Douchebags at the gym...



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He was doing what in the gay community is known as "cruising".
No joke this was a thing at the old gym I used to go to. not going to mention names but they are know for being open 24 hours. That particular location had a great old school iron section but they had to close down the sauna in the men’s room after 10 and put metal plates on the bathroom stall side doors so no glory hole action could go down.


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No joke this was a thing at the old gym I used to go to. not going to mention names but they are know for being open 24 hours. That particular location had a great old school iron section but they had to close down the sauna in the men's room after 10 and put metal plates on the bathroom stall side doors so no glory hole action could go down.
The Ballys I went too was bad with that too. I used to joke with the staff about it. I came in one night and they were blasting "it's raining men" over the PA. They were all at the counter with sht eating grins as I swiped my card. I just looked at them and said "really?! Now how am I supposed to go change in the locker room now?!"


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The Ballys I went too was bad with that too. I used to joke with the staff about it. I came in one night and they were blasting "it's raining men" over the PA. They were all at the counter with sht eating grins as I swiped my card. I just looked at them and said "really?! Now how am I supposed to go change in the locker room now?!"
very carefully I guess. I do not think there is a gayer song than "its raining men."
As for D-bags in the gym there was this old guy that got out of the shower and put his leg on the bench like a pirate and starts to dry him self off while I was sitting on the very same bench changing to go into work. His C&Balls were less than two feet from my face. Then he starts talking to me like nothing was wrong with his personal space infringement! I mean what the hell is wrong with the old guys. Its like the older they get the more they want to run around naked and show people their garbage! I bet it is awful in the woman’s locker room with the old ladies ugh.


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The Ballys I went too was bad with that too. I used to joke with the staff about it. I came in one night and they were blasting "it's raining men" over the PA. They were all at the counter with sht eating grins as I swiped my card. I just looked at them and said "really?! Now how am I supposed to go change in the locker room now?!"
That is facking funny.


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I have not seen one naked dude at my gym since going there, over 1 year now. I think once...ONCE, someone was in the shower lol


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I had to deal with douche baggery twice. The first case involved these 2 high school kids. I could hear them saying they "wanted to get there leg day done, but that n*gga is over in the rack." First, I am white with a tan. Second, I am doing front squats and Romanian Dead Lifts. They got there a little late with their sh*t talking when I was doing 225 for reps. Then, I did RDLs at 235 for reps. Poor ole grip failed me again to go any higher. So I cut out of RDL's early so they can go over. They disappear to do CURLS, always an integral part of leg day. Second, there "leg day", and I sh*t you not, consisted of 2 sets of squats with 135lbs NOT EVEN TO PARALLEL. The next time I hear them, I am going to tell them, "The day you back squat more than I front squat, I'll hurry up."

Second occurence. We have a chalk bin at my gym. It's filled maybe once a month and lasts about a week. So, needless to say, I was excited when I saw some in there. It helps with my RDLs and my barbell hacksquats. So I'll pumped up when this guy comes in the leg area and chalks up. He is doing bench, which there is nothing wrong with. The problems is it was 135lbs that he struggled with. THEN, he used the last bit of the f*cking chalk for incline press for f*cking 115lbs. I was p*ssed!


I had to deal with douche baggery twice. The first case involved these 2 high school kids. I could hear them saying they "wanted to get there leg day done, but that n*gga is over in the rack." First, I am white with a tan. Second, I am doing front squats and Romanian Dead Lifts. They got there a little late with their sh*t talking when I was doing 225 for reps. Then, I did RDLs at 235 for reps. Poor ole grip failed me again to go any higher. So I cut out of RDL's early so they can go over. They disappear to do CURLS, always an integral part of leg day. Second, there "leg day", and I sh*t you not, consisted of 2 sets of squats with 135lbs NOT EVEN TO PARALLEL. The next time I hear them, I am going to tell them, "The day you back squat more than I front squat, I'll hurry up."

