Douchebags at the gym...



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We got this guy at my gym that regularly works out wearing jeans (I don't know how anyone works out in jeans). He goes over to the leg press and loads it up to the max with 45lbs plates, gets on and moves the weight about an inch for like 10 reps. Considering his size it's impressive that he can move it at all but it annoys the hell out of me seeing him do that and I've never seen him do a full range of motion leg press.


New member
We got this guy at my gym that regularly works out wearing jeans (I don't know how anyone works out in jeans). He goes over to the leg press and loads it up to the max with 45lbs plates, gets on and moves the weight about an inch for like 10 reps. Considering his size it's impressive that he can move it at all but it annoys the hell out of me seeing him do that and I've never seen him do a full range of motion leg press.
This is my biggest pet peeve beyond anything else..... And there is always multiple people at gyms who do this from young to older and it's just ridiculous. Most of them wouldn't know what the **** to do with even half the amount of plates on their back in a squat rack!


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Those are the douche bags you meet at work or at a freinds party etc that say they lift weights and then ask what you max out at then upon your reply they say a number that you know is bullshlt or most likely done half ass since they look like a soggy loaf of bread compared to the solid , hard earned, dieted ,planned, sacrificed, physique that you have slaved over to earn.

Example scenario :

Offender half ass douche: hey, bro do you work out?

Reply: ( with look of, r u stupid?) ya why?

Offender: how much do you max out at on bench

Reply: not really sure right now cus I rarely max but considering I can hit 265x8 right now I'd say I can hit 300 or alil over.

Offender: pshhh that's it? Bro I always press 300, But I don't go down to my chest cus its bad for your shoulders

Reply: oh ya, wow i did not know that...Well that's great for you.... And how many plates is that?

Offender: you don't know? Haha it's two big plates a side.

Reply: (where you have the dilemma because all you want to do is smash him in the face or make an example of his rude ignorance and stomp his false bloated ego into the dirt) &@&)!?!,?&@@)$


New member
Those are the douche bags you meet at work or at a freinds party etc that say they lift weights and then ask what you max out at then upon your reply they say a number that you know is bullshlt or most likely done half ass since they look like a soggy loaf of bread compared to the solid , hard earned, dieted ,planned, sacrificed, physique that you have slaved over to earn.

Example scenario :

Offender half ass douche: hey, bro do you work out?

Reply: ( with look of, r u stupid?) ya why?

Offender: how much do you max out at on bench

Reply: not really sure right now cus I rarely max but considering I can hit 265x8 right now I'd say I can hit 300 or alil over.

Offender: pshhh that's it? Bro I always press 300, But I don't go down to my chest cus its bad for your shoulders

Reply: oh ya, wow i did not know that...Well that's great for you.... And how many plates is that?

Offender: you don't know? Haha it's two big plates a side.

Reply: (where you have the dilemma because all you want to do is smash him in the face or make an example of his rude ignorance and stomp his false bloated ego into the dirt) &@&)!?!,?&@@)$

Lol it always come down to them asking "hey bro how much you bench?"


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Those are the douche bags you meet at work or at a freinds party etc that say they lift weights and then ask what you max out at then upon your reply they say a number that you know is bullshlt or most likely done half ass since they look like a soggy loaf of bread compared to the solid , hard earned, dieted ,planned, sacrificed, physique that you have slaved over to earn.

Example scenario :

Offender half ass douche: hey, bro do you work out?

Reply: ( with look of, r u stupid?) ya why?

Offender: how much do you max out at on bench

Reply: not really sure right now cus I rarely max but considering I can hit 265x8 right now I'd say I can hit 300 or alil over.

Offender: pshhh that's it? Bro I always press 300, But I don't go down to my chest cus its bad for your shoulders

Reply: oh ya, wow i did not know that...Well that's great for you.... And how many plates is that?

Offender: you don't know? Haha it's two big plates a side.

Reply: (where you have the dilemma because all you want to do is smash him in the face or make an example of his rude ignorance and stomp his false bloated ego into the dirt) &@&)!?!,?&@@)$
Bahahahaha!!!! 2 plates a side huh! Well sh*t, I'm almost at 300 lbs too then! What a tool!!


