DMA Does DMZ Demigod Style (unsponsored)



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Military is in front of the head I'm pretty sure, but for the longest time I though it was behind the neck. Its hard to go all the way down below the chin. I feel like my shoulders deactivate if I go too low.


  • RockStar
  • Established
Military is in front of the head I'm pretty sure, but for the longest time I though it was behind the neck. Its hard to go all the way down below the chin. I feel like my shoulders deactivate if I go too low.
Me too.


  • RockStar
  • Established
So I've been on the LGI DMZ for over a week now and now there are some noticeable differences between it and the OL DMZ. I have been running them both at 60 so I could compare them accurately. First difference is my blood pressure seems to be lower while at rest. Even after a cup of coffee I don't feel it spike. I am sleeping without the Benadryl. Second difference is my metabolism. I feel like it has slowed down on the last week. Feel like any overage shows up in my appearance, the scale, affects vascularity and overall appearance. Don't seem as hard. I was on fire a couple weeks ago. 3rd difference is intensity in the gym. I still feel strong, but the fire of a thousand suns seems to be lost from my workout.
So unless this stuff flip flops in the next week it is easy to say that the Olympus DMZ is superior. I know LGI has a long history of being legit and I'm not saying what I'm experiencing is not legit, maybe it is. But mg for mg the OL bottle had me burning up. Sides were more intense too, which means it was working!!
So I'm bumping this up to 75 today and that will still take me through next Saturday.


Good review and good to know . You don't think the difference in terns of intensity of the workout could be from long term shutdown catching up? Just a thought

Good to see OL's DMZ is better in your opinion, much more cost effective imo


  • RockStar
  • Established
Good review and good to know . You don't think the difference in terns of intensity of the workout could be from long term shutdown catching up? Just a thought Good to see OL's DMZ is better in your opinion, much more cost effective imo
Definitely more cost effective. And LGI is priced good but for far less mg's per bottle. I think I've been shutdown since before the DMZ. I think the 7 weeks of Ostarine shut me down. My libido disappeared around the 3rd week of Osta. I know there are conflicting opinions on whether or not Ostarine will shut you down, but I'm pretty sure it did. This is obviously just going on feeling not bloodwork.


Definitely more cost effective. And LGI is priced good but for far less mg's per bottle. I think I've been shutdown since before the DMZ. I think the 7 weeks of Ostarine shut me down. My libido disappeared around the 3rd week of Osta. I know there are conflicting opinions on whether or not Ostarine will shut you down, but I'm pretty sure it did. This is obviously just going on feeling not bloodwork.
from what i've seen in many many logs, Osta most definitely shuts you down. i'd never include it in PCT, but that's just my 2 cents


  • RockStar
  • Established
from what i've seen in many many logs, Osta most definitely shuts you down. i'd never include it in PCT, but that's just my 2 cents
I agree. There are superior supplements to take in pct to help maintain gains that do not cause suppression.


Wow, that's amazing man! thanks for the spot on review, this is what helps a lot of people find the proper products... OL must have better ingredients!


Well-known member
I agree. There are superior supplements to take in pct to help maintain gains that do not cause suppression.

I just recommend never coming off cycle so you don't have to pct hahaa. Jkjk

That's a great review man


  • RockStar
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I will definitely give an in depth review at the end. Just thought I would give a quick insight in comparing what I'm experiencing at the moment. Off to kill my Back and Bi's!!!!


  • RockStar
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Yeah, with the added weight I've put on in the last couple weeks, along with a huge food baby that hasn't come out yet, Pull Ups seemed extra hard today.

Pull Ups:
BW x 10
+45lbs. x 5
+45lbs. x 4
+45lbs. x 3
+25lbs. x 5
BW x 5

Seated Cable Row:
100 x 10
130 x 10
140 x 10
140 x 8
Super Set
Chin Ups:
BW x 4 sets of 6

Kroc Rows:
105 lb. DB x 8
125 lb. DB x 6 PR
125 lb. DB x 5
105 lb. DB x 6
105 lb. DB x 6

HS Iso High Row w/ Fat Gripz:
105 lbs. each side x 10 x 4 sets
Super Set
HS Iso Low Row:
45 lbs. each side x 10 x 4 sets

Standing Pull Down w/ Rope:
100 x 10 x 4 sets
Super Set
Single Arm High Cable Curls:
40 x 10 each side
50 x 10 each side x 3 sets

EZ Bar Curls:
80 x 8
80 x 9
90 x 8

Seated DB Curls w/ Fat Gripz:
20's x 10 x 3 sets

Roman Chair Back Extensions x 3 sets x 20

Kind of plodded through a good workout. Felt strong except for the pull ups. Sweated my butt off and the music had me head-banging a little. Just feel like there's something missing that was just there. That's all I can say.


