Douchebags at the gym...



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Ok, I need an intervention. Today I was the douchebag. There is this girl at the gym every morning and she is smoking hot. Not a barbie doll, more of a feisty Latino with attitude, who works her ass off in the gym. She looks like the girl from the new M&M commercials, Naya Rivera. Anyhow, her a$$ should be framed and hung in the museum of fine art. So today she is training two friends, who were not too shabby either. So all three of them, in yoga pants are doing box jumps, burpees, pushups and jumping rope directly across from the leg extension machine.

Well, today was supposed to be abs/core day for me, but it immediately became leg day for me and I did 7 sets of leg extensions with long rest periods in between.
Not so much a douche....but you would have been less douchey had you taken pics for all to share!

Thanks for the invite...

I could've helped... We couldve done a donkey show or something.

Would've turned them on.
kinda weird...but yeah sure i guess chicks can be into that sort of thing

What about "Douche Bigelows" the guys that creep on all the chicks and never really have a structured workout?

Refer to my post about "shaker" the self proclaimed "hot chick only" personal trainer. :)
...were all jealous of the shaker...and you know it

Lol I hope that is a pic of the girl from the commercial and not the chick from your gym. If so you're on that stalking level.
lol he passed that stalking level along time ago if thats her


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So I guess I should say I was a douche last night. Both squat racks were occupied. 1 was a woman doing squats with 75 pounds. Pretty sure she was doing GVT. The other was a female PT with a female client doing squats. I swear I have never seen a PT here have a client do real squats. So I am waiting and waiting. After the last set the PT leans on the bar facing towards my direction talking to her client. Then grabs the bar and put it on the ground behind the rack. Then has her start doing deadlifts. I about lose it when I see that. So I grab a bar from a bench not being use and walk over put it in the rack and start my warm up. Neither one said anything to me but apparently the PT was all huffy.


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I had to deal with shrugs in the squat rack douche last night at my gym. It's one thing if the gym is empty and nobody is around. But to do that when the leg room is full of people working irritates me. Deadlift the **** and man up. If you can't deadlift up the 225 you are doing for your shrugs, you need to rethink what you are doing in the gym.


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This guy last night... FSDJFHSLKDJFHSJFHSOEJHFSE is how i felt.

I was trying to use the cables, he's on the set next to me - but during his breaks in between sets he is making an attempt at pop and locking or whatever that dance **** is...then the set after, he was shadow boxing...even though he is not a boxer and does no boxing fitness at the gym.

He is the reason that the word douche-bag is personified.

This dude and "shaker" (from my previous posts as Djanthum) are really good friends.

Currently looking for a new gym.
Dude you do not understand. I deal with that on a nightly basis. Not directly, for fear that their power punches into the wind might induce a current and knock me over, but because I am laughing on the inside and trying not to on the outside. I just don't get it. What did the imaginary person do to deserve that?


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I need a new gym..the teens who use roids and scream on every set and are the only people who decide to take their shirt off at my gym while working out and then scream about how amazing they look...some girls come over to talk to them...but they're only average if that..guy says to this girl.
"You see that *insert name of car here didn't hear it* outside?" Girl says "umm noooo" he says "oh well that's mine *flexes lifts his shirt up* lol
Do you go to a gym with the Jersey Shore castmates? That sounds a little Situation-like. He sounds tool-a-riffic. Nothing screams homo like bragging to average strange.


Dude you do not understand. I deal with that on a nightly basis. Not directly, for fear that their power punches into the wind might induce a current and knock me over, but because I am laughing on the inside and trying not to on the outside. I just don't get it. What did the imaginary person do to deserve that?
Haha i'm way too shocked at their stupidity though...they must think it impresses people.

Maybe i should land a Mike Tyson uppercut to his jaw and be like.. "That's how you do it!"

but the guy then asks me for supplement advice... I feel like telling him the best supplementation is to stop being a wanker. Do this and you will grow.


