Couple questions for those who’ve taken anabolic xt


Hi guys!

So I’m planing on running AXT course after my Ara run is finished , couple days or so.

One significant concern I have (although intuitively I feel it’s not much warranted) is the inclusion of ecklonia cava in AXT. EC has been shown to lower 5ar I believe. I know this as I’ve also gone down the rabbit hole with hairloss natural supplements. Many natural hairloss supplements have given me sexual sides, mainly decreased libido etc.

so I’m doubting there will be a yes but has anyone experienced any negative sexual side effects on AXT like decreased libido?

also, about how long did it take to start seeing results and what were the main beneficial results you saw?



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Complete opposite here. Libido and similar benefits all were pretty high on this.

I notice the effects of AXT pretty quick some things within the first week.


I ran it for two months and had no libido issues. It is a truly great natty anabolic. Best I ever used, personally, although I haven't yet run x-gels or any of the other natty anabolics like Anabolic Effect, Prime, Pepti-Plex etc...

I saw results very soon. Almost right away in terms of pumps. It had great recomp action for me with superb vascularity and muscle fullness. I was more hungry on it, so I really had to control myself. That is one thing to be aware of. I recommend at least 4 months.
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Yep my Libido went up / results within a few days. I like 4 caps pre workout 2 caps later in the day.


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My libido did not decrease.
Take my advice, don’t stop after 2 months. Go more!


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My libido was the highest its been in years when I did my Anabolic XT run.

There were a lot of benefits for me, but the biggest was motivation to train. I've always been someone that trains for the results, but I do not enjoy or like working out. I respect the people that do, but that's not me. On Anabolic XT is probably the only time in the last 20 years I could tell you I looked forward to training and that I didn't miss workouts.

It was actually less than 3 weeks after my cycle ended that I wound up getting out of the habit of working out and slacked off in my training.


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My libido was the highest its been in years when I did my Anabolic XT run.

There were a lot of benefits for me, but the biggest was motivation to train. I've always been someone that trains for the results, but I do not enjoy or like working out. I respect the people that do, but that's not me. On Anabolic XT is probably the only time in the last 20 years I could tell you I looked forward to training and that I didn't miss workouts.

It was actually less than 3 weeks after my cycle ended that I wound up getting out of the habit of working out and slacked off in my training.
Definitely agree with this. Anabolic XT is no joke!


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I never had any negative side effects from Anabolic XT. I bought 2 bottles (like I do with everything) and ran them. By week 6, I decide if I want to continue, which I did and bought another bottle. So I ran it for 12 weeks with no negative sides.

I'll be starting Anabolic Effect in a week doing the same thing. After 6 weeks I'll decide if I want to continue and then pick up another or 2 bottle if I do.


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I've used a bunch of bottles. Libido is always higher on it, I get Recomp effects, and feel harder/leaner, with increased endurance.


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I just finish mind , and just got recomp effects...


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My libido starting point is TRASH, and that is on TRT. On a good day, which are few and far between, I will have "desire." Anything that lowers libido, even in the slightest, is very noticeable. For example if you make $7.00/hr you sure as hell notice Netflix raising it's prices by a few dollars, while anyone who makes $150.00/hr likely does not loose sleep, if they notice at all. I have a $7.00/hr libido, lol.

So anything that hurts it, even a few %, I notice. AXT did NOT lower it at all. For me it did not raise it either but I was not taking it for that.

OP NOT saying you are doing this but I have noticed (25 years in the retail supp business) that with the advent of the internet, and the ability to hear from EVERY SINGLE PERSON who gets a "side effect" that people report experiencing these negative effects FAR MORE than they used to. It's almost a side effect placebo effect. If one spends hours reading about the possible pitfalls of anything I do think this increases the likelihood of SOME people SUBJECTIVELY experiencing them.


Thanks for the replies guys.

