Do you like m4ohn?

Do you like m4ohn?

  • Yes

    Votes: 143 30.7%
  • No

    Votes: 51 10.9%
  • Never used it, but I want to.

    Votes: 243 52.1%
  • Never used it, and I don't want to.

    Votes: 29 6.2%

  • Total voters


availablity is always a problem. Speaking of which anyone know a bulk supplier of M4OHN (powder). Sledge site is down and he is the only I knew of that did have it but I don't know if he is getting more.


Brodus, have you purchased from that website? Any idea how good their quality is?


  • Established
Brodus, have you purchased from that website? Any idea how good their quality is?
He is legit. he was still getting his methyls lab tested for purity. So, i would email him(mike) and make sure the tests came out good for the methyl's before you order.


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Custom should have his ready by next week or so. I believe he said he was going to price it around $30.00 a gram.


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Wasn't sure about purity, so I tried 2 grams daily, in a supository...did it work? All I have to say is, HOLY ****! (no pun intended)


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For those who have run a MOHN only cycle, how did it affect your sex drive? Did you "feel" shutdown while on? Any major shrinkage similar to what is being reported on M1T?



I didn't feel shutdown at all on m4ohn, same for mdien.

Sex drive was fine.


Idiot Savant
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No shutdown for me either, it really is a mild compound in that regards IMO.


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Aside from "feelings," has anyone had bloodwork done after, say, a week of using no steroid other than M4OHN (or mdien, or the combination thereof)?


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MDien shut me down at 8-10mg. a day, but M4OHN at up to 32mg a day didn't do anything, actually it made my balls swell back to normal.

I agree that this doesn't prove what a blood test would...but I think the "feelings" are siginificant, b/c if you feel totally shutdown and crappy you don't workout as hard, and can't be as successful in the rest of your life.


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Sure, but the fact that M4OHN has psychotropic/mood-elevating effects could mask its suppression - you may feel that "there's no way I could be suppressed, I feel awesome" but that doesn't make it so. Personally I'd like to see some bloodwork.


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I agree that it feels mild but I'd also really like to see what is truly going on.


I started my cycle today. 24mg split up into 8mg 3x a day. Just took the last dose and haven't felt a thing yet.


New member
How do you all feel about running a 4 week MOHN/trans 4AD+4OHT cycle. I was thinking about running it at 3x4mg MOHN with 2x1 squirt T-gel with 2.5 g 4AD and 2.5g OHT. (Oh and I respond well to low dosages so that is why this may sound a little light. Why up the dosages if you don't have to is the way I look at it. It also helps to keep the side to a minimum).



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dmilhouse, it sounds interesting, so why not run it. It's only four weeks. Just be sure to keep a journal for us.


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Well after 6 days I feel the MOHN (+300 mg 4-ad) kicking in. I have 3-4 years of PH experience so I think I know when something works or not. I am taking Legal Gear Methygels OHN about 5 per day (total of 10 mg).

Prior to this I was on Nolva for 3 weeks and a 20 day M1-T cycle.

Overall, I would say many are taking much too high doses of OHN to get a dose-response.

Good luck.


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Well after 6 days I feel the MOHN (+300 mg 4-ad) kicking in. I have 3-4 years of PH experience so I think I know when something works or not. I am taking Legal Gear Methygels OHN about 5 per day (total of 10 mg).

Prior to this I was on Nolva for 3 weeks and a 20 day M1-T cycle.

Overall, I would say many are taking much too high doses of OHN to get a dose-response.

Good luck.
Are you cutting / bulking ?


Hot Italian Goldmember
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Well after 6 days I feel the MOHN (+300 mg 4-ad) kicking in. I have 3-4 years of PH experience so I think I know when something works or not. I am taking Legal Gear Methygels OHN about 5 per day (total of 10 mg).

Overall, I would say many are taking much too high doses of OHN to get a dose-response.
I think that the key is to split the doses every 3-4 hours, since it has a half time of 3.5 hours. Taking high doses 2 times a day is a waste of money.


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I sure as hell like it.......taking it 4X per day with 2 oz grapefruit juice.


