Coop's Corner #7: Amentoflavone Finally Explained

So what's best? Every day use or only as a pre?

Well what are your goal? Performance or fat/weight loss?

Performance: training days
Fat/weight loss: daily
Both: daily
So amentomax is solely amentoflavone, which I presume would be the best bet if interested in only strength gains. Since u only need to take it pre workout for those benefits I was wondering what that point of diminishing returns is? How many mgs would be needed for maximal strength benefits before ur wasting ur money?
Sorry for the plethora of questions but also since u only need to take it training days to see the strength benefits would the effects be noticeable from the first dose? Since it wouldn't really be getting in ur system from daily doses
There are acute effects with amentoflavone which can take effect from the first dose. 2 caps of AmentoMax is recommended.
There are acute effects with amentoflavone which can take effect from the first dose. 2 caps of AmentoMax is recommended.
Today was my first day back after about 3-4 weeks off. Had a great back/bi day but as I noticed last time is the ability to keep lifting heavy even deep into my workout. Increase in strength late in my routine was very noticeable today.
IMO 80mgs (2 caps AmentoMax) seems to be the best benefit to cost ratio. You should see some noticeable improvements in performance pretty much right away and within that first week you should be able to look back and see the improvements (I can usually note the strength bump when I look back over my training log).
Thanks for your interest man. Once you do, any feedback would be great.
Same here. Just got my Amentomax in. I only need 1 cap of Uncut, so I've had a 90 cap bottle, forever. Lol. Think ill save it for PCT after I finish Ostar1ne. Not sure yet.

Hah, really good cost to workout ratio there! I'm kinda glad I can't handle three caps.
ahh okay that makes more sense. I was just curious because of my fragile glass stomach if it was from the amentomax

That's what I figured. I didn't want to leave you worried brother.

Just a heads up for all the AS fans in here. There's something coming soon, so make sure you're signed up for the Analyzed Army. ;)

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That's what I figured. I didn't want to leave you worried brother.

Just a heads up for all the AS fans in here. There's something coming soon, so make sure you're signed up for the Analyzed Army. ;)

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Thank you for your subscription ;)
That's what I figured. I didn't want to leave you worried brother.

Just a heads up for all the AS fans in here. There's something coming soon, so make sure you're signed up for the Analyzed Army. ;)

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Oh, I'm so ready for an Analyzed sale. I love bulk ingredients. Not sure if my wallet is ready though! lol. :/
Amentomax can be used daily or on workout days only, as its benefits go beyond gym performance. Improved strength, endurance, mood, fat loss, and insulin sensitivity are some of what it has to offer. I would dose 2 caps before training and 1 cap twice daily on non-training days.

Do you think it matters whether you dose it with an empty stomach or not?

For non-training days, is there optimal timing? Morning+afternoon vs afternoon+bedtime?

Training days, how long pre-workout for best results with the acute effects?
Do you think it matters whether you dose it with an empty stomach or not?

I don't think it should make a huge difference. May depend on which benefits you are aiming for. With meals for fat loss/body composition and pre-workout is usually empty stomach (or relatively empty) for me.

For non-training days, is there optimal timing? Morning+afternoon vs afternoon+bedtime?

I'd say it would just be best with meals for the GDA/Fat Loss benefits. Timing as far as when during the day I don't believe would be of the most importance. That said there is a small chance it may alter sleep (it does have some "wakefullness" attributes, although I've never noticed sleep issues even if dosed with my final meal of the day). I'd recommend and I personally usually aim for morning and afternoon when I dose it on off days.

Training days, how long pre-workout for best results with the acute effects?

Shouldn't matter a ton. Just take it anywhere from 15-45 minutes pre and you should be fine.

Responses in bold.
I don't think it should make a huge difference. May depend on which benefits you are aiming for. With meals for fat loss/body composition and pre-workout is usually empty stomach (or relatively empty) for me.

Thanks for the help!

As far as which benefits to aim for, is it misguided to aim for all the benefits? I saw earlier in this thread that you can aim for performance boosts with pre-wo dosing and for body comp with everyday dosing, but wouldn't the everyday dosing also come with the same performance boosts too? I figured that the training days only protocol would just be a way to prolong the bottle and save money for those who don't care about the body comp aspects, no? So if stretching out the bottle and saving money isn't really a priority, is there any reason not to just take it everyday?
Thanks for the help!

As far as which benefits to aim for, is it misguided to aim for all the benefits? I saw earlier in this thread that you can aim for performance boosts with pre-wo dosing and for body comp with everyday dosing, but wouldn't the everyday dosing also come with the same performance boosts too? I figured that the training days only protocol would just be a way to prolong the bottle and save money for those who don't care about the body comp aspects, no? So if stretching out the bottle and saving money isn't really a priority, is there any reason not to just take it everyday?

Ya if I was to "aim for all the benefits" I'd dose 2 caps pre-workout and then on off days 1 cap twice per day with meals. That would serve to be the best of both worlds IMO.
Ya if I was to "aim for all the benefits" I'd dose 2 caps pre-workout and then on off days 1 cap twice per day with meals. That would serve to be the best of both worlds IMO.