BC, I hear what you’re saying. Thing is, many natural hairloss supplements all contain something that either lowers 5ar, decreases androgen sensitivity, lowers DHT, etc. I would go in with an open mind to use these but I definitely noticed side effects. One of the most common one is saw palmetto or its extracts. That **** definitely knocked my libido out.

so in that sense I’m just wary when I read studies that show a certain substance contains something to lower 5ar.

in the same token, of course nature is not that black and white and just because there is some lowering doesn’t mean the end result will be negative or low libido. It could be adaptogenic.

anyways, thanks again for the responses and it’s great y’all only noticed positive things.
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Axt is the best product I've used for performance, Recomp, and 'feels'. Just do it.


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For what its worth, I used BLR Follidrone which is ecklonia cava for 4 years straight & it didn't hurt my libido & I'm very sensitive to things hurting libido.

Keep us updated when you start, I'm looking to run this in 6 weeks or so :)


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I haven't had any hairloss or libido problems whilst on Anabolic XT. The only negative side effect I've had is increased spots/acne, which I'm prone to anyway.
I think visually noticable results started around week four, end of bottle one/start of bottle two. No change in diet or exercise, but looked fuller whilst maintaining vascularity.


Has anyone noticed hitting PRs easier, increase in strength while on axt?

*my bottle should be here in 2-3 days so I’m looking forward to it


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OP NOT saying you are doing this but I have noticed (25 years in the retail supp business) that with the advent of the internet, and the ability to hear from EVERY SINGLE PERSON who gets a "side effect" that people report experiencing these negative effects FAR MORE than they used to. It's almost a side effect placebo effect. If one spends hours reading about the possible pitfalls of anything I do think this increases the likelihood of SOME people SUBJECTIVELY experiencing them.
Not related to this poster or this thread.

But to the sentiment that you just posted - absolutely 1000% agree. And not just about supplements, but about everything.

Just like placebo can be positive - it can be negative.

An example is Eradicate-E - in many thousands of units sold, we have never had one, not a single one report of it causing low cortisol. And I remember Rosie here back in the day mega dosed the heck out of that compound and saw positive benefits for joints. But there are people on here that if that ingredient gets mentioned, they're so quick to bash it and try to convince everyone that they're going to experience symptoms of low cortisol.

The reason I say that is this - if I wanted to convince myself I have symptoms of low cortisol, what are they? A couple would be brain fog, fatigue, joint pain - BUT hell, I feel like that every single day of my life. If I wanted to get paranoid from reading on it, sure, I could blame it on that - but the reality is that I'd just be focusing more on how I feel in general.

That's just one example of many. Great post.


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Has anyone noticed hitting PRs easier, increase in strength while on axt?

*my bottle should be here in 2-3 days so I’m looking forward to it
There is a lot of feedback in this thread if you want to check it out:



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Thanks for the replies guys.

BC, I hear what you’re saying. Thing is, many natural hairloss supplements all contain something that either lowers 5ar, decreases androgen sensitivity, lowers DHT, etc. I would go in with an open mind to use these but I definitely noticed side effects. One of the most common one is saw palmetto or its extracts. That **** definitely knocked my libido out.

so in that sense I’m just wary when I read studies that show a certain substance contains something to lower 5ar.

in the same token, of course nature is not that black and white and just because there is some lowering doesn’t mean the end result will be negative or low libido. It could be adaptogenic.

anyways, thanks again for the responses and it’s great y’all only noticed positive things.
I don't think Ecklonia Cava has any significant impact on 5ar at all.

If it did, it would be in the upcoming hair loss product and in the upcoming Prostate Support XT.

I've researched the hell out of Ecklonia Cava for hair loss - for research for an upcoming product that has been years in the works and also because it's a subject I'm personally very interested in because I could use all the help I can get in that department.

I'm not convinced it works in that regards and it won't be in the capsule product we will be launching for hair loss.

I've also researched the hell out of it for prostate support, and I'm not convinced that it helps with that - and therefore, it won't be in Prostate Support XT.

If I really felt that it would help with hair loss, I would have definitely included that in the write up for Anabolic XT because that would have been a great helpful selling point for the product, but I don't and I didn't.

Here is why its in Anabolic XT:
Ecklonia Cava is a brown seaweed rich in polyphenolic content that confers antioxidant properties and is being researched for a variety of health and athletic enhancement related benefits.