Well-known member
Those are the douche bags you meet at work or at a freinds party etc that say they lift weights and then ask what you max out at then upon your reply they say a number that you know is bullshlt or most likely done half ass since they look like a soggy loaf of bread compared to the solid , hard earned, dieted ,planned, sacrificed, physique that you have slaved over to earn.

Example scenario :

Offender half ass douche: hey, bro do you work out?

Reply: ( with look of, r u stupid?) ya why?

Offender: how much do you max out at on bench

Reply: not really sure right now cus I rarely max but considering I can hit 265x8 right now I'd say I can hit 300 or alil over.

Offender: pshhh that's it? Bro I always press 300, But I don't go down to my chest cus its bad for your shoulders

Reply: oh ya, wow i did not know that...Well that's great for you.... And how many plates is that?

Offender: you don't know? Haha it's two big plates a side.

Reply: (where you have the dilemma because all you want to do is smash him in the face or make an example of his rude ignorance and stomp his false bloated ego into the dirt) &@&)!?!,?&@@)$
BAHAHAHA....2 plates a side huh! Well then, looks like my bench is close to 300 too!!


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Either way....was gonna say: if 2 whole plates is 300lbs, I'm doing a lot better than I thought!!!


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Either way....was gonna say: if 2 whole plates is 300lbs, I'm doing a lot better than I thought!!!
That was the irony of the whole thing,.. Or i should say , part of the irony. ;-)


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I had a good one last week. So I work out at a commercial gym that everyone and their mother goes to. This guy came in (he was probably 5'11" or so and probably 180lb) with his brother or friend who was probably 5'8" and 140lbs wet. This guy jumped on the smith machine and put on a 45 and 25 on each side so he could do shrugs. His brother, who was not working out at all, was in charge of taking video of him shrugging this "massive load". He then took off his shirt and told his brother "Hey bro, make sure you get all dis in there" as he shrugged and grunted out his 10 or so reps. He finished the rest of his workout with his shirt off. I have a picture of this that is hilarious.


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I had a good one last week. So I work out at a commercial gym that everyone and their mother goes to. This guy came in (he was probably 5'11" or so and probably 180lb) with his brother or friend who was probably 5'8" and 140lbs wet. This guy jumped on the smith machine and put on a 45 and 25 on each side so he could do shrugs. His brother, who was not working out at all, was in charge of taking video of him shrugging this "massive load". He then took off his shirt and told his brother "Hey bro, make sure you get all dis in there" as he shrugged and grunted out his 10 or so reps. He finished the rest of his workout with his shirt off. I have a picture of this that is hilarious.
Post it


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I look like a douche bag every leg day IMO. Squats are my weak point but today it was just awful.
So I won't be able to get into the gym next to days to finish my split because of work so my choices were legs, shoulders, arms or a combination of two of them. Well, I chose my weakest as I believe I should so i went legs and because those other parts get some secondary action during back and chest days. Mind you, I never do legs after a back day but ill do back after a leg day no problem. So yesterday I had a brutal back day, it was great. I've been sore all day but since I got called in my weeks cut short and I'm doin legs cus I don't want to skip them. Warm up with 135, felt good no problem .. First set 225lbx10 felt good.. Second set 275lbs going down down down oh **** I can't get up , luckily I set the safety bars. So now I got people lookin cus the biggest guy there at the moment just crumpled under a lousy 275lbs. Reset the bar kinda pissed and go again, down, up, that wasnt hard, down down down ****! I can't get it up. My body decided to send my ego a fuk you notice via public embarrassment. I looked like ****, and to top it off ,out of my fluster of frustration I made myself look like a bigger ass by taking the weight down till 225lb(still resting on the safety bars) thinking ill just go under and squat it up back on the hooks. Nope I ended up grunting lookin stupid for a second cus I couldn't even do that either (done it before easy). So I pulled 2 45s off and lifted the rest into position and then knocked out another short set of 225 to try and redeem myself alil self pride( like a bandaid on a gun shot wound ). One exercise a week tends to really screw me over and this week it was the squat rack and it got me hard. Totally shot the rest of my workout. The only two other exercises I actually went up in weight were kneeling leg curls and seated calf raises. I did smith hack squats to try and make up for my failure in some way but that was blah and then the sled wanted to be a bitch to me as well as I could barely press 90lbs less then I usually do (16 plates x 6-8 full ROM as deep as it'll go).. So anyway I looked like a big fat puss doing legs today and felt like a douche. 8) no more leg days right after back days for me.


