Epi-Strong to get chiseled (Sponsored)



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Oh, and just a fun story for you all to enjoy.

Went to bed at a decent hour last night, planned on sleeping in til about 9 or so. Nothing crazy, but I get up at ~6:30 daily, so that's a good extra snooze without pissing away an entire day.

Well, my dreams were shifting from I don't even remember what to me being with my ex girlfriend (odd) and then the next thing I know, I'm hearing subtle moans, etc. I then realize I'm actually awake, look at my phone and it's 5:30 AM. My neighbor is getting railed and I at least forced myself to forget what she was moaning, but there were some "oh yeah"s "get it"s and so forth.
this made my day
i loled so hard :toofunny:


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:bigeyes:. How anabolic can your body possibly be? Think about it. Looks like you have enough stuff there for at least 6 months. Thermogenic too?

What is in my stash of goodies that can be used whenever necessary:

more Jack3d
SCRx bulk powder
creatine monohydrate
Beta Alanine
Pink Magic
ton of other fat burners and pre-workouts
Liver Assist
Milk Thistle

I'm sure there's a ton of other stuff I'm forgetting, but you get the jist.

So, if anyone would like to weigh in on what would be beneficial to add in with or after the Epi-Strong...
Gotta love it!


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Thanks, bro. It's real hard to stay the course with these kind of compounds in play and not just go for all out strength and mass gaining lol. Get kinda jealous when I see all the lbs you're moving up, but then again, if I did, I'd be around 250 and that's just no good lol :p
I hear ya man. Got to keep your eyes on the prize!! BTW I do have my progress pics on my log now;)


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I hear ya man. Got to keep your eyes on the prize!! BTW I do have my progress pics on my log now;)
You made some real nice gains and it shows :cheers:


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Keto Day 5 (refeed #1)

Weight this morning: 238 (-4.2)

Up another 1 lb from yesterday, but I'm not concerned with this. Yesterday was an off-day from the gym (which turned out to be much needed because my chest and back were still very zapped). Because of that, my water intake was a little off (still well over a gallon, but probably closer to 1.5 than the 2+ I always get). Also not concerned about having put any fat on because yesterday's diet was very strict.

Today will be arm day with cardio following. Meal 1 is down the hatch, Meal 2 is gonna go down in a few seconds. Really excited for the rest of the day after that :)

Also, today is Day 1 of Epi @ 60 & H-Drol @ 75.

Should be a fun week with the weights ;)


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11-6-10 Back

Reverse grip Lat Pulldowns: 130x15 / 180x12 / 230x12 / 250x12 / 250x12 / 200x12 / 170x15

Seated Rows (wide/neutral grip): 220x12 / 230x12 / 230x12 / 230x12

Good Mornings: 205x11 / 185x10 / 185x10 / 185x10

D-Ring Pulldowns: 110x15 / 140x12 / 160x12 / 170x12

Nautilus Xpload Machine - Deadlift: 230x10

Workout = 60 minutes

40 minutes treadmill intervals (varying speeds/inclines) immediately following


11-7-10 OFF


11-8-10 Arms

Olympic Bar Curls: 80x12 / 100x12 / 110x12 / 115x11 / 105x10 / 85x12 / 85x12

Preacher Curl Machine Solo Curls (wide grip): 50x12 / 65x12 / 80x12

DB Hammer Curls: 55's x 10 / 65's x 8

Incline Skull Crushers (wide grip): 125x12 / 130x12 / 140x12 / 150x12 / 110x12

Rope Pushdowns: 160x10 / 160x10 / 160x12 / 120x15 / 100x15

45 Degree Reverse Ring Curls: 70x12 / 60x10 / 50x12 (supersetted)

Workout = 85 minutes

40 minutes Elliptical intervals immediately following

Biceps were actually painfully pumped after the first 3 or so sets of olympic bar curls. I've had uncomfortable bicep pumps before, but this was beyond that. All in all, it's a good thing, though.

