CK/Anabolic Diet mega thread



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sorry if this has been asked earlier but I did a search and didnt really find an answer... On the anabolic diet is it necessary to do a depletition workout before your 2 carb days?? I see with CKD it is recomended but not sure as far as the AD if it is or not, the book didnt really specify.. also I have seen with the CKD diet ur 2 carbs day are soupposed to be sugar/white carbs on first day and complex carbs second day and with both days low fat.. is this true for anabolic? I remember the book saying something like anything goes on these days...

thanks for clearing this up.. I am sure low fat and a depletition workout wouldnt hurt and if anything help with the weight loss but was just wondering if was a part of the AD
Here's the pdf....




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Yes and no. Try it and see how it feels, how it effects your over all carb load and judge from there.


Pro Virili Parte
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thanks.. and thanks for the file I have that one already and it doesnt really get into workouts at all really except that you need it.. So Ima try it out and see how I feel, figure I will stick by the CKD guidelines (wont be as strict) and see how that goes

now I usually workout at night and ckd users have told me after your depletition workout u need to consume x amount of liquid carbs and then your carb loading for that day begins.. so what if it at night? do get ur liquid carbs, go to sleep and wake up and continue?

I think ima just go though trial and error with this and see how my body reacts, was thinking about trying the depletition workout tonite but not sure.. damn I knew I should have opted for that french toast this morning!!


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Leucine ketogenic, isoleucine can go either way, valine is glucogenic. Aside from the initial stages of ketosis, somewhere around the first three weeks of the diets I don't see any benefits for trying to boost ketones. While the diets are based around ketosis, its important to keep in mind ketosis is a side effect from the main action your looking for, the utilization of FFA's.

So you have somewhere around 100 grams of glucose required to fuel the brain, up to 70 percent of that can be met by ketones. Only other parts of the body that will use ketones are the CNS and the heart I believe. Everything else will function almost exclusively off of free fatty acids.

Only downside I could see is wasting money and potentially turning over too much glucose.

Here is a study, all though done on a goat.

Basically mentions that valine causes an antiketogenic and glucogenic response.
I just got my Opti Men Multis and my ON Protein in and they contain the following amounts of Valine

OptiMen has an 800mg amino blen that contains
L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Valine, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Cystine, L-Lysine, and L-Threonine

and my protein contains 1422mg of Valine

Being that Valine is gluconic in nature, should I be worried about these amounts in my supps or are they small enough that I can still take these?


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What's the deal with Keto breath. I've been on this diet for months and it only gets worse. Does it ever let up or is just a fact of life on this diet? Anyone have any way of getting rid of it? I brush my teeth and an hour later my breath smells like a ate a tube of sh1t.


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What's the deal with Keto breath. I've been on this diet for months and it only gets worse. Does it ever let up or is just a fact of life on this diet? Anyone have any way of getting rid of it? I brush my teeth and an hour later my breath smells like a ate a tube of sh1t.
It's acetone, it can't be used so it's excreted, its created during the breakdown of fat. Its excreted in sweat, urine and breath, like alcohol. Some people get it to different levels, I don't have the bad breath but I get sweat that smells like dough, I literally smell like I ****ed a pilsbury dough girl sometimes.

A harsh reality of the diet. If your going to be somewhere important or with someone that your breath needs to be fresh, a mint or mouth wash.


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Does anyone else have unreal energy on this diet? I slept about 4 hours last night, worked for a whole day and felt like ****. I ate a big protein/fat meal at work and then had a scoop of protein, a brat and some mixed nuts at home and tried to nap. I had so much energy it was nearly impossible. Last night I had a bunch of mixed nuts before bed and it took forever to get to sleep.


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I have a question for everyone.

In Poliquin's articles, he talks about using the Anabolic Diet, but recommends that people take in carbs during and immediately after workout. He has worked with DiPasquale extensively and he seems to be really adamant about this protocol. One thing I noticed is that he also has trainees do high rep, high TUT movements at the end of the workout. Could this be considered as basically depleting a muscle and then immediately refilling it.


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Yes, I get high energy on this diet.

Thats the idea, its more of a TKD thing where you replenish glycogen after each workout.


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Just wanted to make sure.

Also, what did you guys use as your baseline for your macros? The 18x bodyweight for me comes out to over 4k calories. I was eating this much when I weighed 235ish (I'm 220 now) and I have been maintaining well at 2900/3000 so I figured I should start in between and adjust. Does this sound wise to anyone else? I know he is adamant about the 18x bodyweight, it just seems like a total overkill.