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I look like a douche bag every leg day IMO. Squats are my weak point but today it was just awful.
So I won't be able to get into the gym next to days to finish my split because of work so my choices were legs, shoulders, arms or a combination of two of them. Well, I chose my weakest as I believe I should so i went legs and because those other parts get some secondary action during back and chest days. Mind you, I never do legs after a back day but ill do back after a leg day no problem. So yesterday I had a brutal back day, it was great. I've been sore all day but since I got called in my weeks cut short and I'm doin legs cus I don't want to skip them. Warm up with 135, felt good no problem .. First set 225lbx10 felt good.. Second set 275lbs going down down down oh **** I can't get up , luckily I set the safety bars. So now I got people lookin cus the biggest guy there at the moment just crumpled under a lousy 275lbs. Reset the bar kinda pissed and go again, down, up, that wasnt hard, down down down ****! I can't get it up. My body decided to send my ego a fuk you notice via public embarrassment. I looked like ****, and to top it off ,out of my fluster of frustration I made myself look like a bigger ass by taking the weight down till 225lb(still resting on the safety bars) thinking ill just go under and squat it up back on the hooks. Nope I ended up grunting lookin stupid for a second cus I couldn't even do that either (done it before easy). So I pulled 2 45s off and lifted the rest into position and then knocked out another short set of 225 to try and redeem myself alil self pride( like a bandaid on a gun shot wound ). One exercise a week tends to really screw me over and this week it was the squat rack and it got me hard. Totally shot the rest of my workout. The only two other exercises I actually went up in weight were kneeling leg curls and seated calf raises. I did smith hack squats to try and make up for my failure in some way but that was blah and then the sled wanted to be a bitch to me as well as I could barely press 90lbs less then I usually do (16 plates x 6-8 full ROM as deep as it'll go).. So anyway I looked like a big fat puss doing legs today and felt like a douche. 8) no more leg days right after back days for me.
I had that sh*t happen on bench awhile back. Actually, a couple of times. I became very adept at the "roll the bar down your body" technique. haha I would stand up and upright row the weight (for whatever reason it would be 185lbs. Never any more, never any less) onto the stands and then I would get in what I normally could get in. For some reason, I would crap out at like 3 reps. When I would go back to do it again, I would get 7-8 due to embarassment alone. The rest of the workout would be pretty good because I would be fueled by not wanting that to happen again.


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That is some of the funniest **** I have seen in a long time. If he does weigh 180, he's a flabby b*tch. Plus he has girl hands. He's not even using a heavy weight and looks like he's wearing straps. hahaha


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I had that sh*t happen on bench awhile back. Actually, a couple of times. I became very adept at the "roll the bar down your body" technique. haha I would stand up and upright row the weight (for whatever reason it would be 185lbs. Never any more, never any less) onto the stands and then I would get in what I normally could get in. For some reason, I would crap out at like 3 reps. When I would go back to do it again, I would get 7-8 due to embarassment alone. The rest of the workout would be pretty good because I would be fueled by not wanting that to happen again.
I do that sometimes when I don't have a spotter and I'm pushing for that extra rep on bench. If I get get stuck, I'll casually slide it down to the point where I can stand up haha. I look like an idiot when I have row the weight up to the lower bench rack but it happens


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I do that sometimes when I don't have a spotter and I'm pushing for that extra rep on bench. If I get get stuck, I'll casually slide it down to the point where I can stand up haha. I look like an idiot when I have row the weight up to the lower bench rack but it happens
It seems like the only ones actually looking at you like you are dumb are the ones who just started or just aren't very strong. haha Plus, if they are looking down on you, they will be less likely to ask you questions about being strong and what they want to look like and then proceeding to totally ignore you. :)