Workout took longer than I'd hope for because I ended up spotting a friend a handful of times, but he also hooked me up on the skull crushers, so it's all good.


Refeed went well so far. Everything went according to plan, but I'll say this - it was hard to eat the amount that I'd mapped out and not more! Knowing I won't get any of it until Friday again made it hard to not go cookie monster style on those carbs! ;)

Looking forward to seeing how things look/feel in the morning, what the scale says, and how legs go in the afternoon.


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Day 6 Keto (morning weight): 238 lbs (-4.2)

Unchanged from yesterday morning.

That is good. In the past, day-after-refeeds have shown weight-increases. So far, I'm liking the concept of having the carbs spread out across the day. Definitely far more comfortable, and it's also a way to hold onto sanity by bringing some unconventional foods into play whereas in the past I was crying while I choked down a ton of oatmeal and eating a sweet potato with it (which is not my favorite combination of foods lol).

Really looking forward to what the scale says tomorrow and then seeing where it ends up til Friday.

Felt full this morning, but not overwhelmingly such. Didn't feel like I was holding a lot of extra water, so that was good, too. Upper abs and upper obliques were looking crisp and I think that's where I'm going to see the most immediate improvements over the course of the upcoming weeks.

Today is back to the normal diet (~2200 cals) and I'll be hitting legs this afternoon.


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Good to hear the ReFeeds are going as planned :)


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Good to hear the ReFeeds are going as planned :)
Thanks, bro. This was only #1 and the scale didn't go up, so that is great. Big answer will come tomorrow morning. Hopefully it goes down a tad because I like this method of refeeding much, much better than the one large carb meal (~150g carbs prior to bed and that's it). It lets you play with things, indulge in the sweet tooth a bit, and really stay the long-haul.


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Hit legs real quick tonight - have an engagement to get to shortly, so it was get-in, get-out. Unfortunately, it was get-out quicker than I'd planned. I tweaked my left calf (in the middle, near the very bottom of the muscle) on solo calf extensions on the Nautilus (or Life Extension, I'm not sure) machine. As soon as I did, I immediately stopped, switched the weight from 195 to 65 and did 4 real slow reps just to make sure it wasn't too bad.

Skipped seated calf raises because of that and went light on a couple other things (SL deads and front squats) to ensure I don't set myself back.

Decent workout, but that was a bit unfortunate. Stretched it out and massaged it in the shower (that's what she said :p) and will ice it later tonight and hope for the best in the AM so I don't have to miss out on any cardio.

I'll post workout #'s tomorrow.


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Yuck, 150g carbs before bed doesn't sound good to me at all! I eat plenty of carbs everyday but I still rarely eat them within 3 hours of bed. Insulin isn't good for GH release, right? Well, that's my reason for not doing it.


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Yuck, 150g carbs before bed doesn't sound good to me at all! I eat plenty of carbs everyday but I still rarely eat them within 3 hours of bed. Insulin isn't good for GH release, right? Well, that's my reason for not doing it.
It wasn't fun, bro. Because I was doing it completely clean, too. So I'd do like a cup of oatmeal, 2 slices whole grain bread, banana and sweet potato. It wasn't an enjoyable combination of things, but it got a variety of sources involved.

And the reasoning behind that method was that it actually would help with gh levels going into bed. Snagagency (over at USP) is the one whose setup I followed - it definitely worked, no question about that.


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Day 7 Keto: morning weight: 238 (-4.2)

Once again, unchanged.

Part of me is mad and wants it go down lol, but I'll still take it as a good sign. Weight hasn't fluctuated back up (at 2,200 clean cals, it sure as heck better not). We'll see what it looks like tomorrow after another clean day of eating with more whole food meals hopefully and less shakes due to the rush I was in. Also, as long as the leg cooperates, I'll be doing cardio post Delts/Traps workout tonight, so we'll see how it all plays out.

Feeling thinner/tighter already through the obliques and upper abs again. Hopefully the fat is in fact melting off.