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I like it so far.....I'm in the middle of wk4....used 30-32mg day, spread over 4-5 doses (got suspension & tabs). At about the 3wk mark and more recently I've seen a reduction in bf in the love handles/abdominal area. Look more defined in traps,delts, chest......even a bit in arms, quads also. I recently upped the dose to 38-40mg a day since I made a new batch of suspension. Moderate strenghth/pumps. Ran into a problem sleeping at about 2.5wks in.....cleared up after a few days. Very little nad shrinkage if any. I think I found my new favorite ps.


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I like it so far.....I'm in the middle of wk4....used 30-32mg day, spread over 4-5 doses (got suspension & tabs). At about the 3wk mark and more recently I've seen a reduction in bf in the love handles/abdominal area. Look more defined in traps,delts, chest......even a bit in arms, quads also. I recently upped the dose to 38-40mg a day since I made a new batch of suspension. Moderate strenghth/pumps. Ran into a problem sleeping at about 2.5wks in.....cleared up after a few days. Very little nad shrinkage if any. I think I found my new favorite ps.
Are you cutting or bulking ?
julius kelp

julius kelp

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well, i'll let you guys know. i'm starting today. 40mg/day (4 x 10) 7,12,5,10 o'clock.
i hope i can at least cut up with it.


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well, i'll let you guys know. i'm starting today. 40mg/day (4 x 10) 7,12,5,10 o'clock.
i hope i can at least cut up with it.
As long as your diet is in check you should do fine.....adding cardio helps....I did cardio the first few wks then stopped, because I hate it. I still noticed a difference.... overall body recomp, especially in the ab/lovehandle fat. For me m4ohn worked really well.....better than any other ph/ps I've used as far as dropping bodyfat and body recomposition. I will definitely use it again in the future. On wk6 now....last week, then PCT w/nolva 40/40/20/20 or prolly 40/20/20/20...since I
didn't notice very much nad shrinkage at all (which doesn't mean natty test was not suppressed). Got some trib incase of any libido probs, always works for me.


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well, i'll let you guys know. i'm starting today. 40mg/day (4 x 10) 7,12,5,10 o'clock.
i hope i can at least cut up with it.
Just like Scorp, I wasn't suppressed at all using 32mg/d for 5 or 6 weeks in all. My diet was ****, I didn't even try and I lost 7 lb's almost immediately! I really mean it, I kept getting stronger and stronger and just couldn't understand how I was burning fat w/ the bad diet. This steroid is very special. I stacked a little w/ some 1T right at the end and got the impression that I could have easily turned it into a fat-burning, slow bulker. The strength gains and fat burning are top of the line IMO. Some of the best I've ever seen.


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I just finished my 2nd cycle of M4OHN. I wanted to stay positive after the first M4OHN bust cycle in feb because the rec dosage at that time was only 10mg. ok, i want to believe in M4OHN so bad after stocking up. so i just ran another cycle @25mg/day for 5 weeks and 36mg/day for the last 1.5 weeks, total 6.5 week cycle. i stacked LGP 1-t hydroxytest from weeks 2-5 to help out, but got nothing but bloat from that(too much 4-ad and not enough 1-T IMO). Overall, i gained 4-5pounds of water which quickly dissapeared after stopping the hydroxytest in week 5. no strength gains, but did not loose any either. my purpose was a lean bulk or strength gain and BF loss. i'm at +500cal above maintenance(no change), perfect diet, and lifting consistently for over 16 years. i made no real changes except add some more volume and moved to a 5-day split from my normal non-androgen assisted 4-day split. increased HIIT from 3 days/week to 4 days in order to keep BF low. i've done 11 other ph cycles in the last 6 years-all with good to great results.

So, in the last 1.5 weeks of M4OHN @36mg, i'm back at my starting weight, but i'm alot less vascular, no pumps, no strength increase and a visible increase in BF. And towards the end of week 6, i've lost 2-3 pounds from the start and it's not fat! pissed me off now. i really do think M4OHN is complete crap for me. And as much as i hate M1T, i'm going to have to somewhat salvage this bust cycle with 1.5 weeks of M1T. Hope you guys have better luck with M4OHN, but i think it's complete crap now. It actually feels more catabolic than anabolic at high dosage. see you over @swap meet.


New member
damn dude that sucks.

how much 4ohn did u get??? how much you trying to get off of???


