Epi-Strong to get chiseled (Sponsored)



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ha ha ha Yeh man I know you are trying to cut fat for this cycle, but I think KK must have seen my updates about hunger and Epi.

it was awesome for me taking in 4k cals + every day, but then again I was bulking. So I guess an increse in hunger isn't exactly what you were looking for..lol
Man, this compound may be great for making dry gains and holding onto muscle while cutting, but it is not so great in that regard lol. If you have a high maintenance level of cals, I'm sure it would be phenomenal, but mine isn't high at all and it's killing me here. I've been eating closer to slightly over maintenance as of late with added snacks (clean, but still). Oh well, though. With all that cardio, I don't feel SO bad about it. As soon as I'm done with this I'll jump into running E/C/EGCg and possibly clen as well.


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Day 13: Cardio

50 minutes on the elliptical: interval (settings 5 & 10)

4.09 miles / 758 cals burned / ~150-160 HR


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so hunger is good?

man i dont think i wanna cut anymore, i think im gonna order another bottle of epistrong and 2 bottles of tren and just bulk all the way


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Day 14: Back / Traps

Lat Pulldowns: 130x12 / 160x12 / 190x12 / 220x12 / 230x12 / 240x10
Dead Lifts: 245x8 / 295x8 / 345x6 / 375x4
Seated Rows (wide/neutral grip): 210x12 / 210x12 / 220x12 / 230x12
Straight-Bar Pushdowns (wide grip): 130x12 / 140x12 / 140x12 / 140x12

Smith Machine Shrugs (bar behind back): 290x12 / 340x12 / 360x12 / 380x10
DB Shrugs: 95's x 20 / 95's x 25

D-Ring Pulldowns: 110x12 / 130x12

I hate dead lifts lol. I've been trying to alternate between deads one week and good mornings the next. It was a good day, considering I didn't get as much sleep as I would've liked last night and had little motivation to get off the couch to head in since there are some decent football games on today.

Lat Pulldown numbers were good for me. I was reppin out the stack (250) with a 25 tagged onto it for ~10 reps or so when I was in my bulk, but I felt much better contractions today. So, not AS heavy, but still relatively heavy with great form.

Shrugs felt solid on the Smith. Went heavier with that last set than I have since my bulk and I would've repped out 12, but my hands gave out first. My hands are so TORN up from that (even with wearing gloves).

Hit the D-ring pulldowns on the lat machine at the end just to try and hit middle upper back a bit more (slow contractions since the weight was light).

All in all a good workout. May try to go for a run tonight. Tomorrow will likely be a cardio day.


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so hunger is good?

man i dont think i wanna cut anymore, i think im gonna order another bottle of epistrong and 2 bottles of tren and just bulk all the way
Hunger is way up. The funny thing is, I'm usually not someone who feels ravenous around food. I mean, I get it from time to time, but not regularly. And I've felt the hunger on a more regular basis after about a week of starting this run. It's not out of control, but it definitely ups the appetite.

I think it would be amazing for a good, clean bulk. You'd be getting the gains and it would be dry, too, so you'd pretty much see all the way along what you're getting and keeping (assuming you PCT correctly and know how to train properly).

I thought you couldn't get tren anywhere anymore. Am I missing something? :boggled:


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Hunger is way up. The funny thing is, I'm usually not someone who feels ravenous around food. I mean, I get it from time to time, but not regularly. And I've felt the hunger on a more regular basis after about a week of starting this run. It's not out of control, but it definitely ups the appetite.

I think it would be amazing for a good, clean bulk. You'd be getting the gains and it would be dry, too, so you'd pretty much see all the way along what you're getting and keeping (assuming you PCT correctly and know how to train properly).

I thought you couldn't get tren anywhere anymore. Am I missing something? :boggled:
the UK is our friend


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Changes for Day 15

Well, as tomorrow will be the start of Week 3, H-Drol will be added into the mix as well. This week it will just be 50mg, so it is unlikely there will be any noticeable difference. From what everyone says, it takes until about Week 3 for H-Drol to really kick in anyway and this upcoming week as well as Week 4 will be the only overlapping weeks of methylated compounds (*unless 60mg of Epi produces sides too harsh to handle and I have to stay down at 45 for another few days instead).


