Does Beastdrol=Superdrol?


Well-known member
I was reading about Superdrol a bit and was really interested in trying it. However, I don't even know where to start looking for that anymore since it's illegal. However...

Someone pointed me to Beastdrol and said it was really Superdrol. Beastdrol is available for purchase legally.

Not much info about it on AM. Has anyone here tried it? Is it really Superdrol?
The label of Beastdrol shows 2a,17a-dimethyl-5a-androst-3-one-17b-ol, which is Superdrol. Superdrol has not been banned which is why you can still get Beastdrol.
SuperDrol IS banned- this is a clone....just like m-drol which is also a clone- I would go with m-drol personally....I found a bottle for like 23 bucks bottle of that stuff will LAST you as it is very potent and shouldnt be run longer than 3-4 weeks. I am bridging it into another compound but will only be on M-drol for 3 weeks
For the record, not all superdrol clones are created equal.

Beastdrol- I can assure you has top notch purity.

Beast, AX Superdrol or SNS would be the only clones I would use.

Possibly, PP's Superdrone.

Everybody else, I will pass.

Also, who needs a clone when you have this-:bigeyes:


  • OGsuper.jpg
    54.4 KB · Views: 3,926
That picture is turning me on...

Thanks for the answers guys. I will be ordering some Beastdrol soon, maybe even log it. Do you guys know anything about the lgeality issues of all the superdrol clones ...if they will be made illegal anytime soon?
Superdrol is not banned. I don't know where you guys are getting this idea from. Most of the SD products were DISCONTINUED. The companies making it didn't want to deal with legal issues if it was banned, so they stopped making it. Personally, i bought a product with Superdrol in it 2 weeks ago from a supp store. And yeah chocolatemilk, chances are, its next on the chopping block so get it while you can.
The original is banned I believe but all the clones are still around. As far as the best clones go. Whichever ones cheaper is the one I'd reccomend. I almost bought some beastdrol but decieded against it since I didn't really like them as a company.
M drol I ot from ******************.com for only 21 bucks.
The original is banned I believe but all the clones are still around. As far as the best clones go. Whichever ones cheaper is the one I'd reccomend. I almost bought some beastdrol but decieded against it since I didn't really like them as a company.
M drol I ot from ******************.com for only 21 bucks.

Please enlighten me. What is there not to like about Need2?

I recommended the clones I believe are legit and have zero purity issues.

I personally would pass on all others.
Please enlighten me. What is there not to like about Need2?

I recommended the clones I believe are legit and have zero purity issues.

I personally would pass on all others.

I guess then you've never used mastavol by aps. that was some strong sht.

and you can still find some online stores with some in stock for around 50 bucks.

APS made solid designer steroids.

sd-1 from nutraplanet was gtg also.

beastdrol is over priced. I dont care how pure it is, it isn't worth 70 bucks.

and superdrol didn't get banned. it got discontinued. when a steroid gets banned, the name doesn't get banned, the nomenclatures get banned.

so if the ori got banned, all A isomer clones of sd would be banned.

b isomer sd molecules aren't real sd if it really is b isomer, it is a completely different steroid, and not sd.

labeling issues. what a great excuse.
I guess then you've never used mastavol by aps. that was some strong sht.

and you can still find some online stores with some in stock for around 50 bucks.

APS made solid designer steroids.

sd-1 from nutraplanet was gtg also.

beastdrol is over priced. I dont care how pure it is, it isn't worth 70 bucks.

and superdrol didn't get banned. it got discontinued. when a steroid gets banned, the name doesn't get banned, the nomenclatures get banned.

so if the ori got banned, all A isomer clones of sd would be banned.

b isomer sd molecules aren't real sd if it really is b isomer, it is a completely different steroid, and not sd.

labeling issues. what a great excuse.

its 40 bucks, but still over priced.

my bad, the hdrol clone is 70 bucks. but i think you get 180 servings at 25mg each.

the beastdrol was 53 bucks.

where is it 40 at? if it is as good as mastavol, then 40 would be worth it.

to me atleast.

at orbit, they had the epi and hdrol too.
m-drol in a lab test ran at 99% purity......
ha ha, if you believe that well, great.

99% pure b isomer, or wait, one said half a isomer, half b isomer.

lab test went off the bottle, thats why it tested as b isomer but it's really a labeling error, and the orig. a isomer.

m14add tested 99% pure too, but uh oh, pa showed it to be dhea.

just recently the pp tested as not being 99%bpure from an outside soure, but their c.o.a. showed it to be 99% pure.

point is, anyone can make a coa, or doctor one to show online.

it's the actutal user reviews of the product that count. and most user reviews of mdrol have been good.
but then there are a bunch that have had zero results from it.

now mastavol, or even superdrone, or even the limited run of sd-1 from nutraplanet, check any log, and you will never see zero results.
ha ha, if you believe that well, great.