Last week at my gym, I am in the squat rack and beside me is the flat bench and decline bench. Two high schoolers are using the decline bench, and at this point they are really just trying to act like douch dicks! They look to be doing pyramid and dropping weight down. Now they only have 10lb plates, about 5 on each side and as they strip them off the spotter just throws them! On the last set he has a 2.5 on the bar!!!! Dude just screaming like its the heaviest bar he had ever lifted! I'm totally annoyed now, oh yeah and needle dick has no shoes on either! All said and done they both check their phones and send some text messages then look at each other's phone, and walk away from the bench! Leaving racked on the bar the 2.5's!!! Now I'm pissed, can't stand to see a douch load weight and not unload it! I say to him hey tough guy all that screaming and lifting heavy weights, are you physically unable to unload those heavy 2.5's? He just looks at me and walks over unloads, and leaves gym!


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Omfg that picture is awesome. Why would he think hes a beast for shrugging that amount of weight... Hes fat as **** atleast im 180 5.8 and lean and I stillcover myself up lol.

I wouldve went up to him "Hey BRO! HOLY FAWK WHAT ARE YOU ON?! Dude you must be some type of pro BB.... What kind of ... "drol" are you on ;) "


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Ha ha ha I don't think that's being a dauchebag , it's sweet that u can appreciate a girl that's hot and works hard at it:) whatever gets that testosterone pumping ?


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I just wish that we had a frontal view of the "Beast Mode High Intensity" face that he's making so that that we could create an animated douchebag icon out of it.

I think the skinny kid taking the pic probably doesn't realize the piece of comedy gold that he has.


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Fat douchebag walks in the gym. Openly calls out "who's Cadillac is that outside that I parked next to?" Im trying to lift some heavy ass weight but for some reason I decide to humor him and talk. I told him it was mine, to which he replies "that's cool it's almost as nice as my BMW." I immediately take this as an insult and hate him. I love that Caddy to death. Besides,I don't care if I drive a hooptie, you dont talk **** about another mans car ever. I told him that his BMW was a 325i, pretty much the cheapest one you could buy and that I could have easily bought two of those with the money spent on the caddy. He was more or less speechless. I then continue my workout. Our gym has a few speakers that you can play music on and he cranks it up loud enough for me to hear over my headphones. He then proceeds to the only squat rack in the gym to do, you guessed it, barbell curls. Only 5 pounds on each side too and a lot of back in it as well. He supersets these with some horrible form overhead triceps extensions on the only cable machine in the gym. I watched a kid ask to work in and he got denied. Fat douchebag told the kid to wait because he only had two more sets to do. Watched him do 5 more sets while the kid was waiting. You can't make this **** up.

TLDR: fat douchebag is the alpha-douche of my gym.


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Fat douchebag walks in the gym. Openly calls out "who's Cadillac is that outside that I parked next to?" Im trying to lift some heavy ass weight but for some reason I decide to humor him and talk. I told him it was mine, to which he replies "that's cool it's almost as nice as my BMW." I immediately take this as an insult and hate him. I love that Caddy to death. Besides,I don't care if I drive a hooptie, you dont talk **** about another mans car ever. I told him that his BMW was a 325i, pretty much the cheapest one you could buy and that I could have easily bought two of those with the money spent on the caddy. He was more or less speechless. I then continue my workout. Our gym has a few speakers that you can play music on and he cranks it up loud enough for me to hear over my headphones. He then proceeds to the only squat rack in the gym to do, you guessed it, barbell curls. Only 5 pounds on each side too and a lot of back in it as well. He supersets these with some horrible form overhead triceps extensions on the only cable machine in the gym. I watched a kid ask to work in and he got denied. Fat douchebag told the kid to wait because he only had two more sets to do. Watched him do 5 more sets while the kid was waiting. You can't make this **** up.

TLDR: fat douchebag is the alpha-douche of my gym.
BMW Owner is usually interchangeable with douchebag, anyhow.