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^^^7g unopened DS M4OHN powder. when i have time later, i wil sell or trade. i still have MD powder too for another cycle i might do in the winter. my last MD cycle @3mg was a bust. i'm shooting for 20-25mg/day of MD, but i'm not sure i want to do another "experimental" cycle.
julius kelp

julius kelp

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yeah lancelot, my mdien cycle was like that. of course i didn't dose it 10 times over the original lethal levels! man, i hope that the ohn has SOME noticeable effect. what dosages did you use scorpio?


New member
Completed mohn stack today and i must say it was iighhhtt.Considering i only ran it for two wks with 1,4ad the results were pretty much what i hope for.lowered bf 2-3% and sligthly increased strength.Next time around i will definitly run it for a 4 wks.with a discipled diet.And the results should be more appealing.What surprise me the most was the recoverey time.:thumbsup: Which help w/o's to be more intense.dosing was started at 12mgs(3x) ended at 24mgs(3x).As of tomorrow i will throw some m5aa into the mix with the reminder of the 1,4 ad.and extend this cycle another 3wks.Taking into consideration that i have never work-out with any supp's b4,including any vitamins in my 7 yrs,(did try v-12 for 30days) this **** definitly KICKS ASS.


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yeah lancelot, my mdien cycle was like that. of course i didn't dose it 10 times over the original lethal levels! man, i hope that the ohn has SOME noticeable effect. what dosages did you use scorpio?

Well I started with 15-20mg for wks 1-2. I then ramped up to 30-32mg wks 3-4. Wks 5-6 I've been using 45-60mg.....The reason for going even higher is to try to use up the suspension I made so it won't go bad/to waste, since I used olive oil.......and to push the envelope a bit to see what m4ohn can do. Been using 60mg for almost a week now.....feel great. I have to agree with the recoverability factor. I still get hella sore, but I know it would be worse if I wasn't taking m4ohn, for sure. Strength has gone up and feeling pumped.....even way after workout, muscles seem harder than usual. I can notice a difference in the mirror, good overall body recomp. Wife even mentioned she can tell in the abdominal area. I think m4hon will be awsome if stacked with dermal. I'm thinking of using 1-test/4oht along
with m4ohn next time.....was gonna add 4ad, but heard of some getting signs of gyno while combining m4ohn/4ad.


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heard of some getting signs of gyno while combining m4ohn/4ad.
Are you saying m4ohn could contribute to gyno when stacked? I'm not sure that makes sense to me.


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Because m4ohn builds up proestrogen and with the introduction of estrogen from the 4 ad all this proestrogen turns to estrogen, or something like that.


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I think m4hon will be awsome if stacked with dermal. I'm thinking of using 1-test/4oht along
with m4ohn next time.....was gonna add 4ad, but heard of some getting signs of gyno while combining m4ohn/4ad.
I've been curious about a stack like this as well. I wonder how hard it will be on the libido though.


Hot Italian Goldmember
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I think m4hon will be awsome if stacked with dermal. I'm thinking of using 1-test/4oht along
with m4ohn next time.....was gonna add 4ad, but heard of some getting signs of gyno while combining m4ohn/4ad.
I was thinking the same (see my thread), but this really suck, cause i dont have nolva at hand :(((
Gotta really make a 4oht trans
julius kelp

julius kelp

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day 4- i'm running the 40mg/day of m4ohn + about 700mg 1,4ad in capsules spead through the day. i thought this would be a low side effect stack, i am having a wee (all puns intended) bit of trouble peeing in the morning!


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day 4- i'm running the 40mg/day of m4ohn + about 700mg 1,4ad in capsules spead through the day. i thought this would be a low side effect stack, i am having a wee (all puns intended) bit of trouble peeing in the morning!
Well, if your wee weewee won't wee, what would wetchou wee? Wheew!!! I know JK , its a piss pour (intended) pun.

Seriously having faced the same problem for years, my solution has been in loading up on beta-sitosterol/phyto-sterols, lycopene, and a few other traditional remedies. They have increased flow, cut out the mid-night wandering and kept my6 PSA at a nice stready 3. Are you or have you tried any such? I've been at this a while and firmly believe if you're gonna do PHs or stronger you gotta take natural precautions. I could PM you what I take and the doses if it would help.