I Was reading in some pro hormone sites they say to run DMZ at 4 weeks 30mg at most, well im definitely planning on running DMZ my next cycle stacked, and I would hate to run a short cycle if I could go a full 6 and get more benefits, so I see your running 6 at double what these guys recommend, being as this is going to be my second cycle though I am already in great shape and have years of lifting behind me what do you think bro? I apologize for putting this on yours when maybe I should have just started my own thread but I really only care about your opinion since I trust yours ;) j/k I appreciate everyones..


  • RockStar
  • Established
I Was reading in some pro hormone sites they say to run DMZ at 4 weeks 30mg at most, well im definitely planning on running DMZ my next cycle stacked, and I would hate to run a short cycle if I could go a full 6 and get more benefits, so I see your running 6 at double what these guys recommend, being as this is going to be my second cycle though I am already in great shape and have years of lifting behind me what do you think bro? I apologize for putting this on yours when maybe I should have just started my own thread but I really only care about your opinion since I trust yours ;) j/k I appreciate everyones..
No worries homie. I would recommend 6 weeks at 40mg for you. And adjust from there. So many people have great results at 40. And I may have too had I stayed there. I'm just a greedy beast and have undoubtedly had great results at 60.


lol Hell yess, Well I will have to try 40 for a week and probably do the same cause I myself am greedy but also careful since im still new to this magical and wonderful world of PH's hah. maybe 40 then 60 for the rest.. I started my halo at 100 and im at day 7 so far and kinda feel some very minor effects but nice ones.. I cant wait to step it up, but also I cant wait for this to really make its mark, you guys all say week 4 huh.. you think with my super fast metabolism it might show faster?


Active member
lol Hell yess, Well I will have to try 40 for a week and probably do the same cause I myself am greedy but also careful since im still new to this magical and wonderful world of PH's hah. maybe 40 then 60 for the rest.. I started my halo at 100 and im at day 7 so far and kinda feel some very minor effects but nice ones.. I cant wait to step it up, but also I cant wait for this to really make its mark, you guys all say week 4 huh.. you think with my super fast metabolism it might show faster?
no to the metabolism question, I don't think it works that way. Maybe your just a extreme responder and your receptors are just soaking it up and loving it. In terms of milligrams, more is not always better. You want to take the lowest dose that is still effective. Since it will be only your second cycle, you should consider starting at a lower dose and ramping up. I bet if you took it at 20mg for 4 weeks you would show great gains with minimal sides! You got fresh receptors and you'll grow regardless. You just don't want to be crippled by sides.

My friend ran superdrol in 2009 while I sat there like a weenie and watched. He did 10/20/30 for the dosing (only 3 weeks). He gained TONS of strength and gained 12 lbs and kept about 10. IN ONLY 3 WEEKS!!!!! And he used a low dose. Week 1 was the lowest dose possible. I don't think he would have gained that much more muscle if he ran 40/40/40. I mean, how much muscle can you realistically put on in 3 weeks? By the way it was dry, no water because it does not aromatize to estrogen. And obviously because he kept his gains after pc. I'm not sure about DMZ but superdrol kicked in instantly. If DMZ is the same way play it by feel. If you don't see the numbers on the scale go up after week one the bump up the dose significantly. But Halo is different. From what I understand, you wont see size difference until week 3 I think.


  • RockStar
  • Established
Superdrol and DMZ are far different creatures. 20mg a day of DMZ is too low. You can't compare different compounds directly with mg's. 30mg a day is a lot of Msten. 30mg a day is not a lot of DMZ.


From what I've gathered, SD kicks in immediately, hence its popularity as a "kick start" when guys use injectables.

****s so toxic though, I'd probably only run 10/10/10/10 if I ever ran it


from what ive been reading a lot of people say dmz seems the same as sdrol as far as gains and so fourth, some people say its better then sdrol cause you get the same gains without the sides, etc.. and you never ran halo? yea everyone seems to be saying the 3rd and 4th week is where it really kicks in.. I just completed my first week so far not much to say, I know I feel SOMETHING going on, but no numbers on scale showing, I feel a little diff.. but its hard to say really.. im giving it another week and im thinking of going up to 125mg if I can hack it with the capsules I got..


from what ive been reading a lot of people say dmz seems the same as sdrol as far as gains and so fourth, some people say its better then sdrol cause you get the same gains without the sides, etc.. and you never ran halo? yea everyone seems to be saying the 3rd and 4th week is where it really kicks in.. I just completed my first week so far not much to say, I know I feel SOMETHING going on, but no numbers on scale showing, I feel a little diff.. but its hard to say really.. im giving it another week and im thinking of going up to 125mg if I can hack it with the capsules I got..
I haven't ran SD yet, but I just ran Dmz not to long ago.. Dmz is mild as can be on the sides, strength was big for me by day 10-14, size,,,,, not as much as I was expecting, but it was apparent after 14 days or so I was bigger... SD takes the cake anyday from my boys or what I gather on here in the size & strength dept over Dmz.. They also say the sides are more pronounced as you said from SD..