99% pure b isomer, or wait, one said half a isomer, half b isomer.

lab test went off the bottle, thats why it tested as b isomer but it's really a labeling error, and the orig. a isomer.

m14add tested 99% pure too, but uh oh, pa showed it to be dhea.

just recently the pp tested as not being 99%bpure from an outside soure, but their c.o.a. showed it to be 99% pure.

point is, anyone can make a coa, or doctor one to show online.

it's the actutal user reviews of the product that count. and most user reviews of mdrol have been good.
but then there are a bunch that have had zero results from it.

now mastavol, or even superdrone, or even the limited run of sd-1 from nutraplanet, check any log, and you will never see zero results.

:fing02: thats the good stuff.

im even lookin for other clones to use so i dont have to use my mastavol. lol

First and Foremost. I have the original and best drol ever made pictured in post number 5. ALL others are the clone! ALL.

AX Superdrol comes in a strong second as well as SNS Methy-drol XT. Same with Beast.

Also if you dig up the reviews on the original(designer supps) the gains were off the hook and reported sides were minimal.

I listed the clones I recommend.

Mdrol is not on the list nor is S-roid with good reason.

Mastavol- lulz, you mean a review like this.

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Mastavol can still be had, looks like the going rate is about 50 ish out there on the net.

More than Beast. :)

FWIW, I have seen Mastavol go for way cheap on ebay. Its not worth 2 bills like my DS is, nor is it worth a C-Note like AX Superdrol is. SNS is going for 50-60 all day long as well. All based on reviews and rarity.

Mdrol in all honestly, I wouldnt trash my HDL's or my nutsack for that clone. LOL.

And jbryand101b, I got some dirt clones if you really need to save your mastavol. PM if interested. SRS.
First and Foremost. I have the original and best drol ever made pictured in post number 5. ALL others are the clone! ALL.

AX Superdrol comes in a strong second as well as SNS Methy-drol XT. Same with Beast.

Also if you dig up the reviews on the original(designer supps) the gains were off the hook and reported sides were minimal.

I listed the clones I recommend.

Mdrol is not on the list nor is S-roid with good reason.

Mastavol- lulz, you mean a review like this.

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Mastavol can still be had, looks like the going rate is about 50 ish out there on the net.

More than Beast. :)

FWIW, I have seen Mastavol go for way cheap on ebay. Its not worth 2 bills like my DS is, nor is it worth a C-Note like AX Superdrol is. SNS is going for 50-60 all day long as well. All based on reviews and rarity.

Mdrol in all honestly, I wouldnt trash my HDL's or my nutsack for that clone. LOL.

And jbryand101b, I got some dirt clones if you really need to save your mastavol. PM if interested. SRS.

lol. I wouldn't pay over 80 bucks for orig. sd. but thats me.

I've unfortunately never had the pleasure of running orig. sd, only the clones.

if im gonna drop 80bucks on something, it'll be m1t.
Lol sry ****************** . Com had it for 21 bucks. They always have the cheapest prices around. I also got 2 bottles of methadrol somewhere in the 30 dollar range a few weeks ago.

And I thought someone would ask about that comment about me not liking need2. I really know nothing about them, it just bothered me seeing them get pimped out. I know board sponsors pimp themselves out on certain boards, but I just don't like when they make too large of promises. Kinda like some of the promises PP makes ya know?
I know my whole post here was stupid but oh well. Haha
Wow I hate how I can't post websites here. It's ****************** add the . And then com. Haha
Lol sry ****************** . Com had it for 21 bucks. They always have the cheapest prices around. I also got 2 bottles of methadrol somewhere in the 30 dollar range a few weeks ago.

And I thought someone would ask about that comment about me not liking need2. I really know nothing about them, it just bothered me seeing them get pimped out. I know board sponsors pimp themselves out on certain boards, but I just don't like when they make too large of promises. Kinda like some of the promises PP makes ya know?
I know my whole post here was stupid but oh well. Haha

Your post isnt stupid.

No body is pimpin beast. I named MANY drol clones.

Beastdrol is good ****. Feedback has ALL been really good.

Unlike some other clones out.

With that being said, any decent superdrol clone can be had for 30-50 bucks.

If you want the rares, it can get expensive.
Wow!!!! Let's add peroids everywhere this time. L.o.c.k.o.u.t.s.u.p.p.l.e.m.e.n.t.s
I think I will pick up the beastdrol and a halodrol for a second cycle. I've heard nothing but good stuff about Beastdrol from word of mouth and read somewhere about people complaining about a bad batch of mdrol. Haven't heard anything about Mastaval except from jbryan.
CEL back their products. prove youve purchased it and they'll be happy to assist you.

Same with Beastdrol.

Get your macros right and stay hydrated.

You will see gains by the second week.

Warm up properly and be careful with your lifts, its not unheard of to get injured on a good drol cycle.