What is your dosing those 5 days?I take 5 day on, 2 off - Works well for me!
(3) Pre-Workout (AM) (2) Half an Hour Before Lunch (2) Half an Hour Before DinnerWhat is your dosing those 5 days?
Does anyone recommend taking the cycling of days? Plan on running 3/2/2 dosing everyday. Thanks for the help.
oh crap...I thought I was posting in my log...:stooges:
sorry chuck!!!!
Duuuuuude! You're a kick in the pants inspiration wherever you post!
oh crap...I thought I was posting in my log...:stooges:
sorry chuck!!!!
I cant find it, but someone asked about Diesel Test Procycle V3 on Amazon. Its available, just fighting with them to update the images.
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This is the V3 204 tab version, not V2.
Chuck Diesel are you discontinuing the V2 by any chance? Love that stuffI cant find it, but someone asked about Diesel Test Procycle V3 on Amazon. Its available, just fighting with them to update the images.
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This is the V3 204 tab version, not V2.
Chuck Diesel are you discontinuing the V2 by any chance? Love that stuff
those are some great reviews on V2, chuck...having used both 2 and 3 I would put V3 a notch above based on decreased stomach issues with higher dosing and the increased libido boost.
Yes i wouldn't make v2 and v3. Too many ppl complain it makes their stomach hurt. The v2 was stronger pill for pill but thats why there is 204 tabs in v3 where v2 had 128. Also v2 did nothing for libido. Im happy with v3. Raw test is something to use if anyone misses v2.
Good to know, thank you. Looks like I'll have to stock up while it's still available.
Yeah its some at a few places.
Does FeFiFo.com still have any ?
guys, would this be a good option with a Lean Cycle? thinking about something that would help with the shutdown while on cycle (so the Mrs doesnt complain!!!
guys, would this be a good option with a Lean Cycle? thinking about something that would help with the shutdown while on cycle (so the Mrs doesnt complain!!!
I just take a day off every once in awhile, usually sundays and rainy or bad weather days when I don't work. if you do take 2 days off a week-remember you don't have to take 2 consecutive days off.
Reviews look amazing. Thinking of running this with Lean so shutdown doesn't hit. Recommended?
Also why the off days, don't understand the concept??
Amazon.ca ...canada...shows a pic of the new bottle of dth...if i ordered thia would be the version id get?
Back to running 6 caps a day. When are most of you seeing results or changes?
Back to running 6 caps a day. When are most of you seeing results or changes?
Chuck Diesel or any othe knowledgeable bloke: If I am taking a serm for pct for a semi suppressive sarm/andro cycle, should I be taking my pro v with it or wait til my serm is done? (doing50/25/25)
I cut back to (2) a day, all I wanted to do was have sex!!
with it, start at only 3 DTP a day, 2 am and 1 mid day. DTP has always worked well w a serm. There are serm/DT logs on here from back in the day.Chuck Diesel or any othe knowledgeable bloke: If I am taking a serm for pct for a semi suppressive sarm/andro cycle, should I be taking my pro v with it ir wait til my serm is done? (doing50/25/25)
I cut back to (2) a day, all I wanted to do was have sex!!
I felt an increase in libido in the first few days haha. Only taking 4 a day to.
like webs said, it hits fast.
I cut back to (2) a day, all I wanted to do was have sex!!
Amazon.ca ...canada...shows a pic of the new bottle of dth...if i ordered thia would be the version id get?
Dang, am I the youngest user being 26?
Cant say much of anything to the libido but the Alpha feeling may be there. Playing around in new waters with training so its still been a humbling curve. No changes in my day to day to report as of yet using the 5/2 protocol at 6 tabs a day. Still got plenty of the bottle left though.
Dang, am I the youngest user being 26?
Cant say much of anything to the libido but the Alpha feeling may be there. Playing around in new waters with training so its still been a humbling curve. No changes in my day to day to report as of yet using the 5/2 protocol at 6 tabs a day. Still got plenty of the bottle left though.
Id start at 3 a day. 2am and 1 midday. I get high libido on 2 a day. Over 4 a day i literary destroy the gym but dnt b horny all day.
Is Fefifo currently the best pricing on V3? Thinking of giving a bottle a whirl, like 2 caps a day and see if I can tolerate the yohimbe at that dose and get some libido fun. If not, I have a buddy I'm sure wouldn't mind a free bottle on me, worst case scenario lol
Is Fefifo currently the best pricing on V3? Thinking of giving a bottle a whirl, like 2 caps a day and see if I can tolerate the yohimbe at that dose and get some libido fun. If not, I have a buddy I'm sure wouldn't mind a free bottle on me, worst case scenario lol
I read some users are not having it due to the Yohimbe, like stomach issues and that kind of thing... Anyone here have the same?
I ordered mine thru Amazon and it's the same price as fefifo 53$ and some change
Yea at my 4th week here and started high, lowered the dose, and now back up. Maybe its still taking time