I ran Halo awhile back, it actually is what gave me my gyno believe it or not... Pissed me off.. Lol
But i wouldn't expect much from Halo til week
3-4... I'd go 8 weeks on it, my buddy ran it 9 weeks or so as his 1st cycle and gained 27lbs..
Think he stopped at 125-150mg..


WOW! Really??? So your saying that extra two weeks might really be worth it to push for, a lot of folks been telling me its not gonna do anything for me after the 6th week but if your buddy got some huge results going that long rhen shoot im definitely game! I understand the longer you go the bigger problems as far as shutdown goes.. but I think with what I got for pct I can get through that, and now im hearing 11 keto really kicks butt in that department as well... I was planning on running the noveldex 40/30/20/10 maybe if I go 8 weeks ill go 5 on noveldex.. like 50/40/30/20/10 or the likes, I also will be using dermastrength (5a laxogenin) with two products hopefully containing arimastane,dhea, diim, tribulus,fenugreek, and some other ai/test boosting compounds and I also have a bottle of DAA..


This is what I got from under the DMZ profile
"The Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormone is known to give massive results in terms of strength and muscle gains almost like Superdrol. In fact, many persons thinks that Dymethazine = Superdrol and some people even think that Dymethazine is better than Superdrol… Why ? Since they almost have the same nomenclature, some people mix up things but Dymethazine is clearly different prohormone than Superdrol ! Moreover, Dymethazine gives less side effects than Superdrol while giving almost the same gains, this is why many persons think its better."
Here's the site since I cant post links yet in case you wanted to check it out, they have a bit of useful info here and there if you guys haven't checked it out yet
newprohormones com / the-dymethazine-d-zine-prohormone-profile /


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This is what I got from under the DMZ profile "The Dymethazine (D-Zine) prohormone is known to give massive results in terms of strength and muscle gains almost like Superdrol. In fact, many persons thinks that Dymethazine = Superdrol and some people even think that Dymethazine is better than Superdrol... Why ? Since they almost have the same nomenclature, some people mix up things but Dymethazine is clearly different prohormone than Superdrol ! Moreover, Dymethazine gives less side effects than Superdrol while giving almost the same gains, this is why many persons think its better." Here's the site since I cant post links yet in case you wanted to check it out, they have a bit of useful info here and there if you guys haven't checked it out yet newprohormones com / the-dymethazine-d-zine-prohormone-profile /
That profile for DMZ is a little outdated, that is what ppl originally though dmz was going to be, but you can go for 4 weeks with dmz at 30 or 40 all the way through depending on your pill size, but most ppl would go 40 or 45 all the way through, if you get to week 4 and have no sides or they're atleast manageable then 6 weeks would be better


  • RockStar
  • Established
I'm simply saying to can't compare them mg's wise. He was saying that his friend took 20mg of SD so you could probably take 20mg of DMZ and make gains. Not true. You wouldn't even be able to find a 10mg capsule of DMZ that you could dose twice a day in order to exceed the half life. 30mg minimum.


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I'm simply saying to can't compare them mg's wise. He was saying that his friend took 20mg of SD so you could probably take 20mg of DMZ and make gains. Not true. You wouldn't even be able to find a 10mg capsule of DMZ that you could dose twice a day in order to exceed the half life. 30mg minimum.
lol this^
Dmz is not sd


  • RockStar
  • Established
So that's 13 lbs. up. Lower Abs and lower obliques not as visible. So my uneducated estimate at how much is lean mass is 6-8 lbs.
Upper back is the most noticeable size increase, everything else must be growing proportionately at the same rate.


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Looking awesome bro! I'm 4lbs heavier but can't see my abs, you look great!


Hell yea! looking jacked man, at 5'11" too?? that's pretty damn good that dmz is the real deal!


Quick question sorry for interrupting on your log dma!! if this is out of line tell me and ill erase this or I guess you can? lol: what is anyones experience or opinion on switching to a different methylated PH during a cycle? like going from two weeks of halo to say dmz maybe or something similar for the other 4 weeks??