Ecklonia Cava is thought to be a strong follistatin booster and myostatin inhibitor, which makes it a great candidate for inclusion in a natural anabolic.

In addition, Ecklonia Cava may also work as an ACE inhibitor. ACE inhibitors are most commonly known for their cardiovascular support benefits but also increase insulin sensitivity and glucose update into muscles. Lower ACE levels may equate to lower overall bodyfat levels, increased fat metabolism in the liver, and the ability to process sugars more quickly. It has also been suggested that the ACE system may be involved in physical performance and the skeletal muscle system.

The only evidence that I've seen at all that Ecklonia Cava may, possibly, maybe help with hair loss (which is relevant to your 5ar worry) is if it is used in a shampoo or possibly a hair serum.

Something important to remember is like BC said above - the main way to get any side effect is to worry too much about getting it. Just like the #1 cause of low libido is worrying about low libido.

I enjoy scientific discussions and don't mind at all addressing issues, but I think this is one that if you experience low libido from, its going to be because you psyched yourself out about it up front - bc there's been a lot of feedback in this thread and the 21 page master thread and not a single person has reported lowered libido from the product. Most notice an improvement, some don't notice a change, but no one has seen a decrease.

I hope that helps.


There is a lot of feedback in this thread if you want to check it out:

Yes read through them. Lots of good reviews. Definitely looking forward to those effects.

I asked my question about strength and PRs as I didn’t see any specifically mention that. The reason I ask is I’m going to start after my ara run, which has given me a really noticeable increase in strength and PRs. Just wondering if I should expect a little drop in that or not after finishing Ara and starting axt


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My libido starting point is TRASH, and that is on TRT. On a good day, which are few and far between, I will have "desire." Anything that lowers libido, even in the slightest, is very noticeable. For example if you make $7.00/hr you sure as hell notice Netflix raising it's prices by a few dollars, while anyone who makes $150.00/hr likely does not loose sleep, if they notice at all. I have a $7.00/hr libido, lol.

So anything that hurts it, even a few %, I notice. AXT did NOT lower it at all. For me it did not raise it either but I was not taking it for that.

OP NOT saying you are doing this but I have noticed (25 years in the retail supp business) that with the advent of the internet, and the ability to hear from EVERY SINGLE PERSON who gets a "side effect" that people report experiencing these negative effects FAR MORE than they used to. It's almost a side effect placebo effect. If one spends hours reading about the possible pitfalls of anything I do think this increases the likelihood of SOME people SUBJECTIVELY experiencing them.
Totally agree. I almost don't want reviews on certain things (not even just talking about supplements) because some people seem to obsess over the smallest most unimportant things and then it just almost taints my whole opinion.

With supplements I feel the people who talk about it most always seem to have side effects with everything. I am not saying things don't have side effects, but what are the odds these people literally exhibit symptoms from things that 99.9% of people have no issues with and that they continually have it with everything. Maybe if 1 or 2 things did it would just be kind of poor luck/situation, but if everything effects you poorly....maybe it is not the products.

Has anyone noticed hitting PRs easier, increase in strength while on axt?

*my bottle should be here in 2-3 days so I’m looking forward to it

Yes read through them. Lots of good reviews. Definitely looking forward to those effects.

I asked my question about strength and PRs as I didn’t see any specifically mention that. The reason I ask is I’m going to start after my ara run, which has given me a really noticeable increase in strength and PRs. Just wondering if I should expect a little drop in that or not after finishing Ara and starting axt
Thing to keep in mind with many of these things is it depends on methods of action. For the majority of these kinds of natural products you don't tend to lose anything when you stop, but the rate of progress may be slower than when you were using certain things.


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Yes read through them. Lots of good reviews. Definitely looking forward to those effects.

