Douchebags at the gym...



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I think the demographic in the video is only a function of location. You could conduct the same interview in small Midwestern towns and get similar answers from a different group.

This mentality permeates every race in the country, it's not unique to one.
It isnt even about race its a culture that has been and is being brought up to think that handouts are a part of life and working the system is how it works. Black white brown and yellow. Its only when we see a different color person doing something that we hate that racial slurs and stereo types come into play when really it is our disgust in the situation being channeled towards an entire group or race, when the reality is that if we saw a person of our own skin color doing the exact same thing we would feel the same amount of disgust just not projected in a racist manor.


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Why the fawk is everyone quoting my post when referencing race? Look at the post above mine; I was responding to that.


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Why the fawk is everyone quoting my post when referencing race? Look at the post above mine; I was responding to that.
I was agreeing and elaborating on what you said man just piggybacking on an already good though :)


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You should have told that guy that since your tax dollars are paying for his assistance you get to have a say in what he eats. I am all for helping people thats one thing that makes us a first world nation but when you have people like that it makes me so mad. I actually had a guy offer to sell me his food stamps 50cents on the dollar I wanted to punch him in the face! I think that all those people on government assistance need to be drug and alcohol tested and be forced to "volunteer" for public service so that they know what it is to earn something and contribute to society instead of bugging me asking for my change!
- end rant
The scary part is that the percentage of folks u just described is alarmingly high in this country. As much as a 5th of our country r on food stamps. Granted, not all of them r like that though but many are.

And by the way its never been about race its been about socioeconomic classes. People just see trends of certain races in certain classes and assume its about color. Its always been and always will be about money in this culture.


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It isnt even about race its a culture that has been and is being brought up to think that handouts are a part of life and working the system is how it works. Black white brown and yellow. Its only when we see a different color person doing something that we hate that racial slurs and stereo types come into play when really it is our disgust in the situation being channeled towards an entire group or race, when the reality is that if we saw a person of our own skin color doing the exact same thing we would feel the same amount of disgust just not projected in a racist manor.
The guy this am was white and he was with his mommy. He probably looked about 25-30. Two months ago, I saw two black ladies with $700.00 worth of food, while I was thinking, how can I stretch my $20.00. My bestfriend's family have been on welfare for over 30 years.... It's everybody.


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The scary part is that the percentage of folks u just described is alarmingly high in this country. As much as a 5th of our country r on food stamps. Granted, not all of them r like that though but many are.

And by the way its never been about race its been about socioeconomic classes. People just see trends of certain races in certain classes and assume its about color. Its always been and always will be about money in this culture.
You are telling me, In CA there were so many people on "food stamps" that they changed the name to "Cal Fresh" so as to not demean people any further.


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complied with....but if you slam a weight in an empty gym, does it still make a sound?
Yes and if you record it a hipster would buy the album just because it is that underground.


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complied with....but if you slam a weight in an empty gym, does it still make a sound?
thats a tough one. i think the only way to make sure its heard is to physically throw it down instead of just dropping or controlling the drop. make it as loud and ground shaking as possible. then take a step outside and roar your lungs out


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thats a tough one. i think the only way to make sure its heard is to physically throw it down instead of just dropping or controlling the drop. make it as loud and ground shaking as possible. then take a step outside and roar your lungs out
its like you were watching me.....


I'm the douche this am. I just stood in line at the grocery store, while a guy spent almost $500 of food-stamps on junk food. He then decided that he didn't want the rest of his stuff in the cart and told the cashier, he knows how it feels to have to put it all back!
Eating healthy is expensive. Bottom line. He's buying junk food because its cheap. At least that's why I hope he's buying it.


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Eating healthy is expensive. Bottom line. He's buying junk food because its cheap. At least that's why I hope he's buying it.
No, because it's not his money and he can spend it frivolously. People who have to spend their own money, will be more aware of how they spend it. Healthy eating is NOT expensive.


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Eating healthy is expensive. Bottom line. He's buying junk food because its cheap. At least that's why I hope he's buying it.
Eating health is most certainly not any more expensive than eating junk its just more time consuming to prep season and cook good whole food than it is to just plop some fat and salt laden pre cooked frozen meal in the microwave or drive through McD's and get 5 things off the dollar menu and drench them in mayo.


