Classic Kleen - The Road To Competition Fall 2024



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Kind of like AM. A whooooole bunch of dudes in here checking you out
Looks like a great vacation and some much needed time away, even if it’s a little more hectic with prep and all. Looking huge and really dialing in!!
Yes definitely, we had a great time. Especially after the wedding festivities when we were not on a time schedule other than getting my meals in.

Woke up at 209.5 this morning one day removed from my chest meal. Been a little constipated thos week so a little distended but very happy with the fullness. Erectors are looking saucy considering no deadlifts in a long while, and not doing rack pulls. Here are some shots sorry they have to be in different posts.



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Any ideas what weight your coach is going to be shooting for at show time?
Really man you have put together a SOLID build! That back shot is impressive really wide, lats looking great, that v taper will be really fantastic come show time. Legs are really popping too and I feel like that just makes such a well rounded physique!


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Any ideas what weight your coach is going to be shooting for at show time?
Really man you have put together a SOLID build! That back shot is impressive really wide, lats looking great, that v taper will be really fantastic come show time. Legs are really popping too and I feel like that just makes such a well rounded physique!
@akboom87 He said somewhere between 192-195 most likely. Really, conditioning is going to be the deciding factor. If we need to go lower it will happen. He thinks I have a really good shot to go pro so that is awesome. He told me that after last check-in and said we really need to make sure we aren't cutting any corners because we have a good shot at this.


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@akboom87 He said somewhere between 192-195 most likely. Really, conditioning is going to be the deciding factor. If we need to go lower it will happen. He thinks I have a really good shot to go pro so that is awesome. He told me that after last check-in and said we really need to make sure we aren't cutting any corners because we have a good shot at this.
That seems pretty solid in that range. Wow that is exciting news! I have no doubts man that you have a good shot. With your dedication and hard work I highly doubt any corners will be cut.


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That seems pretty solid in that range. Wow that is exciting news! I have no doubts man that you have a good shot. With your dedication and hard work I highly doubt any corners will be cut.
Doing my best and after this trip it should be much easier to be on point. Cardio sessions are long enough now I will do them fasted in the AM at the gym across from my work then shower and head in to eat breakfast.


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Alright guys things are getting serious, we will be adding in some clen, and start taking nolva to minimize gyno, then may bump to ralox if that doesn't do the trick. He didn't seem worried about it but I told him I was concerned since it goes under my underarm it can hide the separation of the outer pec lip off of the chest and I don't want that to be a factor. I haven't gotten any changes just yet but I expect about 200-250 calories down and bump up another 5 minutes of cardio to 50 minutes each on my 6 days of cardio. He wants to get ahead of schedule which I do too!


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That sunset looks fantastic!

Coach turning up the heat, let's go!! Have you used clen before? You actually don't have too much to cut though since the last weight post at 209.5#. Anywhere from 14.5-17.5# seems completely doable. Remind me again, when's the show?


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That sunset looks fantastic!

Coach turning up the heat, let's go!! Have you used clen before? You actually don't have too much to cut though since the last weight post at 209.5#. Anywhere from 14.5-17.5# seems completely doable. Remind me again, when's the show?
We are 11 weeks out now, contest is Saturday Aug 24th. We will be doing 20mcg/40mcg/off/repeat on the clen. I used it once but started too high and did not really enjoy it. I took my first 20mcg earlier and I definitely felt it kick in. Nothing unpleasant, a bit harder to eat, sudden burst of energy and body temp seems to be up since then. I am back down to 208.4 as of this morning so things have tightened back up, and flattened back out pretty good. I really enjoyed my day off from everything today. Only thing I have really done is eat my meals, and get my prep stuff together. Other than that I ran to get some medication for my daughter and went and tanned to keep some of the color I earned this weekend around. I want to have a good base tan so I don't need to get too crazy with the tanning stuff. Ran to the supplement warehouse and grabbed some protein, BCAA/EAAS, and glutamine for my intra drink, and a thermogenic preworkout called CUTS to help fuel my morning cardio sessions.

Tomorrow I will wake up take my clen, yohimbine, and half a serving of CUTS pre-workout and give cardio some hell. Plan to shower at the gym next to my work and head in directly after. This will free up time, and make getting in all of my meals in a timely manner easier. Plus if there is a benefit t fasted cardio over regular I will get it although I don't really believe fasted is that much of a big deal. More for the convenience of not having to find a good time to go for lunch to do cardio in the middle of the day.

Coach told me if I can afford it we should bring in some proviron, so going to try to get 50mg daily going on for the last 8 weeks if not longer. Putting my order in tomorrow after I discuss a few things with someone who may want involved on the order.


