Thanks for the response bro! I just picked up some coq diesel and ready4war. How would you recommend to stack them?
Ready 4-War - Start with (1) Tablet !!!
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Coq DIESEL™ is formulated to increase:
- Libido - Drive
- Hardness
- Confidence
- Girth
- Desire
- "Volume"
- Intensity
Coq DIESEL™ is also formulated to:
- Reduced time between “sessions”
- Boost the test boosting effects of DIESEL TEST™
Hardcore and DIESEL TEST Procycle
- 24 hour results when used 2x a day (split dosage)
- Results from a single 3 or 4 Tab dose can last 12 – 30 hours
- Increase Nitric Oxide Pumps when taken preworkout
- Stacks well with Ready4War™ Tabs, NOS ETHER and
DIESEL FUEL preworkout
- Increase the energy and mood enhancing effects of preworkouts
“Give your partner the gift that keeps on giving….Coq DIESEL” ™
Coq is pronounced "Coke" french for Cock or Rooster.
Cycles, stress, poor diet, age, work hours, over-training, high caffeine intake, lack of sleep, you name it; many factors can decrease your ability to go “hard” when you need to. Why do everything possible to get the best results from training but not be able to perform at your best in the bedroom? It doesn’t make sense. Since 2002, GET DIESEL NUTRITION has been known to do three things very well 1) Pre-workouts, 2) Creatine products and 3) Test boosters/libido products.
Since its first release in 2007, Coq DIESEL has remained the only male potency product on the market that has kept pretty much the same formula that works very well AND never has been spiked with any Viagra or Cialis analogs, etc, as found with many effective discontinued male potency products over the years. As a matter of fact, the FDA has a website that list the 100’s of male potency products that may have worked for you in the past that were found to have illegal analogs of Sildenafil, etc. That is not the case with Coq DIESEL. With Coq DIESEL you are getting a 100% legal highly effective male potency product that is the end result of high quality raw materials, excellent formulation and a top of the line United States pharmaceutical grade manufacturing process. Just because Coq DIESEL is an over-the-counter legal dietary supplement, don’t let that fool you. You will be satisfied.
This is the guaranteed most effective over the counter legal non-spiked male potency product you can buy! Coq DIESEL is the real deal. Even if you do not have a problem in that area, why not become a monster?!? Send a message with Coq DIESEL™
* Coq DIESEL is very potent, most users will only need to take 2 tabs 2x a day or one single 3 or 4 tablets dose every 2 or 3 days.