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Boneless skinless chicken breasts average about $2/lb big ass bag of broccoli or mixed veggies 5$ rice and beans also pretty cheap

Irish Cannon

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Douche move of the day:

Left my chalk bag at the gym after I was pulling. Went back to get it and someone had used it; left the bag/chalk spilling all over the floor...this is why we can't have nice things.

I'm always the guy that grabs a gym rag and cleans up the chalk dust. The owners don't hassle me because they know I always clean up after myself.


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Never know Swanson was such a racist wow!!!!! What a terrible guy ;)


Eating health is most certainly not any more expensive than eating junk its just more time consuming to prep season and cook good whole food than it is to just plop some fat and salt laden pre cooked frozen meal in the microwave or drive through McD's and get 5 things off the dollar menu and drench them in mayo.
In mayo? Da fuq?


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In mayo? Da fuq?
Have you ever had one of their chicken samiches off the dollar menu covered in mayo same with their burgers except its their "secret sauce"


Have you ever had one of their chicken samiches off the dollar menu covered in mayo same with their burgers except its their "secret sauce"
Oh alright I got you. I thought you meant like add mayo to them instead of like ketchup. Misunderstanding


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Oh alright I got you. I thought you meant like add mayo to them instead of like ketchup. Misunderstanding
lol that would be kinda gnarly. the only thing I add mayo to that may be considered weird is broccoli and artichokes but i make a spicy mayo dipping sauce.


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I booted a crossfit douche out of the squat rack today. He was rotating between pull ups, bent over rows and pushups. I walked over and asked him how many sets he had left.

Me: "How many you got left there boss?"
CD: "A few more... Why what are you going to do in here?"
Me: "Uh... Squat?"

Removes himself immediately. I was actually kind of impressed.


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I booted a crossfit douche out of the squat rack today. He was rotating between pull ups, bent over rows and pushups. I walked over and asked him how many sets he had left.

Me: "How many you got left there boss?"
CD: "A few more... Why what are you going to do in here?"
Me: "Uh... Squat?"

Removes himself immediately. I was actually kind of impressed.
Not a true CrossFit guy. Doesn't have the "I'm better than you because I do CrossFit and that makes me more important than you. Which means I can do what I want and you have to get out of my way!" attitude. I give him 1 more month before he's completely brainwashed like the rest of them. Should have just dropped a 80 lb DB on his head and saved yourself some trouble down the road! ;)


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I would respond to that one too, but I'm gonna go do some CF and be awesome instead!


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I rest my case! ^^
i thought I lathered on the sarcasm enough. I still don't get why think that way about CFers. Where are these people you speak of?? Not around my area that's for sure! I do CF about once a week, and all the people are cool as ice. In fact, they have much less ego that many other guys I lift with outside of CF. But hey, everyone seems to enjoy the hater bandwagon, so have at it.


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i thought I lathered on the sarcasm enough. I still don't get why think that way about CFers. Where are these people you speak of?? Not around my area that's for sure! I do CF about once a week, and all the people are cool as ice. In fact, they have much less ego that many other guys I lift with outside of CF. But hey, everyone seems to enjoy the hater bandwagon, so have at it.
Hahaha! Mine was sarcasm too -- directed towards you cause I knew you did CF! Lol!

I've got some relation that is big into CF and has that attitude -kinda.


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i thought I lathered on the sarcasm enough. I still don't get why think that way about CFers. Where are these people you speak of?? Not around my area that's for sure! I do CF about once a week, and all the people are cool as ice. In fact, they have much less ego that many other guys I lift with outside of CF. But hey, everyone seems to enjoy the hater bandwagon, so have at it.
I was at an XFit event today and every single guy there thought he was the greatest thing on Earth.

Edit: not every guy, but the majority.


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I was at an XFit event today and every single guy there thought he was the greatest thing on Earth.
Including Jim ;)

Just playin brotha


Some aspects of xfit are interesting and I inderstand what it's about : being a jack of all trades. But alot of ppl think they're goat, at least the ones I've encountered


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I booted a crossfit douche out of the squat rack today. He was rotating between pull ups, bent over rows and pushups. I walked over and asked him how many sets he had left.

