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Late night cardio?


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Updates (and noodz, as promised): Weight - 197.1lb bf%- I quit using the scale so I'll have to caliper cuz every time I gain weight the scale bf% goes up and as evidenced by the pics, this is not even remotely the case. No issues to speak of as far as bumping any of the supps (AAv2/F95) over the last week or so. Everything is going very smoothly and I'm actually GAINING weight while getting leaner. The only change that I'm making is to my diet. I've been very tired a lot of day in the last week or two and I think it could potentially be too low of calories (I'm at about 1800 most days). I'm going to start small and add in 2 rice cakes PWO on lifting days (35kcal each, 70/day, 4 days/wk - total of 280extra kcal/wk) for some additional kcals and see how that goes. Comparisons (1/2/14 - left, 2/10/14-right): Front <img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=96654"/> Side <img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=96655"/> On a side note, I've begun reading the carb backloading book and even though I did a lot of research on this topic in the last year or so, the book is really a worthwhile read. Especially while doing my cardio sessions ha. I may start adopting this practice once I get down to a weight/look I'm happy with as I know what I'm doing now works and don't wanna take a step backwards until I reach my goal.
Some pretty notable differences there bro! In the right track that's for sure!


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Late night cardio?
Wasn't even thinking about that when planning but certainly was able to add a nice little session right before bed ;)


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Some pretty notable differences there bro! In the right track that's for sure!
Thanks man, everything is coming along as planned so far.


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So yesterday I got bored while snowed in so I added a little back workout with mostly bands. Was really good actually once I got a bit creative. Pull downs, seated rows, bb rows, pull-ups, face pulls and rear delt flys. Felt good to do something ha.

Today was my misc day. Did some fasted cardio while watching the USA hockey game, then took a sample of cannibal ferox, some pump prods, and some amino iv and hit the gym.

PR's on squats (305x1), rack pulls (325x2 no straps), db decline press (60x11) and db shoulder press (60x8). Added some bcaa hyper blend to my intra water for some bcaas and extra energy since I was still fasted. Overall a great day.

Over the next week I'm going to be adding some more calories (prob about 50/lift day pwo) to bump things up again. Also gonna be logging molecular nutrition's accelerant (fat burner) and peak beta+ (stim free preworkout). Gonna be adding my own ARA as well to round it out. I'll be starting up an mn specific log but I'll keep this one going too cuz I wanna have all the results in one place.


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So heres my upcoming, revamped stack (hoping to start next week:

Stim burner - Molecular Nutrition Accelerant
Non Stim burner -EBF Inc. AAv2, Metabolic Powder

Pre workout - Molecular Nutrition: X-Factor Advanced (1g), Peak Beta+ (2g LCLT, 4g COP); Analyzed Supplements GMS (6g), USP Labs Compound20, Purus Labs DPol (3.12g DAA+Nitrates); EBF Inc 2sc Metabolic Powder, Performax Labs Alphamax (75mg Arimistane, 50mg F95)

The pumps from this stack should be absolutely incredible. I'll also probably lower my training to just MWF again and bump cals up on those days only. As always, questions, comments, suggestions welcome.


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So heres my upcoming, revamped stack (hoping to start next week:

Stim burner - Molecular Nutrition Accelerant
Non Stim burner -EBF Inc. AAv2, Metabolic Powder

Pre workout - Molecular Nutrition: X-Factor Advanced (1g), Peak Beta+ (2g LCLT, 4g COP); Analyzed Supplements GMS (6g), USP Labs Compound20, Purus Labs DPol (3.12g DAA+Nitrates); EBF Inc 2sc Metabolic Powder, Performax Labs Alphamax (75mg Arimistane, 50mg F95)

The pumps from this stack should be absolutely incredible. I'll also probably lower my training to just MWF again and bump cals up on those days only. As always, questions, comments, suggestions welcome.
How are you liking AAv2?


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How are you liking AAv2?
Loving it. Haven't been getting the 20min heartburn in the morn either. The pre bed dose seems to be helping as well.

