Douchebags at the gym...

Irish Cannon

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Getting really tired of people singing/rapping with their music when they have their headphones on. - Reaaaaally tired of it. Nobody wants to hear it. The winning line today, "...ya I'm strapped, b*tch!" - About as loud as he could prior to doing one of those squirrely, feet/legs flailing in the air, bench presses.


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was at gym today and this big ass Samoan dude had one of those Bluetooth speakers goin bumpin some rage against the machine. it was loud!! i could hear it through my earbuds but i wasn't about to tell him to turn it down. dude was about 6" 250 easily.


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Few weeks back at college, there was a group of like 5 douches. It was International Chest Day(Monday) and they were all on the bench. Definitely looked like freshman but w.e. They only had 45's on both sides. Each and every kid was doing a set of like only 2 presses while the others were screaming at them. They all failed to even get a set of 4 or anything of significance. They kept saying "DO ONE MORE" and let their blood red faced friends struggle for a long ass time before they assisted. Stop yelling at the rec for 2 reps of assisted presses please. Douchebags.


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Few weeks back at college, there was a group of like 5 douches. It was International Chest Day(Monday) and they were all on the bench. Definitely looked like freshman but w.e. They only had 45's on both sides. Each and every kid was doing a set of like only 2 presses while the others were screaming at them. They all failed to even get a set of 4 or anything of significance. They kept saying "DO ONE MORE" and let their blood red faced friends struggle for a long ass time before they assisted. Stop yelling at the rec for 2 reps of assisted presses please. Douchebags.
Almost as bad as the spotter who never lets go of the bar. (The guy was only benching 95)


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Dude asked me for a spot about a week ago... Little did I know I'd have to help with the first rep & upright row the 2nd... To my surprise, even after he'd practically failed, he dropped a little of the weight for a drop set & the same thing happened... He did this for total 3 sets... He didn't seem to happy that I waited for him to get stuck to touch the bar...


i think i douched today, a bro was sharing the bench with me, he did singles all the way after warming up. finally he it was 2 plates and he asked that i help when he was failing.. 4 reps in he didnt look good on his 5th the bar stopped halfway for a good 5sec and was headed back down, i guided the bar up with minimal help.. he was looking for a PR and asked if i helped had to be frank, sorry brah..


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Getting really tired of people singing/rapping with their music when they have their headphones on. - Reaaaaally tired of it. Nobody wants to hear it. The winning line today, "...ya I'm strapped, b*tch!" - About as loud as he could prior to doing one of those squirrely, feet/legs flailing in the air, bench presses.
must have been a 110# white kid :)


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Asking to work in isnt selfish and shouldnt be annoying. For every reason you have for it being wrong I could think of two why it should be fine.

Unless u own the gym or pay extra for rights to certain equipment, it shouldnt matter. Also, there is so much talking and texting and browsing going on these days in gyms that what should only take a few seconds winds up taking several minutes for most folks in the gym. So it isnt outlandish that someone asks to work in with u in between ur sets.

Not to mention that some lifters are more advanced and have more stringent requirements on timing their breaks than others do. They shouldnt have to wait unless there is no other way. Being unwilling to share and thus be held accountable to ur time efficiency isnt very justifiable and if anything it forces one to pick up the pace and get movin since the equipment is being shared over the same period of time...


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Asking to work in isnt selfish and shouldnt be annoying. For every reason you have for it being wrong I could think of two why it should be fine.

Unless u own the gym or pay extra for rights to certain equipment, it shouldnt matter. Also, there is so much talking and texting and browsing going on these days in gyms that what should only take a few seconds winds up taking several minutes for most folks in the gym. So it isnt outlandish that someone asks to work in with u in between ur sets.

