BPS Vanillean teams up with cheda


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Any thoughts on the ability to make one go hypo- specifically when taking daily 3x a day?

Today is the 3rd time in two weeks I've experienced my hypo symptoms which r most notably difficulty completing a deep, fulfilling breath. Also general fatigue and mental fog..

Perhaps this goes along with your igf theory? Since you naturally release that when you enter 'starvation' mode, correct? In this case low blood sugar..


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Any thoughts on the ability to make one go hypo- specifically when taking daily 3x a day?

Today is the 3rd time in two weeks I've experienced my hypo symptoms which r most notably difficulty completing a deep, fulfilling breath. Also general fatigue and mental fog..

Perhaps this goes along with your igf theory? Since you naturally release that when you enter 'starvation' mode, correct? In this case low blood sugar..
The vasodilation could be resulting in a blood pressure drop. Are you having to eat to bring yourself out of it?


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I've been taking in the monring fasted and not eating for ~6+ hours and had no problems.. but I've also consumed caffeine in that time period. I also take one pre-bed with no issues.

Also, for those interested in my journey, I'm doing a log of that and some other things /pimp


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The vasodilation could be resulting in a blood pressure drop. Are you having to eat to bring yourself out of it?
It usually wears off ~2 hours post dose.. So most likely the vaso in that case..


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I've been taking in the monring fasted and not eating for ~6+ hours and had no problems.. but I've also consumed caffeine in that time period. I also take one pre-bed with no issues.

Also, for those interested in my journey, I'm doing a log of that and some other things /pimp
Yea same so I was wondering what's up.. Probably just from my long, low calorie weekend.. Perhaps exhaustion lol or the BP drop+exhaustion+low cals.

Either way, it went away during my workout, but definitely had more intense workouts.. Write up for today to come a little later on.


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Day 14

I was exhausted today but my numbers in the gym didn't take a hit, as I increased all my weight on every lift.

Last night my gf told me after I got out of the shower "your waist looks a lot smaller"- she has NEVER noted my waist in two and half years. Stomach/abs yes.. But actual waist, no. I told u all initially that most the leaning seemed to be takkn place around v cut/hips/obliques. This is now confirmed. Also felt like I was seeing nice leaning in my arms n forearms today.

Very strong appetite suppression today.. Almost too string and worried I may not have eaten enough.. Actually I'm sure I didn't and that's not good bc tomorrow is usually a lower cal day due to school and work schedule.. Fukk.

ToDays workout

HIIT treadmill 33minutes 413 cals to start

PT circuit
Glute ham raises x15 each leg
Rear leg elevated split squat x12 each leg
Overhead squat on bosu ball x10 with 25lb plate
3 times no rest

Warmup- 1 set chest dips BWx11
Pushups x50 quick reps

Incline BB press-5x5x160lb (PR) perfect weight struggled last 2 reps on 5th set
Superset with
Incline db flye- 5x10x25lb

Db press- 5x5x55 lb
Superset with
Cable crossovers- 5x10x20lbs (a little light)

Upright row BB- 5x5x100lb (PR)
Superset with
Db shrug- 5x10x55

Ab circuit bw exercises
Finished with HIIT on recumbent
Total of 48m 556cals

Tomorrow gonna be a long day.. Work in am- then gym for arms no cardio. Then class til 8!


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Great work so far cheda. Awesome details.

Have you noticed any change in how your clothes fit ?



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Great work so far cheda. Awesome details.

Have you noticed any change in how your clothes fit ?

Simply put-- tighter and looser in all the right places. Seriously w my waist my gf is right.. It's gotten a good deal smaller. And my legs r leaning.. We were ..um .. in the shower last night lol, andshe was like stop flexing your legs, what's wrong w you.. I was like, I'm not... When we go out is when she said "your waist got smaller"


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2 questions for y'all since theres a lot of smart guys in this thread-

1) can being on an AI too long cause dry, itchy skin? My Boy has been on different AIs since October n doesn't believe me about sides.. Smh

2) I am having a damn hard time getting my arms to grow.. Bi's more so than tri's.. Idk why!! I've been training for ten years and never had great arm growth.. Everything else I can grow almost at will.. Thoughts? I've tried everything from 3 days a week of direct arm work to 2, 1, none, etc.. High volume/low volume, high reps/low reps.. Feels like they just don't wanna grow!


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2 questions for y'all since theres a lot of smart guys in this thread-

1) can being on an AI too long cause dry, itchy skin? My Boy has been on different AIs since October n doesn't believe me about sides.. Smh

2) I am having a damn hard time getting my arms to grow.. Bi's more so than tri's.. Idk why!! I've been training for ten years and never had great arm growth.. Everything else I can grow almost at will.. Thoughts? I've tried everything from 3 days a week of direct arm work to 2, 1, none, etc.. High volume/low volume, high reps/low reps.. Feels like they just don't wanna grow!
I havnt gone back to look but do you combine bis and tris in the same day?