Thinking about bringing ReCreate into play for about 4 weeks and then when I cycle off stims completely, doing a CLA/Acetyl L-Carnitine stack, then going into OEP/Alpha T2 and Ephedrine after the 4-8 week stimulant break.


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11-9-10: Legs

Leg Press (close stance): 360x16 / 540x13 / 630x11 / 720x11 / 810x9

Seated Leg Curls: 175x12 / 190x12 / 205x12 / 210x12
Seated Solo Calf Extensions: 190x15 / 195x15 / 195x12 (right leg) x5 (left leg)*

Leg Extensions (toes angled forward and inward): 210x12 /225x12 / 240x12 / 255x12

Nautilus Xpload machine SL Deads: 180x8 / 230x8 / 270x8

Total workout time: 55 min.

* These 2 lifts were supersetted - curls, straight to calves, repeat (same as I've been doing lately). On the 3rd set of calf extensions, I tweaked my left calf and had to stop there.


11-10-10: Delts / Traps

Seated DB Shoulder Press: 50's x 12 / 75's x 12 / 85's x 11 / 85's x 12 / 85's x 10 / 95's x 6

DB Side Lateral Raises: 85's x 12 / 85's x 12 / 85's x 12 / 85's x 15

Seated Rear Delt DB Side Lateral Raises: 85's x 12 / 85's x 12 / 85's x 12 / 85's x 15

DB Side Lateral Raises (zero movement, slow, arms locked out 180 degrees to floor): 35's x 12 / 35's x 12 / 35's x 12 / 35's x 12

Smith Machine Shrugs (bar behind): 280x15 / 330x15 / 370x15 / 380x11 (grip gave out)

Smith Machine Solo Shrugs (bar on side): 90x15 / 110x15

Workout time: 68 min.

40 minutes on Elliptical - interval settings (HR @ ~130)

Meals were on point today til Meal 4 (pre-workout). They screwed me over at work with a double booked appointment and I had to address that, so I tried to just scarf down some sliced turkey real quick at 3. Stupid things are only 4g protein/slice, so I tried to eat the remaining 10 in the package. I hate it to begin with (Oscar Meyer), and ate maybe half before I threw it in the trash - in a huge rush. Ended up having to be at work 20 minutes later than I was supposed to, so didn't start lifting til after 5. 20 grams of protein and 2 hours out wasn't ideal; I was worried about it, but I actually did all right (though I wanted to pass out during my cardio).

Also forgot to take my 5g fish oil, 2 epi, 3 stano and 1 h-drol with it, so popped those @ 4ish without food - didn't seem to go poorly or even better.

Feeling really hungry tonight, but staying on point. Hoping to see the scale move down in the AM.


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We all have lives and sometimes LIFE takes over. Just do the best with what you can and you'll still be making progress bro. It's only one day :) Keep Killin' it!


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We all have lives and sometimes LIFE takes over. Just do the best with what you can and you'll still be making progress bro. It's only one day :) Keep Killin' it!
Thanks, man. It didn't end up setting me back, so it's all good. I don't mind staying late, either, it's that I'd already eaten (and that meal was sabotaged from the start) and I'm really anal about timing on things. Especially since I'm not even taking in carbs pre-wo right now, the timing of that meal is even more important to ensure that workout goes smoothly (the light-headedness on the ellpitical sort of proved that point, but luckily it wasn't any worse).

Fingers crossed for a smooth day, today :cheers:


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Day 8 Keto (morning weight): 235.8 (-6.4)

;) Down 2.2 lbs from yesterday.

Pretty happy about this as I was incredibly tempted to cheat last night - not much, but enough that it wouldn't have been on par.

I don't need, nor do I logically expect, to see huge amounts of weight coming off, but when I'm doing all this cardio, eating clean and at like 2200 cals/day, it suck when you see that weight not budging even .1 lb in 2 days.

This was just the motivation I needed :)

Getting through today and then tomorrow is Refeed #2 :cool:


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Day 9 Keto (morning weight): 235.8 (-6.4)

unchanged from yesterday - good.