Second occurence. We have a chalk bin at my gym. It's filled maybe once a month and lasts about a week. So, needless to say, I was excited when I saw some in there. It helps with my RDLs and my barbell hacksquats. So I'll pumped up when this guy comes in the leg area and chalks up. He is doing bench, which there is nothing wrong with. The problems is it was 135lbs that he struggled with. THEN, he used the last bit of the f*cking chalk for incline press for f*cking 115lbs. I was p*ssed!
My picture was better haha


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This guy with his kanye sunglasses on haha
He probably forgot to take them off after he got done playing racquetball. Either that or they are his reading glasses, reading the machine trying to figure out how to pump up his chicken wings!


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My story is a bit long winded.

Was getting ready to do a set of trap bar deadlifts just joking around a bit. Older guy asks another guy to move. Nothing impolite but a bit long winded. Apparently this was his "in" to start a conversation with us.

Was doing trap bar deadlifts and asked Glenn if I could use his chains. Older guy(I think Tim or Tony) chimes in asking why use the chains. Asked if we used them for aesthetics which apparently to him means attention whoring. I said if I could have it my way I would lift in an empty gym. Then he started getting into the literal meaning of what I said. My point being there were too many people. His point being he is an older guy who just says whatever comes into brain that instant.

Then he starts talking about how we are not using belts for 360 trap bar deadlifts. How we could do more. That it is safer to use a belt. Then how it is unnatural to deadlift. Btw he is one of those guys who wears a belt the whole workout.

To finish it off when I am unloading the bar he says "I hope I didn't spoil the party." I reply back "it takes a lot to do that." He goes to left field and says "some people say the president has ruined the party." Then I basically reiterate that it takes a lot to that.

Every time he had to have the last word and be long winded. I really hope he never talks to me again haha. Might have to bring my headphones again.


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My story is a bit long winded.

Was getting ready to do a set of trap bar deadlifts just joking around a bit. Older guy asks another guy to move. Nothing impolite but a bit long winded. Apparently this was his "in" to start a conversation with us.

Was doing trap bar deadlifts and asked Glenn if I could use his chains. Older guy(I think Tim or Tony) chimes in asking why use the chains. Asked if we used them for aesthetics which apparently to him means attention whoring. I said if I could have it my way I would lift in an empty gym. Then he started getting into the literal meaning of what I said. My point being there were too many people. His point being he is an older guy who just says whatever comes into brain that instant.

Then he starts talking about how we are not using belts for 360 trap bar deadlifts. How we could do more. That it is safer to use a belt. Then how it is unnatural to deadlift. Btw he is one of those guys who wears a belt the whole workout.

To finish it off when I am unloading the bar he says "I hope I didn't spoil the party." I reply back "it takes a lot to do that." He goes to left field and says "some people say the president has ruined the party." Then I basically reiterate that it takes a lot to that.

Every time he had to have the last word and be long winded. I really hope he never talks to me again haha. Might have to bring my headphones again.
Sounds like you need to unload a case of the protein farts at the gym so he'll leave you alone. It's an acceptable D-Bag move in order to counter attack a more serious D-Bag!


New member
I remember a few years back i heard a scrawny guy talking to his friend about 'douchebags' taking protein shakes and how they shouldnt be taken since its protein 'abuse'..

He then claimed that he could tell if someone took protein from a mile away..............


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Sounds like you need to unload a case of the protein farts at the gym so he'll leave you alone. It's an acceptable D-Bag move in order to counter attack a more serious D-Bag!
I actually don't have "protein parts" haha. Going low carb has eased my toxicity. I don't see why he wanted to strike up a conversation. I promise you I don't project social butterfly haha. Pretty sure I had "stfu" written on my face when he started talking about belts.


