Douchebags at the gym...



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In the first pic, WTF are they actually doing? Is that some form of bodyweight plus plate retard row or something????
Rack chins in a really fawked up horribly formed way lol


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Rack chins in a really fawked up horribly formed way lol
Ahhhh. Thanks! So, basically for guys that can't perform a real pull up, I'd assume. (Or at least based on the physique of that dork)


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Ahhhh. Thanks! So, basically for guys that can't perform a real pull up, I'd assume. (Or at least based on the physique of that dork)
Hey, I do rack chins lol. There pretty good for stretching the lats out. But yeah if you can't do a real pull up i suppose. I only did them because i couldnt do wide grip pull ups since i couldnt grip it right with my thumb still really stiff :\


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Today I had the wanna be fat strongman that loaded every plate in the gym for the leg press, with about 10 mins of psyching himself up for *drum roll* micro-inch ROM calf presses. Of course mouth piece included


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Holy mother of god!!!!! These are the worst gym douches I have EVER seen!!! F these guys! F them right in their douchey faces!!!!
I stared them down like they murdered a baby in front of me. But after they left I had a good laugh


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Whilst doing my rotator warm ups just the other day I overheard a guy talking to his bro about my warmup exercise. I had my headphones in, but hadn't started my music just yet otherwise I doubt he would have said anything. Anyway, he said something about how he doesn't get why guys do "those" exercises because they're dumb and useless. This guy, who weighs maybe 150lbs, was caught off guard when I butted in telling him "these dumb exercises are called rotator cuff warmups to keep my joints healthy. I recommend you utilize google, check them out"

I proceeded with my push presses, working my way to 2 plates a side, only for him to later ask how I can do so much weight. My response: warm your rotator cuffs up.


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You guys hatin' on Australia pull ups... tisk tisk.


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You guys hatin' on Australia pull ups... tisk tisk.
Haha only hating because they set it up wrong. I hate douches that take unnecessary weight. Use actual ROM and you wont have to steal all the weights you greedy bastards. Saw a guy doing hammer strength style shoulder press with 5 plates per side. He cant even bench 300. WTF are these idiots thinking?


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Apparently done dick wad put 10 plates, yeah, on each side trying to do shrugs on a machine. He YELLS like the ****ing lion king and can't even get one rep. He's some Guido ***. Then all the plates fall off the sides. Makes a huge bang noise, almost dropped my weight because of it. Then he reloaded the machine up and attempted it again. Some guy went up to him and said, dude you don't need to being doing that much weight. The Guido dude got all pissed and wanted to fight the guy who came up too him. I swear how did this guy not get kicked out I saw him yesterday doing bicep curls with horrible ROM and a.lot of weight screaming every rep again. Then he paced around the machine between each set. Looked like a coke addict for Christ sake


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Apparently done dick wad put 10 plates, yeah, on each side trying to do shrugs on a machine. He YELLS like the ****ing lion king and can't even get one rep. He's some Guido ***. Then all the plates fall off the sides. Makes a huge bang noise, almost dropped my weight because of it. Then he reloaded the machine up and attempted it again. Some guy went up to him and said, dude you don't need to being doing that much weight. The Guido dude got all pissed and wanted to fight the guy who came up too him. I swear how did this guy not get kicked out I saw him yesterday doing bicep curls with horrible ROM and a.lot of weight screaming every rep again. Then he paced around the machine between each set. Looked like a coke addict for Christ sake
These stories make me appreciate where I work out haha.


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Haha only hating because they set it up wrong. I hate douches that take unnecessary weight. Use actual ROM and you wont have to steal all the weights you greedy bastards. Saw a guy doing hammer strength style shoulder press with 5 plates per side. He cant even bench 300. WTF are these idiots thinking?

Hey maybe they don't or maybe they wanted to hit a different ROM/angle, ya never know. Not how I would set it up and from the looks of the guys they prob didn't know exactly what they were doing, but they weren't doing anything THAT bad to get posted in this thread, lol. I think everyone is just jumping the gun so they have something to post here.


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Hey maybe they don't or maybe they wanted to hit a different ROM/angle, ya never know. Not how I would set it up and from the looks of the guys they prob didn't know exactly what they were doing, but they weren't doing anything THAT bad to get posted in this thread, lol. I think everyone is just jumping the gun so they have something to post here.
Idk I have a feeling they are previous offenders haha.