Any time that I see the scale staying stagnant or moving down, I'm going to be okay with it. I think my attempt at cutting with the carb-cycling and cardio and failing miserably was what really discouraged me and kept me from seeing some pretty amazing progress:

6.4 lbs in 7 days

Yeah, that's pretty stellar. I obviously don't expect to see that type of progress continuing out as there was some glycogen to get out of there, but, it's worth noting that when I had my last carb refeed, it didn't spike back up - so, that's interesting.

Excited for my 2nd refeed today and hitting back tonight.

Also wanted to mention that I finished off my grape bubblegum Jack3d 2 days ago (really enjoyed the flavor) and just started in on white blue raspberry and it's wonderful. It's crazy how much smoother these are and how they don't have the harshness that the original 2 flavors had (not that they were bad by any means - which speaks volumes for these).


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Are you still keeping the amount of cardio as high during Keto?


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Are you still keeping the amount of cardio as high during Keto?
I've been going 40-50 minutes @ 130 HR immediately after all lifting sessions (except for legs). And then one day for an hour, cardio only. 7th day is optional, but this past week was completely off (we'll see how I feel this Sunday). Seems to be very effective, and I like the 130 HR range better than 150 (makes me less concerned about losing any muscle, as well).


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I've been going 40-50 minutes @ 130 HR immediately after all lifting sessions (except for legs). And then one day for an hour, cardio only. 7th day is optional, but this past week was completely off (we'll see how I feel this Sunday). Seems to be very effective, and I like the 130 HR range better than 150 (makes me less concerned about losing any muscle, as well).
Sounds good my friend.. So some weeks you never have a day off? I have done that before and I hate it. I like to have 1 day to just recover.


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Sounds good my friend.. So some weeks you never have a day off? I have done that before and I hate it. I like to have 1 day to just recover.
Only if I really want to hit it. And it's only cardio at that - down the road, once I'm getting even leaner, I'll start hitting abs on those days again. The way I've got this split laid out, it's Sundays that I'll have off, so it's really more of a "what all do I have to do today?" scenarios where I'd only do cardio if it was something fun (pickup basketball game, a walk, etc.) or if I was just that bored (when it's football season, I'm cool with coming straight home after church and not leaving the house again lol).

I just finished my last meal for my 2nd refeed day and I went higher on total carbs today - I want to see what that does for/to me (good ol experimentation). I cut down protein just a tad today so as to stay at a lower total cal level with the new carbs factored in. Last time, my weight was unchanged the day after. This time, I'm predicting that it will go up, but the big question will be how quickly will it come off.

Tomorrow will be cardio only for me. Next week, I'll likely do my cardio-only day on Thursday, so I get a day of rest between lifting and also have a weight session the day OF and AFTER this refeed (kind of spaced on leaving that day off yesterday this first time).

Oh, and I just started dosing USP ReCreate yesterday. I'm only doing 2 caps/day, though (1 about an hour after Meal 1 and the other immediately before lifting. It shouldn't be enough to do much, but it should hopefully have some impact. So far, the diet and cardio are really taking care of it (the compounds are obviously helping, too!), but it's cool to see that progress made without a real fat-burner in play - gives me something to look forward to in another couple months when I probably bring in OEP + Alpha T2 + Ephedrine (and maybe clen/T3).


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Day 10 Keto (morning weight): 235 lbs (-7.2)

Down .8 lbs from yesterday - after a refeed - and after even MORE carbs than the first refeed.

Waist measurement hasn't changed, yet, but measurement around the belly button is down 3/4" in 9 days.

Just cardio today.


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Great progress buddy!!
How's the sides treating ya?? E.g libido???


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Great progress buddy!!
How's the sides treating ya?? E.g libido???
Thank you! I'm really happy with everything right now.

Funny you'd bring up libido, lol. It's been pretty much dead for at least a week, if not longer. Like I said previously, everything works just fine. There is no dysfunction and I still often wake up very hard, but there isn't a drive.