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I'm gonna hit arms tonight instead of having the 50 minute cardio session. I am not sore at all from yesterday's back workout aside from a bit tender in the lower back from the deads - not enough to throw off my arm workout, though.

Meal 1 had the following with it:

1 Epi-Strong
1 Stano-Drol
1 H-Drol

The real fun starts at Meal 4 (pre-workout), which will include:

2 Epi-Strong
3 Stano-Drol
1 H-Drol



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Day 15: Arms

Olympic Bar Curls: 75x12 / 95x12 / 105x12 / 115x10 / 115x9 / 105x10 / 95x10
Seated DB Hammer Curls: 40x10 / 40x12 / 45x12 / 50x8
*Solo Concentration Curls (w/ ring attachment on low pulley): 50x12 / 60x8 / 60x15

Incline Skull Crushers (close grip): 115x12 / 125x12 / 135x12 / 145x12 / 155x7
45 Degree Reverse Ring Curls (high pulley): 80x12 / 80x12 / 80x10 / 70x12
Cable Pushdowns (Tri Bar): 160x12 / 170x12 / 180x10

10 minutes Stair Master @ 150 HR

*90 seconds rest instead of typical 2-3 minutes

Rest time was 3 minutes as usual for the start of the workout. By the time I hit Hammers for my 2nd exercise, though, I started going closer to 2 minutes the rest of the way through.

Same as last week, my arms were ridiculously swollen and pumped tonight. Double peak and striations were becoming very evident in the biceps tonight and the good ol' brachial artery was looking thick and appears to be becoming more visible again (when I cut down to 208 it was really visible).

Olympic bar curls weren't as heavy as last week, but form was flawless. I made sure my shoulders didn't rock at all and made sure my grip was a little closer (shoulder width) so my biceps were really squeezing the sets through and flexing at the top. I read an article by Chad Shaw (thenaturalone) where someone had asked about this and it was information I already knew, but sometimes we don't follow the sound advice we know and we can forget these good habits.

That is the heaviest I've ever gone on skull crushers to the best of my knowledge. And the crazy part about it, was it was on my close grip (using the EZ bar) night. Usually I can go slightly heavier when I grip wider (I alternate weekly). Once I got up to 145, the pressure was becoming much more noticeable in my elbows. Could be the Epi, but probably is just that heavy amount of weight. Still worth noting.

The 45 degree reverse curls are something I started doing after watching some old Jay Cutler training videos - not sure if that's the right name or not, but it's where you stand 90 degrees to the cable, reaching across your body to the high pulley and pulling down at that 45 degree angle, flexing your tricep and allowing back up with a bent elbow. I'd done variations of these before, but usually facing the cable instead. I like these better I think.

Was working quicker sets on the final tri pushdowns, too.

Only ended up doing 10 minutes on the stairs because tomorrow will be a dedicated cardio day and my lower back was still toasted from deads on Sunday.

Workout was done in typical fashion with ~2 scoops of BC+EAA and 1.75 scoops of Jack3d taken about 15 minutes before workout. 36g of 4:1:1 BCAAs + 2.5g BA mixed with grape drink flavor (10 cals) sipped throughout workout (450mg Stano-Drol, 30mg Epi-Strong, 25mg H-Drol, 5g Fish Oil taken with pre-workout meal an hour before Jack3d).

Really feeling enhanced recovery and liking that. I really want to lift tomorrow, but I'm gonna get that cardio day in. I'm definitely gonna hit some weighted abs tomorrow and may even hit calves as well. I may start hitting these on my cardio days just to get some more work in and also cut my leg day a bit shorter in the scheme of things, too. This will allow added frequency for these muscle groups, which initially wasn't a concern on this cut, but with the compounds I have in play, it would be a waste not to.

I ended up with a cheat day yesterday in some sense. Meal 1 (pre-workout) was good, Meal 2 was my isolate shake. But Meal 3 was pizza. Ended up with abot 1.5 medium Dominos pizzas being downed. Preceded them with 2 caps of Need2Slin. Only ended up eating one more meal in the evening and it was just 1 scoop of Trutein so I didn't go too long without food. So, while it was not an ideal day at all, cals weren't that badly over because of the lack of total meals.

