Chuck Diesel

Are you Diesel?
It's finally done! Its official DTP is now available. DIESEL TEST, DIESEL TEST 2010, DIESEL TEST Hardcore...and now DIESEL TEST Pro-cycle!

When it comes to testosterone production/elevation, this is it. It don't get no better than DTP! You also get those tried and true DTH results: increased muscle hardness | tight pumps | libido/sex drive | training aggression/intensity | strength gains | improved muscle to fat ratio. It's just with DTP you get your DTH results, and Raw Test results (which is like throwing a turbo on the already legendary DTH) and Coq DIESEL to have you at "tree trunk" status when its time to get down!

Hope y'all ready for the next episode!​

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I decided to do an entirely new DTP thead now that its out so we can start from here. This is the place to post all your dumb comments like "these smell funny, these taste like coffee."...or to ask questions.

Some quick DTP facts:

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Old DTP thread: http://anabolicminds.com/forum/get-diesel-nutrition/122366-dtp-coming-spring.html

DTP is a combo of DIESEL TEST Hardcore, Coq DIESEL and Raw Test. If you dont know what those products are, go to getdiesel.com and read about them.

The tablets are enteric coated.

The directions for use are on the bottle.

Yes there are some GET DIESEL hormonal stacks that incorporate DTP in them, they can be found here:

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When will it be in stores? Today. If your fav. retailer isn't carrying it by end of the day tomorrow, they will have it next week.

Do you need PCT for DTP? No. DTP doesnt shut you down or give you synthetic anabolic compounds that cause HTPA loopbacks and require PCT. DTP is actually very effective for use during PCT.

Any other quest's or feedback, this is the place for it.

**This message has been brought to you by the good folks at GET DIESEL NUTRITION. If your tired of reading GET DIESEL got the best stuff out its because we do. There is no reason to make a bunch of products that suck and advertise the sht out of them to sell tons of product to 1st time consumers who will not re-order the product.**
GREAT!!!! Hey Chuck will you be doing the NOS Ether + R4W + DTP stack and offer it on FEFIFO???? Dying to try that combo in my upcoming PCT.
My head is still spinning from watching that Jay fry video...190 @ 700+lbs on the bench? I didnt think that was humanly possible...Seriously that is just ridiculous....where in the hell did he train?

Great news btw on the DTP, damn! Time to give it a try out.
Chuck - what is the ingredient(s) preventing it being sold outside the US?

Edit: found it.

DTP is legal for sale in the United States but due to it containing DHEA and Pregnenolone it may not be available for shipment to countries outside the United States.

This sux . . for me at least :(
I'll log this once I am done with my prime ;). haha JK, I need to save up some money and grab a bottle if this is anything like DTH i tried I really liked it.
My head is still spinning from watching that Jay fry video...190 @ 700+lbs on the bench? I didnt think that was humanly possible...Seriously that is just ridiculous....where in the hell did he train?

Great news btw on the DTP, damn! Time to give it a try out.

The infamous Westside Barbell in Columbus Ohio. He just did like 770lbs at like 198, I gotta get the video up. Invalid Link Removed
It's gametime!!! Thanks to everyone who waited patiently for the release. At the end of the day good things are worth waiting for ;).

Question on the dosage/timing:

I work odd hours 1000-2000 hrs. 4 days a week, and I usually hit the gym about 2100-ish...2x on, 1x off routine. I am asleep about 0030-0130 hrs, so when would be the best time to take the the DTP and or stack in some Diesel Fuel?

Reason, I ask is..just don't want to be up all night. :happysad:



Question on the dosage/timing:

I work odd hours 1000-2000 hrs. 4 days a week, and I usually hit the gym about 2100-ish...2x on, 1x off routine. I am asleep about 0030-0130 hrs, so when would be the best time to take the the DTP and or stack in some Diesel Fuel?

Reason, I ask is..just don't want to be up all night. :happysad:


what? I dont even know what that says....Just take it as directed, DTP isnt Ready4war. Use the DF before 2 meals of the day if your cutting.
I'm sure it's been asked, if so I apologize but is there any worry with shedding? At 37 it's one of my bigger worries, for the first time I'm seeing some hair loss.
ill be trying it out soon as part of my pct coming off 1t
Also can DTP be stacked with an AI to increase effectiveness? I know you had considered adding one to it but took it out. If so which would u recommend?
Chuck D how would I stack DHT, DTP and Sumani???

I wouldnt take DHT. You can stack DTP, DTH, and sunami by using the stack at the top of the "products" page at getdiesel.com:

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Extreme 3 kings stack.

I did 1 DTP/1 DTH (240ct) AM, and mid-day yest and today and like it alot. Sunami always puts me in the next zipcode in the libido dept when I stack with DIESEL TEST-anything. So not using that now. I tried to run DTP solo and its 2 much for me, pumps wise and I like to keep my preg. and DHEA intake low, I have nat. high DHEA.
You know me and Trip was talking about how people gonna ask can they stack DTP and DTH and on paper it seems like you should just use one or the other, but with DTP having a "delayed" enteric release and DTH 240ct being a "bam" in your face DT product, when you stack these, they actually work really well. You would just do like:

If you on say 5 DTH day, just do 1 DTP/1 DTH am, same mid-day, and a DTH early PM

or for a pre-workout "OMFG WTF" workout, do 2 DTP, 2 or 3 DTH, versus 4 DTP.