Been seeing a little bit more acne popping up, but nothing significant at all (just on the arms). No other negative sides seem noticeable. The libido thing is definitely interesting since some guys were talking about it being crazy. But, I'm actually kind of happy about this. It's nice to not have the adolescent boy sexdrive that I normally have. Not thinking about sex as much is a nice change of pace.


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Great progress my fellow Beast.....

Still can't get over them damn 85 DB laterals. A true Beast you are :D


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Thank you! I'm really happy with everything right now.

Funny you'd bring up libido, lol. It's been pretty much dead for at least a week, if not longer. Like I said previously, everything works just fine. There is no dysfunction and I still often wake up very hard, but there isn't a drive.

Been seeing a little bit more acne popping up, but nothing significant at all (just on the arms). No other negative sides seem noticeable. The libido thing is definitely interesting since some guys were talking about it being crazy. But, I'm actually kind of happy about this. It's nice to not have the adolescent boy sexdrive that I normally have. Not thinking about sex as much is a nice change of pace.
It defintely is interesting to see how sides affect people differently. I had prepared for my sex drive to tank, and even warned the wife, and instead was chasing her around the house ready to drill some holes!!:sgrin:


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Great progress my fellow Beast.....

Still can't get over them damn 85 DB laterals. A true Beast you are :D
Thanks, man. I really appreciate it. What I'll say about these is that I definitely pull more with shoulders and traps than when I first started doing lateral raises and pulling upward with my hands (started those EARLY on, back for baseball training when I was 14). So, I feel a lot in my traps for these, but I do take my form pretty seriously, so it's not uncontrolled. I will try to get a vid up, though, so people can see what I'm talking about because I do assure you I'm not a liar :)


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It defintely is interesting to see how sides affect people differently. I had prepared for my sex drive to tank, and even warned the wife, and instead was chasing her around the house ready to drill some holes!!:sgrin:
That's crazy, man. I was anticipating this initially, but after reading your log in particular (lol :lol:), I was expecting more of a drive. Like I said, though, everything still works just fine and it's kind of a nice break because it frees my mind up for a lot more - I'm not used to that :p


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All right, well, some updates to bring up:

Things went well Saturday - went in and got an hour of intervals in on the elliptical while watching the Iowa/Northwestern game. Nice little workout and the rest of the day went pretty well. Ended up playing cards with my friend and her parents and started munching on some chex mix and popcorn when I was there after holding off for quite a while and drinking probably close to a gallon of water there alone. It wasn't so much that it was a huge problem, but I didn't like it.

Woke up feeling not so great Sunday and due to some other things I was dealing with from Saturday, I just wasn't in a great mood (missing church didn't help this). I ended up straying from the diet, but I made sure to minimize damage by keeping total cals down, still. I did, however, just decide to turn it into a bit of a carb-up day, though. After the start of it, I just took the "screw it" mentality and brought in more carbs. They were preceded by P-Slin. It wasn't planned and it was on an off day, so that wasn't optimal at all, but I did damage control and the next 4 days will be like my start of keto again this time with no refeeds til Friday.

I do much better during the week when I have work and a ton of other things to keep me balanced. So, Mon-Thurs will be just like the start of my keto transition this time around, Friday will be like my first refeed, and there will be no more refeeds until Thursday, on Thanksgiving.

It's going to be a rough 2 weeks, but that's what I get for this weekend and it's simply another challenge.


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11-11-10 Chest:

Incline Bench Press: 135x15 / 190x12 / 210x12 / 230x10 / 245x6 / 205x11
Incline DB Flys: 55's x 12 / 65's x 12
Cable Fly (low pulley): 80x12 / 80x12 / 80x12 / 70x12
Cable Fly (high pulley): 80x12 / 90x12 / 100x12 / 110x12
Guillotine Presses: (attempted 2 sets, but didn't feel anything)
Smith Machine Decline Bench: 180x10 / 180x8 / 140x10 / 90x15 (last 3 supersetted)

Lift - 61 min.