Tempted to create another thread "International Douchebag Database" where we can start numbering and profiling these people in a proper format.

Anyone down?


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Tempted to create another thread "International Douchebag Database" where we can start numbering and profiling these people in a proper format.

Anyone down?
If I had one of those new-fangled phones I would do it. MikeG already has a good start. hahahaha


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Tempted to create another thread "International Douchebag Database" where we can start numbering and profiling these people in a proper format.

Anyone down?
I don't go to a gym with many people but I'd feel like a douche taking pictures of the douches....but when has that stopped me! Hahaha, I got the "I wear my jeans and t-shirt guy" and "my rest period is as long as it takes to get your number guy" at my gym


I don't go to a gym with many people but I'd feel like a douche taking pictures of the douches....but when has that stopped me! Hahaha, I got the "I wear my jeans and t-shirt guy" and "my rest period is as long as it takes to get your number guy" at my gym

Haha, well pictures aren't necessary. I think the profile would be the important part.


Approx Douchebirth:

Approx Douchebodytype:

Why he/she is a Douche:

etc etc lol


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Most douches start as: Let's just throw out 6', 145, 150lbs. Relate the weight/height how you want. 5'8, 120-125. They put on 10-15 pounds on accident due to newbie gains and are HUGE now. They should have a 6-pack at said 6', 155-165lbs, whatever their finishing weight may be. Yet they feel the need to constantly raise their shirts up in gyms where they can not take them off. With their newfound hugeness, they are now able to talk to all the ladies. Plus, with their killer form, they finally threw up their BW for 5, a new PR! Which encourages even more douchery.


I have the guys, I call them redneck 1 and redneck 2. Redneck 1 is decent sized, except he wears jeans and a sleeveless shirt everyday, even when he is doing 1/4 rep squats, maybe they're restricting his rom, I don't know. Then there is redneck 2, he is #1's mini-me. He follows him around in his jeans and tank top, with his whole body puffed up like he's bigger than he really is. Then he just follows behind 1 with worse form and half the weight, and screams so loud on every rep that I can hear this douche through my head phones. Plus he acts like one of the PT's is his best friend and is constantly interrupting him while he's trying to work, "hey Byron, check this out Byron, am I doing this right Byron? You working hard Byron? Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!"



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Leg day today ruined by a kid bench pressing in the squat rack!

Turns out it was because he was too scared to use the proper bench in case he got stuck under the bar.

Douche didn't even move when I pointed out that I wanted to use the rack to... You know... Squat!


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Just to keep things grammatically correct, the proper term is douchbaggery not douchery.

Carry on.


Douchebag of the day: it was the kid who said "hey old man why are U doing DL in my rack I need to get my lifting on?" Reply: " listen here DICK!! First I am doing rows U dumbass and second it is far from being YOUR rack!!"
I was using the power rack. In my def no one squatting at that point and I checked with a few guys!! Plus it's easier to switch out plates using the pins.
Then when I was done him and his buddy start doing straight bar curls with 10lbs on each side!!!!!?????!!!! ****ing HILARIOUS !


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The trend at my gym seems to be that most of the douches at my gym are the ones who ALWAYS wear a nutrishop tank that they get for free w any purchase. Never seen one with any clue of form (ie: partial rep squats w inward knees and hunch back deads) or rest periods but do seem to always want to flex their skinny abs in the mirrors. Coincidence?


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^at least their squatting and dead lifting LOL. I swear there is only a handful of people at my gym that even attempt to.

BTW I saw a guy straddling the bench doing shrugs yesterday haha


The trend at my gym seems to be that most of the douches at my gym are the ones who ALWAYS wear a nutrishop tank that they get for free w any purchase. Never seen one with any clue of form (ie: partial rep squats w inward knees and hunch back deads) or rest periods but do seem to always want to flex their skinny abs in the mirrors. Coincidence?
Another SO TRUE statement!! Lmao


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There is a bar at my gym that I swear attracts DBs. Not sure the name of it but it looks like it is meant for hammer curls at least that's what I see it being used for. It always gets loaded up with 10s and they never unrack the weights.