I asked my question about strength and PRs as I didn’t see any specifically mention that. The reason I ask is I’m going to start after my ara run, which has given me a really noticeable increase in strength and PRs. Just wondering if I should expect a little drop in that or not after finishing Ara and starting axt
@Resolve10 beat me to it and made a great statement with his post:
Thing to keep in mind with many of these things is it depends on methods of action. For the majority of these kinds of natural products you don't tend to lose anything when you stop, but the rate of progress may be slower than when you were using certain things.

I've never personally seen a regression in strength from stopping any natural supplement myself. The rate of increases may not be as fast, but I've never stopped anything natural and went backwards on strength. But that has more to do with training style and diet in my opinion - as in whether its building muscle or increasing strength, one has to eat and train for the increased muscle and strength if that makes sense.

I can't use X-Gels anymore bc of my autoimmune condition, but its a great product and I did use it in the past.

In my case, I personally got better strength gains off of Anabolic XT than I did off of X-Gels, BUT that can depend on the person. I got awesome pumps off of X-Gels, but my strength gains, recovery, and motivation on Anabolic XT was excellent.

I'm not the norm on here when quantifying strength gains though - bc I don't max. So when I discuss strength gains relating to myself, I'm 99.9% of the time talking about weights that I can do for 6 to 8 reps.

@Dustin07 trains for strength, and I hope he doesn't mind me tagging him, but I know he's posted in the past about some of his best strength gains have come while taking Anabolic XT.


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Totally agree. I almost don't want reviews on certain things (not even just talking about supplements) because some people seem to obsess over the smallest most unimportant things and then it just almost taints my whole opinion.

With supplements I feel the people who talk about it most always seem to have side effects with everything. I am not saying things don't have side effects, but what are the odds these people literally exhibit symptoms from things that 99.9% of people have no issues with and that they continually have it with everything. Maybe if 1 or 2 things did it would just be kind of poor luck/situation, but if everything effects you poorly....maybe it is not the products.


Thing to keep in mind with many of these things is it depends on methods of action. For the majority of these kinds of natural products you don't tend to lose anything when you stop, but the rate of progress may be slower than when you were using certain things.
Great post - on both parts.

I don't think I've ever seen a regression in strength when stopping a natural supplement, but have definitely seen a slowdown in the strength progression; but that's not losing strength, its just not gaining it as quickly.

I definitely agree on the reviews thing - not just on supplements, but almost everything. The sad reality of the world is that most people that like things will never bother to leave reviews unless they're incentivized, whereas people that don't like something, even if its the most minor unimportant irrelevant thing will almost always leave a review nit picking something.

I was reading cosplay dress reviews the other day for my daughter and you had people complaining that 49.99 cosplay dresses that came in small, medium, and large didn't fit as good as custom make 500.00+ dresses that are made by designers based on individual dimensions. It was mind numbing to read bc to me, anyone with common sense would have been like - yeah, no kidding.

On the subject of that pertaining to supplements - you hit it spot on - that a lot of times its the same people who post negatively or always seem to have side effects to everything. I think many times its because they are looking for things to call a side effect and attribute to supplements, when it would be something I would just attribute to daily life. I don't doubt that there are some things that do have side effects for some people - and sometimes those can be some truly out of the norm things and sides, but its important to quantify it versus how many people take certain things.

I'll use an example that includes myself - I feel awful if I use most basic fish oil. Brain fog, fatigue, stomach upset, etc. and I've read about some other people that feel that way too. I do seem to get used to it if I can tough it out though, but no longer use it. But I realize that in probably millions of fish oil softgels consumed per month, that happens to probably 1% max of the people that take it. That's why I rarely mention it - bc its not really a fish oil thing, as much as its a me thing. Instead of speak negatively on fish oil, if it comes up, I just say I take Algal oil and if anyone asks why, I'll explain then.

I've worked in this industry for 25 years. I've tried a lot of different things and I've wasted money trying many, many things over the years out of curiosity, but the worst case 99% of the time has been something just not working. I can't think of 5 times ever that I've actually had a side effect off of any natural supplement that I've tried.

It can happen, and people should always be aware and cautious, but I think as with most things in life, if we overthink things, we will find things to worry us that may not have even been noticed before.


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Has anyone noticed hitting PRs easier, increase in strength while on axt?