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Isn't it BWx18 for maintance? For weight loss subtract 500 calories and run that for a week and make sure your weight loss is inbetween 1-2lbs if not then adjust. For me its 210x18=3780-500=3280.. so 3200 calories, and thats the same number I get from alot of other places too (my scivation books has my weight loss at 3200 too)


Just wanted to make sure.

Also, what did you guys use as your baseline for your macros? The 18x bodyweight for me comes out to over 4k calories. I was eating this much when I weighed 235ish (I'm 220 now) and I have been maintaining well at 2900/3000 so I figured I should start in between and adjust. Does this sound wise to anyone else? I know he is adamant about the 18x bodyweight, it just seems like a total overkill.
18X also sounds high to me.


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No, not from what I've read.
Thanks, can any other Anabolic Diet gurus confirm this? I am only taking in 25 grams of dextrose during workout, 25 after and less than 50 grams of carbs after that. My total for the day is about 80 grams when all is said and done. I would guess that this would not fully refill glycogen stores, as it is only 50 grams above the 30 gram baseline. DiPasquale says in his book that some individuals regularly use between 100 to 200 grams on the Anabolic diet but does not say anything about them not refeeding.


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Thanks, can any other Anabolic Diet gurus confirm this? I am only taking in 25 grams of dextrose during workout, 25 after and less than 50 grams of carbs after that. My total for the day is about 80 grams when all is said and done. I would guess that this would not fully refill glycogen stores, as it is only 50 grams above the 30 gram baseline. DiPasquale says in his book that some individuals regularly use between 100 to 200 grams on the Anabolic diet but does not say anything about them not refeeding.
The amount of carbs you can eat on the AD totally varies from person to person. DiPasquale was talking about individual cases when he mentioned those people, not as general guidance. My recommendation is that you try the diet as prescribed until you get used to its effects on your body, then try new things at that point.


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Very intrigued by this topic i wanna give it a try but i need a lot more info on it
Distilled Water

Distilled Water

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I've been on a TKD/CKD ish diet for about 2 weeks now (I have been on both before). Im going to try the "Skip Load" that was talked about earlier and report back. I just got back from the grocery store and it's guna be hard to have to wait til 2maro.

For an idea I usually only have carbs 1-2x's/day. I am doing HIIT cardio each morning this last week (baseball conditioning) I had a bowl of cinnamon life w/ 2 scoops protein after wards. On days I will do Low Intensity cardio I will have a grapefruit. Then I will sip on some WMS during my workouts ~60gr or so mixed with 50gr protein.

On non-Workout days I only have the bowl of cereal or grapefruit in the morning. Fat is usually at about 150gr thru the day and protein is closer to 300+. I know not traditional but it works for me.


Pro Virili Parte
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Very intrigued by this topic i wanna give it a try but i need a lot more info on it
there is a pdf downloadable file around here of the whole book.. lays it all out for you


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I started a low carb, high protein, mod fat diet a couple of weeks ago. Since the diet was so similar to the Anabolic Diet I have decided to fully adopt the AD.

I am currently in Ketosis, and have been for nearly 48 hours now. How long should I stay in Ketosis (although i know Ketosis really isn't the point of the AD) before I do my first carb load up. Would this weekend be too soon?


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Download the e book in this thread. It details it in there. 12 days is ideal from the start of the diet. This is 12 days of the actual diet, not including transition days, etc. I did mine at 10 and I refeed once a weekend for a total of 24 hours.


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I am thirty hours into my first refeed on the Anabolic Diet, and I am about 8 lbs heavier than I was at last weigh in (Wednesday of last week).

For the first time in a couple of weeks my muscles are round and full, and despite my eating foods that would usually put me in a carb coma I feel pretty good.

I am noticing my wedding ring fitting a bit tighter than usual, so I am wondering if I should end my carb load now, or go the full 48?

Man, I can't wait to get in the gym Monday, I am going to be a F*cking beast.


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I only do a 24 hour carb load. About 600 grams. I read some stuff online from Poliquin, who worked with the guy who created the diet and he recommends refeed amounts based on bf percentages. The higher the percentage the shorter the refeed and the less you eat.


I only do a 24 hour carb load. About 600 grams. I read some stuff online from Poliquin, who worked with the guy who created the diet and he recommends refeed amounts based on bf percentages. The higher the percentage the shorter the refeed and the less you eat.
What are the guidelines?