Or if your like some of my friends and using like 10 DTH tabs a day....you can replace 3 of those with DTP....

I know a guy using 7 DTH pre and 7 Post workout (240ct)! He was doing 4 120 cts pre and 4 post. I knew something was up becuase seriously he got a little 2 strong 2 fast. Im not BS you guys to try this high ass DTH dose, I was just saying. Max of the 240ct's Ive ever used in a day is about 5, 2 AM and 3 preworkout.
Haha I meant DTH not DHT lol!!! Oops

what about adding the anti-e in?

no. U dont need an anti-e with DTH or DTP. You dont need to stack like 4 test boosting products, if you do, then something aint' working. U can get by on DTH/Sunami, or DTP/Sunami alone. OR DTH or DTP at max dose.
Anybody used it yet? Logs/reviews?
SWEEEEEEET!! Too bad i am getting ready to go into work right now,otherwise i would go and cop online. Is it just on NP only???
You know me and Trip was talking about how people gonna ask can they stack DTP and DTH and on paper it seems like you should just use one or the other, but with DTP having a "delayed" enteric release and DTH 240ct being a "bam" in your face DT product, when you stack these, they actually work really well. You would just do like:

If you on say 5 DTH day, just do 1 DTP/1 DTH am, same mid-day, and a DTH early PM

or for a pre-workout "OMFG WTF" workout, do 2 DTP, 2 or 3 DTH, versus 4 DTP.

Or if your like some of my friends and using like 10 DTH tabs a day....you can replace 3 of those with DTP....

I know a guy using 7 DTH pre and 7 Post workout (240ct)! He was doing 4 120 cts pre and 4 post. I knew something was up becuase seriously he got a little 2 strong 2 fast. Im not BS you guys to try this high ass DTH dose, I was just saying. Max of the 240ct's Ive ever used in a day is about 5, 2 AM and 3 preworkout.

That's what I want a piece of. Are the pumps that severe? If so, I'm breaking the piggy bank.
dude, it only just came out!

Right, but you don't bottle and ship hundreds (if not thousands) of units without some people trying it. Right?
i got 4 bottles coming tuesday
Im in debate.. DTH 240ct, or DTP 160ct for PCT...not both...stunting isn't a habit..

i got both and sunami. will be running the ext 3 kings starting tommorow
Im debating on trying out the DTP from nutra or getting the twin pack of DTH (not nutra). I dont see that much difference tho except DHEA/preg, alcar, yohimbine. Anyone try DTP yet?
That's what I want a piece of. Are the pumps that severe? If so, I'm breaking the piggy bank.

they are....seems to give me a headache tho' because im on NOS ETHER also. DTH gives me good pumps also, but DTP gives me "hard" pumps.
Damn bro, I wish my pockets were that deep. That's some faith in GD to jump on 4.

Like ur sig block.......Its not like DTP is some new "dice roll" supplement. Its combo of 3 products Ive been making for years.
Im debating on trying out the DTP from nutra or getting the twin pack of DTH (not nutra). I dont see that much difference tho except DHEA/preg, alcar, yohimbine. Anyone try DTP yet?

Me personally I like DTH over DTP because Dhea reduces my libido, makes me more aggressive, but when I use DTH/raw test I have less libido. if you have never used Raw Test or a few bottles of DTH, you can go with either. There is a difference tho. You wont see a huge "supplement facts difference" because its built of DTH.

I guess you can wait till you get some feedback from people who have used DTH and now on DTP.
i tried 4 DTP, 4 Ready4War, 1 geranium cap and a carnitine blend from Beverly (Quadracarn)- very friggin kickass intensity, focus and aggresiveness; next workout adding 4 Ethertabs....

Chuck, the label says not to exceed 5days a week- if i do 4 days a week on workout days, can i run a different testbooster on non-workout days?
I just got to take my first dose of it tonight, 1 word WOW!! I switched up from my Ready4War and did 1/2 scoop of JP8, along with 2 scoops NOS Ether and 1 cap DTP with 2 caps DTH and let me say, that was quite nuts!! I have never had a pump like that, and I'm talking warm-ups only!! Training in the low rep range now, with some rest pause stuff. It was my first day off in a bit, and back day, so I knew it was going to be good!! Been on the DTH now for a bit, same with NOS Ether, but man, those were the sickest pumps, ever!! I actually had to take some breaks the pumps were so bad, even more so than with DTH and NOS Ether, didn't think that was possible. It literally felt liek MY back and bi's were gonna explode. I'd hate to thikn of how nuts it would be with higher reps. Good job Chuck!! Only downside is, I wish I had more time to work out, sucks!!