40 minutes elliptical intervals @ ~130 HR


11-12-10: Back

Lat Pulldowns: 140x12 / 170x12 / 200x12 / 230x12 / 240x10 / 250x12 / 180x12
Deadlifts: 180x10 / 250x10 / 300x10 / 350x7 / 400x6 / 450x4
Smith Machine Bent over Rows: 90x12 / 140x12 / 170x10 / 200x10
Seated Rows (Double D Ring): 120x12 / 160x12 / 200x11

Lift - 62 min.

40 minutes elliptical intervals @ ~130 HR


11-13-10: Cardio

60 minutes elliptical intervals @ ~130 HR


11-14-10: OFF


11-15-10: Arms

Olympic Bar Curls: 85x12 / 105x12 / 115x12 / 120x11 / 105x12 / 105x12
DB Preacher Curls: 30x10 / 30x10 / 35x10 / 40x10
Cable Crossover Curls: 60x12 / 70x12 / 80x10 / 90x10 / 60x12

Tri Bar Pushdowns (wide grip): 100x12 / 140x12 / 180x12 / 220x12 / 230x11
Rope Solo Extensions: 70x12 / 80x12 / 90x12
Incline Skull Crushers (close grip): 110x12 / 120x11 / 130x9

Lift - 75 min.

40 minutes elliptical intervals


No spotters were used for any lifts listed across these days.

Vascularity has gotten insane over the past week. My forearms look ridiculous - I have NEVER seen them vein out the way they are lately.

Legs are on tap tomorrow afternoon.

***Today was my last full day of dosing Epi-Strong (@ 60mg). I have 2 caps left and they will be dosed tomorrow (1 AM / 1 pre-workout). This will leave me at 600mg Stano-Drol and 75mg H-Drol.

Review of Epi will be posted soon.


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Do you have enough Hdrol to bump it to 100 earlier than planned? And what did you decide on for PCT?


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Do you have enough Hdrol to bump it to 100 earlier than planned? And what did you decide on for PCT?
I need to recalculate, but I should. I started with 2 bottles. I'm gonna run at 75 for a bit, though, just to see how my body is doing strength-wise without the Epi in my system.

As for PCT, still not entirely decided. Both Nolva and Clomid are on hand. Probably not gonna make the final call on that til I'm really nearing the end of this to see how I'm feeling. I obviously won't be skipping using a SERM, though.


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Good to hear, sounds like a solid plan on both accounts. :)


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11-16-10 Legs:

Squats: 165x12 / 235x10 / 305x10 / 345x8 / 365x6 / 385x4 / 405x2

Leg Extensions: 215x12 / 230x12 / 245x12 / 255x12
Seated Calf Raises: 180x15 / 270x12 / 280x12 / 290x12

Prone Leg Curls: 45x12 / 50x12 / 60x12 / 70x12
Seated Calf Extensions: 190x15 / 220x15 / 255x15 / 255x15

SL Deads: 230x10

Total workout time: 60 min.

Squats were done with no spotter and were complete range of motion - butt all the way down til it was pressed against my calves. This is the heaviest I've done squats with perfect form (and I wouldn't think it was impressive except for the fact that I'm at 2,200 cals/day and no carbs (since Sunday)).

Leg Extensions/Seated Calf Raises and Prone Leg Curls/Seated Calf Extensions were done as supersets, again. From one lift to the next, little to no rest between all.

Prone Leg Curls were done in place of seated leg curls to target the hammys a little differently. It was pretty light, but very slow and really squeezing the hams (great burn/pump/stretch).

Seated Calf Extensions were done with both feet instead of the solos I'd been doing (because there's not enough weight on the stack) just because of how I strained my left calf on them last week.

Jumped straight into one set of SL deads as soon as I finished my last superset just to hit hammys a little bit more.

I feel like I could've gone even heavier on squats, but I didn't want to waste any more time than I already had, plus on that last set my forearm started cramping up because of the angle.

No cardio followed today's workout. Tomorrow will be Delts/Traps and cardio.