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What do you do while you you are doing your cardio? Listen to podcasts, or just music and zone out?

the pics are evolving, it seems like there is something in the posing that is popping more and more with every practice session. legs are looking THICK right now too!


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Alright, I am settled on what I need to order today
What do you do while you you are doing your cardio? Listen to podcasts, or just music and zone out?

the pics are evolving, it seems like there is something in the posing that is popping more and more with every practice session. legs are looking THICK right now too!
I typically find a video on youtube that looks interesting, or I have been watching the 2nd season of Reacher lately. Just a couple more episodes left. I like it but honestly, I liked the first season better. I think they just went way to dark with the action scenes to be able to see what is going on on a small screen, not so bad on a big one but on a phone or iPad it is just too dark in my opinion. Otherwise I will listen to a podcast, or blast some music. I do like to have a video to look at but am fine with just listening to something if it has my whole attention. Then I can just close my eyes and go but I have to be in a certain headspace for that.

Speaking f cardio this morning did not go well. I put my clothes out, and got most things ready to go for this morning. Made sure I had my pre-workout, and intra-workout stuff for my drinks after work and thought i was good to go. Left the house got here to the gym next to my work and realized I had left my hanger with my work clothes on it hanging on the bathroom cabinet door. So I had to drive back home then drive up with my wife. Going to be here until 5:00 today now which is a big bummer as I was expecting to be finishing my lifting session around 5:30 since I get off at 3:00 starting this week. Oh well, waiting for preworkout to kick in and about to go get my cardio on.

Recent Changes = Addition of Clen 20mcg/40mcg/off/repeat, and 20mg Tamox daily to shrink whatever we can of my gyno before the show. He said we may switch to Ralox if it is needed but between high masteron, and adding in Proviron in a few more weeks I think or hope that it will be shrinking down decently by the show. A lot of it is estrogen sensitive fat as opposed to tissue so hoping we can come in with a pretty clean look in that respect. I am happy to report that clen @ 20mcg. and 40mcg are nowhere near as uncomfortable as 80mcg.

Gear is still at 350 test / 525 mast weekly for now.

Also had another calorie drop this morning, nothing major, dropped like 110 calories from the day. Removed the rice cereal in the morning and replaced with 100g of banana, cardio is 45 minutes/6 days a week HR 135-150. Calories are now at 2231, 181c, 280p, and 43f.


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He thinks I have a really good shot to go pro so that is awesome. He told me that after last check-in and said we really need to make sure we aren't cutting any corners because we have a good shot at this.

When it finally starts to happen for you, the doubters stop laughing and start believing!


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Looking awesome mate!!!
Thanks Benny!
Delt veins are fuggin sick! Cant cheat to get those
Yeah that is one way to know when things are getting real. My left side comes in first but now the right side is starting to come in too.

When it finally starts to happen for you, the doubters stop laughing and start believing!
Good video, I definitely like the message there.

I did cardio this morning but only got in 30 minutes of the 45, still trying to figure out what is the best way for me to get my cardio in. I don't want this eating into my sleep, I already moved my wake up time back. Starting to think the right idea might be to get here in the AM early for my shift to make sure I have time for a long lunch, and take the lunch earlier in the day. Either way, I have to make that 15 minutes up tonight after my lift. No big deal, just got to do the due Baby!

Weight is coming down, I was 207.5 today so things are working considering I was 208.4 Sunday. So happy with the progress this week so far.


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Can’t believe I’m going to know a real professional mankini flexer 🤩
LMAO! It is possible!
Starting to look really sliced. This far out you are setting really good.
Thanks Man, I am getting really excited.

Had a woosh overnight, and dropped 3 lbs. Definitely cleaned things up bt man am I flat. I hadn't really noticed how flat I was until I had my refeed meal, and now I am immediately like where did all fullness and huge pumps go... Happy with the look.

6/12/24 Fasted Weight 204.4 10.5 weeks out. - I feel like my body just let go of some water it was holding on to, and my bowels finally cleared out from the mild constipation. Abs are far more pronounced, getting some veins in my obliques, and lower pec area is starting to tighten up more.



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LMAO! It is possible!
Thanks Man, I am getting really excited.

Had a woosh overnight, and dropped 3 lbs. Definitely cleaned things up bt man am I flat. I hadn't really noticed how flat I was until I had my refeed meal, and now I am immediately like where did all fullness and huge pumps go... Happy with the look.

6/12/24 Fasted Weight 204.4 10.5 weeks out. - I feel like my body just let go of some water it was holding on to, and my bowels finally cleared out from the mild constipation. Abs are far more pronounced, getting some veins in my obliques, and lower pec area is starting to tighten up more.