*my bottle should be here in 2-3 days so I’m looking forward to it
Here was my review of it.

Anabolic XT was amazing. Improved endurance, little strength increase, overall good mood. My recovery time was quick as well. It also increased my hunger quite a bit which I was hoping it wouldn’t do but that’s ok just wasn’t ready for it.

When I quit taking AXT is when I found out how much I really enjoyed it. The drive to workout is not quite the same it was while on it.


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Here was my review of it.

Anabolic XT was amazing. Improved endurance, little strength increase, overall good mood. My recovery time was quick as well. It also increased my hunger quite a bit which I was hoping it wouldn’t do but that’s ok just wasn’t ready for it.

When I quit taking AXT is when I found out how much I really enjoyed it. The drive to workout is not quite the same it was while on it.
Definitely would recommend Anabolic XT as well!



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Totally agree. I almost don't want reviews on certain things (not even just talking about supplements) because some people seem to obsess over the smallest most unimportant things and then it just almost taints my whole opinion.

With supplements I feel the people who talk about it most always seem to have side effects with everything. I am not saying things don't have side effects, but what are the odds these people literally exhibit symptoms from things that 99.9% of people have no issues with and that they continually have it with everything. Maybe if 1 or 2 things did it would just be kind of poor luck/situation, but if everything effects you poorly....maybe it is not the products.
I have a VERY unique set of "issues" and have some very NON-Standard reactions to somethings. I will very often NOT mention them publicly as I know that the likelihood of others having said issue is basically zero. Knowing this I also know if I mention some weird one off "side effect" it has the potential to take on a life of it's own and next thing you know everyone is getting blurred vision from creatine and headaches from glucosamine(I don't actually get these, just using an example), lol.


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I have a VERY unique set of "issues" and have some very NON-Standard reactions to somethings. I will very often NOT mention them publicly as I know that the likelihood of others having said issue is basically zero. Knowing this I also know if I mention some weird one off "side effect" it has the potential to take on a life of it's own and next thing you know everyone is getting blurred vision from creatine and headaches from glucosamine(I don't actually get these, just using an example), lol.
I'm the same way. I have a couple of oddball side effects or weird responses to a few things, and I rarely if ever mention them bc I don't want them taking a life of their own, when I realize they only apply to me or maybe .1% of the people that use them. And in my case, most of them are to things that should be completely innocuous to begin with.

That's not to diminish individual responses or side effects. Just meaning that sometimes they get overblown and make people worry about things that there is no reason to worry about.

With libido especially - the #1 reason for low libido is worrying about low libido or performance. Most of the time, libido is psychological &/or related to stress. If one worries about it being decreased, it can be a self fulfilling prophecy - I'm not saying that towards the poster in this thread, I mean that in general - whether its with a medication, a supplement, or anything.

That's why I tried to address this objectively - that in many hours of research on Ecklonia Cava, I don't think it effects 5ar - and for context, I was hoping that it would bc I was researching it for prostate and hair loss benefits, but I just don't think it does; at least not in oral form.


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Ya there’s a few things some people absolutely love that didn’t quite work as well for me so I usually just don’t talk about it.

I think that is different than if something has research or reasons why it shouldn’t work, but sometimes some stuff just doesn’t pan out for me individually yet I know it probably still is worthwhile for others to try.


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@Resolve10 beat me to it and made a great statement with his post:
Thing to keep in mind with many of these things is it depends on methods of action. For the majority of these kinds of natural products you don't tend to lose anything when you stop, but the rate of progress may be slower than when you were using certain things.

I've never personally seen a regression in strength from stopping any natural supplement myself. The rate of increases may not be as fast, but I've never stopped anything natural and went backwards on strength. But that has more to do with training style and diet in my opinion - as in whether its building muscle or increasing strength, one has to eat and train for the increased muscle and strength if that makes sense.

I can't use X-Gels anymore bc of my autoimmune condition, but its a great product and I did use it in the past.

In my case, I personally got better strength gains off of Anabolic XT than I did off of X-Gels, BUT that can depend on the person. I got awesome pumps off of X-Gels, but my strength gains, recovery, and motivation on Anabolic XT was excellent.