Not to mention that some lifters are more advanced and have more stringent requirements on timing their breaks than others do. They shouldnt have to wait unless there is no other way. Being unwilling to share and thus be held accountable to ur time efficiency isnt very justifiable and if anything it forces one to pick up the pace and get movin since the equipment is being shared over the same period of time...
And coming from the other side. Some advanced power lifters need longer breaks. It's part of our training. Don't rush us. Ask us to work in and any reasonable person will allow it as long as you change your own weights out. If I'm deadlifting 500+ you can bet I'm not gona let you work in to do curls though!!!!


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And coming from the other side. Some advanced power lifters need longer breaks. It's part of our training. Don't rush us. Ask us to work in and any reasonable person will allow it as long as you change your own weights out. If I'm deadlifting 500+ you can bet I'm not gona let you work in to do curls though!!!!
I agree Country. I think people should work with others within reason. My gym kinda has a family feel, except for the Mexicans. They're cool but they dont speak much english so they arent as tight with us as they could be..

With that, I think all of us are guilty of a number of these things that people are being flamed for. I know I have at times. I just dont see the point in bashing someone one who thinks differently than myself on matters like this. It'd be different if we were talking about morals, law or ethics but we arent.


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Asking to work in isnt selfish and shouldnt be annoying. For every reason you have for it being wrong I could think of two why it should be fine.

Unless u own the gym or pay extra for rights to certain equipment, it shouldnt matter. Also, there is so much talking and texting and browsing going on these days in gyms that what should only take a few seconds winds up taking several minutes for most folks in the gym. So it isnt outlandish that someone asks to work in with u in between ur sets.

Not to mention that some lifters are more advanced and have more stringent requirements on timing their breaks than others do. They shouldnt have to wait unless there is no other way. Being unwilling to share and thus be held accountable to ur time efficiency isnt very justifiable and if anything it forces one to pick up the pace and get movin since the equipment is being shared over the same period of time...
Yeah, definitely no problem with working in as long as people use common sense. It's definitely no burden to quickly change the peg on a machine. And if they're changing plates, it's no big deal if they're quick about it and change it back to what the original user had.

If someone always immediately gets mad when someone asks if they can work in, the douchebag is probably them...

Irish Cannon

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Yeah, definitely no problem with working in as long as people use common sense. It's definitely no burden to quickly change the peg on a machine. And if they're changing plates, it's no big deal if they're quick about it and change it back to what the original user had.

If someone always immediately gets mad when someone asks if they can work in, the douchebag is probably them...
Machines are one thing, but when I'm squatting and a kid wants me to unrack 4 plates after each set for him to squat 135, I get a little irritated. Just wait till I finish and it's yours. Unless you're going to be using the same or close to the same weight, don't step into someones free-weight session.


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I understand that we all pay for the gym, and that everyone has a shot at the equipment.

That said, first come, first served. I have waited patiently and even modified my training days/times to coincide with optimal equipment availability.

If I'm squatting, plan to wait on me. Why? Maybe because I'm a dick, as I'm sure some will see it. From my end-the rack was open when I was ready. Don't like it? Wait or squat at another time. Sorry.

By the same token, if I roll in and somebody is squatting I have no expectation that I'll get in to use it. It's not my turn and I'm not entitled to its use any more than anyone else.

But that's just me.


Asking to work in isnt selfish and shouldnt be annoying. For every reason you have for it being wrong I could think of two why it should be fine.

Unless u own the gym or pay extra for rights to certain equipment, it shouldnt matter. Also, there is so much talking and texting and browsing going on these days in gyms that what should only take a few seconds winds up taking several minutes for most folks in the gym. So it isnt outlandish that someone asks to work in with u in between ur sets.