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For your arms, focus on contraction and recruitment. It'll make a world of difference. Each rep of each movement, focus on contracting and squeezing the target muscle. Feel your tris contract and bunch at the back of your arm during rope extensions, hold at peak contraction for a sec before lowering the stack. Keep your hands cocked back during curls and squeeze the **** out of the bar.

There are tricks are optimizations for just about every body part, it's just a matter of finding what techniques work.


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That daunting feeling when you know you're forgetting something and then u realize it's your training journal = :(

Followed by realizing you have logged your past 6 workouts right here and don't need it to know what to do today = :D


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Did i see a PR!!!!!! WOO WOO WOO Awesome update brother C! I'm thinking about hitting the 5x5 in Spring!

Day 14

I was exhausted today but my numbers in the gym didn't take a hit, as I increased all my weight on every lift.

Last night my gf told me after I got out of the shower "your waist looks a lot smaller"- she has NEVER noted my waist in two and half years. Stomach/abs yes.. But actual waist, no. I told u all initially that most the leaning seemed to be takkn place around v cut/hips/obliques. This is now confirmed. Also felt like I was seeing nice leaning in my arms n forearms today.

Very strong appetite suppression today.. Almost too string and worried I may not have eaten enough.. Actually I'm sure I didn't and that's not good bc tomorrow is usually a lower cal day due to school and work schedule.. Fukk.

ToDays workout

HIIT treadmill 33minutes 413 cals to start

PT circuit
Glute ham raises x15 each leg
Rear leg elevated split squat x12 each leg
Overhead squat on bosu ball x10 with 25lb plate
3 times no rest

Warmup- 1 set chest dips BWx11
Pushups x50 quick reps

Incline BB press-5x5x160lb (PR) perfect weight struggled last 2 reps on 5th set
Superset with
Incline db flye- 5x10x25lb

Db press- 5x5x55 lb
Superset with
Cable crossovers- 5x10x20lbs (a little light)

Upright row BB- 5x5x100lb (PR)
Superset with
Db shrug- 5x10x55

Ab circuit bw exercises
Finished with HIIT on recumbent
Total of 48m 556cals

Tomorrow gonna be a long day.. Work in am- then gym for arms no cardio. Then class til 8!


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Crazy busy 24 hours. Will update yesterday and today's workouts and thoughts tonight once things slow down.


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Whew ok I'm here

Tuesday Jan 15

Pairs are supersets
*done in school gym so all cable exercises are different resistance, but I know how they are different so I assure u there was no steps back here.. All lifts saw +weight (except one)

Warmup incline walk

Uh CG bench. 140x5,5,5,5,145x5
Oh db ext- 45x10,10,10,10,10

Straight bar pressdowns
2 arm kickback

Uh lat pd-140x5,5,5,5,5
Cross body hammer rows
40x10,10,8,8,6 rp 2

BB curl-85x5,5,3 65x5,5
Inc db curl-
20x10,10,8 30x3, 20x5
Was just too damn heavy.. Less reps than last week.. Same crazy swollen pump tho.. Dropped the weight so I could get the volume and reps in and focused on a HUGE squeeze for intensity

Db Wrist curls and rockers 55x2x12-15
Reverse db wrist curls- 30x2x15

Standing rockers and twists -2x12x15lb

Wed Jan 16

Snapped some pics for two week progress and hit legs and deads today plus HIIT and abs

27minutes for 366 cals of HIIT to start

Trap deads-215x 5,5,5,5,5 drop 185x8, 135x15(bc I forgot them as warmup haha so I wanted to keep it consistent for work load)
Sumo db squat on benches-70x 10,10,10,10,10

Single Leg curls - 60x15,11 50x12

Single leg ext.- 60x15,12 45x12 (meant to set to 50)

Glute machine- 2x15 x80lbs

Adductors -110x15,15,15 drop 80x20
Abductors-110x15,15,15 drop 80x20

Donkey calf- 6plates x 20 x 3
Seated calf- 2 plates x20 x3

Various ab work
Finished with HIIT recumbent bike totaling 42mins and 516 cals




REMEMBER- I am eating as tho I am on a bulk (high carb) and am on a lower rep/volume program than I am accustomed to. Also on creatine; I am not happy with my body / not beach ready by a long shot, but I am not unhappy with where I've come from, and the goal at the moment is not contest prep like PRETTY RICKY HWD!! lol all in all- NOT adding bf on a bulk and reducing bf in SOME spots for sure is a testament to the product thus far. If/when I can reduce my lower flop belly lol, I'll be happy- that won't happen on a mod or high carb diet for me tho.