Today was spot on for diet and I finished that last half of a pizza tonight for my post-workout meal (preceded by 1 P-Slin). Probably will just have 1 scoop of casein before I head to bed tonight.

Been trying to add in more vegetables and also opt for leaner meats. When I ran keto (and on my no-carb days) it hasn't been an issue, but I'm going to replace those too. It may make my cals seem too low, but I think I can survive without that extra fat. I'm leaning out slowly but surely. Really hoping I can start seeing more progress around the stomach. I've already been seeing it around my back.


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Arms definitely feeling last night's workout today. Not overly sore, but definitely feel worked. Also feel nice and full and hard, too. I'm wearing a sweater at work today - thinner, but not too thin and not too tight - and my arms are lookin pretty nice in it ;)

Excited to attack my abs again tonight before cardio. Hoping that getting them popping a little bit more again will help motivate me to shred the rest of that visceral fat.


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Day 16

Started off with a brief abs session. Weighted cable crunches for 5 sets x 12. Not as heavy as I normally go, but I haven't hit abs in a while, so I didn't want to wreck myself. Did some swiss ball crunches after. 2 sets of 15 to each side (really slow).

Then 50 minutes on the elliptical. Interval setting (levels 5 & 10). HR was only ~140 for the duration because my lower back is still toasted from Sunday's deads. Good workout, though. 706 cals burned, 3.95 miles.

Legs tomorrow.


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Does the stairmaster do anything for your quads?


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Does the stairmaster do anything for your quads?
Oh dude, it wrecks them depending on how I step. I usually alternate during the workout. If I only put the front half of my foot on the steps, I can get a really good quad workout in. Then, I'll also put my entire foot on (as much that'll fit lol) and press down on the heels and my hammys get a great burn.

Since I've started this, my legs are always pumped (granted, I suppose daily cardio would almost always do this).


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Sooner or later im going to have to add cardio in, and im desperate for definition in my quads lol


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Sooner or later im going to have to add cardio in, and im desperate for definition in my quads lol
It gets my heart rate up as good as any machine in the gym. The only thing that'll up it better is when I get a good game of basketball in.

As far as I'm concerned, it's the best "cardio" for actually working your legs out as well.


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Day 17: Legs

Squats: 155x10 / 225x10 / 295x10 / 335x8 / 355x5
Leg Press (wide): 450x12 / 630x12 / 720x10 / 770x9

[Seated Leg Curls: 170x12 / 185x12 / 200x12 / 210x11
Seated Calf Raises: 270x15 / 280x13 / 290x12 / 300x10]

[Leg Extensions: 205x12 / 220x12 / 235x12 / 250x12
Seated Solo Calf Extensions: 185x12 / 190x12 / 190x12 / 190x12]

Solo Prone Leg Curls (slow): 25x10 each / 25x5 (left only)

* Once again, I supersetted the curls/calf raises and extensions/extensions to save some time and keep the tempo up

After my first warm-up set of squats, I thought my back was sore from deads again still. I'm kicking myself for not being brighter about this - it's the backpumps that have always been talked about. Not bad to be 17 days in before I deal with it. Could just be that it's catching up, or it could be that my pre-workout meal didn't include a banana like it usually does (someone brought cake to the office, so I figured if I'd splurge on a piece, might as well be pre-workout).

They got so bad that I was stretching between each set and probably could have gone heavier and longer, but the pumps were just too much. Still, 355 was pretty good for going all the way down, slow and controlled.

Legs felt pretty good. Decided to hit the extra prone leg curls after to work hams a bit more. I'd like to have done lunges or SL deads, but the pumps wouldn't have that. Got my taurine down from the cupboard and it's ready to go now.

Obviously I didn't get any cardio in after this because of it.


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Okay, so I'm going to be making some adjustments. I've re-read ScottyDoc's shred thread twice now and it's nothing short of inspiring (if you haven't looked at it, I highly suggest you do). My initial goal coming into this was to get absolutely shredded - who cares about adding muscle, just want to lose fat. Because of the weight playing limbo that first week, I've kind of let this slip into the background.

My diet hasn't been bad, but it hasn't been dialed in to the point that I need it to be for the success I want. I've been eating clean, cycling carbs, etc. I've always been carb-sensitive and after I started thinking about it, my best success in cutting was back in the Spring when I went keto while running Pink Magic.