6weeks in and I'm down only about 5-6lb but down 4-5%bf (estimated). I'd say that between the recompadrol, mp, alphamine, as AAv2 it's pretty much the ultimate fat loss and muscle sparing stack. You'd be hard pressed to find better results then that.


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Quick question too: is it worth taking the C20 only on Ara days or should I take it everyday. My he main reason I'm taking the C20 is the lodges barks synergy with the ara but I can make it last wayyyy longer if I only dose on workout days... Just don't know if lodhra needs to be kept at a certain level or if it's more of an as needed for the synergy


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Quick question too: is it worth taking the C20 only on Ara days or should I take it everyday. My he main reason I'm taking the C20 is the lodges barks synergy with the ara but I can make it last wayyyy longer if I only dose on workout days... Just don't know if lodhra needs to be kept at a certain level or if it's more of an as needed for the synergy
Bumping this.

Also, legs/shoulders today was awesome. 3x20 squats felt so good I decided to go for a weight pr too. Hit 315 for 1 (old pr was 305). Awesome workout.


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Starting my new stack in Monday as outlined above. Subbing MN accelerant for my alphamine and adding alphamax, dpol, xf, pb+, and c20. Gonna be shredding while maximizing muscle sparing for sure.

Anyone going to the Arnold next weekend? Thinking of driving out fri after work and then hitting it all day Saturday then driving home on sun. I have a friends house just outside Columbus to stay so it's easy. Bout a 3hr drive for me.


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Quite the stack man!


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Starting my new stack in Monday as outlined above. Subbing MN accelerant for my alphamine and adding alphamax, dpol, xf, pb+, and c20. Gonna be shredding while maximizing muscle sparing for sure.

Anyone going to the Arnold next weekend? Thinking of driving out fri after work and then hitting it all day Saturday then driving home on sun. I have a friends house just outside Columbus to stay so it's easy. Bout a 3hr drive for me.
I'll be there man.


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Perfect timing came through and my Accelerant/Peak Beta+ came in on Saturday, while my alphamine ran out last night... So, today started my new stack for the next 4 weeks or so. Things were a bit different this morning and will be for me mon-thurs this week due to having to work late (6pm) so I'll be lifting fasted in the mornings today (i did already) and Wednesday. I really do love morning training.

Initial thoughts on the accelerant: No noticable thermo effects, very nice mood elevation and focus, not much for a stim effect. I'm always a bit leary of 1-a-day dosing for a fat burner so we will see how things go. If things start slipping, I may add a scoop of alphamine back into my afternoons to keep that furnace going.

I'll be logging the MN products in their own place (sponsored) so I'll throw that up here once its up just for reference.

Side note, I'm definitely going to the Arnold this weekend so any tips/tricks for a first time expo goer are appreciated!


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Had another morning workout this morn. Took all the above supps and added 2sc Jack3d advanced to give me a little extra boost.

Not really a fan of the advanced (tho I have 3 tubs from promos/deals ha). Doesn't seem to do much for me. I have a stack of Lecheek PumpX3 and SpeedX3 on the way and Ive heard good things about the speed so I'm excited to try this.


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Had a nice/entertaining experience last night right before bed:

I normally drink 1/2-1gal of water with some protein as part of my pre-bed meal so I'm normally pretty full/bloadted when I go (I enjoy that feeling ha). Last night I had quite the water baby going (stomach so full you look pregnant for those who don't get it) and when I took my shirt of I couldn't help but laugh cuz i could see my abs on top of the giant belly. It was like a fat guy with a six-pack drawn on his beer gut. Makes me feel good though cuz this means that my bf is def getting down to where it needs to be and I can now see top 4 outlines with no flex any time of day.


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Had a nice/entertaining experience last night right before bed: I normally drink 1/2-1gal of water with some protein as part of my pre-bed meal so I'm normally pretty full/bloadted when I go (I enjoy that feeling ha). Last night I had quite the water baby going (stomach so full you look pregnant for those who don't get it) and when I took my shirt of I couldn't help but laugh cuz i could see my abs on top of the giant belly. It was like a fat guy with a six-pack drawn on his beer gut. Makes me feel good though cuz this means that my bf is def getting down to where it needs to be and I can now see top 4 outlines with no flex any time of day.
How do you drink that much water close to bed? I would wake about twice to use the bathroom if i did that. I already wake up once some nights. And yea man, you had a water baby yesterday and i had a food baby(sushi brah). Its good stuff!


