what it's designed for. On sale at np right now too.
I know it says mix into food and such, but does it mix and taste ok when mixed into some BCAAs or something like that?


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I know it says mix into food and such, but does it mix and taste ok when mixed into some BCAAs or something like that?
The taste isn't strong so ya you could do that. I've even mixed it in just 2oz of water and shot it and its not a bad taste at all. It adds some interesting flavor to spiced dishes though if you cook with it. Just be careful not to let it stay in a clump or youll get a pretty wicked bitter bite ha.


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The taste isn't strong so ya you could do that. I've even mixed it in just 2oz of water and shot it and its not a bad taste at all. It adds some interesting flavor to spiced dishes though if you cook with it. Just be careful not to let it stay in a clump or youll get a pretty wicked bitter bite ha.
Alright thanks


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Went in for legs/shoulders yesterday and absolutely crushed it. I've been very low carb for 7 days now and was expecting a serious drop in performance at this stage, but was absolutely shocked that I was not only able to keep up with my numbers from last week, but was so energized and endurance was so high that I continued going after my normal workout and ended up having to force myself out of the gym after 1hr35min.

I did the same high volume/intesity workout I have been the last 3 weeks with some additions:
Superset: Squats and DB Shoulder Press - (reps of each) x50,x40,x30,x20,x10,x5,x5,x10, x20,x30,x40,x50 - normally I do maybe a set of lateral raises after but legs are so smoked that I don't usually do much more. Not yesterday. Additions:
Lateral Raises - Run the rack from 25lb-5lb, no rest partials: 25x15,20x15,15x15,12x12,10x12, 8x10,5x10
Rear Delt Swings: 25x10,12,12,14,25
BB Behind Head Shoulder Press: 45x27 (10sec rest/pause) x9 (10s r/p) x7 (10s r/p) x5
Leg Presses: 90xno idea how many (til pumped to death), 270x15, 320x15, 410x15, 500x6+12partials
Calf press (on leg press machine) 270x25, 320x20, 410x20, 500x12

I felt like I could have kept on going forever. PB+ is truly the best endurance supplement I've ever used once it gets going. The pump i had in my quads was also probably the best I've ever had as I was able to see muscle that I never have before.


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Friday- arms

Sat- back/chest

Today- legs/shoulders

And now finally my CBL starts:


Corefetti cake batter cake and pb marshmallow cupcakes
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You can CBL everyday bro :) just adjust your carbs later int he day
how you like the cor-fetti?


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You can CBL everyday bro :) just adjust your carbs later int he day how you like the cor-fetti?
Ya that's the plan going forward. Prob gonna carb cycle a bit so I can get more fat in my diet on not training days. Not a ton but maybe 200-300 kcals worth or so.

Corfetti was awesome. I love cake batter flavors and this was top notch. Good thing I bought 6lb worth ;)

Pb marshmallow was good but not strong enough flavor. Would prob be better higher powder : pancake mix ratio.


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
New mint choco is not my thing.

Corfetti is still my #2 :)

Cinn Swirl is my #1 Cellucor did a great job with it

I like PB cookies using PB marsh


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New mint choco is not my thing. Corfetti is still my #2 :) Cinn Swirl is my #1 Cellucor did a great job with it I like PB cookies using PB marsh
I was gonna make cookies but couldn't find a good recipe before my computer died and wasn't looking on my phone. That's my next foray.

I ordered mine and later that day they sent an email saying it was out. The gf is obsessed with mint choc chip so I would've gotten one for her to try but wasn't meant to be. More corfetti for me


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
You already got a tub in to Canada? You Srs???
Its more vanilla/mint not a chocolate/mint with chcolate chip pieces.
Have a man on the inside now ;)

lol I'm not saying its bad it could very well be perfectly flavoured I'm just not a mint fan


Ya that's the plan going forward. Prob gonna carb cycle a bit so I can get more fat in my diet on not training days. Not a ton but maybe 200-300 kcals worth or so.

Corfetti was awesome. I love cake batter flavors and this was top notch. Good thing I bought 6lb worth ;)

Pb marshmallow was good but not strong enough flavor. Would prob be better higher powder : pancake mix ratio.
For a cut why you decide CBL? Isn't CNS better for cut, CBL more for lean gains? CBL requires alot of tweaking and pitfalls before it gets dialed in.


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For a cut why you decide CBL? Isn't CNS better for cut, CBL more for lean gains? CBL requires alot of tweaking and pitfalls before it gets dialed in.
I was eating carbs everyday with a bb style 6-7 meals/day. Why would the same carbs and therefore total cals not apply?

I just think itll be easier to eat carbs at night when its more social.


