Enhanced will be getting P-Wet with P-Bold! (Taurus Sponsored log)



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Looks like someones showing off the gun show lol.


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arms are lookin built bro!


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Looking solid bud


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Thanks for all the kind words, fellas! Had one helluva workout this morning! They're still feeling super pumped right now! Sucks though, I just took my last 3 scoops of Wyked this morning.. :02:

Like I posted this morning, weight is holding stead @ the 175 mark. I've changed up my diet just a tad. Basically, I'm just cutting out the carbs in the evening, and eliminating some of the simple carbs. Really gonna try & get this gut in check. Switching over to the 5a OHP is going to be a tremendous help in that area.

I don't really have any strength increases to report from yesterdays shoulder & todays arm workouts. It's still up there where it was last week, so I think I may have thrown in a few more reps on various sets, or on different exercises, I may have even thrown in an additional set.

Right now, my entire upper body feels "on" in a major way. Really loving this feeling. I'll be hitting legs tomorrow, so by tomorrow night, my whole body will be full & swole! :lol: I have a totally insane workout planned for tomorrow morning. It's about a 1.5-2 hour workout, that incorporates almost all body weight exercises. It's definitely not for the weak. I'll post it up tomorrow.

So far, here's what I'm feeling/seeing:
increased appetite! ALWAYS hungry
vascularity is a constant. My arms especially
full muscle belllies ("on")
libido seems like it's just holding steady - no suppression or shutdown whatsoever
strength continues to climb
sore joints (shoulders & wrists)
no fatigue, but no extra energy or jitters
one sore nipple.. :(


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man sounds like this is starting to really kick for you! surprised its doing so well so quickly considering the compound it converts to. Maybe this Cyclo attachment is bumping up the amount that reaches the bloodstream considerably over the 1,4AD we were taking orally without any aids....


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Nice little review of the product sucks about the sore nip still but we getting that 5aOHP to yeah.


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Looking good up in this sucker. Woot for the sale!!!


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I toldy wife I wanted this for Christmas & she shouts out, "I'm not buying my husband steroids for Christmas!!". Lmao, gotta love those Italian women..


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I toldy wife I wanted this for Christmas & she shouts out, "I'm not buying my husband steroids for Christmas!!". Lmao, gotta love those Italian women..
Lol...my wife said she would get me something from the Nutra new years sale.


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Yeah, last year she gave me $150 for Nutra. Funny how that works. She doesn't work, but yet still gives me money for Christmas!! Lol.


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Ur just buying ur own Christmas presents bro. She skims a little from each check like mine does.


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Ur just buying ur own Christmas presents bro. She skims a little from each check like mine does.
A little..lol...my wife puts a beating on my paycheque


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Haha isn't that what we sign up for during the vows at the wedding? "And she shall skim a little bit out of your paycheck per month, till death do you part"


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Merry Christmas everyone. Excellent workout this morning. Update later tonight from work.


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Merry Christmas. Back to the gym tomorrow for me


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Day 23 update:

Weight - N/A woke up to a house full of in-laws, so needless to say, I forgot to get on the scale today.

Started a new workout routine today. I'm always changing things up. I feel this gives my body a rest in some areas, & taxes it more in others. Here's what I did today:

Squats - 5x15 155lbs

Bench press - 5x15 135lbs (last set I bumped it down to 125 to get the reps. (I know, my bench has always been weak..)

Lat pulls 5x15 160lbs & last set was 150

Db curls - 5x15 25's & then 20's for last set of 15

Skull crushers - 5x15 70lbs, then 60 for last set of 15

Abs - 5x15 various exercises targeting all areas of abs

This is the first time in a VERY long time I've done a total body workout in one session. WOW! I felt great walking out of there! Swollen from head to toe in one session!! Strength didn't seem the greatest, but I had to put my ego to the side to maintain the reps. Next week, this plan has me at 12 reps, so the weight will go up a little. Before I got off shift this morning, I dosed the P-Bold and also 3g of Di-creatine malate, all washed down w/ a small cup of coffee. Didn't get too much sleep here @ work last night, so I was still a little fatigued when I got there. This is definitely a workout that would be better performed when taking a solid pre-workout powder. But, like I said, the pump I had was awesome. Obviously, I had the gym to myself this morning, so I just carried my phone w/ me & didn't have to use the headphones. There was plenty of grunting & cussing goin' on tryin to get those last reps on each exercise.

