Designer Steroid/prohormone profiles



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just not bud.extensively search done already,no clear answer.


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could someone very chemically inclined explain what the hell exactly is the compound in METHOXY-TRN/MEGA-TRN???I bought a couple bottles about two years ago,but I have not yet found REAL info about it...
I don't spend as much time on AM as I used to, but I don't think the answer to what exactly it is(was) was ever released and a couple people stated that wanted to run lab testing, but I never heard of tests being performed.

There are plenty of people that have run it and varying degrees of responses, so user beware. I personally damaged my kidneys and pissed blood with TST/TRN with low dose SD. And I still have a few bottles of each and am cautious to experiment with TST/TRN again due to all the unknowns.


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D_Town is correct. Nobody even knows what either of them are. The nomenclature on both were admittedly ambiguous, but supposedly in the ballpark of what they were supposed to be. I'm not sure that we'll ever definitively find out what these two products are/were.


I've thrown a few hundred dollars down the toilet after getting a compound and then having second thoughts...I'd probably have had second thoughts about these two.
What I've deep sixed: ProMagnon, Methoxy-Tst, Superdrol, and get this, two of those 500 tab M-1T bottles when they were selling for like $50 each, along with about 3 of the 100 tab bottles..sigh.


New member
I've thrown a few hundred dollars down the toilet after getting a compound and then having second thoughts...I'd probably have had second thoughts about these two.
What I've deep sixed: ProMagnon, Methoxy-Tst, Superdrol, and get this, two of those 500 tab M-1T bottles when they were selling for like $50 each, along with about 3 of the 100 tab bottles..sigh.
Wow, as u have read in my previous posts, i had never heard of all this designer stuff, i always used regualr juice, decca, winny, dbol, etc. but i thought this stuff was less toxic or had little side effects but i am reading that is not the case. So my question is why not rely on the regular stuff which at least u know works, its seems like a lot of people are spending money on stuff that doesnt work or has a lot of side effects and second what have u personally found that is outstanding to use and everyone univerally agrees it works and is not to hard on your system, any and all help would be greatly appreciated because i am still confused and i have been reading threads here now for about about a month and a half


New member
Yo Koman, I completely agree with you bro but I am stationed in Maine and these foks up here could care less what they look like I can't find gear anywhere and i don't trust buying the real deal online any suggestions?


New member
Yo Koman, I completely agree with you bro but I am stationed in Maine and these foks up here could care less what they look like I can't find gear anywhere and i don't trust buying the real deal online any suggestions?
Im lucky i live in san diego, so i just cross the border and get ir done. But when i didnt live in calif that if u go to a bodybuilding gym there are always a couple of guys who are obviously on who will help u get some


In my case Koman, it is strictly the legality issue. I know it's a fine line, but the bottom line is, if it's illegal, I'm not going to do it. If they were legal, I would. You are correct about the risks though, some of these designer supplements are by no means safer(depending on the compound that is), while some are, like perhaps Epi and Fura, maybe even H-Drol are pretty forgiving I believe.


I meant to add, I wouldn't just use a dangerous substance because it's legal and take that risk, that would be stupid. I would only use the legal substances that are safer.


New member
I meant to add, I wouldn't just use a dangerous substance because it's legal and take that risk, that would be stupid. I would only use the legal substances that are safer.
Understandable, two questions when u take these substances do u take blood tests and or clomid to make sure everything is cool. and second question when i first starting asking questions and i also noticed this of another guy u can check previous threads on here, guys were asking us if we were feds, whats up with that?


I don't care if you're a Fed, I have nothing illegal :cheers:
Clomid would legally require a script, so, no clomid, or nolva, or any script serm. I haven't had any blood work done but then I haven't done anything risky. Other than just before the ban did a few superdrols but then thought better of it. I feel much better after running two bottles of AI PCS and now finishing up on a couple weeks of Restore. As far as I'm concerned, I wish they'd stop the damn witch hunt already, however, I don't need PH's to achieve my goals, I'm just lazy. I got as big as I would ever want to get by completely natural means, now, I want to get back there, and as quickly as possible, but never by breaking the law, you fed you.


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Understandable, two questions when u take these substances do u take blood tests and or clomid to make sure everything is cool. and second question when i first starting asking questions and i also noticed this of another guy u can check previous threads on here, guys were asking us if we were feds, whats up with that?
First off, Who are "we"? Are you schizo or are there more than one of you? Secondly, all the info you have questioned redundantly about is all available by reading old posts.

