Douchebags at the gym...



Ms9, don't beat yourself up, we 've all been there. Just last week I told off this scrawny little sob for taking up the bench press bar to do dead-lifts with 5 kilos on each side, when he could easily do them with dumbbells at such little weight.

He gave me attitude about NEEDING the bar to do the exercise right and after watching him take 15 seconds to do 1 set with bad form and then take a 3 minute rest before his 2nd (out of 6) set I just went over, picked up the bar and told him with a face full of scowl "If you want to clown around do it in your own time and not in peak time when others are waiting to use the bar PROPERLY".

I didn't want to speak to him that way, but it's damn rude and inconsiderate for someone to waste other people's time like that. It was busy in the gym, and I couldn't use the dumbbells I needed because some other schmucks had them lined-up along with another 5... So, when it comes down to me having to wait around like an idiot for some inconsiderate prick when he can just as easily waste his time with-out the bar, I don't bother with pleasantries.

It's a matter of common decency towards others. When I'm using a machine/bench/dumbbell/bar that I don't absolutely need for an exercise, I ALWAYS offer to give it up when I see someone waiting for it, especially if I can do that exercise with something else and their exercise can pretty much only be done properly with it.


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a scowl and a grunt normally gets rid of twats like that. I had a scrawny streak of p!ss stand about 2 feet away when me and my mate were benching and he kept asking how many sets we were doing; it just so happened i was doing smolov so i think i was due to do 8 sets. so he sits there doing nothing but staring at us and when we eventually finished he puts 10kg on the bar, does a set of 10 then goes elsewhere. It's a pity because his dad is a hardcore lifter, if only he knew........


Usually I don't even need to resort to mild intimidation techniques, I'm quite capable of sweet-talking my way into getting others to not mess around, but one time I very nearly came to blows with this idiot who had 6 pairs of dumbbells lined up and wouldn't interchange with me on the ones he wasn't using in a particular set!

He was admittedly A LOT bigger than me, but I got so pissed off I wasn't about to back down. Finally one of the employees in the gym saw us with our heads practically pressed up against each other really to rumble and came over to calm us down.

Good thing too, I didn't fancy my chances against him. LOL


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my favorite douche, probably posted already, is the guy who does curls in the squat rack.


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I have a guy who puts this thing in his mouth too breathe through, its supposed to make it harder to breathe and help lungs or some crap, but he does the tread/eliptical with it and when hes breathes it sounds like Darth Vader... "woooooshhhhhhhhhssssswooooooooooh" "wooooooooooshhhhhh" throughout the gym... and Its hilarious, esp once I pointed out to everyone that he was a Sith Lord.... anyways. Theres the guys who walk in and never look at you or acknowledge you, even when your polite. I always give the nod or hey pleasantry when I see someone looking at me, and I at least have some kid of idea what the people are like, I try to be friendly. I know all the big lifter guys and we all talk and They give me tips since Im pretty much the youngest guy in the gym. but theres those new guys who come in, workout by themselves and just seem awkward, give you the hibeejeepees when you walk by.

As was mentioned I hate the guys who do half reps, the fat guys who do belly bounce reps, the losers who buy the bench vests but dont need one, just need to learn to work harder.

Finally I hate this kid:

Im working out doing my bench ( 3-5 sets of 7 at 215 nothing too extreme ) and I just finished my second set, and Im pretty pumped up and going crazy at this point like I just wana kill the weight, and he walks up and starts to talk crap about what his friends told him about me. This kids like 20 or 21, nears 300 pounds and looks like this -> O as in hes super fat. Hes got a fat ugly annoying face and about 20, 000 freckles. not to say anthing bad about freckles but its just hard to take him serious... anyways. His mom is the preacher at a strict religious church across the street, like they cant wear shorts and stuff. and he walks up to me talking crap. Im not in the mood for this BS so im like, aite, which biotch told you that? and hes like oh I cant tell you, so naturally I call him a ***** and his friends a *****, and then he gets mad and says its his cousin who is my age, who I confirm is a *****, and he says hed beat me up, and i say Id whoop his ***** ass. He continutes to tell me that im lucky im not 18 or hed kick my ass, and I tell him to keep lifting, so I can go back to my sets. He says " oh I lift more than you" which I reply yea fat ass and you way three times as much too. The funny thing is I dont think he lifts more than me, but Id never know cause he comes in like once a week. So the preachers son walks across the street back home after threatening me and cussing me out... hahaha. yea and by next week half the gym heard about me almost tweaking on him. People already know I have a bit of a violent temper. But now they know Im not afraid of fat kids either. Anyways moral is, I hate guys who talk crap in the gym, who don't know what they are talkin about. Shut up and lift.