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I walked into the gym today compression shorts only, head band with a bandana , rocking no shoes and was shirtless. Went to the squat rack, started curling the bar and screaming out ONEEEEEE each rep. Then left. Sucess bicep/flex in mirror day.


I walked into the gym today compression shorts only, head band with a bandana , rocking no shoes and was shirtless. Went to the squat rack, started curling the bar and screaming out ONEEEEEE each rep. Then left. Sucess bicep/flex in mirror day.


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My douche bag of the day: Not so much the gym this time, but at a Vitamin Shoppe. I pick up protein bars sometimes at Vitamin Shoppe. I don't really buy anything else because, well, I can buy it online way cheaper. So I go in there to grab a couple of bars and I'm going to pay and a guy is buying Super Test by Beast nutrition and I sh*t you not, the new douche manager is and I have to really quote, telling him to "Take this for 8 weeks, take 3 weeks off, then come back for a third bottle for another for weeks. You have to stick with it"

THEN he proceeds to tell him, I have to quote once again, "there are some steroids that only take 2 or 3 days to kick in, but this steroid takes a few weeks."

STEROID! Convinced this skinny bastard that he is taking steroids. I'm done.


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I'm sure you've all seen it (hell I've SEEN it), but today it finally happened to me.

I rarely, if ever, get spoken to in the gym. I don't talk to anyone and I expect the same.

So I set up the EFS box in one of the racks to...drum squat. Warm up, load up the bar for my work sets when the "squat guru" comes to enlighten me.

"Sitting on that won't help you, bro". Huh? I pull off my headphones because I'm not sure I understood. "Yeah, man sitting on that isn't the right way to squat." God knows why, but I actually attempted to explain why I was squatting on a 16" box, but Tom Platz Jr was hell bent on dismissing it as some sort of witchcraft.

Now I'm thinking Wheels McGee is some squat guru so as I move on I'm sure to watch. Homey belts up, wraps his knees over his sweats, throws 315 on and does some crazy pre-squat ritual. By now I'm really curious.

After no less than 2 minutes of buildup, MegaQuads unracks the weight, gets into position...and as God as my witness he dropped MAYBE 6". Tops. It was fully a 1/4 ROM squat and I'm not exaggerating.

I patted him on the back as I left "Thanks man".

"Hey no problem, dog. Anything to help!"

Oy vey.


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I'm sure you've all seen it (hell I've SEEN it), but today it finally happened to me.

I rarely, if ever, get spoken to in the gym. I don't talk to anyone and I expect the same.

So I set up the EFS box in one of the racks to...drum squat. Warm up, load up the bar for my work sets when the "squat guru" comes to enlighten me.

"Sitting on that won't help you, bro". Huh? I pull off my headphones because I'm not sure I understood. "Yeah, man sitting on that isn't the right way to squat." God knows why, but I actually attempted to explain why I was squatting on a 16" box, but Tom Platz Jr was hell bent on dismissing it as some sort of witchcraft.

Now I'm thinking Wheels McGee is some squat guru so as I move on I'm sure to watch. Homey belts up, wraps his knees over his sweats, throws 315 on and does some crazy pre-squat ritual. By now I'm really curious.

After no less than 2 minutes of buildup, MegaQuads unracks the weight, gets into position...and as God as my witness he dropped MAYBE 6". Tops. It was fully a 1/4 ROM squat and I'm not exaggerating.

I patted him on the back as I left "Thanks man".

"Hey no problem, dog. Anything to help!"

Oy vey.
Funniest post in this thread


I'm sure you've all seen it (hell I've SEEN it), but today it finally happened to me.