That being said, as much as I like to have my carbs pre-workout, I'm going to go back to keto land.

I'll update with as much info as I can as soon as I get things lined out. I went really high on carbs today (preceded by P-Slin at all 3 sittings) and that should keep glycogen stores full for a while. I haven't decided how long I'll go before my first re-feed, but I'll probably do refeeds on Sundays and Thursdays.

In the past, I've had the refeed be one meal (last meal of the day). Based on some things I've seen from other people, I may be making some adjustments.

If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to share them with me.

Also, I'll be trying to keep my workouts to an hour, following them with low intensity cardio interval training (mostly elliptical and treadmill). And I'm thinking about switching my workout style back to 6 days on, 1 off.

Like I said, I'll update in full once I set anything in stone.


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Thats a sh*t load of supps potentially at your disposal bruv!!! :smileeek:

Im sure theres only are certain amount of fat burning that the human body is capable of though and also Im sure theres a limit to just how anabolic it can be too. You'l probably reach the terminal velocity point. Good luck.

Sooner or later im going to have to add cardio in, and im desperate for definition in my quads lol
20rep squat!!! all the way bro. :wink1:

then 6 -- 8 -- 15 drop set on the leg press (pluss one warmup set)

followed by 6 -- 8 -- 15 drop set on the leg extention (pluss one warmup set)

do that for 5 weeks, if that doesnt give your legs some curves in the right places, nothing will. My legsa are sh*t, Ill be honest, they grow real easy but theyre pritty ugly. but that program works for me. If you cant do the leg press and extentions for some sad and tradgic reason -> sets at 20rep squats are the best thing.


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Day 18 Weight: 242.2 lbs :rolleyes:

Today will be the first of 3 or 4 days of keto before my first refeed (Sunday or Monday, depending on how I'm feeling).

Today's meals will be:

Egg white omelette w/ fat free and pepperjack cheese / turkey brat
2 cans chunk light tuna
1/2 lb 93/7 burger w/ fat free and pepperjack cheese (probably some mustard)
6 oz Tyson pre-grilled chicken
2 scoops TruNutrition Isolate
6 oz Tyson pre-grilled chicken
2 scoops ON casein (probably split into 2 servings)

Cals ~2200 / Protein ~350g / Carbs ~40g / Fat ~60g

*This is also factoring in the 10g of daily fish oil

Seems dramatically low, but you've seen how I've been eating and I'm still at 240+ and the waist hasn't gone down yet, either, despite looking a little leaner through the upper body and upper abs.

Going to make more workout days for myself as well. I'll update as I see fit.

Tonight will be Delts and Traps (giving chest a separate day again) followed by 1 hour of interval training at a lower intensity (closer to 130 HR).


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Diet has been in the bag so far. 3 meals in and about to do my pre-workout meal of 6 oz of chicken in an hour or so.

The one good thing about being as busy as I have for the past few days (and it doesn't show signs of slowing down) is that I have less time to feel bored, which is when I want to eat. So this shouldn't be too difficult to deal with.


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11-4-10 Day 18 / Keto Day 1

Delts / Traps

Smith Machine Military Press (bar in front): 50x10 / 100x12 / 150x12 / 185x12 / 195x10 / 205x9 / 140x6 / 90x10

DB Side Lateral Raises: 75's x 15 / 85's x 12 / 85's x 15 / 85's x 15

Rear Delt DB Seated Side Lateral Raises: 95's x 15 / 95's x 15 / 95's x 15 / 95's x 12

Reverse Cable Fly (pulley just above waist): 40x10 / 30x15 / 30x20

Smith Machine Shrugs (bar in front): 270x15 / 320x15 / 360x15 / 370x14

DB Shrugs: 95's x 25 / 95's x 30

* Total lifting workout lasted 65 minutes

40 minutes on the treadmill (2 minute intervals with varying speeds and inclines). HR ~130 throughout

** On Smith Machine (and Leg Press as well), whatever amount the machine itself offers is not included in my numbers

*** Last 3 sets of Military Press were with no rest between

**** Rest was ~2 minutes or less between sets

Back pumps became slightly noticeable during cardio due to the incline. Still didn't dose taurine yet (trying to avoid it as long as possible). Since I'm on keto, I'll also be without bananas other than refeed days, which won't help.