Although it doesn't happen to me, I see the "people" in my gym that like to chat with everyone and barely workout themselves. There's this one older dude that always has a weight belt on, wrist straps, and gloves etc.. and barely works out when I'm there, yesterday I think I only saw him do some preacher curls in the whole hour I was there. The few people I know at the gym we're always like whats up or a hey nod and continue working out.

I do hate the hot chicks though... hard to not lose concentration :D :boobies:


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I hit the gym at 6am so there is about a dozen senior citizens in there. I love it because they stay out of my hair and are polite not like the crowd that comes in in the afternoon which is a bunch of punks that walk past me and try to grill me as they walk by. The fist time it happened i immediatly stopped, turned around and said "do you have a problem with me because your body language tells me you do? and then before he could answer my question i said "if you do, i suggest you forget about doing whatever action your thinking about in your head and never think about it again". mind you im 28yrs old and he is clearly no older then 19 or so in his 1st year in college. I proceed to give him the speech on how im a war veteran and been through alot of madness and how some people wouldnt think twice about snuffin his *ss, but i aint that your "im crazy" act for these other kids and respect your elders(even though im only 28, but simply give respect when respect is due is all im tryin to say). So he turns around and leaves. About 2 wks later i see him at the gym and he comes up to me and strikes up a conversation like nothing ever happened between us. I did the same. I think i got my point across and i hope he remebers that incident next time he thinks a crazy thought. I dont start stuff with anyone nor do i give into anyones childish behavior. Thats the only incident i have had...everyone respects me so i do the same.


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thats what its all about, respect. Everyone deserves it, until they get out of line.


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Welll most of the guys at my gym are pretty hardcore, thers about 8 who dont doo to much, and a few people who just show up randomly. theres also about half of the pop is women, but all they do is walk and there are plent of machines so no big deal. I go to a gym called "Procare" they have physical therapy along with a gym, I dont live in a city. and its a chain, so theres a bigger several story one with indoor soccer fields in town about 20 mins away, but a smaller one is the one I go to about 30 seconds from my house, in the worlds smalled town... anyways. the weight room/ machine room is just one big room. with a front desk. there is a guys and girls changing room, and bathroom but they arent huge. and a back room for the physical therapy that like no one really uses. So Its pretty simple and just has one of each bench and machines etc. But that means if someones using it, then you gota wait. alot of days I can go in and Ill be the only one there. only one. sometimes me and my lifting buddy go, and its like a private gym. I love it. but everyonce in a while it seems all the "lightweights" decide to show up at night plus the like 5 big guys... so theres like 12 guys in a 15x15 area all trying to lift, and I mean its cramped tight... It kinda sucks but you just gota work through it. My fav is these three guys started working out here, they are from down south and are in town to work on an oil rig. Two like 5 8 270 pound monsters with crazy facial hair and awesome accents. I made best friends with the one and I directed him to the local GNC (45 mins away lol) and advised him on shopping for supps online. I also had to give my opinion on jack3d hahaha. I also usually get the "what are you going to college for" when I start talking to fellow lifters then have to explain im a junior in highschool. People always assume Im around 20, and thats not really something that bothers me I kinda like it :p anways that my complains and satisfactions.