Well-known member
That would just be a waste of money on the halo.
Run the Halo to the full extent. And usually with bridging you go from a stronger to a weaker compound.


  • RockStar
  • Established
Quick question sorry for interrupting on your log dma!! if this is out of line tell me and ill erase this or I guess you can? lol: what is anyones experience or opinion on switching to a different methylated PH during a cycle? like going from two weeks of halo to say dmz maybe or something similar for the other 4 weeks??
Would not recommend this at all. If it were not your first cycle, maybe adding a 2nd compound would be ok. But not stopping 1 and starting another 2 weeks in. Be patient dude. That Halo will do you fine. There are always future cycles mang!!


  • RockStar
  • Established
Ok, so quick update to the last couple days at 75mg. 75mg LGI = 60mg OL as far as feeling and workout intensity. And I realize it's because of the 20mg per cap in OL DMZ, and only 15mg per cap of LGI. When taking the OL I was dosing 40mg preworkout, and 20 the other part of the day. With the LGI at 60, it was 30mg PWO and 30 the other part of the day. So this morning i dosed 3 caps LGI (45mg) and destroyed the gym with Godzilla intensity. Did all that make sense?

Anyways 45mg DMZ, a PB and Egg Sandwich, and off the the gym...

Incline BB Bench Press:
95 x 10
135 x 10
155 x 10
185 x 8
205 x 5
205 x 6 PR never had over 200 lbs. on Incline except on Smith Machine. So I'm calling it a PR

HS Decline drop sets:
115 on each side x 8 drop to 70 to failure w/ 4-0-1-0 tempo x 3 sets

Incline DB Press:
65's x 6
55's x 6
55's x 6
Super Set
Incline DB Flys:
20's x 6-8 or so ?? x 3 sets (nice and slow, stretching deep, chest toast!!)

Tricep Push Down:
120 x 10
140 x 10
140 x 9
Super Set
Ab Rope Pull Down:
150 x 12 x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press:
135 x 8 x 3 sets
Giant Set
BW x 10 x 3 sets w/ Leg Raises x 3 sets of 12


KickAss Incline bench bro, I LOVE killing it, best thing you can do as far as bench, dumbbell incline looks great to, specially after maxing on the bb incline, able to do 3 good sets like that with the superset, that's actually what I like to toss in as well is superset with pecdec, really makes your pecs feel like their gonna tear right off your chestplate lol. DMA on DMZBeastMode, love it bro, keep up the great work!! and thanks for the advice, hey quick question as far as gyno I might be a little overthinking it but my chest feels like theres a little bit of fluid between the muscle and the skin, and my nips feel a little numb to the touch, but I did take a 100mg morphine last night and im still kind of feeling it, but what does this sound like to you and whats the best thing to jump on to get rid of that kind of stuff as fast as possible??? I have a bottle of dermastrength should be in the mailbox today... PLEASE HELP! lol. thanks bro and cant wait to see your next work out, glad you got Godzilla mode on it for real, you cant replace those feelings and workout days!!


Nice on those Inclines...

Inclines have always been a trouble for me..
I've always felt the standard bench angle was a bit to high for me, so I stuck to DB"s.. I could never get my numbers up til recently, I also learned to use a wider grip, works best for me..

That's kind of why I start at low weight and gradually go up on them in my sessions even if I'm warmed up and pumped..


Going wide is the best possible form you could use for incline ive seen pro's using wide grip more then anything and it targets more muscle fibers as well as puts more tension on your upper chest by stretching it more.. inclines are my #1 for sure, it takes a long time to get those numbers up naturally, I did it for almost 3 years in the joint and at the same time your flat will drop, I went from 165 on incline to 255, and 305 on flat to 205 lol.. worth it though, i want that damn upper chest man, I think a chest looks 100x better with that upper chest then just mid and lower tear drop chest ya guys feel me?


New member
I'm a little late to the rodeo, but subbed man! This is a killer log, playing around with 75mg of dmz is no joke! Great work brotha


Once again guys I apologize for posting all the questions like a nosey nancy, wont happen again! just wanted to say that cause I feel like a douche now especially on this good gentlemans thread, this is about him and his kickass journey to demigod status which it seems he possibly has come VERY close to achieving. so I leave you all with that have a great weekend!


  • RockStar
  • Established
Once again guys I apologize for posting all the questions like a nosey nancy, wont happen again! just wanted to say that cause I feel like a douche now especially on this good gentlemans thread, this is about him and his kickass journey to demigod status which it seems he possibly has come VERY close to achieving. so I leave you all with that have a great weekend!
Don't sweat it dude. All is good.

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