Not to mention that some lifters are more advanced and have more stringent requirements on timing their breaks than others do. They shouldnt have to wait unless there is no other way. Being unwilling to share and thus be held accountable to ur time efficiency isnt very justifiable and if anything it forces one to pick up the pace and get movin since the equipment is being shared over the same period of time...
In my previous post (although not nearly as thorough and well put because I'm using a phone app)
This was all I was really trying to say. If I said it like this guy did I probably wouldn't have gotten everyone so irritated. Or maybe because this guy has more experience people perceive it differently than a guy who hasn't even been lifting for 3 yrs

Irish Cannon

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If I'm squatting, plan to wait on me. Why? Maybe because I'm a dick, as I'm sure some will see it. From my end-the rack was open when I was ready. Don't like it? Wait or squat at another time. Sorry.

By the same token, if I roll in and somebody is squatting I have no expectation that I'll get in to use it. It's not my turn and I'm not entitled to its use any more than anyone else.

But that's just me.
Agreed 100%.


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I understand that we all pay for the gym, and that everyone has a shot at the equipment. That said, first come, first served. I have waited patiently and even modified my training days/times to coincide with optimal equipment availability. If I'm squatting, plan to wait on me. Why? Maybe because I'm a dick, as I'm sure some will see it. From my end-the rack was open when I was ready. Don't like it? Wait or squat at another time. Sorry. By the same token, if I roll in and somebody is squatting I have no expectation that I'll get in to use it. It's not my turn and I'm not entitled to its use any more than anyone else. But that's just me.
yeah, you're a dick....we would get along just fine!!! Haha


It's not ideal for people to work in. I SELDOMLY get asked that question. Most just try and rush me by campin out real close and ask how many more sets or whatever. All that does is make me take my time even more.

Yea it sucks to wait, but I was here first. I have waited a long time to use something, and sometimes I just do a different exercise all together if it's gonna take a long time, one time I even left Bc I was crunched for time and it the gym was packed.

If someone will work in and change back to where I had it everytime that's cool. But that doesbt happen often


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I really think it's crazy how many people get talked to at the gym, I really do. Asking to work in, witty banter, whatever.

I was just thinking about how many times over the last 6 months or so I've been spoken to by someone other than a PL coach, and I'm sure it's been 3 times.

Once by the gym owner reaming my ass for rounding by back on a DL, once by a dude asking for a spot on his 455x5 bench (lol if you fail I'm not sure I can help), and once by someone asking if I was using a rack.

I must look absolutely unapproachable.


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And coming from the other side. Some advanced power lifters need longer breaks. It's part of our training. Don't rush us. Ask us to work in and any reasonable person will allow it as long as you change your own weights out. If I'm deadlifting 500+ you can bet I'm not gona let you work in to do curls though!!!!
relax country, your 135lbs squats are no where near advance, lemme know when you break 155lbs holmes ;)


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relax country, your 135lbs squats are no where near advance, lemme know when you break 155lbs holmes ;)
Actually I said deadlift, and it's an elite level lift not advanced.


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How much you pulling these days?
I dunno I need to be maxing soon. Haven't pulled a max effort since June. Probably sometime next cycle/2 of 5/3/1. Hit 485x6 last week. I need to get committed to a meet and see what that will produce.


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I dunno I need to be maxing soon. Haven't pulled a max effort since June. Probably sometime next cycle/2 of 5/3/1. Hit 485x6 last week. I need to get committed to a meet and see what that will produce.
Definitely need to test that to see what your true 1RM is. The rep calculators get increasingly more inaccurate with each additional repetition.


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Definitely need to test that to see what your true 1RM is. The rep calculators get increasingly more inaccurate with each additional repetition.
Yup. I pulled 550 then, so I should be pulling 570-580 I would think now. Problem is due to the plate thickness at my gym I can only do 545 or 585. The bar is filled up, and no 35s. so I want to make sure I'll nail it before I make an attempt. Also the bars SUCK at this gym. No slack to them and thicker than normal for who knows what reason.