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How do you drink that much water close to bed? I would wake about twice to use the bathroom if i did that. I already wake up once some nights. And yea man, you had a water baby yesterday and i had a food baby(sushi brah). Its good stuff!
haha I get up lik 4-5 times through the night. I have a childs bladder. The g/f hates it too cuz i often have to stop mid sex to go take a leak.


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Random through: does it still count as being "fasted" if you've take x8 PB+, x4 XFA, x2 Alphamax, x2 AAv2, x2 C20, and x2 F95? holy boatload of pills.

Headed to the gym for chest/triceps then off to the Arnold! If anyone else is there feel free to pm me and I'll shoot you my #.


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Arnold day! So psyched


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Had an awesome time at the Arnold yesterday! Never in my life have I tastes so many pre workouts, bcaas, carb powders, and protein bars ha. I think ill be drinking about 5gal of water today to help save my kidneys/liver.

Got up this morning and did an extra shoulder workout in the basement. Felt really good and I'm really looking leaner. Gf even commented on it when I got home last night.

The accelerant that I'm taking from molecular nutrition is no joke. This stuff just puts me in the best mood. I catch myself whistling and signing and dancing all the time after taking it. Not much for a stim but it fits nicely with some other goodies.


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Had an awesome time at the Arnold yesterday! Never in my life have I tastes so many pre workouts, bcaas, carb powders, and protein bars ha. I think ill be drinking about 5gal of water today to help save my kidneys/liver.

Got up this morning and did an extra shoulder workout in the basement. Felt really good and I'm really looking leaner. Gf even commented on it when I got home last night.

The accelerant that I'm taking from molecular nutrition is no joke. This stuff just puts me in the best mood. I catch myself whistling and signing and dancing all the time after taking it. Not much for a stim but it fits nicely with some other goodies.
So sorry I missed you man

It was crazy yesterday.


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So sorry I missed you man It was crazy yesterday.
Ya no big deal. I couldn't get my going to work all day so no worries. Did catch up with chef bob for a min tho which was cool. Real good dude in person and spoke highly of you and Rosie.


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Ya no big deal. I couldn't get my going to work all day so no worries. Did catch up with chef bob for a min tho which was cool. Real good dude in person and spoke highly of you and Rosie.
Yea we went by and chilled for a bit Friday and Saturday. It was crazy tho.


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This morning's weight: 194.2lb

So, after upping my calories I've accelerated my fat loss ha. Love it. Also of note is the MN Accelerant that I've switched to and it seems to be working just as it should. I'm excited to see where I can get in the next 4-5 weeks. Today marks the start of week 9 of my cut and all is going just as planned.


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This morning's weight: 194.2lb

So, after upping my calories I've accelerated my fat loss ha. Love it. Also of note is the MN Accelerant that I've switched to and it seems to be working just as it should. I'm excited to see where I can get in the next 4-5 weeks. Today marks the start of week 9 of my cut and all is going just as planned.
Molecular is such a great brand man

I opened an account with them because I use so much of their stuff. Only very few products I purchase. MN brand is one of them.


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Molecular is such a great brand man

I opened an account with them because I use so much of their stuff. Only very few products I purchase. MN brand is one of them.
That's been my experience with them so far as well... I got to trial peak beta+ and was blown away. The only product that legit had my numbers going up with each workout. I cant wait to see what the ARA paired with the pb+ can get me to as far as power and the accelerant so far has me all chipper ha.


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This morning's weight: 194.2lb

So, after upping my calories I've accelerated my fat loss ha. Love it. Also of note is the MN Accelerant that I've switched to and it seems to be working just as it should. I'm excited to see where I can get in the next 4-5 weeks. Today marks the start of week 9 of my cut and all is going just as planned.
How many calories are you taking in?