There are dangerous supps and not so dangerous supps. But, they are legal. Many do legal and illegal hormones. Many won't use use illegal for the simple sense that they are illegal. Some don't like needles. Some like convenience. And others cannot obtain illegal juice even if they wanted to.

Many people get blood tests and most do not. The results of those have varied from not much change in levels to very unhealthy results (which correct when usage ceases).

When taking short cycles, such as the legal pills, most don't take anti-estrogens/ SERMs while ON, but it definately depends on which compound they are taking. Most do take something for post cycle therapy. Ancillaries are a must.

NOTE: How weird is that?? When I type P.C.T. with no punctuation, the PC/ AM spells it out!!!:blink:


So true D_Town, the old search feature. Just to be clear, I am NOT afraid of needles. I love pain, I've been married 3x.


New member
I don't care if you're a Fed, I have nothing illegal :cheers:
Clomid would legally require a script, so, no clomid, or nolva, or any script serm. I haven't had any blood work done but then I haven't done anything risky. Other than just before the ban did a few superdrols but then thought better of it. I feel much better after running two bottles of AI PCS and now finishing up on a couple weeks of Restore. As far as I'm concerned, I wish they'd stop the damn witch hunt already, however, I don't need PH's to achieve my goals, I'm just lazy. I got as big as I would ever want to get by completely natural means, now, I want to get back there, and as quickly as possible, but never by breaking the law, you fed you.
this is incredible, so when u ask questions, u are a fed, f the feds, i hate those buzzkillers, but i love how it says on the top of this site, learn, teach and lead, how can u learn when some of u guys automatically think anyone asking a question that might be dumb to u but itsnt to me is a fed, i am sorry for bothering u.


New member
First off, Who are "we"? Are you schizo or are there more than one of you? Secondly, all the info you have questioned redundantly about is all available by reading old posts.

There are dangerous supps and not so dangerous supps. But, they are legal. Many do legal and illegal hormones. Many won't use use illegal for the simple sense that they are illegal. Some don't like needles. Some like convenience. And others cannot obtain illegal juice even if they wanted to.

Many people get blood tests and most do not. The results of those have varied from not much change in levels to very unhealthy results (which correct when usage ceases).

When taking short cycles, such as the legal pills, most don't take anti-estrogens/ SERMs while ON, but it definately depends on which compound they are taking. Most do take something for post cycle therapy. Ancillaries are a must.

NOTE: How weird is that?? When I type P.C.T. with no punctuation, the PC/ AM spells it out!!!:blink:
Well thank u for the info, when i said we i said specifically me and some other guy (i didnt look back to see his name) had asked questions and we were both hit with the are u feds B>S., why is everyone so paranoid. No need to call me a schizo dog, i havent disrespected u, so lets keep this chill. I just have questions because i am brand new to this, it is a brand new world to me, and i thought it might be an alternative to being on the juice, since it is illegal but what i am reading i should just probably stick with what got me big because either way there are side effects. sorry if i bothered u to i just wanted to be informed
not accused or insulted, peace. i wont bother u again


New member
First off, Who are "we"? Are you schizo or are there more than one of you? Secondly, all the info you have questioned redundantly about is all available by reading old posts.

There are dangerous supps and not so dangerous supps. But, they are legal. Many do legal and illegal hormones. Many won't use use illegal for the simple sense that they are illegal. Some don't like needles. Some like convenience. And others cannot obtain illegal juice even if they wanted to.

Many people get blood tests and most do not. The results of those have varied from not much change in levels to very unhealthy results (which correct when usage ceases).

When taking short cycles, such as the legal pills, most don't take anti-estrogens/ SERMs while ON, but it definately depends on which compound they are taking. Most do take something for post cycle therapy. Ancillaries are a must.

NOTE: How weird is that?? When I type P.C.T. with no punctuation, the PC/ AM spells it out!!!:blink:
Well thank u for the info, when i said we i said specifically me and some other guy (i didnt look back to see his name) had asked questions and we were both hit with the are u feds B>S., why is everyone so paranoid. No need to call me a schizo dog, i havent disrespected u, so lets keep this chill. I just have questions because i am brand new to this, it is a brand new world to me, and i thought it might be an alternative to being on the juice, since it is illegal but what i am reading i should just probably stick with what got me big because either way there are side effects. sorry if i bothered u to i just wanted to be informed
not accused or insulted, peace. i wont bother u again


New member
First off, Who are "we"? Are you schizo or are there more than one of you? Secondly, all the info you have questioned redundantly about is all available by reading old posts.