Also worth mentioning, libido has dropped off. Everything is still fully functional - no problems, just don't really have the drive and haven't for the past several days. Which could also be related to how busy I've been (and in fact, it's good because I don't have time for anything as is).


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Your lateral raises are crazy. Seriously.
Haha, thanks, man :cool:. I used to go FST-7 on them to cap my delt workouts and would use like 30's to get 15 reps for most of the 7 sets and once i started bulking with Max-OT, I realized @ 4-6 reps i could move a lot more. And I've been able to keep a lot of that strength while upping the reps. Definitely one of my favorite lifts now.


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are you kidding me bro?!!!

85's for laterals? WHAT?


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are you kidding me bro?!!!

85's for laterals? WHAT?

I'm starting to feel a little bit too good about it now after you guys have said that.

I actually wanted to move to the 80's, but one of them is missing the rubber (same with the 100's and I think the 70's too - it's ridiculous and limits my workouts), so I just jumped up 10 lbs.


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theres gotta be alot of swinging going on i assume?


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theres gotta be alot of swinging going on i assume?
Not much at all, man. I'm not completely still, but I hold at the bottom to ensure I don't use momentum and I move relatively slow and pull with the shoulders rather than my arms.

They're not perfect, of course, but I wouldn't use that much weight if it wasn't controlled and the muscle wasn't really benefiting from it.


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Not much at all, man. I'm not completely still, but I hold at the bottom to ensure I don't use momentum and I move relatively slow and pull with the shoulders rather than my arms.

They're not perfect, of course, but I wouldn't use that much weight if it wasn't controlled and the muscle wasn't really benefiting from it.
Damn dude thats nuts.. I don't think ronnie or cutler even do laterals with that much! :sgrin:


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Damn dude thats nuts.. I don't think ronnie or cutler even do laterals with that much! :sgrin:
Well, if that's the case, I'm sure they don't move even a centimeter. Like I said, my form is in no way flawless with them, but it's not anywhere near careless. If I can't handle it or if my form is sloppy, I reduce the weight - because that does no good.


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Day 2 Keto

Weight this morning: 239.8 (-2.4 lbs)

Most likely getting rid of all that glycogen I had in there from the ridiculously high carb day on Wednesday.

Diet was exactly as posted yesterday except for replacing my Meal 6 chicken with 2 scoops of TruTein because I was only home quick enough after the gym to update my logs before heading out to take care of a few pressing matters.

Diet will be the same today. Chest workout this afternoon.


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I'm starting to feel a little bit too good about it now after you guys have said that.

I actually wanted to move to the 80's, but one of them is missing the rubber (same with the 100's and I think the 70's too - it's ridiculous and limits my workouts), so I just jumped up 10 lbs.
HOOOOLLY SH*T!!!! :saeek: :wow: :eek:mfg: :Eyecrazy: :hypnotized: :ugh: :scared: :yikes: :bigeyes2: :11: :clap2: :You_Rock_Emoticon:


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Originally Posted by gamer2be08
Not sensitive, not itchy. Looks normal when hot, cold or wet or when I play with em lol. When I squeeze pretty hard, its just a little drizzle of liquid...



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HOOOOLLY SH*T!!!! :saeek: :wow: :eek:mfg: :Eyecrazy: :hypnotized: :ugh: :scared: :yikes: :bigeyes2: :11: :clap2: :You_Rock_Emoticon:
W0W 85's!!! :hail:
Haha, thanks, guys.

I'll see if I can get someone to videotape it for me so I can post it just to show my form when I actually do them.


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Day 19 / Day 2 Keto


Incline Bench Press: 135x12 / 185x12 / 205x12 / 225x12 / 235x8 / 245x6 / 255x5

Cable Flys (pulley @ chest height): 80x12 / 90x12 / 100x11 / 80x12

Cable Flys (high pulley): 70x15 / 80x12 / 90x12 / 100x12 / 110x15

DB Decline Bench: 75's x 10 / 75's x 10

Workout length was 56 minutes.

Immediately followed by 50 minutes on the elliptical - intervals of 4 minutes at levels 3 & 8.