I'm not the norm on here when quantifying strength gains though - bc I don't max. So when I discuss strength gains relating to myself, I'm 99.9% of the time talking about weights that I can do for 6 to 8 reps.

@Dustin07 trains for strength, and I hope he doesn't mind me tagging him, but I know he's posted in the past about some of his best strength gains have come while taking Anabolic XT.
For sure, things seem to come together anytime I do a full 2 months of anabolic xt or anabolic effect. Last year my biggest PRs came on them. This year after cutting from 207 down to about 186, and finally getting back at it in April, I was flirting with new PRs again last week on anabolic effect. I think the next PR is knocking on the door.


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I'm the same way. I have a couple of oddball side effects or weird responses to a few things, and I rarely if ever mention them bc I don't want them taking a life of their own, when I realize they only apply to me or maybe .1% of the people that use them. And in my case, most of them are to things that should be completely innocuous to begin with.

That's not to diminish individual responses or side effects. Just meaning that sometimes they get overblown and make people worry about things that there is no reason to worry about.

With libido especially - the #1 reason for low libido is worrying about low libido or performance. Most of the time, libido is psychological &/or related to stress. If one worries about it being decreased, it can be a self fulfilling prophecy - I'm not saying that towards the poster in this thread, I mean that in general - whether its with a medication, a supplement, or anything.

That's why I tried to address this objectively - that in many hours of research on Ecklonia Cava, I don't think it effects 5ar - and for context, I was hoping that it would bc I was researching it for prostate and hair loss benefits, but I just don't think it does; at least not in oral form.
So you are saying that saw palmetto and lions mane are not really going to cause permanent epigenetic changes and give me life long post finasteride syndrome? Because there is a dude on reddit that seems really really convinced of such, lol.


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So you are saying that saw palmetto and lions mane are not really going to cause permanent epigenetic changes and give me life long post finasteride syndrome? Because there is a dude on reddit that seems really really convinced of such, lol.
Saw palmetto definitely can…


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Saw palmetto definitely can…
He was joking.

There are thousands of studies on Saw Palmetto and its one of the most consumed herbs by men in the world in terms of daily capsules/ingredients used and the incidence of people that experience that would account for less than 0.01%.

And even if we examine that 0.01%, we can't say for sure that its the Saw Palmetto causing it - its likely that its simply the reduction in DHT causing it, which is actually what people using Saw Palmetto are normally using it for to begin with.

Think about it like this - why do most people use Saw Palmetto? To support prostate health via lowering DHT.

High levels of DHT may cause a negative impact on hair health and be bad for the prostate, but the same high levels of DHT also normally cause a higher libido.

Therefore, when you lower levels of DHT, whether it be through saw palmetto or through medications, if the libido decreases, it doesn't mean whatever a person took necessarily reduces their libido - it would normally mean that the reduction in DHT, which was the desired purpose to begin with, may have resulted in a reduced libido. But that's kind of like blaming someone or something doing what its supposed to do.

There is a trend now, especially on Reddit, of people lumping in loss of libido of perfectly valid and explainable reasons in with post finasteride syndrome (PFS).

I think that that trend is very diminishing towards people that suffer from legitimate PFS because if my libido is artificially inflated due to high DHT and I take something to help lower my DHT for prostate safety reasons, hair loss reasons, or whatever, and my libido goes down bc my DHT goes down, that's a logical cause and effect scenario. Increase DHT = Libido goes up; decrease DHT = Libido goes down.

However, that is much difference than legitimate PFS - which can be a very serious issue; and I've never seen a single study that showed that Saw Palmetto has ever been linked to legitimate PFS.

It's not my intention to diminish legitimate PFS - actually its the opposite, I think that people comparing a small drop in libido to PFS is diminishing the significance of actual PFS.

I hope that makes sense.

I can say for me that I take Saw Palmetto every day and have for years and I take a pretty strong dose of it, and I've never seen any effect on libido, neither positive or negative.


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He was joking.