Tomorrow will be a cardio day. I'll hit the gym tomorrow morning on the way home & probably just do about 25 min of HIIT on the treadmill so I can get outta there fairly quickly. IMO, nothing compares to HIIT when it comes to efficient cardio.

I'm just about done w/ this bottle. Obviously, it being a liquid, I can't tell how many days I have left. I'm still dosing the Triazole @ 3x a day. Nipple still is tender, but I'd say it hasn't gotten any worse. Looking forward to jumping right into the 5a OHP & keeping this going. I think this workout routine will better serve my recomp that I'm starting on. As soon as that bottle's done, I go into a disciplined cut for the spring. Can't be some 40 year old walking around w/ love handles this coming summer! :lol:


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Good report bro! Last time I did a full body day it felt amazing! The pump is second to none for me.


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Have you received your 5 aOHP?


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Have you received your 5 aOHP?
No sir. You said it shipped on Monday? From Michigan right? I shipped a pkg to my parents in Mich on Monday too. They haven't rec'd theirs yet either. Maybe tomorrow.


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No 5a today... :( I did, however, have another great full body workout! I'll put a better post tomorrow from work. Ready to hit the sack right now.


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No 5a today... :( I did, however, have another great full body workout! I'll put a better post tomorrow from work. Ready to hit the sack right now.
I'll check on it


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Sad that it didn't show yet, but awesome on the full body workout i can't do it, way to to much.


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Full body workouts are fun. Usually feel real good after doing them, and not burnt out


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I'm really enjoying them. The every other day routine is now giving me days to devote to abs & cardio.


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Day 26 update:

Weight: 177 (yesterday mornings weight)

Yesterday was my full body workout. I've really warmed up to the idea of these workouts! It just seems so much more efficient to me. I'll probably stick w/ this for a little while, then go back to single body parts for a while. This is definitely a nice change of pace. That 5x15 routine ain't no joke either!!! Definitely a humbling routine when you see how much weight you have to drop just to get those reps on the last couple of sets.

Here was yesterdays workout:

Deads - 5x15 @ 145lbs I have to confess, I've never been much of a dead lift man. That's starting to change. I've always read the importance and benefits of them, so I decided to start mixing them in more. I'm glad I did. I felt pretty good after yesterdays 5 sets. I think I may have been able to get a little more weight, but didn't want to sacrifice form & hurt the lower back. (L-4 is really weak). Next time I hit them, I plan on jumping up at least another 20-25 lbs to work/discipline myself a little more.

Shoulder presses - 5x15 @ 115 (I felt like I hit the wall on the 3rd set & only eeked out 13 reps. Rested just a little longer & was able to get my 15 reps on the next 2 sets)

Bb curls - 5x15 @ 55lbs.. during set #3, I started seeing stars! WTF!!?? Focused on the breathing a little more. Set 4 was painfully awesome.. Only managed 13 reps. Dropped down to just the 45lb bar for the 5th set for my full 15 reps.

Skulls - 5x15 This time, I did a little more warmup sets to help my elbows. I started w/ 75 this time, but right after that first set, dropped back down to 70lbs. I got the next 3 sets @ 70, & then for the final set, I dropped down to 65lbs to get the full 15 reps.

Abs - 5x15-20. If feels weird doing abs when I have so much junk hanging over them. I guess it'll all pay off when I start cutting some of this fat off.. lol..

That was it! This morning, I went into the gym & did about 25 min on the elliptical. I didn't do HIIT on it, just a nice steady pace to help wake me up for todays shift. The thighs were really pumping after I got off of it. Yesterdays deads must've been better than I thought!

It's hard to gauge where I'm at on strength now, due to the increased reps. I'm feeling great throughout the workouts, and recovery between sets really seems fast. The pumps are still pretty intense & I feel like they're sticking w/ me throughout the day. Libido seems to have bumped back up just a tad. Vascularity is still pretty sick & my appetite is still way up.

Here's to hoping the 5a comes in quick. It looks like I'll be finishing this bottle off right in time for that to show up. If it works like it did last time, my nipple soreness will disappear and my strength will continue to shoot up.