Awesome, thanks again. Got 3 bottles of amentomax on the way, so I'll check back in here once I've used it long enough to form some opinions.
Ya if I was to "aim for all the benefits" I'd dose 2 caps pre-workout and then on off days 1 cap twice per day with meals. That would serve to be the best of both worlds IMO.

I would dose exactly as bolt recommended. :thumbsup:

Awesome, thanks again. Got 3 bottles of amentomax on the way, so I'll check back in here once I've used it long enough to form some opinions.

Sounds good bud. Look forward to your feedback.
Idk how to word this, if coop or anyone else has the answer but I'll try my best. I know it's been said 2 caps pre workout is the best bang for ur buck. But ingredient wise. How much can u take before it doesn't matter anymore? Like just for conversation sake let's say 500mg is the max and anything above that is equal to 500. So like 500mg and 1000mg would be the same because after 500 the effects are the same. If any of that makes sense. I don't really know how to put it into words. But money aside. How much would u still be getting a strength effect from?
Idk how to word this, if coop or anyone else has the answer but I'll try my best. I know it's been said 2 caps pre workout is the best bang for ur buck. But ingredient wise. How much can u take before it doesn't matter anymore? Like just for conversation sake let's say 500mg is the max and anything above that is equal to 500. So like 500mg and 1000mg would be the same because after 500 the effects are the same. If any of that makes sense. I don't really know how to put it into words. But money aside. How much would u still be getting a strength effect from?

I feel like after 4 caps, going higher doesn't provide much benefit, just in my experience, I like 2-3 caps as the sweet spot though
Idk how to word this, if coop or anyone else has the answer but I'll try my best. I know it's been said 2 caps pre workout is the best bang for ur buck. But ingredient wise. How much can u take before it doesn't matter anymore? Like just for conversation sake let's say 500mg is the max and anything above that is equal to 500. So like 500mg and 1000mg would be the same because after 500 the effects are the same. If any of that makes sense. I don't really know how to put it into words. But money aside. How much would u still be getting a strength effect from?

The term you were looking for is "point of diminishing return"
Idk how to word this, if coop or anyone else has the answer but I'll try my best. I know it's been said 2 caps pre workout is the best bang for ur buck. But ingredient wise. How much can u take before it doesn't matter anymore? Like just for conversation sake let's say 500mg is the max and anything above that is equal to 500. So like 500mg and 1000mg would be the same because after 500 the effects are the same. If any of that makes sense. I don't really know how to put it into words. But money aside. How much would u still be getting a strength effect from?

The term you were looking for is "point of diminishing return"
Since this is supposed to be an anti inflammatory, wouldn't it be best not to take prior to a workout. Dont we want the inflammation that proceeds muscle hypertrophy? Isnt that the purpose of arachadonic acid?
Since this is supposed to be an anti inflammatory, wouldn't it be best not to take prior to a workout. Dont we want the inflammation that proceeds muscle hypertrophy? Isnt that the purpose of arachadonic acid?

COX-2 inhibitors should be avoided preworkout. Amentoflavone is not a cox-2 inhibitor
I just saw a study showing amentoflavone downregulates cox-2 expression. Does that make it a cox-2 "inhibitor"?

Not to discourage doing your own research, but without proper understanding of the context, you're going down an endless rabbit hole. The study you mentioned is looking at inflammatory markers in tumor cells in vitro. Downregulating cox-2 selectively in these cell lines is a good thing
So inhibiting cox-2 expression in tumor cells is good..i can see that. So what kind of cox-2 inhibition decreases muscle hypertrophy then? General cox-2 inhibition? Cox-2 inhibition of only certain locations? And with that said, are you saying that amentoflavone does not inhibit cox-2 in either a general way or in any areas that would hurt muscle growth..such as popping some ibuprofen before a workout would?
What's the half-life on amentoflavone? How long after a pre-workout dose can I dose again? Is it even beneficial to dose again?
What's the half-life on amentoflavone? How long after a pre-workout dose can I dose again? Is it even beneficial to dose again?

I don't recall there being any human studies done on it in vivo. Not sure if there are animal in vivo studies, at least I don't recall there being one. So this is a mystery atm.
What's the half-life on amentoflavone? How long after a pre-workout dose can I dose again? Is it even beneficial to dose again?

I don't believe there is any data on this at this time. I don't see a need to dose again after a workout though.
I don't believe there is any data on this at this time. I don't see a need to dose again after a workout though.
So on training days the full dose is taken pre-workout, and non-training days the dose is taken spread out (if dosing on non-training days). Is that right?
So on training days the full dose is taken pre-workout, and non-training days the dose is taken spread out (if dosing on non-training days). Is that right?

Just wondering how this would affect injuries with the added strength gain?

I'm working with exercises that don't hurt and that i can progress with so i'm looking forward to the extra strength but would Amentomax have a positive, negative or neutral impact on my recovery / rehab?

Mine actually arrived today and really looking forward to trying it.
Just wondering how this would affect injuries with the added strength gain?

I'm working with exercises that don't hurt and that i can progress with so i'm looking forward to the extra strength but would Amentomax have a positive, negative or neutral impact on my recovery / rehab?

Mine actually arrived today and really looking forward to trying it.

Should have no effect in that regard