Quit beatin around the bush already, Country, and do a damn meet.
The one I was tryin to do is this weekend... and there is another push/pull meet close by this weekend I was considerin. Schools just been so crazy lately I haven't had time to do anything but focus on it and get my training in. I'm gona try and find one over my break or else pick one out for the summer. These 2 meets came right at the end of my 6 weeks of 5-3-1 so not at all in shape to do a meet. I would have to tone this week down. I would really rather do a full meet than a partial though. But you are right I need to stop making excuses and do one. Training has been great lately and I'm sure the motivation to prep for a meet will only fuel the fire.


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Machines are one thing, but when I'm squatting and a kid wants me to unrack 4 plates after each set for him to squat 135, I get a little irritated. Just wait till I finish and it's yours. Unless you're going to be using the same or close to the same weight, don't step into someones free-weight session.
That scenario isn't a reasonable if someone expects you to let em work in with you while doin squats


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I was a bit of a douche tonight. Got lots of stares. Pushed my workout partner through a set of bent over rows and afterward he laid down next to a trashcan. I kept telling(quite loudly) to get up. For the next 2 exercises I brought the weights to him as he stayed close to the trashcan. After that I just dragged the trashcan around.

Fat high school kid decided to max out on leg press. Loaded up as many 45s as he could to do a single half rep. When he starts pulling plates off I start taking them and he just stops taking plates off. I might have made a joke about the only thing he was doing was training to be a professional loader. What is worse is I found out who his dad is. He is this guy that something about how I am going to hurt my back deadlifting and I was only warming up with 315.


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There was a douche tonight who loaded the leg press machine with 45s (12plates), did 2 sets of half reps then left all the plates on the machine.


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There was a douche tonight who loaded the leg press machine with 45s (12plates), did 2 sets of half reps then left all the plates on the machine.
Be glad your leg press only held 12 plates. I think the one at this fitness center holds 28 total plates.


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There was a douche tonight who loaded the leg press machine with 45s (12plates), did 2 sets of half reps then left all the plates on the machine.
Lots of videos on youtube of douches doing that haha. Loading up like 25 plates and doing pretty much nothing with it


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Lots of videos on youtube of douches doing that haha. Loading up like 25 plates and doing pretty much nothing with it
I was staring at him while he was doing his half reps and the douche in me laughed(with my head down). Then I stared at him again when he left all the plates(evil eyes)!


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The leg press at my gym is a douche the platforms like 2" to high for me to unrack and rerack without assistance. Tall people suck.

Not really a douche move either but the other day I was taking a crap and rolling a joint in the gym bathroom and my headphones cell out of my ears and into the toilet landed right on a big ole turd gravity is an *******


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I was staring at him while he was doing his half reps and the douche in me laughed(with my head down). Then I stared at him again when he left all the plates(evil eyes)!
Well, I used to give people crap about half reps but I actually do those quite often on leg press now because it isolates my quads better. I started noticing much bigger guys than myself doin half reps instead of bouncing and going deep in the leg press. Granted I only do about 4 to 8 plates on either side and go for reps of 15+.

But leavin the weight on is not common courtesy...


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Lots of videos on youtube of douches doing that haha. Loading up like 25 plates and doing pretty much nothing with it
"sure i leg press 15 plates" what do you squat...."nah thats bad for your knees" :O


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haha your username makes sense now that I realize you're almost 7' tall, lol.

If he has Hammer Strength leg press, he can set the platform on the lower catch. Most people don't realize it is even there but many leg press machines have thought of such issues and created additional settings on the rack.


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haha your username makes sense now that I realize you're almost 7' tall, lol.

If he has Hammer Strength leg press, he can set the platform on the lower catch. Most people don't realize it is even there but many leg press machines have thought of such issues and created additional settings on the rack.
I've had a couple people come up and tell me they've never seen anyone squat out of the top pin positions in the rack before lol

The ol' HIGHTOWER squat!


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I've had a couple people come up and tell me they've never seen anyone squat out of the top pin positions in the rack before lol

The ol' HIGHTOWER squat!
Yeah, congrats to you sir for being 16" taller than me, lol.
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