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Fat douchebag walks in the gym. Openly calls out "who's Cadillac is that outside that I parked next to?" Im trying to lift some heavy ass weight but for some reason I decide to humor him and talk. I told him it was mine, to which he replies "that's cool it's almost as nice as my BMW." I immediately take this as an insult and hate him. I love that Caddy to death. Besides,I don't care if I drive a hooptie, you dont talk **** about another mans car ever. I told him that his BMW was a 325i, pretty much the cheapest one you could buy and that I could have easily bought two of those with the money spent on the caddy. He was more or less speechless. I then continue my workout. Our gym has a few speakers that you can play music on and he cranks it up loud enough for me to hear over my headphones. He then proceeds to the only squat rack in the gym to do, you guessed it, barbell curls. Only 5 pounds on each side too and a lot of back in it as well. He supersets these with some horrible form overhead triceps extensions on the only cable machine in the gym. I watched a kid ask to work in and he got denied. Fat douchebag told the kid to wait because he only had two more sets to do. Watched him do 5 more sets while the kid was waiting. You can't make this **** up.

TLDR: fat douchebag is the alpha-douche of my gym.
Execute him.


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I had a good one last week. So I work out at a commercial gym that everyone and their mother goes to. This guy came in (he was probably 5'11" or so and probably 180lb) with his brother or friend who was probably 5'8" and 140lbs wet. This guy jumped on the smith machine and put on a 45 and 25 on each side so he could do shrugs. His brother, who was not working out at all, was in charge of taking video of him shrugging this "massive load". He then took off his shirt and told his brother "Hey bro, make sure you get all dis in there" as he shrugged and grunted out his 10 or so reps. He finished the rest of his workout with his shirt off. I have a picture of this that is hilarious.
You sir are my hero. This douche has been found guilty of ultimate douchebaggery.


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The guy who says his shoulders are too big to squat..mind you he's around 6"'2 an only 200 lbs. he told me he hasn't squated in over 2 years. He just loads up the leg press with his knee wraps and does quarter reps to make up for it.. In order to get the energy to complete his half ass reps he takes at least 5 minutes between sets


Check this guy out, doing side laterals on our only lat pull down machine, a##h#le.. sh*tload of empty seats around..



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Check this guy out, doing side laterals on our only lat pull down machine, a##h#le.. sh*tload of empty seats around..

View attachment 79282
I thought it was a girl! I saw those titties and thought it was a broad! haha


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Fat douchebag walks in the gym. Openly calls out "who's Cadillac is that outside that I parked next to?" Im trying to lift some heavy ass weight but for some reason I decide to humor him and talk. I told him it was mine, to which he replies "that's cool it's almost as nice as my BMW." I immediately take this as an insult and hate him. I love that Caddy to death. Besides,I don't care if I drive a hooptie, you dont talk **** about another mans car ever. I told him that his BMW was a 325i, pretty much the cheapest one you could buy and that I could have easily bought two of those with the money spent on the caddy. He was more or less speechless. I then continue my workout. Our gym has a few speakers that you can play music on and he cranks it up loud enough for me to hear over my headphones. He then proceeds to the only squat rack in the gym to do, you guessed it, barbell curls. Only 5 pounds on each side too and a lot of back in it as well. He supersets these with some horrible form overhead triceps extensions on the only cable machine in the gym. I watched a kid ask to work in and he got denied. Fat douchebag told the kid to wait because he only had two more sets to do. Watched him do 5 more sets while the kid was waiting. You can't make this **** up.

TLDR: fat douchebag is the alpha-douche of my gym.
Mr Beats you made my day sir!
Also can some one please find the youtube vid of the shirtless guy doing the shrugs it has to be on the internet somewhere I just cant find it!