Molecular is such a great brand man

I opened an account with them because I use so much of their stuff. Only very few products I purchase. MN brand is one of them.
Odd when people say MN I usually think Metabolic Nutrition. Love me some watermelon Tri-pep and PB cookie Protizyme :)

But just started Molecular Peak Beta+, pretty nice. Pretty nice indeed


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Odd when people say MN I usually think Metabolic Nutrition. Love me some watermelon Tri-pep and PB cookie Protizyme :) But just started Molecular Peak Beta+, pretty nice. Pretty nice indeed
Give it 2 weeks or so any you'll really notice a difference. COP is some good stuff once it kicks ib


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Seems a little low IMO.
I've been trying to work them up higher but its slow going. I was at 1800 or so on all days and have been bumping my lifting days up. As I go, I'm gonna try to add more and more. The goal would be to cut at 2500 at some point and bulk around 3200 or so.

I love to eat so trust me I'm trying to figure out how I can both eat more and lose fat ha. Diet research and reading is all I do at lunch and while doing LISS cardio.


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Over the last week or so I've been having some tendonitis in my left upper forearm, mostly when I turn my wrist or do any type of biceps exercise besides hammer curls. I'm trying to avoid exercises that hurt it to give it a bit of a rest though. If it continues to get worse, I may take a week or two off of any exercises that hurt or even pressure it and just do multiple leg days and some HIIT instead. We will see though as next week i change up the routine again and will be doing supersets of giant pyramids (Kris Gethin's DTP style) mostly for higher reps. This may be the heavy break that I need.
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Im trying to get on your level bro:

Lets cut some fat!


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Over the last week or so I've been having some tendonitis in my left upper forearm, mostly when I turn my wrist or do any type of biceps exercise besides hammer curls. I'm trying to avoid exercises that hurt it to give it a bit of a rest though. If it continues to get worse, I may take a week or two off of any exercises that hurt or even pressure it and just do multiple leg days and some HIIT instead. We will see though as next week i change up the routine again and will be doing supersets of giant pyramids (Kris Gethin's DTP style) mostly for higher reps. This may be the heavy break that I need.
I'll trade for your forearm tendonitis if you would take my upper left shoulder tendonitis in return. Most pressing movements at least for the first rep hurts like a mofo right now for me!


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I'll trade for your forearm tendonitis if you would take my upper left shoulder tendonitis in return. Most pressing movements at least for the first rep hurts like a mofo right now for me!
Ugh hell no. I've had shoulder issues in the past so bad I couldn't sleep... There's nothing like that ache that goes straight to your spine.


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Ugh hell no. I've had shoulder issues in the past so bad I couldn't sleep... There's nothing like that ache that goes straight to your spine.
LoL. Oh come on, mine is not that bad. Just the top of the shoulder and only really hurts on the start of the first rep of a pushing movement :p No crazy pains throughout the day or evening. LoL.


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Im trying to get on your level bro:

Lets cut some fat!
I can' wait to put my order in. Holding out for one more new product release though. I'm praying for a GDA and that it happens soon. My patience is getting legendary waiting for this.


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"Interesting" day/night yesterday:

Took all my normal supps and hit the gym for legs/shoulders. Worst part of this was realizing that i forgot my notebook so I wasn't able to compare anyhting until this morn (basically I didn't bump up anything). About 2 sets into my squats, I was starting to already feel mentally fatigued so I decided that I was going to go balls out on legs and move shoulders to the next day. This turned out to be a great idea as I had the biggest pump of my life going in my quads. I literally staggered/bowlegged out of the gym and almost fell getting into the shower at home. Legs are still pretty shaky this morning.

This was probably the first "off" day I've felt in awhile so I'll be counting on the accelerant to pick me up a bad. Bad dreams and not enough sleep last night def didn't help. Still gonna hit shoulders today so this will be my first back-to-back workout days since starting PB+/XFA.

So far no joint pain or severe DOMS to report. Legs should be pretty sore tomorrow regardless but I'll see if it seems worse then normal.

I've been trying to avoid mirrors and such for a while so that I can really see if I'm noticing changes over a week or so. I'll be taking my 8week pics this sunday so I may throw those up for reference.


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I quite enjoy the lack of mixing of GMS ha... I get to chew my pre-workout a bit.

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