There are dangerous supps and not so dangerous supps. But, they are legal. Many do legal and illegal hormones. Many won't use use illegal for the simple sense that they are illegal. Some don't like needles. Some like convenience. And others cannot obtain illegal juice even if they wanted to.

Many people get blood tests and most do not. The results of those have varied from not much change in levels to very unhealthy results (which correct when usage ceases).

When taking short cycles, such as the legal pills, most don't take anti-estrogens/ SERMs while ON, but it definately depends on which compound they are taking. Most do take something for post cycle therapy. Ancillaries are a must.

NOTE: How weird is that?? When I type P.C.T. with no punctuation, the PC/ AM spells it out!!!:blink:
Well thank u for the info, when i said we i said specifically me and some other guy (i didnt look back to see his name) had asked questions and we were both hit with the are u feds B>S., why is everyone so paranoid. No need to call me a schizo dog, i havent disrespected u, so lets keep this chill. I just have questions because i am brand new to this, it is a brand new world to me, and i thought it might be an alternative to being on the juice, since it is illegal but what i am reading i should just probably stick with what got me big because either way there are side effects. sorry if i bothered u to i just wanted to be informed
not accused or insulted, peace. i wont bother u again


New member
First off, Who are "we"? Are you schizo or are there more than one of you? Secondly, all the info you have questioned redundantly about is all available by reading old posts.

There are dangerous supps and not so dangerous supps. But, they are legal. Many do legal and illegal hormones. Many won't use use illegal for the simple sense that they are illegal. Some don't like needles. Some like convenience. And others cannot obtain illegal juice even if they wanted to.

Many people get blood tests and most do not. The results of those have varied from not much change in levels to very unhealthy results (which correct when usage ceases).

When taking short cycles, such as the legal pills, most don't take anti-estrogens/ SERMs while ON, but it definately depends on which compound they are taking. Most do take something for post cycle therapy. Ancillaries are a must.

NOTE: How weird is that?? When I type P.C.T. with no punctuation, the PC/ AM spells it out!!!:blink:
Well thank u for the info, when i said we i said specifically me and some other guy (i didnt look back to see his name) had asked questions and we were both hit with the are u feds B>S., why is everyone so paranoid. No need to call me a schizo dog, i havent disrespected u, so lets keep this chill. I just have questions because i am brand new to this, it is a brand new world to me, and i thought it might be an alternative to being on the juice, since it is illegal but what i am reading i should just probably stick with what got me big because either way there are side effects. sorry if i bothered u to i just wanted to be informed
not accused or insulted, peace. i wont bother u again


New member
First off, Who are "we"? Are you schizo or are there more than one of you? Secondly, all the info you have questioned redundantly about is all available by reading old posts.

There are dangerous supps and not so dangerous supps. But, they are legal. Many do legal and illegal hormones. Many won't use use illegal for the simple sense that they are illegal. Some don't like needles. Some like convenience. And others cannot obtain illegal juice even if they wanted to.

Many people get blood tests and most do not. The results of those have varied from not much change in levels to very unhealthy results (which correct when usage ceases).

When taking short cycles, such as the legal pills, most don't take anti-estrogens/ SERMs while ON, but it definately depends on which compound they are taking. Most do take something for post cycle therapy. Ancillaries are a must.

NOTE: How weird is that?? When I type P.C.T. with no punctuation, the PC/ AM spells it out!!!:blink:
Well thank u for the info, when i said we i said specifically me and some other guy (i didnt look back to see his name) had asked questions and we were both hit with the are u feds B>S., why is everyone so paranoid. No need to call me a schizo dog, i havent disrespected u, so lets keep this chill. I just have questions because i am brand new to this, it is a brand new world to me, and i thought it might be an alternative to being on the juice, since it is illegal but what i am reading i should just probably stick with what got me big because either way there are side effects. sorry if i bothered u to i just wanted to be informed
not accused or insulted, peace. i wont bother u again


New member
First off, Who are "we"? Are you schizo or are there more than one of you? Secondly, all the info you have questioned redundantly about is all available by reading old posts.

There are dangerous supps and not so dangerous supps. But, they are legal. Many do legal and illegal hormones. Many won't use use illegal for the simple sense that they are illegal. Some don't like needles. Some like convenience. And others cannot obtain illegal juice even if they wanted to.

Many people get blood tests and most do not. The results of those have varied from not much change in levels to very unhealthy results (which correct when usage ceases).