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your poundages versus reps pyrimiding looks realy good. Notice how you go compound to isolation on the quads but then you go isolation to compound on the hams, cos to face facts SL deads are a comp movement if done correctly. Ever thought about that? Id do the leg extentions first to prefatigue the quads before doing squats, then come back after and finnish it off with a good pump, like a final drop set. But thats just me, just like we all have finger prints, were all very different.

I also noticed how long it takes you to do it all in, that would take me 30 mins tops, if youre cutting down why dont you super set between extentions and curls to get a good boost on the metabolic rate? Again thats just what I'd do, thats just me, but coming from me I only do legs twice a month just to maintain a strong base cos I hate beasting legs, with legs Im lazy...


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your poundages versus reps pyrimiding looks realy good. Notice how you go compound to isolation on the quads but then you go isolation to compound on the hams, cos to face facts SL deads are a comp movement if done correctly. Ever thought about that? Id do the leg extentions first to prefatigue the quads before doing squats, then come back after and finnish it off with a good pump, like a final drop set. But thats just me, just like we all have finger prints, were all very different.

I also noticed how long it takes you to do it all in, that would take me 30 mins tops, if youre cutting down why dont you super set between extentions and curls to get a good boost on the metabolic rate? Again thats just what I'd do, thats just me, but coming from me I only do legs twice a month just to maintain a strong base cos I hate beasting legs, with legs Im lazy...
The SL Deads were added just because I felt like I had a little bit more energy left. I switch from week to week on what my key lift is for legs - squats on week, heavy leg press the other. I would normally have still done leg press after my squats, but it was taken and I didn't feel like waiting for it - so I just went straight into my isolation movements.

The reason i don't pre-fatigue is because I want to push as much weight as possible on my key lift. I could surely do a ton of leg extensions to "warm-up" and then squatting 315x6 would feel like squatting 415x6 - I'd have the same reps, the same struggles, but not the added benefits of actually moving that weight.

And as far as the time frame for that workout, I typically wait about 2 minutes between most lifts and sometimes a bit longer on squats so I don't puke (2,200 cals/day, no carbs and that much weight for me isn't the easiest thing to do with no rest between sets). I've done supersetted workouts successfully in the past, but I don't push near the amount of weight and since I'm already doing 40-60 minutes of cardio daily (aside from leg day) on top of the restricted cal diet, I'm not too concerned. A bigger concern for me is moving heavy weight to make sure I don't risk losing muscle along the way during this cut.


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I see, nice one bro. 1 hour cardio a day? pfew, I couldnt get myself to do that, no way, good stuff.


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I see, nice one bro. 1 hour cardio a day? pfew, I couldnt get myself to do that, no way, good stuff.
Yeah, it's not my favorite, either, but it works. The good thing is I initially was working around 150 HR and having less success than I am now at 130 HR; so I don't have to push that hard.


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brilliant, good for you, you know what works for you. I do an hour a week normally at about 145. When I start to chissle I do just two/three pw at near max HR for 15 mins, then back down to 145 for another 45 mins. Thats what works for me, Ill expend less callories than you over the week on actual cardio, and far less work too. But Ive got very impressive results before in terms of fat%. What works man!


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Good to see this all going well for you Beast! You are doing great! keep killin it!


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Good to see this all going well for you Beast! You are doing great! keep killin it!
Thanks, bro. I've been a bit absent from the forums for a few days, but the workouts have still be going hard. Back home with family for Thanksgiving through the weekend and I'll be more regular again come Tuesday.

Happy Thanksgiving, all.


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Have a great thanks giving weekend. And then kill it when you get back.


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Epi-Strong review on Page 1 (Post #2). Just around a week left of the H-Drol and Stano-Drol before this one comes to a close.


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
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Have a great thanks giving weekend. And then kill it when you get back.
Thanks, bro - I appreciate it. It was a great time at home with the family, but it's good to be back on a routine.

Hope yours went well, also.


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awesome job bro

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