I am rooting for you on this cycle guy since my next one in two weeks will be almost identical!! Keep us posted.
julius kelp

julius kelp

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thanks for the reply dm. i would most appreciate your thoughts on the subject. i have used saw palm with good results, but try to abstain while on cycle because of it reducing the ps/ps effects? so much conjecture! i'm always up to experiment with a good herb or extract. have a great weekend.


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thanks for the reply dm. i would most appreciate your thoughts on the subject. i have used saw palm with good results, but try to abstain while on cycle because of it reducing the ps/ps effects? so much conjecture! i'm always up to experiment with a good herb or extract. have a great weekend.
JK, I started on the Saw Palmetto too. Nowadays I prefer the beta-sitosterol because it's much stronger but whatever works for each of us! The reports I read about not taking it during cycles also bothered me. I have continued to do so on the basis that I am getting good results and I still/always place primacy on my own health. That was one of my drivers in going to this stack.

As for the weekend....I live NW of Orlando and we are sitting right in the path of Frances. For two days we are packing and moving from our big manufactured home to a nearby block and stucco villa to try and survive. My wife lives on oxygen tanks and it is a real hassle believe me. I'll be pulling out my computers and out of touch for a while. Catch ya when its over!


She thinks my traps'rrrr sexy!
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Because m4ohn builds up proestrogen and with the introduction of estrogen from the 4 ad all this proestrogen turns to estrogen, or something like that.
Actually prolactin, not progesterone. Just basing this on some labs I ran. :blink:


She thinks my traps'rrrr sexy!
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My Opinion Of M4OHN

I love it. I actually "feel" M4OHN working more so, and faster than any other methyl. I've actually cycled it twice now, and both times I "felt" it working Day 1. The first time I thought it might be placebo, but I got the same exact result this time. I can best describe the feeling as "higher max workload with lower perceived effort". The "zone" and intensity/focus that people have reported from M5AA (which I also like), I get X10 from M4OHN. I dose my methyls high, but I've never gone above 30mg/day of M4OHN (just because it's expensive, and nobody wants to give me any for free :hammer: , lol). Both times I've cycled it I started dosing on an off day. The first time, the next day I went in and PR'd my deadlift (405X11), and just today(started dosing yesterday) I PR'd my squat (275X15). Both times I felt that I had a shitty night's sleep the night before, and I was worried that I wouldn't perform well, and ended up with a PR.

As far as anabolism goes, I do feel it works best as part of a stack (though I haven't ran anything solo for hella long :rasp: ). It's no M1T for sure, but the sides (feeling incredible, and having sick workouts without feeling like Death), more than make up for it's lack of M1T-badass-ness.

Also like I've said in previous threads, I've jumped on M4OHN (last time was M4OHN and 100mg M5AA) the day after stopping M1T, and seen AST and ALT fall from almost 200 to less than 100 in about a week. Also knocked about 100 points off of LDH. Not a perfect indicator of toxicity by any means, but just for comparison's sake.

Am I forgetting anything... :think:


Haha. Watch out dude, I said the same thing that m4ohn worked for me Day 1 and got not nothing but criticism. I knew it worked for me starting on Day 1. I've been reading alot more threads lately where m4ohn has started working earlier than what most people thought or would like to believe.

I have one more week in my m4ohn cycle to make it 6 weeks (36mg ed). Personally, I'd like to stay on it longer. My strength started to climb really well the last 3 weeks of the cycle. I always got awesome pumps, and still do. My strength went up each week. After my PCT and an extra month, hopefully Superbol will be out and worthy.


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Darius, out of personal experience (and I've been in this game for 40 yrs) I would agree with you M4ohn rocks!!!


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I'm on week 3 now, dose capped at 24mg (4 times a day).
It started hitting at mid of the second week (i suspect my first week dose was too low), but earlier than that i felt hardness.
My strenght is going up, slowly but steadily, and with no diet change i think to be able to put 2-3 pounds of lean mass by the end of the cycle (6 or maybe 7 weeks as i have pills enough for an extra week). I'm not too good to make a log but I will post again here.
julius kelp

julius kelp

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syr, that is 24mg (4 x 6mg) right? not 4 x 24... wow...
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