*Didn't use a spotter on incline until the last 2 sets. Really didn't receive any help either, aside from the last 2 reps on 245 getting just a finger under each side.

Pump was great and the pace was quick. Roughly 2 minute rest periods between sets, sometimes less.

Pre-workout: 1.75 scoops Jack3d, 3g Taurine (first day for this and it helped)

Intra-workout: 24g BCAAs + 2.5g BA during lift / 13g BC+EAA during cardio

Post-workout: 54g whey isolate immediately after stepping off elliptical

I've also been taking 1/2 tsp of Bulk SCRx powder for 3 days now; seems to be helping just a bit.

Only change in diet today from what was laid out already was an additional 2 tbsp of natural PB (so 200 extra cals) with Meal 6 because I was just craving more food after the chicken.


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Day 3 Keto

weight: 237 lbs (-5.2)


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Great job so far my man! Nice chest workout and making good progress


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Great job so far my man! Nice chest workout and making good progress
Thanks, bro. It's real hard to stay the course with these kind of compounds in play and not just go for all out strength and mass gaining lol. Get kinda jealous when I see all the lbs you're moving up, but then again, if I did, I'd be around 250 and that's just no good lol :p


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Carb sensitive for real. You dropped weight real fast on Keto...
Yeah, man. It's kind of odd. Because even when I do eat carbs, I go for complex and split them up throughout the day, too (front-loaded even). The most success I had at cutting was back in the Spring running keto for about 4-5 weeks. Unfortunately, I'd been cutting for quite a while before that (albeit unsuccessful), so I slipped out of the keto trend pretty quickly and just lost sight of the course for a number of reasons.

I'm trying a different refeed method this time, and I'm pretty excited about it. If it works, it will definitely make this much easier to stay on.


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Hit back earlier this evening, and followed it up with 40 minutes on the treadmill. Don't have my notebook at the table right now, so I'll post the numbers tomorrow if anyone is interested - nothing to write home about.

Felt like a good workout (especially being it was my 3rd day with no carbs). Tomorrow will most likely just be cardio following church in the AM - might toss in some ab work (though I really don't feel like messing with it until I'm at a lower bf% since they're still pretty strong).

First carb re-feed will be throughout Monday (arm day).


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Oh, and just a fun story for you all to enjoy.

Went to bed at a decent hour last night, planned on sleeping in til about 9 or so. Nothing crazy, but I get up at ~6:30 daily, so that's a good extra snooze without pissing away an entire day.

Well, my dreams were shifting from I don't even remember what to me being with my ex girlfriend (odd) and then the next thing I know, I'm hearing subtle moans, etc. I then realize I'm actually awake, look at my phone and it's 5:30 AM. My neighbor is getting railed and I at least forced myself to forget what she was moaning, but there were some "oh yeah"s "get it"s and so forth.

I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't. Went downstairs to get a drink and then went back upstairs, turned the tv on and fell back asleep. Took like half an hour to fall asleep and then I ended up sleeping til 11. I was really pissed.

So that was my night. Needless to say, if I get woken up early this morning I'm gonna start blasting Rammstein through the walls.


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Carb Refeed Info (for Monday)

Think I've got the refeed day lined up...

Meal 1: Egg white omelette w/ 1 slice FF American, 1 slice pepperjack

Meal 2: 2 cans chunk light tuna

Meal 3: 2 low-fat waffles, 1/4 cup butterlite syrup

Meal 4: 2 bananas / 6 oz Tyson pre-grilled chicken

work out

Meal 5: 2 scoops Tru-Nutrition Isolate / 20 Gummi Savers

Meal 6: 2 cups Fruit Loops w/ Marshmallows in 1 cup skim milk

Meal 7: 2 scoops ON casein

Totals: 2,262 cals / 28g Fat / 267g Carbs / 234g Protein

*factoring in 10g fish oil


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Day 4 Keto (morning weight)

237.2 (-5)

This is good. Up .2 from yesterday, but this indicates that the cals are where they need to be because when I was carb cycling, the weight was already spiking back up. I know with glycogen and water, you can expect that to an extent. But I was at 240 or 239 initially that time around and by Day 5, I was weighing MORE.

So this is good :cool:

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