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Jan 17

Just had a sick back workout at school between classes in 45mins. Broke a solid sweat and am very hot so I'm walking around in a T in 30 degree CT weather fielding lots of FU glares!

Vascularity is wayyy up from even those pics I posted last night.... Top two abs, serratus , and lat lines really coming through... This stuff is also doing a number on chest fat.. I've always had man boob syndrom lol and it's alleviating the fat in that area.. All on a caloric surplus most days.

With a stim this stuff would be insane.


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Jan 17

Just had a sick back workout at school between classes in 45mins. Broke a solid sweat and am very hot so I'm walking around in a T in 30 degree CT weather fielding lots of FU glares!

Vascularity is wayyy up from even those pics I posted last night.... Top two abs, serratus , and lat lines really coming through... This stuff is also doing a number on chest fat.. I've always had man boob syndrom lol and it's alleviating the fat in that area.. All on a caloric surplus most days.

With a stim this stuff would be insane.
Very nice broski!! Sometimes those quick sessions are the best cuz were strapped for time. Awesome log so far bro as always very detailed!




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I've just been taking mine with Espresso in the morning and even that bumps up the heat, a legit stim would make things crazy!
Yesterday I took it with 6.25mg Ephedrine HCl...yikes.


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I did a few workouts with it plus 10-12.5 mg Yohimbine HCL.. wowzers.
I can't take regular Yohimbine, which is why i researched and developed Alpha Yohimbine.

Can't wait to have AlphaBurn back.


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U guys r making me jelly! I kept this log stim free for two weeks lol. Now I want a stim!! What to do...I've been looking into EC.. some OTC ephedrA products gave me superior results.. I wonder how an actual EC stack would treat me.. With VL! not now tho.. January=pointless to be on EC in Connecticut


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I can't take regular Yohimbine, which is why i researched and developed Alpha Yohimbine.

Can't wait to have AlphaBurn back.
It was my first time and I feel I handled the "sides" or lack there of pretty well once I tapered up. I would however be interested in the effectiveness of Alpha Yohimbine as I think regular was a great tool.


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Jan 17

Just had a sick back workout at school between classes in 45mins. Broke a solid sweat and am very hot so I'm walking around in a T in 30 degree CT weather fielding lots of FU glares!

Vascularity is wayyy up from even those pics I posted last night.... Top two abs, serratus , and lat lines really coming through... This stuff is also doing a number on chest fat.. I've always had man boob syndrom lol and it's alleviating the fat in that area.. All on a caloric surplus most days.

With a stim this stuff would be insane.
My apologies for the glares !


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C my goodness bro your arms are getting there. I can see the biceps getting imo a lot bigger from the pics I use to see. You have really step up your game and been putting in solid work brother. Im glad to be a part of your log. Keep killing it.


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C my goodness bro your arms are getting there. I can see the biceps getting imo a lot bigger from the pics I use to see. You have really step up your game and been putting in solid work brother. Im glad to be a part of your log. Keep killing it.
Thanks man. I think the trt has a lot to do w it as well as better diet.. On that note, I'm sad to report my Test has dropped from 697 in October to 557 now as of last week :( this is on my beginning dose if 2mg androderm patch.. So the ceiling is high.. Would like to be at 700 tho..


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Heck yeah man i'd like to say right in the 800's but I had a call a month ago lol mine was uhm 1230 !!!!


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Heck yeah man i'd like to say right in the 800's but I had a call a month ago lol mine was uhm 1230 !!!!
T-level charged up with gamma rays !


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Heading in for shoulders, abs, calves, and some prowler runs!


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Very late to the party, but in.... been a great read thus far my friend!


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Thanks man. I think the trt has a lot to do w it as well as better diet.. On that note, I'm sad to report my Test has dropped from 697 in October to 557 now as of last week :( this is on my beginning dose if 2mg androderm patch.. So the ceiling is high.. Would like to be at 700 tho..
This is what my doc was referring to guys having good results at first then they taper off. A friend of mines doc finally switched him to test c injects. You're at a low dose so I'm sure you'll go up bro no worries. Keep killing it you have, like packers said, come a very long way



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This is what my doc was referring to guys having good results at first then they taper off. A friend of mines doc finally switched him to test c injects. You're at a low dose so I'm sure you'll go up bro no worries. Keep killing it you have, like packers said, come a very long way

Yea man idk inwas just coming to post how I feel like shti today... My motivation is as close to zero as I get.. I look soft and not vascular or full at all.. Pissing mr off bc yesterday I looked lean and big.. Wtf. Just did warmup cardio 5 minutes jogging at 5.0 on 10 incline.. Time to lift. O yea- The gf is w me.. Great. I got work at 530. I'm Gomna be late having to tell her what o do and explain It all. And then arguing bc she doesn't want to. Whatever.