Two like 5 8 270 pound monsters with crazy facial hair and awesome accents.
5ft 8 and 270... jeezus, how the heck to they move around an oil rig lol. I've got a body whose worked on rigs from Russia and now is somewhere in the Gulf. He makes crazy money though for his age, well well over 6 figures.


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haha yea they may not be quite 280 but they are huge, biggest guys Ive seen around here. Idk what they do, maybe they drill for the oil by hand LOL. the one guy just has the broadest shoulders Ive seen. looks like a gorilla. and his buddy is probably a little taller maybe near 6 and big ole beard and stuff. They have a little friend then who is like 160 haha its so funny to watch them lift cause they throw off like 250 and put on like 95 for this guy.


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So we all know of the housewives that go walking around the neighborhood together right? Nothing wrong with it. Sometimes they have a stroller, a dog, some jog, some walk in groups shooting the **** big deal. But the gym crazy has created a branch off of this: middle aged fat-assed soccer moms that go to the gym in gaggles and walk on the treadmills just so they can gossip and not work as hard!!!! They arrive in hoards!!! I love seeing the ones who pump their arms real fast but are walk about half the speed of smell, lol.


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So we all know of the housewives that go walking around the neighborhood together right? Nothing wrong with it. Sometimes they have a stroller, a dog, some jog, some walk in groups shooting the **** big deal. But the gym crazy has created a branch off of this: middle aged fat-assed soccer moms that go to the gym in gaggles and walk on the treadmills just so they can gossip and not work as hard!!!! They arrive in hoards!!! I love seeing the ones who pump their arms real fast but are walk about half the speed of smell, lol.
I see this on my days off when I hit the gym at a normal time, thankfully my reg time is midnight to 1ish and I see no one, well the creepy guy who looks at me from time to time, but he's just creepy.... the housewives you speak of make me laugh....


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The ******* who designed my gym to put the weights section of my gym upstairs only accessable by a floating staircase so that after a really heavy leg workout everyone gets to see you hobbling down the stairs like a drunken-porn-star-pensioner who just recently had their hip replaced... Is a douchebag. :lol:


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The ******* who designed my gym to put the weights section of my gym upstairs only accessable by a floating staircase so that after a really heavy leg workout everyone gets to see you hobbling down the stairs like a drunken-porn-star-pensioner who just recently had their hip replaced... Is a douchebag. :lol:
Amen I hate the place Im going to now. I swear everything is literally on top of each other. Dont know how many times I bumped into sh1t while just walking today. I know Im not the smallest guy in the world but it was unreal how I had to move around that place. Only good thing free month pass lol. Oh and the chicks look a little better.


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So last night I finished up at the gym and walked out of the shower. And I could already see I was going to get an ear full of BullCrap. So there was these 3 kids maybe in high school, talking about supplements. And I almost lost it because the one kid "I know all about supplements kid", was informing the other two kids that all you need to take is creatine for building muscles. (and when I say that he said that was all you needed that is what he said.) I was just about to finishing up while I was leason to this crap, and was going to "inform" them that this moron was wrong. I realised that I just didn't care anymore and just finished packing up my stuff and walked out shaking my head.

And drank my post workout protein shake.


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LOL^ that was a great story.


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I love going to the gym with NO ONE in there EXCEPT creepy guy!!!This guy who wears a sweatband, either purple or blue and follows you around the gym with his eyes, stares right at you and god forbid I'm running which I did last night and tonight, does the machine facing me, which he did last night and tonight...ugghhh tomorrow night i'm going to say something or better yet I might take someone from work with me, he said he wanted a training partner, why not...:)



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So last night I finished up at the gym and walked out of the shower. And I could already see I was going to get an ear full of BullCrap. So there was these 3 kids maybe in high school, talking about supplements. And I almost lost it because the one kid "I know all about supplements kid", was informing the other two kids that all you need to take is creatine for building muscles. (and when I say that he said that was all you needed that is what he said.) I was just about to finishing up while I was leason to this crap, and was going to "inform" them that this moron was wrong. I realised that I just didn't care anymore and just finished packing up my stuff and walked out shaking my head.

