Douchebags at the gym...



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When I worked at our local gym, I had to clean that $hit up before... Went up to the guy , N said , good job!! Keep pushing ur self!!! Good thing I work in a nursing home, lol... Nothing like that bothers me, ha ha.. U know u had a greaaat workout when.......;)
You work at a nursing home?... Is Viagra on the pill list for the guys when you give them a bath? lol


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Lmfao!!! That's too funny... In all reality?? I just can't answer that question... " I am the walking form of the lil blue pill, " when I'm at work , ha ha ha.... Totally joking guys ....


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you're a douche
I know! I actually grabbed a spray bottle and cleaned it up. Not a TOTAL douche. The manager was cool about it... ;)


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So, D-bags at my gym came out in force the other day. My base gym doesn't get too busy, so between the fact I'm always there and I help maintain it, I pretty much do whatev I want. So I walk in, and there is 3 chicks doing yoga. And not even hot/sexy yoga...old lady, I have a fupa yoga. So I make the formality of saying "mind if I toss the radio on"....which was the plan regardless, because who says no to's a gym! apparently that shiz was a mistake, because they actually said no!!! Under normal circumstances I laugh, turn on the radio, and proceed to punish the weights. I was so dumbfounded that I had no comeback, I just stewed in anger for a few sets while these annoying hens did their best downward dog! Even my wife was pissed....and she could kill these broads, which I kinda wanted her to!! So after about 30 mins I call BS and turn it on.
Moral of the story...the gym is not a place for yoga, stupid d-bags!!!


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So, D-bags at my gym came out in force the other day. My base gym doesn't get too busy, so between the fact I'm always there and I help maintain it, I pretty much do whatev I want. So I walk in, and there is 3 chicks doing yoga. And not even hot/sexy yoga...old lady, I have a fupa yoga. So I make the formality of saying "mind if I toss the radio on"....which was the plan regardless, because who says no to's a gym! apparently that shiz was a mistake, because they actually said no!!! Under normal circumstances I laugh, turn on the radio, and proceed to punish the weights. I was so dumbfounded that I had no comeback, I just stewed in anger for a few sets while these annoying hens did their best downward dog! Even my wife was pissed....and she could kill these broads, which I kinda wanted her to!! So after about 30 mins I call BS and turn it on.
Moral of the story...the gym is not a place for yoga, stupid d-bags!!!
you are more of a man than me bro. I would put on the heaviest, brutalist, facemelting, chest crushing, earball orgasming death metal those old broads ever heard and just laughed. Mad respect for holding your cool for a small 30 minutes lol


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What's this radio thing you speak of? Lol, I gotta use the iPod. Can't stand anything on the radio


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What's this radio thing you speak of? Lol, I gotta use the iPod. Can't stand anything on the radio
doesn't work out well when you are doing Oly barbell complexes. It is my iPod plugged into the radio, small detail!


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Ahhhh, makes sense! Mygym plays crap so I can't not use headphones.


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Ahhhh, makes sense! Mygym plays crap so I can't not use headphones.
Me too man. Apparently my gym wants to be a fukin dance club.


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I have gotten to the point I ignore it. Only thing I pay attention to is my workout partner. But I'm also really loud and obnoxious when I talk. "This isn't a library"


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I'd like to b ur workout partner for a session, lol, I've never trained to the point of puking, ha ha... Just massive shakes, dizzy( I think I held my breath), lol, n dropping down to the ground with the db's , ha ha ha... ^^^


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I'd like to b ur workout partner for a session, lol, I've never trained to the point of puking, ha ha... Just massive shakes, dizzy( I think I held my breath), lol, n dropping down to the ground with the db's , ha ha ha... ^^^

It may take 2 workouts. I like to get a gauge of a persons strength before I really push them all out. The goal isn't to puke but it happened. I lay on the ground pretty much every workout now. I punish my body with short, intense, and infrequent workouts and it is paying off.


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My workout partner threw up in the trash can. I kept telling him it was time for standing press. Not sure who was the DB there. But a gym employee just handed him a trash bag and walked away.
Funny you mention that. My workout partner tossed his cookies in the parking lot before lifting lol


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Funny you mention that. My workout partner tossed his cookies in the parking lot before lifting lol

Haha why did he throw up before the workout? My workout partner said he ate too much and he told me he took 4 scoops of C4. But he had been close to puking before.