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Fat douchebag walks in the gym. Openly calls out "who's Cadillac is that outside that I parked next to?" Im trying to lift some heavy ass weight but for some reason I decide to humor him and talk. I told him it was mine, to which he replies "that's cool it's almost as nice as my BMW." I immediately take this as an insult and hate him. I love that Caddy to death. Besides,I don't care if I drive a hooptie, you dont talk **** about another mans car ever. I told him that his BMW was a 325i, pretty much the cheapest one you could buy and that I could have easily bought two of those with the money spent on the caddy. He was more or less speechless. I then continue my workout. Our gym has a few speakers that you can play music on and he cranks it up loud enough for me to hear over my headphones. He then proceeds to the only squat rack in the gym to do, you guessed it, barbell curls. Only 5 pounds on each side too and a lot of back in it as well. He supersets these with some horrible form overhead triceps extensions on the only cable machine in the gym. I watched a kid ask to work in and he got denied. Fat douchebag told the kid to wait because he only had two more sets to do. Watched him do 5 more sets while the kid was waiting. You can't make this **** up.

TLDR: fat douchebag is the alpha-douche of my gym.
Sounds like O'Doyle got a BMW. Too bad his destine for failure in the form of skidding on banana peal over a cliff. You got a real special case there. What kind of caddy do you drive? Is it an older one? If so post pics of a cool old caddy.


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It's picture offenders in 1....just 1 picture!!!!!


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It's picture offenders in 1....just 1 picture!!!!!
<img src=""/>
Holy hell!!! Time for a new gym!


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Luckily, I would have been able to avoid all those dumb b*stards today. Deadlift day!


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Luckily, I would have been able to avoid all those dumb b*stards today. Deadlift day!
Me too, woohoo time to **** em up! going for 4 plates, and im still kind of sick but **** IT! Always feel better after lifting even if im stuffed up anyway.


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I seriously am going to find a new gym. Was doing Hack Squats, I go to get water and some douchebag takes my hacksquat loads it will 6 plates on each side and does 1/8 reps... He then said "all yours bro". ****ing ******* it was mine from the start and my bag was right next to it. I was gone for literally a minute. Then some dumbass was using the only powerrack in the gym to do cleans. I wouldnt be mad but 1. we have barbells laying around why do youNEED to do that in a powerrack and 2. he was only using the bar +10 lbs on each side. 3. he was super setting it with BB curls -___-. He was a crossfitter for sure, did 10 sets, atleast... worth of cleans.

Then this big dbag, easily on roids. Strolls around the gym checking on what everyone else is doing. Oh last one, this one is by a ****ing girl. I took alphamine before i did my cardio so I knew I was going to sweat like a monster but this girl was next to me on the elliptical and she has been on it for 2 hours just going slow and not sweating. This girl had to be in her 20s shes not old by any means. Shes all dressed up in make up too! Wtf, then I take my hood off for one second, look around and then back at her giving me the dirtiest look ever. That type of look like "why are you sweating in a GYM" look. I wanted to cvnt slap her .

So many douches today, so many 1/4 reps, so many idiots... i cant take it.


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I seriously am going to find a new gym. Was doing Hack Squats, I go to get water and some douchebag takes my hacksquat loads it will 6 plates on each side and does 1/8 reps... He then said "all yours bro". ****ing ******* it was mine from the start and my bag was right next to it. I was gone for literally a minute. Then some dumbass was using the only powerrack in the gym to do cleans. I wouldnt be mad but 1. we have barbells laying around why do youNEED to do that in a powerrack and 2. he was only using the bar +10 lbs on each side. 3. he was super setting it with BB curls -___-. He was a crossfitter for sure, did 10 sets, atleast... worth of cleans.

Then this big dbag, easily on roids. Strolls around the gym checking on what everyone else is doing. Oh last one, this one is by a ****ing girl. I took alphamine before i did my cardio so I knew I was going to sweat like a monster but this girl was next to me on the elliptical and she has been on it for 2 hours just going slow and not sweating. This girl had to be in her 20s shes not old by any means. Shes all dressed up in make up too! Wtf, then I take my hood off for one second, look around and then back at her giving me the dirtiest look ever. That type of look like "why are you sweating in a GYM" look. I wanted to cvnt slap her .

So many douches today, so many 1/4 reps, so many idiots... i cant take it.
I feel you. When I have to workout at the gym on campus there's only one squat rack and its only used for curls....luckily every other leg setup is empty so I go there I'm leg days


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Decided to use my girlfriend's free guest pass at Planet Fitness today.. Came in to use smith machine (no free weight benches) & every single smith machine had unracked weight.


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