I was eating carbs everyday with a bb style 6-7 meals/day. Why would the same carbs and therefore total cals not apply?

I just think itll be easier to eat carbs at night when its more social.
Check out DH Keifer's Carb Nite solution, you might like it. He the one that started Carb backloading craze.
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For a cut why you decide CBL? Isn't CNS better for cut, CBL more for lean gains? CBL requires alot of tweaking and pitfalls before it gets dialed in.
No it does not
There is nothing that is magical for cutting or bulking
Any diet works as long as your deficit/surplus is in check.


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Check out DH Keifer's Carb Nite solution, you might like it. He the one that started Carb backloading craze.
I've read all about it... its exactly the same principles as CBL except you only have 1 carb night a week... which just means I have to be more selective with my food choices all week. My goals with CBL/IF style eating is so that I can enjoy more food/food types at times when its more social.

Improved diet/life balance is the key for me here.

On that note... My body clearly hasn't quite adjusted to the morning fasting yet because I am about the most miserable person and want to punch everyone until I get to eat that first meal around 12pm. And don't even try to talk to me between the time I leave the gym and get my PWO meal... I yelled at my garbage can last night ha.
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Thats one thing with "Diets" it shelters them and their social life. Which is not a good relationship with food.


Thats one thing with "Diets" it shelters them and their social life. Which is not a good relationship with food.
Yup, dont adjust your diet to social, make the people that care about you meet you half way. They should let their bad habits negatively affect your choice to be healthy.


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Yup, dont adjust your diet to social, make the people that care about you meet you half way. They should let their bad habits negatively affect your choice to be healthy.
No, I mean it in the sense that I WANT to be able to include some new foods into my diet... standard bb type, carbs in the am doesn't allow for the calorie space for a big carby dinner or "treats". Im sick of always telling everyone "I cant have that right now"


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Really gonna have to play with my foods a bit to get this CBL in check... still feeling pretty rough in the mornings (angry/annoyed) while being hungry and Im feeling bloated and full when i wake up. Checked weight today just to get an idea and i was back up to 186.3lb I expected to go up due to the carbs coming back in my diet after the prep phase so we'll see how it goes through the week and then weigh again on monday to get a better idea.
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Really gonna have to play with my foods a bit to get this CBL in check... still feeling pretty rough in the mornings (angry/annoyed) while being hungry and Im feeling bloated and full when i wake up. Checked weight today just to get an idea and i was back up to 186.3lb I expected to go up due to the carbs coming back in my diet after the prep phase so we'll see how it goes through the week and then weigh again on monday to get a better idea.
Eating more later at night = a higher weigh in, nothing unordinary there.
Use potatoes/veggies/fruits as your carb sources = higher satiety.


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New workout plan is as follows:
Mon - Push (Shoulder Focus)
Tues - OFF
Wed - Legs (Hamstring Focus)
Thu - Pull (Rack Pulls)
Fri - Push (Chest/Tricep Focus)
Sat - Legs (Quad Focus)
Sun - Pull (Deadlifts)

The idea is that it will give me more days in the gym so I can do less of the LISS cardio I've been. Obviously workouts will be a bit shorter and volume a bit lower to compensate.


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Loving the new workout setup so far... It's just nice being in the gym almost every day and with the reduced daily volume I can go a lot harder and more intense on all of my sets.

Yesterday was brutal day for sticking to a diet... Had to help hand out 70doz krispy kreme donuts (morning and afternoon) and then eat n' park smiley cookies at lunch... Didn't indulge in any of this garbage but man was it rough since I love stuff like that and havent had a whiff of it since the start of this year.

Waking up feeling a lot better and a lot leaner in the mornings the last 2 days. I think my body is finally starting to adjust a bit and settle in. I'll be very interested to see what the scale says at the end of the week.


Loving the new workout setup so far... It's just nice being in the gym almost every day and with the reduced daily volume I can go a lot harder and more intense on all of my sets.

Yesterday was brutal day for sticking to a diet... Had to help hand out 70doz krispy kreme donuts (morning and afternoon) and then eat n' park smiley cookies at lunch... Didn't indulge in any of this garbage but man was it rough since I love stuff like that and havent had a whiff of it since the start of this year.

Waking up feeling a lot better and a lot leaner in the mornings the last 2 days. I think my body is finally starting to adjust a bit and settle in. I'll be very interested to see what the scale says at the end of the week.
Very cool boone, glad to see things settling in nicely for you. Found less volume and more intensity is really did well for me too last few weeks. Whats you current stack and diet looking like?


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Very cool boone, glad to see things settling in nicely for you. Found less volume and more intensity is really did well for me too last few weeks. Whats you current stack and diet looking like?
I'll put each in a separate post below

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