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I actually don't have "protein parts" haha. Going low carb has eased my toxicity. I don't see why he wanted to strike up a conversation. I promise you I don't project social butterfly haha. Pretty sure I had "stfu" written on my face when he started talking about belts.
You know what, people used to not talk to me either. They would almost avoid me. Then, I talked to someone and someone saw me talking to someone. Now people f*cking talk to me all the time. I miss winter and sweatshirts and my damn Ipod being broken.
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You know what, people used to not talk to me either. They would almost avoid me. Then, I talked to someone and someone saw me talking to someone. Now people f*cking talk to me all the time. I miss winter and sweatshirts and my damn Ipod being broken.
Ya that might be my issue. Just because I talk to one person doesn't mean I want to talk to everyone haha.


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My gym is on my tiny base, so everyone knows each other and will never shut up!!! I'll BS with a few different guys, it's just good that its free!!!
I can't F*CKING stand when a PT test is coming up and all the last minute couch potatoes come out and slobber Mcdonald fat all over the place!!! Drives me nuts!!


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I can't F*CKING stand when a PT test is coming up and all the last minute couch potatoes come out and slobber Mcdonald fat all over the place!!! Drives me nuts!!
Funny part is that most of them have no idea that they would probably perform better without even trying to get that one week in the gym prior to the test. Wait til the last minute and tax themselves too much and wind up doing worse.


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My gym is on my tiny base, so everyone knows each other and will never shut up!!! I'll BS with a few different guys, it's just good that its free!!!
I can't F*CKING stand when a PT test is coming up and all the last minute couch potatoes come out and slobber Mcdonald fat all over the place!!! Drives me nuts!!
I used to lift at a bigger AF base so I know that all too well. But I will say I have found some of my best workout partner there. People never seem to want to shut up. Even had a cf guy decide to keep talking during my set haha.

PT tests seemed to "bring em out."


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Funny part is that most of them have no idea that they would probably perform better without even trying to get that one week in the gym prior to the test. Wait til the last minute and tax themselves too much and wind up doing worse.
I am a base PT program leader, and you wouldn't believe the # of dudes that claim they "hurt themselves" training for the test!! It's friggin AF PT....not very tough!!! Some D-Bags work really hard at not having to work, and then wonder why they have man boobs!!


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I used to lift at a bigger AF base so I know that all too well. But I will say I have found some of my best workout partner there. People never seem to want to shut up. Even had a cf guy decide to keep talking during my set haha.

PT tests seemed to "bring em out."
Haha....dam chatty CF guys!


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Haha....dam chatty CF guys!
Haha dude was so into to telling me about it. I really don't understand why either. Half of what he said I didn't get. Basically all I got out of it was I got weaker but my cardio really good. Went to some special ops 5 day thing and it was tough as hell. Lack of sleep sucks. A lot of people quit. Oh ya and a bunch of letters and numbers I didn't know the corresponding acronyms for haha.


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I remember a few years back i heard a scrawny guy talking to his friend about 'douchebags' taking protein shakes and how they shouldnt be taken since its protein 'abuse'..

He then claimed that he could tell if someone took protein from a mile away..............
LOL!! That is awesome.

Hello, my name is Russell, and I am a proteinaholic.


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LOL!! That is awesome.

Hello, my name is Russell, and I am a proteinaholic.
I had a relapse yesterday I ate a whole pound of chicken and a dozen eggs.... I... I feel filthy.


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I had a relapse yesterday I ate a whole pound of chicken and a dozen eggs.... I... I feel filthy.
haha a pound of turkey burger only covers me for three meals. I hate addiction. I blame it on my dad. Or was it that priest...


Camping out doing pull ups in squat rack when there is to spot specifically for pull ups that are open ***s


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Camping out doing pull ups in squat rack when there is to spot specifically for pull ups that are open ***s
Haha... the squat rack w/ the pullup attachments is the only place I can do my puilups and come to a full deadhang at the bottom without my knees touching the ground (see my height ;)). Of course I always ask if I can work in first.


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So not really a douchebag story... but a great story none the less that had me laughing so hard I almost had to leave the gym.