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Day 26 update:

Weight: 177 (yesterday mornings weight)

Yesterday was my full body workout. I've really warmed up to the idea of these workouts! It just seems so much more efficient to me. I'll probably stick w/ this for a little while, then go back to single body parts for a while. This is definitely a nice change of pace. That 5x15 routine ain't no joke either!!! Definitely a humbling routine when you see how much weight you have to drop just to get those reps on the last couple of sets.

Here was yesterdays workout:

Deads - 5x15 @ 145lbs I have to confess, I've never been much of a dead lift man. That's starting to change. I've always read the importance and benefits of them, so I decided to start mixing them in more. I'm glad I did. I felt pretty good after yesterdays 5 sets. I think I may have been able to get a little more weight, but didn't want to sacrifice form & hurt the lower back. (L-4 is really weak). Next time I hit them, I plan on jumping up at least another 20-25 lbs to work/discipline myself a little more.

Shoulder presses - 5x15 @ 115 (I felt like I hit the wall on the 3rd set & only eeked out 13 reps. Rested just a little longer & was able to get my 15 reps on the next 2 sets)

Bb curls - 5x15 @ 55lbs.. during set #3, I started seeing stars! WTF!!?? Focused on the breathing a little more. Set 4 was painfully awesome.. Only managed 13 reps. Dropped down to just the 45lb bar for the 5th set for my full 15 reps.

Skulls - 5x15 This time, I did a little more warmup sets to help my elbows. I started w/ 75 this time, but right after that first set, dropped back down to 70lbs. I got the next 3 sets @ 70, & then for the final set, I dropped down to 65lbs to get the full 15 reps.

Abs - 5x15-20. If feels weird doing abs when I have so much junk hanging over them. I guess it'll all pay off when I start cutting some of this fat off.. lol..

That was it! This morning, I went into the gym & did about 25 min on the elliptical. I didn't do HIIT on it, just a nice steady pace to help wake me up for todays shift. The thighs were really pumping after I got off of it. Yesterdays deads must've been better than I thought!

It's hard to gauge where I'm at on strength now, due to the increased reps. I'm feeling great throughout the workouts, and recovery between sets really seems fast. The pumps are still pretty intense & I feel like they're sticking w/ me throughout the day. Libido seems to have bumped back up just a tad. Vascularity is still pretty sick & my appetite is still way up.

Here's to hoping the 5a comes in quick. It looks like I'll be finishing this bottle off right in time for that to show up. If it works like it did last time, my nipple soreness will disappear and my strength will continue to shoot up.
I'm in the middle of moving to my new house today, but I will find out about your bottle.


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Yeah, last year she gave me $150 for Nutra. Funny how that works. She doesn't work, but yet still gives me money for Christmas!! Lol.

This is exactly how my Christmas went down!!!!

Got the kid a new bike and a ton of lego toys he wanted

Got the wife a Kinect shes been wanting and a few other small items

Got Myself $300 worth of supplements from NP, LOL and labeled the box from wifey to hubby, lol.


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This is exactly how my Christmas went down!!!!

Got the kid a new bike and a ton of lego toys he wanted

Got the wife a Kinect shes been wanting and a few other small items

Got Myself $300 worth of supplements from NP, LOL and labeled the box from wifey to hubby, lol.
Sounds like she got you just what you wanted.


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Day 26 update:

Weight: 177 (yesterday mornings weight)

Yesterday was my full body workout. I've really warmed up to the idea of these workouts! It just seems so much more efficient to me. I'll probably stick w/ this for a little while, then go back to single body parts for a while. This is definitely a nice change of pace. That 5x15 routine ain't no joke either!!! Definitely a humbling routine when you see how much weight you have to drop just to get those reps on the last couple of sets.

Here was yesterdays workout:

Deads - 5x15 @ 145lbs I have to confess, I've never been much of a dead lift man. That's starting to change. I've always read the importance and benefits of them, so I decided to start mixing them in more. I'm glad I did. I felt pretty good after yesterdays 5 sets. I think I may have been able to get a little more weight, but didn't want to sacrifice form & hurt the lower back. (L-4 is really weak). Next time I hit them, I plan on jumping up at least another 20-25 lbs to work/discipline myself a little more.