I rarely, if ever, get spoken to in the gym. I don't talk to anyone and I expect the same.

So I set up the EFS box in one of the racks to...drum squat. Warm up, load up the bar for my work sets when the "squat guru" comes to enlighten me.

"Sitting on that won't help you, bro". Huh? I pull off my headphones because I'm not sure I understood. "Yeah, man sitting on that isn't the right way to squat." God knows why, but I actually attempted to explain why I was squatting on a 16" box, but Tom Platz Jr was hell bent on dismissing it as some sort of witchcraft.

Now I'm thinking Wheels McGee is some squat guru so as I move on I'm sure to watch. Homey belts up, wraps his knees over his sweats, throws 315 on and does some crazy pre-squat ritual. By now I'm really curious.

After no less than 2 minutes of buildup, MegaQuads unracks the weight, gets into position...and as God as my witness he dropped MAYBE 6". Tops. It was fully a 1/4 ROM squat and I'm not exaggerating.

I patted him on the back as I left "Thanks man".

"Hey no problem, dog. Anything to help!"

Oy vey.
We have a winner!!!!!!


Well-known member
I'm sure you've all seen it (hell I've SEEN it), but today it finally happened to me.

I rarely, if ever, get spoken to in the gym. I don't talk to anyone and I expect the same.

So I set up the EFS box in one of the racks to...drum squat. Warm up, load up the bar for my work sets when the "squat guru" comes to enlighten me.

"Sitting on that won't help you, bro". Huh? I pull off my headphones because I'm not sure I understood. "Yeah, man sitting on that isn't the right way to squat." God knows why, but I actually attempted to explain why I was squatting on a 16" box, but Tom Platz Jr was hell bent on dismissing it as some sort of witchcraft.

Now I'm thinking Wheels McGee is some squat guru so as I move on I'm sure to watch. Homey belts up, wraps his knees over his sweats, throws 315 on and does some crazy pre-squat ritual. By now I'm really curious.

After no less than 2 minutes of buildup, MegaQuads unracks the weight, gets into position...and as God as my witness he dropped MAYBE 6". Tops. It was fully a 1/4 ROM squat and I'm not exaggerating.

I patted him on the back as I left "Thanks man".

"Hey no problem, dog. Anything to help!"

Oy vey.
Lol that is pretty good.
Wheels mcgee


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When you try to take a pic of the gym douche... And your flash goes off bouncing off every mirror in the room. That was funny.


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Puking on the last rep of laying leg curls due to back pump pain....Yeah that was me today..


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Puking on the last rep of laying leg curls due to back pump pain....Yeah that was me today..
I don't know how you do that. I have done some pretty brutal sets of lying leg curls but not puke worthy I guess haha.


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Nuts. Only time I ever got sick a little was after DL 315x31 w/ a trap bar at a lifting combine.


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I don't know how you do that. I have done some pretty brutal sets of lying leg curls but not puke worthy I guess haha.
Pain from back pumps was the reason for projectile vomit lol


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Hahaha... yea I mean after that though they were probably too exhausted to move that one plate. Blue shirt guy appears to have some ILS going on as well. And is that a guy curling in the power rack in the second pic? All kinds of violations going on!


New member
Hahaha... yea I mean after that though they were probably too exhausted to move that one plate. Blue shirt guy appears to have some ILS going on as well. And is that a guy curling in the power rack in the second pic? All kinds of violations going on!
Haha no the guy in the second pic was actually setting up for squats. Just an innocent bystander


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Last nights winners

<img src=""/>

And on top of that, they didn't put anything back!

<img src=""/>
Holy mother of god!!!!! These are the worst gym douches I have EVER seen!!! F these guys! F them right in their douchey faces!!!!


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Just you wait until you start seeing the retards putting the clips on the smith machine.............


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Just you wait until you start seeing the retards putting the clips on the smith machine.............
LOL! I havn't seen anyone dumb enough at my gym to try that.

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