Me: "How many you got left there boss?"
CD: "A few more... Why what are you going to do in here?"
Me: "Uh... Squat?"

Removes himself immediately. I was actually kind of impressed.
He knew he was taking up room lol. Good on him for moving though...shows he knows what a power rack is for at least


New member
*insert generic curls in squat rack rant* *insert generic partial squat rant* Okay, now that all that is out of the way, I lament the fact that I haven't had a well-placed fart coming up from the bottom of a squat in a few years


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I was at an XFit event today and every single guy there thought he was the greatest thing on Earth. Edit: not every guy, but the majority.
im pretty sure any fitness event is like that! I'm gonna say the oil lathered tan body builders have to be the worst! Talk about ego! On stage, banana hammock, oiled and flexing!! Come off it....


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im pretty sure any fitness event is like that! I'm gonna say the oil lathered tan body builders have to be the worst! Talk about ego! On stage, banana hammock, oiled and flexing!! Come off it....
Never been.

But, neither my PLing meet nor my strongman competition were like that.


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im pretty sure any fitness event is like that! I'm gonna say the oil lathered tan body builders have to be the worst! Talk about ego! On stage, banana hammock, oiled and flexing!! Come off it....
Much like racism or any other discrimination, your perspective would change if u had friends that did bodybuilding. Sure, there are cocky ones but I'd like for you to try and find any sport or form of competition that didnt have those types.

Some people mistake confidence for arrogance. They look the same on the outside looking in. You have to at least talk to folks a bit to see a difference.

There are plenty of down to earth competitors in bodybuilding.


I've seen arrogance mistaken for confidence never the other way around. You can't be arrogant and be confident. It doesn't work like that. Confident people are generally modest


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This thread has become a crap show lately and sometimes I wonder if we are acting worse in here than the people we talk down on...


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I've seen arrogance mistaken for confidence never the other way around. You can't be arrogant and be confident. It doesn't work like that. Confident people are generally modest
Right, but looking at a man at a distance that is about to walk out on a stage so bright that he wont be able to see past his hands yet will have hundreds of spectators critically watching him and you're tellin me that looking sure of himself/herself makes them arrogant?

The point I'm making isnt about whether ur generalization is correct or not. The point is that you have no way of knowing for certain without talking to someone for longer than a few seconds. Assuming u'd actually care to win a bb'ing comp, being confident in yourself on stage and especially just before is very key to play mind games with the competition AND the judges.

In a close match up, confidence could make the difference in u winning and losing a comp. So yeah, if looking like a confident a-hole back stage causes u to think I'm arrogant, so what? You did so with an assumption that u have no proof about. Just because u think its that way doesnt mean that it is.

Believe it or not the sport and the process for conditioning for it is quite fun. Many guys do the sport for personal improvements rather than for vanity and attention.


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Right, but looking at a man at a distance that is about to walk out on a stage so bright that he wont be able to see past his hands yet will have hundreds of spectators critically watching him and you're tellin me that looking sure of himself/herself makes them arrogant?

The point I'm making isnt about whether ur generalization is correct or not. The point is that you have no way of knowing for certain without talking to someone for longer than a few seconds. Assuming u'd actually care to win a bb'ing comp, being confident in yourself on stage and especially just before is very key to play mind games with the competition AND the judges.

In a close match up, confidence could make the difference in u winning and losing a comp. So yeah, if looking like a confident a-hole back stage causes u to think I'm arrogant, so what? You did so with an assumption that u have no proof about. Just because u think its that way doesnt mean that it is.

Believe it or not the sport and the process for conditioning for it is quite fun. Many guys do the sport for personal improvements rather than for vanity and attention.
People assume I'm arrogant but the truth is that I'm just shy. Even at the gym, people assume I'm a total douche, but once they get the courage to talk to me, I'm extremely nice. We judge too much in this society. We try our best and people still judge, it's human nature. Girls can't even appreciate another beautiful girl.. My friend said, "cocky, confident, or arrogant, never let anyone dictate how you should feel about yourself!"


"Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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