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bumping this thread. i have been on the AD before but i have a question for the veterans and also a recipe for everyone to enjoy.
my question is since i have been on the AD before (ive started it like 3 times in the past year. i switch from AD to little to moderate amount of carbs cuz im retarded lol) i started wed of this week. so today is the 4th day. would it be ok to do a 12-24 hour carb load tommorow( 5th day) since my body has been through this 3 times? or should i just wait the 12 days?

and my recipe is for anabolic(with nano-diffusion technology! hahaha) flourless brownie/cookies. now im not too big on eating dirty and i keep it clean most of the time...but when you want something to snack on thats alittle sweet and will keep you under 30g of carbs these are pretty cool. And you can take them with you incase of emergency so you can atleast have alittle something to eat if your out and not home intime for your next meal.

You need:
1/2 cup natty PB
2 med-large eggs whatever you have
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt
1 scoop protein powder (i used ON's chocolate casein)
you could add unsweet chocolate chips but this adds more carbs
1/4 cup splenda (you can use more but again a cup of splenda has 24g of carbs)

mix everything together in a bowl. i did the protein powder last. since casein is pretty thick, i had to add water to make them more gooey. if you use whey you'll prob have a different consistantcy and wont need water.

Preheat oven to 350
drop tablespoons of your cookies/brownies onto pan, flatten them out a bit
bake for 11-13 mins (i did mine 13mins in a gas oven)

I was able to make 12 medium size cookies/brownies off this recipe

macros for my exact recipe:1 cookie/brownie
around ~92 cals
2g of carbs
5.5g of protein
.75g of fiber

you could also top these with cool whip or dip them in heavy cream haha.

hope someone makes these. they are pretty good to me. they taste like a cake brownie. kind of fluffy you know? or just chocolate cake like. thats the best i can describe it.
hope some of you make these and enjoy them. i love this diet everytime i start it. i dont know why i just dont stay on it. it leans me out so well ( im cutting right now)

here are teh nudez



bumping this thread. i have been on the AD before but i have a question for the veterans and also a recipe for everyone to enjoy.
my question is since i have been on the AD before (ive started it like 3 times in the past year. i switch from AD to little to moderate amount of carbs cuz im retarded lol) i started wed of this week. so today is the 4th day. would it be ok to do a 12-24 hour carb load tommorow( 5th day) since my body has been through this 3 times? or should i just wait the 12 days?

and my recipe is for anabolic(with nano-diffusion technology! hahaha) flourless brownie/cookies. now im not too big on eating dirty and i keep it clean most of the time...but when you want something to snack on thats alittle sweet and will keep you under 30g of carbs these are pretty cool. And you can take them with you incase of emergency so you can atleast have alittle something to eat if your out and not home intime for your next meal.

You need:
1/2 cup natty PB
2 med-large eggs whatever you have
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt
1 scoop protein powder (i used ON's chocolate casein)
you could add unsweet chocolate chips but this adds more carbs
1/4 cup splenda (you can use more but again a cup of splenda has 24g of carbs)

mix everything together in a bowl. i did the protein powder last. since casein is pretty thick, i had to add water to make them more gooey. if you use whey you'll prob have a different consistantcy and wont need water.

Preheat oven to 350
drop tablespoons of your cookies/brownies onto pan, flatten them out a bit
bake for 11-13 mins (i did mine 13mins in a gas oven)

I was able to make 12 medium size cookies/brownies off this recipe

macros for my exact recipe:1 cookie/brownie
around ~92 cals
2g of carbs
5.5g of protein
.75g of fiber

you could also top these with cool whip or dip them in heavy cream haha.

hope someone makes these. they are pretty good to me. they taste like a cake brownie. kind of fluffy you know? or just chocolate cake like. thats the best i can describe it.
hope some of you make these and enjoy them. i love this diet everytime i start it. i dont know why i just dont stay on it. it leans me out so well ( im cutting right now)

here are teh nudez

Thanks for the recipe! I am baking some right now. I used two scoops of CupCake Batter ATW whey, and no Splenda....will post how they taste.


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depends on how sweet your whey is...i dont know how much of a difference adding the splenda makes.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Here is my recipe:;)

6 eggo waffles
3 scoops low fat Cookies and Cream Ice Cream
Maple Syrup
Pancake Syrup
Whipped cream


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bumping this thread. i have been on the AD before but i have a question for the veterans and also a recipe for everyone to enjoy.
my question is since i have been on the AD before (ive started it like 3 times in the past year. i switch from AD to little to moderate amount of carbs cuz im retarded lol) i started wed of this week. so today is the 4th day. would it be ok to do a 12-24 hour carb load tommorow( 5th day) since my body has been through this 3 times? or should i just wait the 12 days?

and my recipe is for anabolic(with nano-diffusion technology! hahaha) flourless brownie/cookies. now im not too big on eating dirty and i keep it clean most of the time...but when you want something to snack on thats alittle sweet and will keep you under 30g of carbs these are pretty cool. And you can take them with you incase of emergency so you can atleast have alittle something to eat if your out and not home intime for your next meal.