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Haha why did he throw up before the workout? My workout partner said he ate too much and he told me he took 4 scoops of C4. But he had been close to puking before.
He took NOxplode and said it was horrible and he just started puking lol


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Do douche bags in the gym parking lot count? I arrive at the gym typically 5:00-5:30 AM so the parking lot is virtually empty. However, I never park close, because I leave those spots for the old folks and the phat phucks.

So I parked probably 125 yards from the door. I like a little walk before I step into the gym. There are easily 400 open spots and the closest car to me is maybe 150 feet from mine. Total cars in the lot was about 8 or 9.

I work out and shower and come out to get in my car. Now there is maybe a total of 14 cars with mine still being a country mile from everyone else's except this one dbag that parked so close to me that I had to climb in my car through the passenger door. 400 empty spaces, yet they almost park on top of my car.



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Do douche bags in the gym parking lot count? I arrive at the gym typically 5:00-5:30 AM so the parking lot is virtually empty. However, I never park close, because I leave those spots for the old folks and the phat phucks. So I parked probably 125 yards from the door. I like a little walk before I step into the gym. There are easily 400 open spots and the closest car to me is maybe 150 feet from mine. Total cars in the lot was about 8 or 9. I work out and shower and come out to get in my car. Now there is maybe a total of 14 cars with mine still being a country mile from everyone else's except this one dbag that parked so close to me that I had to climb in my car through the passenger door. 400 empty spaces, yet they almost park on top of my car. WTF!!??!!
Super douch!!


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Do douche bags in the gym parking lot count? I arrive at the gym typically 5:00-5:30 AM so the parking lot is virtually empty. However, I never park close, because I leave those spots for the old folks and the phat phucks. So I parked probably 125 yards from the door. I like a little walk before I step into the gym. There are easily 400 open spots and the closest car to me is maybe 150 feet from mine. Total cars in the lot was about 8 or 9. I work out and shower and come out to get in my car. Now there is maybe a total of 14 cars with mine still being a country mile from everyone else's except this one dbag that parked so close to me that I had to climb in my car through the passenger door. 400 empty spaces, yet they almost park on top of my car. WTF!!??!!
Its usually a pos car next to yours too. Dont want any damage on the rusty wagon.


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Do douche bags in the gym parking lot count? I arrive at the gym typically 5:00-5:30 AM so the parking lot is virtually empty. However, I never park close, because I leave those spots for the old folks and the phat phucks.

So I parked probably 125 yards from the door. I like a little walk before I step into the gym. There are easily 400 open spots and the closest car to me is maybe 150 feet from mine. Total cars in the lot was about 8 or 9.

I work out and shower and come out to get in my car. Now there is maybe a total of 14 cars with mine still being a country mile from everyone else's except this one dbag that parked so close to me that I had to climb in my car through the passenger door. 400 empty spaces, yet they almost park on top of my car.

make some of these!


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Yeah, I don't vomit during my workout.

There is nothing to be gained from it; I didn't vomit any of the times I had to go through the gas chamber so I'll be damned if I do it for anything else.

I have, however, passed out more than once. Typically, when trying to stabilize an OHP at the top of the motion, it's worse when using implements.


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Momentarily blacked out once locking out a 525 deadlift @ 16. Threw up a little in my mouth once after a lifting combine and doing 315x31 deads in 60 seconds.

Otherwise no actually tossing of the cookies for this guy.


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4 scoops of c4?? I love that $hit .. Just not that much, ha ha... I've seen to many guys toss their cookies from NOxplode though.. It foams up so much.. If I take if I just let it sit for a couple before I chug it, ha ha... The premixed stuff in small bottles is good though... 2 scoops per lil bottle.. Yum!!!


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4 scoops of c4?? I love that $hit .. Just not that much, ha ha... I've seen to many guys toss their cookies from NOxplode though.. It foams up so much.. If I take if I just let it sit for a couple before I chug it, ha ha... The premixed stuff in small bottles is good though... 2 scoops per lil bottle.. Yum!!!
I'm all about my White Flood. Its like crack, I can't stop. I have 6 tubs I haven't opened plus 1 in my locker, 1 at home and 1 in my truck. What If I want lemonade instead of watermelon? BAM got a tub in my gym bag lol. Got the memorial day sale. They were 17 a piece... I bought 10


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I think I broke some kind of seal haha. He puked again today same place in the workout. Said he didn't take a preworkout and didn't overeat. He did finish the workout though.

You won't catch me puking. I know how to breathe and make sure to bring water.