I want injections buthe won't yet. I'm nervous too that levels won't stay consistent w injections versus a patch that's on 24/7


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Yea man idk inwas just coming to post how I feel like shti today... My motivation is as close to zero as I get.. I look soft and not vascular or full at all.. Pissing mr off bc yesterday I looked lean and big.. Wtf. Just did warmup cardio 5 minutes jogging at 5.0 on 10 incline.. Time to lift. O yea- The gf is w me.. Great. I got work at 530. I'm Gomna be late having to tell her what o do and explain It all. And then arguing bc she doesn't want to. Whatever.

I want injections buthe won't yet. I'm nervous too that levels won't stay consistent w injections versus a patch that's on 24/7
Don't swear it yet bro it might just be in your head since u knew your levels dropped a bit. Keep your head up, also there are days where I think I look like **** compared to the day b4 but it just mind games bro!



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Exhausted from work. Will update today's workout / notes tomorrow


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Friday 1/18

Not the way you want to end the week.. Felt very flat and weak, sick, etc. Really had to focus and push through the lack of motivation. My gf was saying how I looked so skinny while I was getting dressed for the gym.. F'ed w my head for some reason. On top of lower than preferred results on my 3 month TRT bloods... I entered the gym with everything against me- the work was done, but the desire and intensity of OWNING the work was not there. No pump, and no alpha feeling which I had grown used to and expected.. Next week will be better, and I may alter the program after next week and change some lifts/ move to something else

8 minute warmup run/walk 5mph @10incline for 95 cals

PT circuit
GH bridge-15 each leg
Rear leg el. Squat-12 each leg
Bosu squats BW- 15
3x no rest

Overhead Db press (pathetic) 60x5,5,4,3,3
Db laterals 17.5x10,10,10,8,10
Just didn't have it for the oh presses.. 60 is actually a PR for me, especially w no help.. Just wanted to get all 25 reps...

Behind neck BB press- 115x 5,5,5,5,5
Bent over laterals- 17.5x10,10,10,10,10

Reverse BB curl-70x13,10
Wrist curls on legs seated- 70x20,20

Db rockers -40x12, 45x10

Standing calf raise- 230x20 x3

Led press calf raise- 4plates+25each side- rest pause 100 reps ---brutal

Decline crunches superset reverse decline crunch- 2x 12
Hanging leg raise superset Rope crunch 2x12

PROWLER RUNS- sprint as fast as possible, 40 yards, 45min-120max seconds rest

140lbs x2
10 total runs
Immediately followed by 6 sprints on treadmill 15incline @7-8.5 mph (1:30-2min walk rest)
*wanted to get equal sprints to prowler ratio but I had to get to work.. Gives me room for improvement next week. And I will increase prowler weight by 20lbs each level
Total cardio=20 mins 252 cals+prowler

Resting hard this weekend.. Partied too much last weekend and it showed with hindered recovery in shoulder strength...


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Does anyone have any 5x5 templates with ancillary work?


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Does anyone have any 5x5 templates with ancillary work?
I got a few in my book by Jim Stoppani. Its some pretty amazing book on building size and strength. I can post some stuff up for you if you want.


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Day 21

Heading in soon for HIIT, chest, shoulders, tris, calves, abs

It's a lot of parts, but it's very concise. Switching from/adding to that 5x5 superset stuff I used the first two weeks. I enjoyed the 5x5 but missed the accessory work. This is actually a 10x10 program but I'm adapting it and making all the 10x10 exercises 10x5 with heavier weights. The progression will be to increase weight by 10-15 pounds per week but go 10x4, 10x3.. Then reset to 10x5 with a 15 lb increase from week one.

Today will look like this:
PT circuit

Incline db press 2wu, 3x9,6,4
Flat flyes- 1 wu, 1x8-10
Chest Dips- 1x8-10
Crossovers- 1x8-10

BB OH press- 10x5
BB floor skull crosiers-10x5

Leg press calf-3x20 heavy
Donkey calf - rest pause x 100


I ate a lot this weekend bc I was feeling flat and small... Unfortunately it didn't help haha. gonna weigh in in a fee minutes and update


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Bodyweight at 169- down 1 lb still from start... Looking bigger but leaner too.. Just a work in progress on this bulk. Some days r very lean, others more water, etc. Biggest take home point is im eating pretty freely and not killing cardio and have lost 1 pound while getting bigger and increasing strength significantly.


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PR ON DB INCLINE PRESSES. a big one... Out to dinner to celebrate. Joke but reall out.. Update tonight

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