You need:
1/2 cup natty PB
2 med-large eggs whatever you have
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt
1 scoop protein powder (i used ON's chocolate casein)
you could add unsweet chocolate chips but this adds more carbs
1/4 cup splenda (you can use more but again a cup of splenda has 24g of carbs)

mix everything together in a bowl. i did the protein powder last. since casein is pretty thick, i had to add water to make them more gooey. if you use whey you'll prob have a different consistantcy and wont need water.

Preheat oven to 350
drop tablespoons of your cookies/brownies onto pan, flatten them out a bit
bake for 11-13 mins (i did mine 13mins in a gas oven)

I was able to make 12 medium size cookies/brownies off this recipe

macros for my exact recipe:1 cookie/brownie
around ~92 cals
2g of carbs
5.5g of protein
.75g of fiber

you could also top these with cool whip or dip them in heavy cream haha.

hope someone makes these. they are pretty good to me. they taste like a cake brownie. kind of fluffy you know? or just chocolate cake like. thats the best i can describe it.
hope some of you make these and enjoy them. i love this diet everytime i start it. i dont know why i just dont stay on it. it leans me out so well ( im cutting right now)

here are teh nudez

To be honest I wouldn't do it. 1 or 2 days in keto just isn't beneficial as If you wait the 10-12 days. I think you would be better off waiting and holding off on the carb load.

Those cookie brownies do look good though.


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I have a slightly better recipe for the AD:

6 Scoops protein powder
1/4 cup almond meal
1/4 cup cashew meal
1/4 cup meal of any other nut you like except peanuts
2 whole eggs, 3 to 4 whites depending on the consistency of your powder
I add 1.5 packets of splenda for every bar, but I use shitty tasting protein.

When I want carbs I add some honey, crushed granola, take out 2 of the nut meals.

Without granola: 25 grams fat, 34 grams protein
With granola: 35 grams of carbs, 9 grams of fat, 38 grams of protein.

350 for 15 minutes


I have a slightly better recipe for the AD:

6 Scoops protein powder
1/4 cup almond meal
1/4 cup cashew meal
1/4 cup meal of any other nut you like except peanuts
2 whole eggs, 3 to 4 whites depending on the consistency of your powder
I add 1.5 packets of splenda for every bar, but I use shitty tasting protein.

When I want carbs I add some honey, crushed granola, take out 2 of the nut meals.

Without granola: 25 grams fat, 34 grams protein
With granola: 35 grams of carbs, 9 grams of fat, 38 grams of protein.

350 for 15 minutes
Ok, I think I will have to try this one also!
Can you get almond and cashew meal at most stores?


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i would have used almond meal...but i couldnt find it, and i had already been to the store that i wasnt trying to go back and get almonds to grind them up lol.


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Im gonna do a depletion workout tomorrow. Got some gatorade for after workout, but im wondering what should I be eating those first few hours after my depletion?

for reference my depletion workout will be in the evening, so ill probably get home at 8~.

what should I eat before I go to bed? I got pasta and stuff lined up for the next morning but not sure what else to ingest after depletion besides gatorade.



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Gotta Love Breakfasts on The Anabolic Diet....mmmmmmm.....



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oh yeah it was...

2 Tyson Pork Sausage Patties
2 slices Turkey Bacon
3 Eggs

nom nom nom...


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Few questions about the anabolic diet, i read through some parts of the book last night, i plan on finishing it this week. If you are in the start up phase or maintenance phase would you just get 18 calories per pound to get you down to 10 percent bodyfat? From what I've read, it looks like the anabolic diet is supposed to keep you around 10 percent bodyfat all year round through each phase except for cutting. So if I'm a 180 pounds and between 16-18 percent body fat right now, if i just started with 3240 calories (18 times 180) and did that until i reached 10 percent bodyfat, before i started the mass phase would that make sense? Any AD gurus here please advise. I'd like to start on the 16th


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this is one of the worst websites ever, no one ever responds, wtf


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Well considering you're quite the delightful fellow im sure you'll get alot more responses now!
i was just messing around trying to get someones attention, but it'd be better if you could answer my AD questions.

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