And drank my post workout protein shake.
LoL good stuff i almost had that happen the other night. This older guy who shows up to the gym maybe once a week, was preaching MuscleTech products hard and their effectiveness. I was going to turn around and save everyone the BS he was preaching but i decided i had enough i was tired and didn't want to spend the time educating them. If they are dumb enough to take their Cell-Tech and naNO Vapor so be it. Its not my place to sit there and debate it.


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Yeah I never understood the **** gobblers who work out in jeans.

That asian juicer I mentioned needs to be mentioned again, he's started cutting and is obviously all hopped up on clen and hitting the treadmill and he rocks the Travolta Saturday Night Fever strut sweating bullets as he saunters along at 4mph. :lol:

Edit: Haircut is also surprisingly similar. Just add some thick Clark Kent glasses and make him asian and it's him. :lol:
I met this notBig Vance in the gym once . . fluro-kilt wearing douchbag doing 20lb curls in the squat rack pimping NeoVar . . .mwahahahaha! What a douch!


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I love going to the gym with NO ONE in there EXCEPT creepy guy!!!This guy who wears a sweatband, either purple or blue and follows you around the gym with his eyes, stares right at you and god forbid I'm running which I did last night and tonight, does the machine facing me, which he did last night and tonight...ugghhh tomorrow night i'm going to say something or better yet I might take someone from work with me, he said he wanted a training partner, why not...:)

Dam, that is creepy......:ugh:


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Dam, that is creepy......:ugh:
I fixed it tonight, NO MORE CREEPY GUY I now have a training partner, never had one before and he is a very big guy, our trade off is he comes with me every night to the gym helps me with diet, and I in turn have to help him train for a 1/2 marathon in April........ Easy as can be, and he accepts me for who I am, thin, fat, powerlifting, or's a good day



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Some older creepy lady @ my gym literally does 3 seconds of each machine in the most
unorthodox way possible. I feel like one night I will go to the gym and she will be stuck hanging in the cable crossover.


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Some older creepy lady @ my gym literally does 3 seconds of each machine in the most
unorthodox way possible. I feel like one night I will go to the gym and she will be stuck hanging in the cable crossover.
I get the creepy guy who comes to the gym in a sweat suit and sits in the ab machine (which is in the corner and faces everything else) I'll be doing shoulder press and can see him eyeing me down in the mirror..

if he knows he's been caught he hits the abort button and does a few crunches..


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I hate the guy who keeps door to steam room wide open because "its so hot i keep sweating":bigok:


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Anyone that puts gel in their hair before hitting the weights is a d-bag

Anyone small dude that is handling weak weight while benching, shoulder pressing, curling or any other DB work and throws the DBs when they're done and don't bother to re rack the weights back. **** them

D-bags that hit on any chick so much that they stop coming into the gym. **** off ******* the gym is like church it's not a hook up d-bags!!

Cougars that are on the prowl.... When my headphones are on **** off I'm 23 and i don't want your divorced ass.

These ****s fuel my fire while at the gym!

Ps I could go on for hours....

Half the asses on this site are probable d-bags at the gym lol love ya!!!!


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There's one guy at my gym who comes in with his couple of training partners every night I'm there. Another thing is he has a different girl with him each night, trying to show off to them. This guy has no work ethic at all, he will do a set, walk off for 10mins, come back, do his next set, talk for 5mins, maybe do another set who knows, his workouts last 2-3 hours I don't even understand his logic. Another favourite of mine is when he does legs. He will load up the hack squat or leg press with as much weight as it can hold, then do these 1 inch reps and make the loudest grunts you've ever heard. One time he got stuck on the leg press and his training partner called me over to save his sorry ass. I am glad these morons come to the gym it just makes you value your effort and intensity that much more. You will grow and get better, they'll come in and look the same week after week.