Apparently done dick wad put 10 plates, yeah, on each side trying to do shrugs on a machine. He YELLS like the ****ing lion king and can't even get one rep. He's some Guido ***. Then all the plates fall off the sides. Makes a huge bang noise, almost dropped my weight because of it. Then he reloaded the machine up and attempted it again. Some guy went up to him and said, dude you don't need to being doing that much weight. The Guido dude got all pissed and wanted to fight the guy who came up too him. I swear how did this guy not get kicked out I saw him yesterday doing bicep curls with horrible ROM and a.lot of weight screaming every rep again. Then he paced around the machine between each set. Looked like a coke addict for Christ sake
I have the same " Shrug Douche" at my gym!!! He is a SCREAMER!! Lmao WTF is wrong with these guys??


I have everyone beat, I think!?!? Anyway this morning at the gym(5am). 2 High School kids are working out at the 1 of 2 squat racks we have. Tony&Vinnie Douchebag come in and proceed to tell these kids to get off there rack. Then start to heckle these kids for the amount of weight they are using(which wasn't bad considering they both weighed about 150 or so) So one of the Douchebags pushes one of the kids and starts yelling at him. The other teen having had enough of his Bull**** tells him to "shut the **** up". So he says "what are U gonna do about it?" Right then and there this scrawny 150 lb kids roundhouses this oaf right in the jaw and drops him!!!!! His buddy starts yelling "Tony Tony are U ok Man, U kids are in a world of ****" the kids asks him if he wants some to come and get it!!!! Unforgettable!! Wish I had a vid of it. One of the trainers came over and made all of them leave even though a punch of us told the guy what they did was right on!!


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I have everyone beat, I think!?!? Anyway this morning at the gym(5am). 2 High School kids are working out at the 1 of 2 squat racks we have. Tony&Vinnie Douchebag come in and proceed to tell these kids to get off there rack. Then start to heckle these kids for the amount of weight they are using(which wasn't bad considering they both weighed about 150 or so) So one of the Douchebags pushes one of the kids and starts yelling at him. The other teen having had enough of his Bull**** tells him to "shut the **** up". So he says "what are U gonna do about it?" Right then and there this scrawny 150 lb kids roundhouses this oaf right in the jaw and drops him!!!!! His buddy starts yelling "Tony Tony are U ok Man, U kids are in a world of ****" the kids asks him if he wants some to come and get it!!!! Unforgettable!! Wish I had a vid of it. One of the trainers came over and made all of them leave even though a punch of us told the guy what they did was right on!!
That's great! So he kicked him?


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Nothing like a roundhouse to the face.


I am telling U guys it was hilarious!!! Kicked that ******* rt in the face, knocked him on his ass!!!!


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"You think someone wants a roundhouse kick to the face when I'm wearing these bad boys? Forget about it!" Master Rex from Napoleon Dynamite


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I have everyone beat, I think!?!? Anyway this morning at the gym(5am). 2 High School kids are working out at the 1 of 2 squat racks we have. Tony&Vinnie Douchebag come in and proceed to tell these kids to get off there rack. Then start to heckle these kids for the amount of weight they are using(which wasn't bad considering they both weighed about 150 or so) So one of the Douchebags pushes one of the kids and starts yelling at him. The other teen having had enough of his Bull**** tells him to "shut the **** up". So he says "what are U gonna do about it?" Right then and there this scrawny 150 lb kids roundhouses this oaf right in the jaw and drops him!!!!! His buddy starts yelling "Tony Tony are U ok Man, U kids are in a world of ****" the kids asks him if he wants some to come and get it!!!! Unforgettable!! Wish I had a vid of it. One of the trainers came over and made all of them leave even though a punch of us told the guy what they did was right on!!
Chuck Norris would be proud haha.


This is the text i got from a friend yesterday while he was at the gym.

"There is this fat guy who trains here with two skinny nevs. He is loud, tall and ****ing fat also thinks he is like fu**ing pro at gym and screaming make those Subaru noises when he picks up 20 kilo dumbbells for his chest. He wears this red polo (probs his fave shirt since he is a fat c***) and like sings out loud and laughs like everyone laughs with this fat **** but reallg we just want him to get the **** out. My point is why does this fat dog come to the gym and act like a trainer, speak so loud, sings like we like it, makes those noises, and why he is still fat after 30 years of gym, and makes those car noises the deb. c**** like this kill my life.

Now he was dancing while I was picking up my weights INFRONT of me. F*** OFF!"
------------ ------------ ------------ ----
I laughed so hard because i asked him to send me a pic of the guy and he did... i recognised him because he's a serial douchebag. Probably tops the cake for one of the most annoying guys I've ever come across in my life.