Shoulder presses - 5x15 @ 115 (I felt like I hit the wall on the 3rd set & only eeked out 13 reps. Rested just a little longer & was able to get my 15 reps on the next 2 sets)

Bb curls - 5x15 @ 55lbs.. during set #3, I started seeing stars! WTF!!?? Focused on the breathing a little more. Set 4 was painfully awesome.. Only managed 13 reps. Dropped down to just the 45lb bar for the 5th set for my full 15 reps.

Skulls - 5x15 This time, I did a little more warmup sets to help my elbows. I started w/ 75 this time, but right after that first set, dropped back down to 70lbs. I got the next 3 sets @ 70, & then for the final set, I dropped down to 65lbs to get the full 15 reps.

Abs - 5x15-20. If feels weird doing abs when I have so much junk hanging over them. I guess it'll all pay off when I start cutting some of this fat off.. lol..

That was it! This morning, I went into the gym & did about 25 min on the elliptical. I didn't do HIIT on it, just a nice steady pace to help wake me up for todays shift. The thighs were really pumping after I got off of it. Yesterdays deads must've been better than I thought!

It's hard to gauge where I'm at on strength now, due to the increased reps. I'm feeling great throughout the workouts, and recovery between sets really seems fast. The pumps are still pretty intense & I feel like they're sticking w/ me throughout the day. Libido seems to have bumped back up just a tad. Vascularity is still pretty sick & my appetite is still way up.

Here's to hoping the 5a comes in quick. It looks like I'll be finishing this bottle off right in time for that to show up. If it works like it did last time, my nipple soreness will disappear and my strength will continue to shoot up.
Your still going strong man!


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No sir. I'm off today. I think I may hid in the bushes today & wait for our mail lady. When she shows up, I'll ambush her, take her hostage, & use my k-bar to force her into confession as to te whereabouts of my 5a OHP...


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No sir. I'm off today. I think I may hid in the bushes today & wait for our mail lady. When she shows up, I'll ambush her, take her hostage, & use my k-bar to force her into confession as to te whereabouts of my 5a OHP...
Yeah and then when you get your 5a OHP, use it to get swole, and order a new knife, and then hold her hostage again with your 5a OHP gains and force her into confession as to the whereabouts of your new knife :p


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Yeah and then when you get your 5a OHP, use it to get swole, and order a new knife, and then hold her hostage again with your 5a OHP gains and force her into confession as to the whereabouts of your new knife :p
Seems like a solid plan i fail to see any flaws in that lol.


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Todays update:

30 min of HIIT on the treadmill & no 5a OHP in my mailbox...


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Damn..give this guy his damn stuff!!! Hopefully it gets here soon bud. Workouts still strong though..looking good


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Yeah, I'm still feelin good. To go along w/ all my other changes, I've decided to cut carbs out on cardio days. Today I had oatmeal in my shake. Other than that, healthy fats & protein.

Weights tomorrow w/ weigh in & maybe an updated pic.


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Sweet. Love some pics...scale doesnt tell the story like pics


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Sweet. Love some pics...scale doesnt tell the story like pics
Exactly. I'm a huge believer in the mirror. I could tell you I'm have the best workouts ever, but if I never posted any kind of pictures, how can you believe I'm not just blowin smoke up your ass?


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Nothing in the mail today... Better update later. Prepping house for someone to come look at it.


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This crazy if it doesn't get there tuesday give me a PM i'll make sure you get some if i gotta take some out of my personal stash.


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You know what? It's cool if it doesn't show.. I mean, you guys have already been more than generous in letting me be one of the first to run the P-Bold, and I'm very thankful for that. Don't go out of your way to get me any more. Would I like to run it? Of course!! It cleared my gyno last time. But, if it's going to be any kind of trouble, don't worry about it bro...

Happy New Years to Taurus Nutrition & all the reps that were along for the ride!!


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You know what? It's cool if it doesn't show.. I mean, you guys have already been more than generous in letting me be one of the first to run the P-Bold, and I'm very thankful for that. Don't go out of your way to get me any more. Would I like to run it? Of course!! It cleared my gyno last time. But, if it's going to be any kind of trouble, don't worry about it bro...

Happy New Years to Taurus Nutrition & all the reps that were along for the ride!!
It's no trouble at all, if you don't get it by Tuesday, one of us will send you a bottle

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