There are thousands of studies on Saw Palmetto and its one of the most consumed herbs by men in the world in terms of daily capsules/ingredients used and the incidence of people that experience that would account for less than 0.01%.

And even if we examine that 0.01%, we can't say for sure that its the Saw Palmetto causing it - its likely that its simply the reduction in DHT causing it, which is actually what people using Saw Palmetto are normally using it for to begin with.

Think about it like this - why do most people use Saw Palmetto? To support prostate health via lowering DHT.

High levels of DHT may cause a negative impact on hair health and be bad for the prostate, but the same high levels of DHT also normally cause a higher libido.

Therefore, when you lower levels of DHT, whether it be through saw palmetto or through medications, if the libido decreases, it doesn't mean whatever a person took necessarily reduces their libido - it would normally mean that the reduction in DHT, which was the desired purpose to begin with, may have resulted in a reduced libido. But that's kind of like blaming someone or something doing what its supposed to do.

There is a trend now, especially on Reddit, of people lumping in loss of libido of perfectly valid and explainable reasons in with post finasteride syndrome (PFS).

I think that that trend is very diminishing towards people that suffer from legitimate PFS because if my libido is artificially inflated due to high DHT and I take something to help lower my DHT for prostate safety reasons, hair loss reasons, or whatever, and my libido goes down bc my DHT goes down, that's a logical cause and effect scenario. Increase DHT = Libido goes up; decrease DHT = Libido goes down.

However, that is much difference than legitimate PFS - which can be a very serious issue; and I've never seen a single study that showed that Saw Palmetto has ever been linked to legitimate PFS.

It's not my intention to diminish legitimate PFS - actually its the opposite, I think that people comparing a small drop in libido to PFS is diminishing the significance of actual PFS.

I hope that makes sense.

I can say for me that I take Saw Palmetto every day and have for years and I take a pretty strong dose of it, and I've never seen any effect on libido, neither positive or negative.
For crying out loud, I will no longer even joke about absolutely ridiculous things as it's a waste of Steve's time to have to explain that I am joking. FFS

Basically proving what we are talking about.


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We can just shut this down because 1) we've established that axt is the ****, and 2) there's the sns sale on now, and the next post needs to be the op posting his receipt for a 12 stack bundle of axt.



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For crying out loud, I will no longer even joke about absolutely ridiculous things as it's a waste of Steve's time to have to explain that I am joking. FFS

Basically proving what we are talking about.
I want to clarify on this one, bc I don't want you to take him wrong or hold anything against him.

@Joshlm69 is a really nice guy. He's not from the US, so I wanted to make sure he realized you were joking.

He likes to read and research a lot, and I know there is a lot of false information out there on Saw Palmetto, especially on PFS discussion forums. On some of those, people make some crazy claims about Saw Palmetto - blaming it for PFS, etc.

The reality is though, that it is that PFS (Post finasteride syndrome) didn't exist as a condition before finasteride, and is obviously most linked to finasteride, hence the name. Some people on some of those forums, either out of confusion or for attention, try to say that Saw Palmetto will do the same thing, but the reality is that that is not true in 99.9% of cases.

Saw Palmetto, even very concentrated forms, were commonly used long before finasteride was commonly used and you never heard of that happening. Even though it works through similar mechanisms, it is no where near as potent or harsh as finasteride and isn't going to cause PFS.

That's why I went into some detail about the difference between PFS and reduced DHT related libido, because it someone lives with a higher level of DHT that may cause hair loss or prostate issues, they may have a higher than normal libido that accompanies it. Getting DHT levels down to help with the hair loss or prostate issues may cause the libido to drop to what most people would consider normal, but that's a big difference than it causing PFS.


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i found anabolic xt to provide a decent libido boost without containing anti-estrogenic herbs, which is a rare class of test boosting. ive also used excessive amounts of the marine tech ecklonia, i think upwards of 3g/day and didnt notice a drop in libido, although i seem to be unable to find any record of how that experiment was going ultimately and whether it got deprioritized by another experiment. I had to have gone through alot of bottles based on how many i have left

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