There are a couple groups of guys at my gym. They're all always together and doing the same thing. There's always one strong(er, slightly) guy and everyone else just follows him around. Last night there was a group like that a few benches down. I grabbed the 100's to do dumbell bench (which really doesn't seem like that much to me), and once I leaned back that place went silent. I realized the whole group were staring at me like I was going for a freaking world record. For a second I though they were going to start following ME around.

There are a couple big time DB's who lift there too. They're either high school kids or just graduated. They run the gammit of DB tendencies. Last night they were doing curls, and when they were done with a set they just couldn't possibly hold those massive 35's they were slinging, so they threw them to the floor. These guys make an art out of failing.


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There are a couple groups of guys at my gym. They're all always together and doing the same thing. There's always one strong(er, slightly) guy and everyone else just follows him around. Last night there was a group like that a few benches down. I grabbed the 100's to do dumbell bench (which really doesn't seem like that much to me), and once I leaned back that place went silent. I realized the whole group were staring at me like I was going for a freaking world record. For a second I though they were going to start following ME around.

There are a couple big time DB's who lift there too. They're either high school kids or just graduated. They run the gammit of DB tendencies. Last night they were doing curls, and when they were done with a set they just couldn't possibly hold those massive 35's they were slinging, so they threw them to the floor. These guys make an art out of failing.
This one made me LOL! Seriously, great way to wake up! Now I have to read the rest of the 15 pages (the board went to page 15 first)! Thanks a lot yall!


New addition to my list:

Really massive dudes who pretend to be cool, friendly and helpful, only to try and push steroids on to you and then be complete ****-heads to you once you turn them down.

This guy has been "sizing" me up for the last 2-3 weeks, always giving me a massive smile and hi-5 whenever I run in to him, offering all sorts of help and advice without my asking.

I honestly thought he was just a really cool dude. Last Friday his motives became clear; he started out telling me about how great and bigger I look, and how much bigger I could get if I used some steroids and that he is the guy to see if I'm interested.

I thanked him for his compliments and politely turned him down by saying that until I feel that I've gotten as big as I can get without steroids, I'm not considering trying any.

Needless to say that since then, all through this week, having run into him 3 times, he didn't even say hi to me! I said hi each time, and he just turned around and ignored me.



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just joined a 24 hour gym 3 days in and I'm annoyed at some of the dumb **** I'm seein.same guy from yesterday doing arms again today,another bigger guy scared to squat yet talks about how he needs to get back into doing it.some other guy lookin like a gayer version of ne-yo does 1 set of cables then spends the rest of his time lookin in the mirror.within 30 mins though they are all gone and I'm alone so it was cool but damn people have to know this **** is wrong.


I seriously love reading the posts in this thread cause I can totally identify with most of them.
A week ago, I had some kid refused to move out of the way in the hall to the sauna, and to make things worse he moved all his bags to make the space even smaller.. wadda ****head. I found out later he was pissed off because earlier on I used the cable machine after him and bumped up the weight only 30lbs... and it pissed him off i guess. I wasn't doing it to show off either or anything like that, but it sounds like he took it personally haha what a DOUCHE !


There's not always dubious intent with that mate. I've had a couple of decent T-Shirts I like rip on the sewing under the arm-pit so instead of talking them to a shop to get sewn back (I haven't a clue how to do it myself), I just remove what's left of the stitching and keep a nice sleeveless top for working out or wearing and a under-shirt.


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The guys that thing protein and creatine are steroids!


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The guys that thing protein and creatine are steroids!
I hear this alot.its painful to listen to.

oh yea and finally after a month into being at this new gym finally saw someone squating.he used the saftey bar bench rack but squatting with decent form none the less at 225.He didn't rack his weights after though and then did 5 mins on the treadmill. oh well:dunno:


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almost EVERYONE at my gym wears a belt, and they all think it's for safety... belt when ding bench, belt when doing curls, belt when doing pullups... WTF? Also, they all do decline bench on the FLAT bench... all the time... of course, with a belt.