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Ha ha ha.... That's great!!!! ( not intentional my a$$) u did it again, way to push him, lol......I want some of that... Lol....


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I'm usually the one that pushes ppl, I've never been pushed( accept when it's a workout with my coach, then I'm broken for a day or so) cause she switches $hit up for me:) she makes it look so easy, n it's NOT.... Ha ha ha.... Oh ya, no d bags at the gym tonight ... Who's got some good stories???


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I think I broke some kind of seal haha. He puked again today same place in the workout. Said he didn't take a preworkout and didn't overeat. He did finish the workout though.

You won't catch me puking. I know how to breathe and make sure to bring water.
Maybe he's chugging water too fast before the lifts...


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I don't want him to puke. Then we have to stop haha. Makes others wait for their turn.
I push people and love being pushed. He was a bit timid to push me today. I think it was because I bellowed "I felt like punching you in the face when I saw you."
It was odd because I didn't end up laying down today. Still pushed for more reps though.
I think he might not be getting enough water throughout the day. This workout is rough especially when you have someone dragging you along.


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Had these 3 freshman looking high schoolers come into the gym yesterday. The biggest one was probably 120 lbs with clothes on. He is of course trying to show off for his two buddies. While I'm doing my DB shoulder shrugs, he comes over and grabs one of the 90 lb DBs and take it over to a bench carrying it with both hands. I'm curious what he plans to do with it so I kinda watch in the mirror --DB rows. He got a full 1 1/2" range of motion with it for 2 reps and then acted like he had just done something impressive. I noticed one of the buddies caught me laughing to myself and gave me the look and shoulder shrug as if to say, "Yeah, he's a douche!" LOL!!


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Had these 3 freshman looking high schoolers come into the gym yesterday. The biggest one was probably 120 lbs with clothes on. He is of course trying to show off for his two buddies. While I'm doing my DB shoulder shrugs, he comes over and grabs one of the 90 lb DBs and take it over to a bench carrying it with both hands. I'm curious what he plans to do with it so I kinda watch in the mirror --DB rows. He got a full 1 1/2" range of motion with it for 2 reps and then acted like he had just done something impressive. I noticed one of the buddies caught me laughing to myself and gave me the look and shoulder shrug as if to say, "Yeah, he's a douche!" LOL!!
Don't be jealous because he did more than you haha. What a tool, and even his buddies knows it. Too funny


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I get annoyed with kids that bring their overweight friends to the gym for the first time, n try to show off, n make them feel weak n useless, as they laugh at them n try to make em do $hit way outta their league... Fk!!! Sometimes I will step in n b like: u r doing good bud! If u have any questions don't hesitate to ask... As I give em a pat on the back... I know ... I'm sensitive... Lol...


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I get annoyed with kids that bring their overweight friends to the gym for the first time, n try to show off, n make them feel weak n useless, as they laugh at them n try to make em do $hit way outta their league... Fk!!! Sometimes I will step in n b like: u r doing good bud! If u have any questions don't hesitate to ask... As I give em a pat on the back... I know ... I'm sensitive... Lol...
"Friends" they aren't friends. Granted I have a few obese friends that piss me off with their complaining and excuses. So I'm a dick now.

(I've offered them free training and provided diet advice many a time kindly)


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I hear ya, but I don't give up that easy.. I'm a preacher according to MY friends, when it comes to diet n exercise... Ha ha.. Lots of ppl bitch about how they look but don't wanna do $hit about it.. It's funny, I always get the sob story when I'm out for a cheat meal, n I see them pigging out, ha ha..


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I should b a good motivational story!! From fat to 2 first places in less then 2 years, ha ha ha... A good start anyway, lol...


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Good for you guys. I am the opposite. I hate fat people and anyone who complains. You think I enjoy 5 1.5hr training sessions, 7 cardio sessions a week and prepping 7 meals a day? Not really but I like results more than excuses. I don't offer advice unless asked by someone who will really listen and do it. If a fat fuk has some sob story about how they have a medical condition and are fat now. I remind them they are fat and the medical condition exists because they are fat. If they keep doing what they always have done they will keep getting what they always got.

I don't like fat people trying to lift when I am working out. Its gross and they belong on the stair master. 1 Weight session a week plus minimul effort is no justification to be a can of crisco.

I have no problem with a person who TRULY works hard but lets face it... that's rare as a fukin unicorn. Maybe the military made me insensitive to people out of shape but.... they are still out of shape.

I know I am a douche.

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