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Everything is tightening up quickly for you which is great, because it gives you time to fine tune before the show.
I agree with everyone about your poses are looking better and better. That double bicep pose is really popping in that picture, and the earlier side and back poses were really good. Your arms, back, and quads have really added quality size since starting this journey. And dude we really need to nickname you AM Quadzilla, because your legs are huge, especially at that weight.


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Everything is tightening up quickly for you which is great, because it gives you time to fine tune before the show.
I agree with everyone about your poses are looking better and better. That double bicep pose is really popping in that picture, and the earlier side and back poses were really good. Your arms, back, and quads have really added quality size since starting this journey. And dude we really need to nickname you AM Quadzilla, because your legs are huge, especially at that weight.
Thanks, we are getting so close now just paid my portion for my coaches tickets travel and our Airbnb. Ouch! Still it has me more excited.

Yeah things seem to tighten up a little every day. Once the lower pec stuff really burns off in another 4 or so weeks the change in my physique should be drastic. It is surprising how much better my chest looks when it doesn't taper down under my pecs and has that more squared off bottom. That and my waist will still get much smaller.

Hoping my quads look as big on stage next to guys with really big legs. Then again I have always had a thing for my legs not being big enough in my head. So it is great to hear! When I was like 20 a trainer told me I had a great upper body and good leg shape but my legs were small. I went nuts on them after that to get them to grow but never really got the thought that they were a weak sport out of my head. Body dysmorphia ain't it a bitch!


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Thanks, we are getting so close now just paid my portion for my coaches tickets travel and our Airbnb. Ouch! Still it has me more excited.

Yeah things seem to tighten up a little every day. Once the lower pec stuff really burns off in another 4 or so weeks the change in my physique should be drastic. It is surprising how much better my chest looks when it doesn't taper down under my pecs and has that more squared off bottom. That and my waist will still get much smaller.

Hoping my quads look as big on stage next to guys with really big legs. Then again I have always had a thing for my legs not being big enough in my head. So it is great to hear! When I was like 20 a trainer told me I had a great upper body and good leg shape but my legs were small. I went nuts on them after that to get them to grow but never really got the thought that they were a weak sport out of my head. Body dysmorphia ain't it a bitch!
You’ll be sending that trainer a thank you card if you win this show on legs


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You’ll be sending that trainer a thank you card if you win this show on legs
Oh yeah, I run into her every once in a while, like 77 years old still holding it down, and training bodybuilders. Last time I saw her she said let me see those legs, then said Oh you have put some work into them they look good and have great shape. Then she smiled at me and said they could still be a little bigger though. Kind of in a teasing way. LOL

That was about a year and a half, two years ago while I was on the rebuild from my time off and surgery. I think she would approve even more now. :)
When MrKleen steps on stage and Points to his legs!

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Then hit them with the quad stomp eh?


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6/15/24 - Fasted Weight 202

Dropped 2.4 lbs since Wednesday, seems a bit fast, feeling run down, strength has dipped and recovery is definitely much slower. My quads are still sore, hamstrings a little too. Also woke up this morning with an issue with my back, no pain really just a lack of control of my scapular region on one side. I had some issues with back shots and surprisingly it made it almost impossible to get a decent most muscular one of my shoulders kept raising up any time I tried to pop my lats out. I got extremely frustrated because it took like 15-20 attempts to get a decent MM pose this morning for check ins. I can definitely see where the weight is coming off fat wise, but also I am officially as flat as a pancake too. I can not maintain a pump for much longer then 20-30 minutes during a session then I am totally flat and depleted again. So things are starting to get real. Addition of nolva and clen are surely part of the weight loss. Holding less water, and burning more fat, but still curious what coach will think of the 2.4 lbs in 2 days. I told him I didn't know if that would be a YAY, or a YIKES!

Here are some pics and I will also share a few of the ones where my MM was all messed up so you can see what I mean.






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Here are a few of the problematic MM shots. As you can see I just can't get myself straight on, and in the one that is straight one of my lats doesn't even bother popping out at all. I am going to get some soft tissue work done at my new chiro tomorrow, hopefully she can get me squared away.


Also, let me know if you all don't want to see pictures as often and would rather see a bigger reveal once or every other week.


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I don’t have the experience to back this bro science up at all, but I’ve heard more than once that when you are flat that’s when you can get really lean - you know resources are scarce.

Clen definitely also keeps you flatter; you have to pull that several days before the show to fill out for sure.


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I don’t have the experience to back this bro science up at all, but I’ve heard more than once that when you are flat that’s when you can get really lean - you know resources are scarce.

Clen definitely also keeps you flatter; you have to pull that several days before the show to fill out for sure.
Yeah, that is definitely the case, when glycogen is low the body has to use more fat for energy. I didn't think about the fact that the clen would have me burning through more glycogen but it makes complete sense more than thinking it cause that much fat loss that quickly.