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Experienced the fat sweaty treadmill guy at the gym today!! This dude was hanging onto the rails for dear life while sweating buckets at a whopping 3mph and 0 incline! I wish I took a pic!! He had the head flopping to the side, tongue practically hanging out. Then, not only did he not wipe down his machine, but then plopped his fat ass on the bench, making at a messy puddle of fatty butter, but then didn't wipe that down!!! I'm pretty sure I saw his car at the McDonalds after I left the gym....shocker!!!


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Experienced the fat sweaty treadmill guy at the gym today!! This dude was hanging onto the rails for dear life while sweating buckets at a whopping 3mph and 0 incline! I wish I took a pic!! He had the head flopping to the side, tongue practically hanging out. Then, not only did he not wipe down his machine, but then plopped his fat ass on the bench, making at a messy puddle of fatty butter, but then didn't wipe that down!!! I'm pretty sure I saw his car at the McDonalds after I left the gym....shocker!!!
+1 point for him getting off his fat ass and trying to exercise -10 for all inconsiderate offenses committed = a big sweaty bag of douche that turns gym equipment into a greasy slip n' slide for others. "Would you like cheese on that?" .. Of course, don't be rediculous!


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+1 point for him getting off his fat ass and trying to exercise -10 for all inconsiderate offenses committed = a big sweaty bag of douche that turns gym equipment into a greasy slip n' slide for others. "Would you like cheese on that?" .. Of course, don't be rediculous!
Best part was, he didn't use the bench to actually bench press....he used it like a bed and just sat there sweating.


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Best part was, he didn't use the bench to actually bench press....he used it like a bed and just sat there sweating.
He was keeping the vinyl covering well oiled with his wealth of trans fats emitting from his posterior.

Just remember to spray and wipe benches before and after you use them. Imagine your face coming into contact with a bench like that unknowingly while doing some reverse flys


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He was keeping the vinyl covering well oiled with his wealth of trans fats emitting from his posterior.

Just remember to spray and wipe benches before and after you use them. Imagine your face coming into contact with a bench like that unknowingly while doing some reverse flys
Welp....there's one lift I'll never do again now!


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Well, I've actually seen something that made me just kinda take a second look. This kid, probably not any older than 17-18 was using clips on the smith machine....


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Happens all the time at my gym. Even to the point that I see people trying to bicep curl with an EZ bar with no clips because some idiot has used the last set of clips on the smith machine.


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Happens all the time at my gym. Even to the point that I see people trying to bicep curl with an EZ bar with no clips because some idiot has used the last set of clips on the smith machine.
Haha wow... I've seen some bad stuff at the gym but that is hilarious!


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Happens all the time at my gym. Even to the point that I see people trying to bicep curl with an EZ bar with no clips because some idiot has used the last set of clips on the smith machine.
Not the safest practice but most the time have always used no clips with bb press/curls,ez curls/skull crushers etc. etc. just cus i started out lifting that way long ago. Kept me focused on good form and the practice prohibited me from trying to bite off more then I could chew. Only have dumped weight maybe twice over the last few years doing it. I get a kick out of it when I put the 45s on the ex curl without clips and do perfect curls , elbows at sides , heals in toes out, knees bent hips forward back straight chin up. Only thing that would mess me up is watching some DB put clips on the smith while doing that. Lol


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Yes really lol. I had to say something to him tho, I couldn't just let him continue to do that.


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I love how that just blew up, posted seeing that like 2 pages ago. Mind was blown, wtf there is no need for the clips although if you were doing strength training and needed to micro-load HAHA. I'm like you too Mike, mostly cause i'm too lazy to clip up the ez bar for curls and I figure if the weight starts to move then I need to work on my balance! Gonna be headed in to the gym in a bit, I think today I will take pics of offenders


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I like my blender ball. Damn it.
And spending $15+ for a shaker? Lol mine cost $2.99 and I toss the little vented insert thing that comes with it cus its a bitch to wash. Any enjoyment I got from drinking protein shakes has long passed so I don't care too much of the consistency when I chug it in 10 seconds. Toss a couple ice cubes in there and it works like your blender ball and cools your shake.


Finished a set of pulldowns, walk over to get a drink of water and walk straight into a cloud of funk. I got crop dusted.


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And spending $15+ for a shaker? Lol mine cost $2.99 and I toss the little vented insert thing that comes with it cus its a bitch to wash. Any enjoyment I got from drinking protein shakes has long passed so I don't care too much of the consistency when I chug it in 10 seconds. Toss a couple ice cubes in there and it works like your blender ball and cools your shake.
I got it free with a purchase. The best price.

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