When taking short cycles, such as the legal pills, most don't take anti-estrogens/ SERMs while ON, but it definately depends on which compound they are taking. Most do take something for post cycle therapy. Ancillaries are a must.

NOTE: How weird is that?? When I type P.C.T. with no punctuation, the PC/ AM spells it out!!!:blink:
Well thank u for the info, when i said we i said specifically me and some other guy (i didnt look back to see his name) had asked questions and we were both hit with the are u feds B>S., why is everyone so paranoid. No need to call me a schizo dog, i havent disrespected u, so lets keep this chill. I just have questions because i am brand new to this, it is a brand new world to me, and i thought it might be an alternative to being on the juice, since it is illegal but what i am reading i should just probably stick with what got me big because either way there are side effects. sorry if i bothered u to i just wanted to be informed
not accused or insulted, peace. i wont bother u again


New member
First off, Who are "we"? Are you schizo or are there more than one of you? Secondly, all the info you have questioned redundantly about is all available by reading old posts.

There are dangerous supps and not so dangerous supps. But, they are legal. Many do legal and illegal hormones. Many won't use use illegal for the simple sense that they are illegal. Some don't like needles. Some like convenience. And others cannot obtain illegal juice even if they wanted to.

Many people get blood tests and most do not. The results of those have varied from not much change in levels to very unhealthy results (which correct when usage ceases).

When taking short cycles, such as the legal pills, most don't take anti-estrogens/ SERMs while ON, but it definately depends on which compound they are taking. Most do take something for post cycle therapy. Ancillaries are a must.

NOTE: How weird is that?? When I type P.C.T. with no punctuation, the PC/ AM spells it out!!!:blink:
Well thank u for the info, when i said we i said specifically me and some other guy (i didnt look back to see his name) had asked questions and we were both hit with the are u feds B>S., why is everyone so paranoid. No need to call me a schizo dog, i havent disrespected u, so lets keep this chill. I just have questions because i am brand new to this, it is a brand new world to me, and i thought it might be an alternative to being on the juice, since it is illegal but what i am reading i should just probably stick with what got me big because either way there are side effects. sorry if i bothered u to i just wanted to be informed
not accused or insulted, peace. i wont bother u again


New member
First off, Who are "we"? Are you schizo or are there more than one of you? Secondly, all the info you have questioned redundantly about is all available by reading old posts.

There are dangerous supps and not so dangerous supps. But, they are legal. Many do legal and illegal hormones. Many won't use use illegal for the simple sense that they are illegal. Some don't like needles. Some like convenience. And others cannot obtain illegal juice even if they wanted to.

Many people get blood tests and most do not. The results of those have varied from not much change in levels to very unhealthy results (which correct when usage ceases).

When taking short cycles, such as the legal pills, most don't take anti-estrogens/ SERMs while ON, but it definately depends on which compound they are taking. Most do take something for post cycle therapy. Ancillaries are a must.

NOTE: How weird is that?? When I type P.C.T. with no punctuation, the PC/ AM spells it out!!!:blink:
Well thank u for the info, when i said we i said specifically me and some other guy (i didnt look back to see his name) had asked questions and we were both hit with the are u feds B>S., why is everyone so paranoid. No need to call me a schizo dog, i havent disrespected u, so lets keep this chill. I just have questions because i am brand new to this, it is a brand new world to me, and i thought it might be an alternative to being on the juice, since it is illegal but what i am reading i should just probably stick with what got me big because either way there are side effects. sorry if i bothered u to i just wanted to be informed
not accused or insulted, peace. i wont bother u again


New member
First off, Who are "we"? Are you schizo or are there more than one of you? Secondly, all the info you have questioned redundantly about is all available by reading old posts.

There are dangerous supps and not so dangerous supps. But, they are legal. Many do legal and illegal hormones. Many won't use use illegal for the simple sense that they are illegal. Some don't like needles. Some like convenience. And others cannot obtain illegal juice even if they wanted to.

Many people get blood tests and most do not. The results of those have varied from not much change in levels to very unhealthy results (which correct when usage ceases).

When taking short cycles, such as the legal pills, most don't take anti-estrogens/ SERMs while ON, but it definately depends on which compound they are taking. Most do take something for post cycle therapy. Ancillaries are a must.