So last night coach had me do a refeed meal, our official refeed meal is a 5 guys double meat cheeseburger with a regular size fries. I didn't think this was going to be that much but I didn't know they fill a regular drink cup with fries, dump them in the bag then fill the cup again and put the cup in the bag too. It was so many fries I had a hard time eating it. Here is a pic of the order of fries on a full size plate and I had already eaten some of them before I thought to take a picture.


I woke up at 206.8 and looking full, but still nice and tight.




Happy Father's Day to all the fathers!


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Yeah, that is definitely the case, when glycogen is low the body has to use more fat for energy. I didn't think about the fact that the clen would have me burning through more glycogen but it makes complete sense more than thinking it cause that much fat loss that quickly.

So last night coach had me do a refeed meal, our official refeed meal is a 5 guys double meat cheeseburger with a regular size fries. I didn't think this was going to be that much but I didn't know they fill a regular drink cup with fries, dump them in the bag then fill the cup again and put the cup in the bag too. It was so many fries I had a hard time eating it. Here is a pic of the order of fries on a full size plate and I had already eaten some of them before I thought to take a picture.

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I woke up at 206.8 and looking full, but still nice and tight.

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Happy Father's Day to all the fathers!
Definitely looking full and tight, and I know that cheeseburger was good on your refeed. I forgot about all the fries 5 Guys give you, but I remember the first time I went to one I just thought the kid was being really cool and just gave me extra.😎
Happy Father’s Day


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Definitely looking full and tight, and I know that cheeseburger was good on your refeed. I forgot about all the fries 5 Guys give you, but I remember the first time I went to one I just thought the kid was being really cool and just gave me extra.😎
Happy Father’s Day
Thanks, yeah I was pretty happy considering I had basically estimated that full of glycogen I would be around 206 from where I was before. So I am happy to see I am still holding on to this much muscle.

I just signed up for and scheduled my first posing session with the posing coach Pat recommended to me. Really looking forward to getting some good tips on how to present my physique better.

After work I am going to go train, do my weights and my cardio in one shot, coach suggested doing this will most likely allow for better recovery. Not separating the training, and getting just a little more sleep. Once I finish I will head home and grab what I need to head to Dallas tonight and then set up a deposition at a site up there. We are opening a new office in Dallas and they do not have the conference rooms set up for stuff like this. I have to go to a place we rented just for the deposition and set it up. then tear it down after and head back home tomorrow night. I will more than likely end up not being able to train legs tomorrow and have to put that off until Wednesday which would normally be a day off of lifting. We will see how things workout once I get up there and settled in.
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Here are some pics and I will also share a few of the ones where my MM was all messed up so you can see what I mean.
You may have wooshed more than you thought you should over that past week but I can definitely see it in the abs, and with the MM pose, the separation in the abs pops even more. I would not normally expect to see such differences with the pictures being this frequent but I can 100% see the improved leanness. This one here IMO really highlights how much you are leaning up in the mid section.... looks fantastic

you're only like half way through comp prep and I'd be happy to be at this stage right now and call it good lol 😅😅😅🤘🤘🔥🔥



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You may have wooshed more than you thought you should over that past week but I can definitely see it in the abs, and with the MM pose, the separation in the abs pops even more. I would not normally expect to see such differences with the pictures being this frequent but I can 100% see the improved leanness. This one here IMO really highlights how much you are leaning up in the mid section.... looks fantastic

you're only like half way through comp prep and I'd be happy to be at this stage right now and call it good lol 😅😅😅🤘🤘🔥🔥

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Thanks! I agree there is an obvious difference for sure. Still having an issue with the posing with the one side rolling forward more. Issues with the subscap making it hard to I got a lot of work done with my soft tissue / chiro yesterday. She really put me through the ringer, stuff was incredibly painful but today my back feels so much looser, I expect I will be able to get into position easier. Even more importantly that starting working with the posing coach Sunday and he should really be able to help me with cues to figure out when I am in position and what it should feel like. If you look in my rear double biceps you will be able to see how the right side of my lower midback is not firing well compared to the left side. My chiro had me really focus on depressing my scap yesterday and said the area fills back up once I get the scap depressed. It is really cool working with someone who specializes in powerlifters, bodybuilders and MMA guys. She really seems to have a good grasp on what is needed and although it is not ART, it is definitely an effective form of myofascial release.



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That prep cheat meal was heavily popularized by Matt Jansen. It’s simple, repeatable, accessible, and effective. It may be a bit of an industry meme at this point, but there’s no arguing with results from red meat & a huge serving potatoes with lots of added fat & salt.

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