Then there's the old guys who are like 5'8" and 125lbs who try to copy what all the other bigger guys are doing... horrible form, whenever I'm at the gym with one of these old dudes, I tend to pause when they do their massive 40kg 1" bench presses because I don't think it would look very good for me to ignore someone being crushed to death because I wanted to finish my 5th squat rep @ 130kg...

Then there's the skinny scrawny guy that comes to the gym 2 times a week, and always tries to do 1RM... only...


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Guys that wear sweat shirts under a T so they look large!


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curls in the squat rack!!!! ah!!! bad form curls too more ah!!!!!!!!!!


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At the Gym in Iraq (yes I remember this after 5 years!!!) there were 2 Privates taking pictures of each other doing curls. Wanna talk about gay douchbaggery: They took of their shirts doused themselves with water (to SIMULATE SWEAT!!!), then one would help the other lift the weight up to the upper portion of the curl...then step back and a take a picture before it became too much and he'd drop it!!! It made my buddy and I laugh so hard we couldn't lift!!!


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old guy that keeps track of every "hottie" in the gym and feels like its necessary to call me a young stud/give me advice for picking up women.


Guys that wear sweat shirts under a T so they look large!
^^^This. OR the db's that wear layers of sweats, low profile sunglasses and a muscletech beanie, then proceed to get the swole on with a host of Life Fitness machines while periodically coming over to the free weight section and staring at the dumbbells as if they were going to lift themselves.


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^^^This. OR the db's that wear layers of sweats, low profile sunglasses and a muscletech beanie, then proceed to get the swole on with a host of Life Fitness machines while periodically coming over to the free weight section and staring at the dumbbells as if they were going to lift themselves.
Dude.... Are you like.... .... My long lost broski??! Haha


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There is a chin-up bar in the middle of 2 pulley stations at my gym. Well, I HATE the guy that turns the whole station into a jungle-gym, scaring the HELL out of anyone nearby! Seriously, he'll do a pull-up, then lift himself over the bar, and then drop back down, all the while making sure to swing violently all over the place! I don't really know how to describe it, but I have NEVER seen anything like it! Then an old guy asked him how his back was feeling afterwards, and he copped an attitude with the old guy trying to start a fight! It was classic; That old guy woulda stomped the **** out of that punk!


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The fact that my gym is the one that the largest school in the county uses. So at about 1:00 PM during baseball can bet the 9th and 10th grade bb players are going to be there taking up all the goddamn equipment. F*ckers. Go suck a ****ing ****. Iwas in the mood to workout...but now. but now motherf*ckers.


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The fact that my gym is the one that the largest school in the county uses. So at about 1:00 PM during baseball can bet the 9th and 10th grade bb players are going to be there taking up all the goddamn equipment. F*ckers. Go suck a ****ing ****. Iwas in the mood to workout...but now. but now motherf*ckers.
hate in when the highschoolers come too... all they do is bull****!! lil


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the kids who come in the gym and lift chest and bis every day and then ask me for my advice.... i tell them the squat rack is for squats not curls... they then proceed to do curls anyway and pump prohormones down their throat back to back cycles with no pct, no leg day and then lose their gains every time they come off... AND THEN TRY TO CORRECT MY FORM WHEN IM DEADLIFTING 550


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curls in the squat rack!!!! ah!!! bad form curls too more ah!!!!!!!!!!
again with this **** wtf is wrong with people.he used the ****ing bench rack put 15 lbs on each side had bad form and did 10 reps then took off the weight and layed the bar on the bench and just left.

it was by far the most retarded thing I have seen so far.

Maybe he could tell I thought he was ****ing stuipd and he could tell I was annoyed.


Call me a vag and you can eat a ****, but I can't stand all the goddamn bottles of electrolyte enhanced, micro filtered, eco-consciously bottled, caffeinated spring water bottles strewn about the gym floor standing sentry at each station, and crusty ass used gym wipes littering the entire facility like freshly fallen snow from hell. Pick up your sh1t people and throw it in the goddamn trash. For ****'s sake.
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