NOTE: How weird is that?? When I type P.C.T. with no punctuation, the PC/ AM spells it out!!!:blink:
Well thank u for the info, when i said we i said specifically me and some other guy (i didnt look back to see his name) had asked questions and we were both hit with the are u feds B>S., why is everyone so paranoid. No need to call me a schizo dog, i havent disrespected u, so lets keep this chill. I just have questions because i am brand new to this, it is a brand new world to me, and i thought it might be an alternative to being on the juice, since it is illegal but what i am reading i should just probably stick with what got me big because either way there are side effects. sorry if i bothered u to i just wanted to be informed
not accused or insulted, peace. i wont bother u again
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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First off, Who are "we"? Are you schizo or are there more than one of you? Secondly, all the info you have questioned redundantly about is all available by reading old posts.

There are dangerous supps and not so dangerous supps. But, they are legal. Many do legal and illegal hormones. Many won't use use illegal for the simple sense that they are illegal. Some don't like needles. Some like convenience. And others cannot obtain illegal juice even if they wanted to.

Many people get blood tests and most do not. The results of those have varied from not much change in levels to very unhealthy results (which correct when usage ceases).

When taking short cycles, such as the legal pills, most don't take anti-estrogens/ SERMs while ON, but it definately depends on which compound they are taking. Most do take something for post cycle therapy. Ancillaries are a must.

NOTE: How weird is that?? When I type P.C.T. with no punctuation, the PC/ AM spells it out!!!:blink:
Repped :)
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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Well thank u for the info, when i said we i said specifically me and some other guy (i didnt look back to see his name) had asked questions and we were both hit with the are u feds B>S., why is everyone so paranoid. No need to call me a schizo dog, i havent disrespected u, so lets keep this chill. I just have questions because i am brand new to this, it is a brand new world to me, and i thought it might be an alternative to being on the juice, since it is illegal but what i am reading i should just probably stick with what got me big because either way there are side effects. sorry if i bothered u to i just wanted to be informed
not accused or insulted, peace. i wont bother u again
Yo koman, no need to get your panties in a wad. It is advocated heavily on this board that if you have general questions, use the search function and read... if that does not yeild your desired results, then start a new thread and ask your question. The questions that you asked have been asked (and answered) ad nauseum already and you would have gotten your answers quicker had you done some searching.

Oh yeah, no need also for the multiple posting... 5 times??

Anyway. Everyone means well through their posts and there is no intent to offend


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Well thank u for the info, when i said we i said specifically me and some other guy (i didnt look back to see his name) had asked questions and we were both hit with the are u feds B>S., why is everyone so paranoid. No need to call me a schizo dog, i havent disrespected u, so lets keep this chill. I just have questions because i am brand new to this, it is a brand new world to me, and i thought it might be an alternative to being on the juice, since it is illegal but what i am reading i should just probably stick with what got me big because either way there are side effects. sorry if i bothered u to i just wanted to be informed
not accused or insulted, peace. i wont bother u again
As stated by LME, I was not intending to insult you. I have sarcasm deeply seeded in my veins. I figured you were talking about someone besides you. I just couldn't pass at the alley-oop I was served. You know, funny, haha.

I answered every question you posed, in brief answer form. There are thousands of members and everyone's experience, desires and even bodies are different. That is why reading old posts are so invaluable; the threads contain multiple bro's input and there are an incredible amount of them. If they were not used to "Learn, Teach, and Lead" then we might as well delete them because they take up a lot of space, which is why Bobo spent his $ and ugraded the server quite some time ago.

Don't feel disrespected, there is no malintent. If the multiple posts was an accident, oops; if they were from your multiple personalities... LMAO


I didn't quite catch that last post by Koman......what did it say?
You know, the post that is showing up like 20 times. I had heard that Feds have the ability to enter a post and make it show up 50x. :lol:


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Is not!
Is not!
Is not!
Is not!

<I tried to post is not in successive posts, but the damn forum seems to be learning my ways and wouldn't allow it!>


New member
can someone give me a solid list of phs that won't aggrevate gyno..and is there anyway to avoid aggrevating gyno with a product like pp or sd?


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Read through the first post. I believe that all of the PHs that are known to aggravate gyno were listed as so.


Schuman, sounds like the two you mentioned would be two of the most likely candidates to aggravate an existing gyno condition, and then you have the risk of potential delayed gyno.


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Max LMG clones too...I'm not sure about any others though...


Recovering AXoholic
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Read through the first post. I believe that all of the PHs that are known to aggravate gyno were listed as so.
I think breathing oxygen for sustenance has been shown to aggrevate gyno.

I dunno, though. I've read so many posts about product X aggrevating someone's gyno, it aggrevated MY gyno. ;)


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I think a lot of guys put on a little fat during a bulking cycle and think they have started developing of the first places a man's body deposits fat is...on the chest area! Unfortunately, the other area is the abdominals :(

The mass hysteria is understandable and gyno is definitely not something to take lightly though.