It was a chest day and I was doing some incline DB press and I notice a older black gentleman come over and get on the flat bench next to me. He was decked out in his windbreaker sweatpants, white tanktop, and a black beanie. His headphones were in and the headphones wires led from his ears into his left pocket. He went and grabbed some 30s which made me raise an eyebrow but I thought to myself maybe he's just finishing up or maybe its just because he's older (he had to have been in his 60s) and I still had to give him credit for getting his workout on. So I'm in between sets just kind of staring off into space when I see him out of the corner of my eye lay back onto his bench. Thats when I felt the sensation in my feet that something had been knocked onto the floor. So I look over as gramps has the 30s on his chest ready to go... but his iPhone has fallen out of his pocket and off the side of the bench underneath him. He didn't realize this and I thought nothing of it. He starts doing his set and is struggling after the 4th rep. He barely gets a 5th... and as he gets stuck on his 6th rep he simply lets the DBs DROP OUT OF HIS HANDS. Just straight up chucks them bitches. Well wouldn't ya know it? Gravity, being the bitch it is, sucked that left handed DB down and smashed THE **** out of his iPhone. It was in PRISTINE condition prior, and then the screen was all ****ing smashed to hell. He sits up, out of breath, looks down at his phone... and tries his hardest to keep his cool as he picks it up and walks away. Funniest ****ing thing I had ever seen. I hope he had insurance. LOL.


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Haha... the squat rack w/ the pullup attachments is the only place I can do my puilups and come to a full deadhang at the bottom without my knees touching the ground (see my height ;)). Of course I always ask if I can work in first.
Haha I had to use the squat rack pull up attachment the other day. A couple was in the middle of the universal machine doing core exercises. Let's just say she wears really tight bright pants and I have terrible peripheral vision haha. So I worked in with a guy whose brother I know.

And yes I have to jump to reach the bars(see my height) haha.


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Know specific douche, but I believe many douches played a role in this...

This was how the plates on the incline were left at my gym...



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Know specific douche, but I believe many douches played a role in this...

This was how the plates on the incline were left at my gym...
Haha that's nothing, at my old gym the dumbbells were never racked in any sort of order. You'd be looking for 30lb DB find one on the floor and the other on the rack mixed in with the 70lbs?!? Used to really grind my gears.


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Almost snapped a picture......someone had the clips on the seated calf raise...............


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I call bullsht !
BRO, not even lying! NOT EVEN ONCE haha. 92.5 pounds on the bar, no one using it when I walked up with the clip on it. I promise if I see this again, picture will be up...WITH THE CULPRIT USING THE MACHINE


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When the squat recks are full with curling douches just do what I do



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BRO, not even lying! NOT EVEN ONCE haha. 92.5 pounds on the bar, no one using it when I walked up with the clip on it. I promise if I see this again, picture will be up...WITH THE CULPRIT USING THE MACHINE
Lmao, so some idiot not only had added a 2.5 lb weight to the two 45s , he had to use the clips too? Amazing .


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Lmao, so some idiot not only had added a 2.5 lb weight to the two 45s , he had to use the clips too? Amazing .
Sometimes you just have to let stupid be stupid. That 2.5lb weight could have put his training over the top.


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Started doing HIIT in the mornings.

So i head to the park where i do my sprints and start warming up. I usually set two water bottles 100m appart so i know where to run to.

Anyway i start jogging to warm up and this guy rocks up and starts using a bench close to one of the water bottles to strech.

I turn my back to him to jog to the other water bottle. But by the time i turn back around to start my sprints, the guy's sat down on the a cigarette....with a can of beer already opened..
Zach Strom

Zach Strom

Anyone who wears wife beaters. Douche. If you wear stringers and you aren't already diced up. Douche. Tap-Out Shirts. Douche. Head Bands? Douche. Necklaces. Douche. If you're training with more than 1-2 other people. Douche.
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