On a related note, a very well known Organic Chemist has recently posted that there are very few actual progestins are currently on the market. Please note that he still said that even if they aren't really progestins that they may still have progestational activity (albeit slight). He was speaking in reference to dienelone (estra-4,9-dien-3,17-dione) and Propadrol.

sex hormone activity has nothing to do with DSHEA compliance. DSHEA compliance is an issue having to do with being found in food or other things

you are thinking DEA issue. that is more complicated. there is an exemption for progestins on there but its not so simple

besides, most of these componunds people are calling progestins are not really progestins. they share vague chemical similarity with known pharmaceutical progestins and maybe have slight progestational activity but in my expert opinion would NOT fall into the category of progestin. they would be considered in the androgen class.

case in point would be estra-4,9-dien-3,17-dione
In all honesty, nobody knows what some of these supps are though. I came across the above info while posting over at about Propadrol:

...There appears to be some smoke and mirrors at play with this product. From the research that I have done the nomenclature doesn't quite make sense. I believe it would have to be 13-ethyl, not 12-ethyl, to be a progestin...this is contradicted by the "gona" nomenclaute though, because gona (gonane) is a class of progestins

Up until now I had almost convinced myself that Propadrol was nothing more than a low dose Max LMG with 3-OHAT.


Recovering AXoholic
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The propadrol "whatever it is" actually is missing an oxygen at carbon 17. It is a very obscure compound.


Never enough
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yeah, I had bought some propadrol and in the end had second thoughts and traded it off


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The propadrol "whatever it is" actually is missing an oxygen at carbon 17. It is a very obscure compound.
What about the 12-ethyl as opposed to the 13-ethyl? Does that make any sense to you?

FWIR progestins have their longest substituent group at the C-13 (or C-10), not C-12...the gona nomenclature lead me to believe that this is a progestin, but I'm admittedly very green with this sort of talk and organic chem in general.


Recovering AXoholic
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What about the 12-ethyl as opposed to the 13-ethyl? Does that make any sense to you?

FWIR progestins have their longest substituent group at the C-13 (or C-10), not C-12...the gona nomenclature lead me to believe that this is a progestin, but I'm admittedly very green with this sort of talk and organic chem in general.
There's two ways to name a chemical: IUPAC and "I have a life and a finite amount of ink"

A gonane (aka sterane) is merely the most basic 17 carbon steroid skeleton; whereas, an androgen has two methyls making it a 19 carbon structure.

Essentially, this a is gonane with an ether at 3 and an alkyl at 12. I don't think it is quite a progestin. To be honest, I'm not really sure what it is. Like I said, it doesn't have an oxygen at 17, which is pretty useful when trying to bind to the androgen receptor. Like I said, this is a rather obscure compound.


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Thanks. I've been waiting all day for you to post back about this. I know just enough to understand, but not enough to make heads or tails of this. I didn't understand/know that it could be a gonane and not a progestin.

...and I had to laugh at the IUPAC comment. I'm getting all too familiar with both types of nomenclature :frustrate


Recovering AXoholic
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Thanks. I've been waiting all day for you to post back about this. I know just enough to understand, but not enough to make heads or tails of this. I didn't understand/know that it could be a gonane and not a progestin.

...and I had to laugh at the IUPAC comment. I'm getting all too familiar with both types of nomenclature :frustrate
IUPAC for gonane is 1,2-cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene.

As you can see, the system kinda gets out of whack when dealing with larger molecules. That's when people say "**** it" and start making up names.


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Damn, that's obnoxious. We've just finished alcohols and spiros and are currently working on alkenes and some new mechanisms.


New member
Hey guys any new info on Propadrol? Gains? sides? I was thinking of pulsing it with some Havoc, you know Methyl with a non Methyl, either that or Havoc with some Furaguno for a 6 week cycle, and some Cycle support on off days, and Post cycle support as my PCT. Any thoughts, and/or recommendations?

I'm out.


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  • Established
Hey guys, im kinda new to prohormones and am trying to research and read as many threads as possible. Ive been looking at a lot of prohormone products and some people say one is great and others hate it. I just want to know what product is good for good gains and very low side effects? I read the profiles and was just wondering what product would be good for me. I dont need to cut body fat, im 9.4%, but i wana put on 6-7 pounds of lean muscle and keep it on. Any suggestions??

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